She shook her head playfully. Lemon grass chicken. Oh, good grief. That was funny. Ah! And he already had a Lightsaber. That was interesting.
"Well well. Let me see then."
Karen took the hilt and inspected the blade. It appeared in working order. So she passed it back to [member="Cloudburner"] .
"Yes. That blade should work just fine. And I expect that the more you train with it? The more it will attune itself with you. Which is excellent."
She clasped her hands together and nodded. Perhaps they wouldn't be needing training blades after all.
"Very well then. Set your saber to stun and we'll begin your first swordsmanship training class."
Roberts placed the training sabers back into her bag and began from the beginning.
"All right now. Let me show you how to stand properly..."
...One hour later
Together they went through the basics of Form One. Shi-Cho. Karen showed Cloudburner how to stand and how to hold his blade. She talked about how to move and how to hold your wieght. She talked about how to meditate upon the Force and let it guide your actions. Then, she showed her Apprentice the first Velocity. Or, practice form. A series of moves you practice in sequence. It teaches you how to cut properly and how transition between the motions. The very basics of swordcraft.
Karen taught Cloudburner the basic cuts too. High, middle, and low. Then she taught him the Nine Defenses. High, middle, and low. So now he had been shown all the basics of Form One. Then she taught him the Second Velocity. Or, the second practice form. A series of attacks you practice in sequence. It teaches you how to attack and lunge properly and how to quickly transition from attack to defense. Again, the very basics of swordcraft.
"Good. I think you're getting the hang of it. How to stand. How to move. How to cut. ...Yes. You're a very fast learner. Excellent work."
Karen pulled out her phone and pressed a few buttons.
"Computer. Run simulation, Attack Robot One. A-2 Loadout."
The computer did as it was asked and a hologram protocol droid appeared. It was a silver humanoid robot carrying a cortosis sword. The perfect opponent to practice against.
"Alright Apprentice. Let's see what you've learned. Use Form One to attack this hologram and react to it's defense. It is programed to be much stronger and faster than you. So it should make for an excellent partner in testing your skill."
She smiled and gave a wave,
"Alright then. You may begin. Attack the droid and practice your moves. Go ahead now. You have twenty minutes to practice."