Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Taking A Break

I guess the title is a dead give-away, but suffice to say I'm rather burnt-out. And as of late in an almost constantly foul mood about things, which I guess has a lot to do with me. Which has also led me to be rather bitchy to people who didn't deserve that. Hence I'm not in the mindset for full activity.

When I post, it'll be to a number of select threads. There may be character pruning somewhere down the line. That's all really.
LOL. I'm popular.

[member="Linna Beorht"]

You're my favourite hot Zeltron genius! * insert lame innuendo * Hmm. I need to find stuff for you to spin.

* non-pushily pokes [member="Valiens Nantaris"] to post with Any to Linna because she wants posts to like there *

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