Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Taking the Chance [FO/EE]

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Avalonia, Dosuun
Equipment: Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | G1 OmniLink || Shield talisman | Taozin amulet | Empyrean gland
Eternal Empire:: Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt | Alli Vern Alli Vern
First Order: Renata Westaway | Vidia Vudrirn | Ariel Yvarro
In fact, it was Tacitus who, so to speak, betrayed the Eternal Empire by omitting everyone from his agreement with the NIO. The STRATCOM declared this move treason in its own circles after the former Emperor’s disappeared. Tacitus exercised his right to do anything as Emperor and leave the government out of everything, Ingrid was not like that. The STRATCOM was not only the government but also the High Command before deciding on something that was not clear then asking for their opinion. If Tacitus ever came forward, he would be arrested and questioned for his crimes without everyone’s knowledge. Ingrid was loyal, too, which is why she returned to the Sith Empire on an alliance issue, even when everyone said she is crazy because the NIO is stronger. The Empress did not judge on such a basis.

In the words of the Foreign Secretary, wondered what else could be within the safe border. Meanwhile, was also waiting to see if her comrades or the others might say anything, but since the First Order didn’t really want to trade, Lord Broka and Miss Vren also remained silent.

"Agree that the limit can be approached or stayed within a parsec distance by a total of up to six standard Star Destroyer size vessels per sector*. This would be true for us as well, if you do not want less. If one of us wants to hold a military exercise in a space close to the border where there are no planets, all of this must be reported by both parties to the other no more than two weeks in advance so that no state can certainly interpret it as a hostile move."

Then glanced in the direction of Moff Westaway.

"I am aware of it, as are you of the fact that, like you, we are a militaristic Empire. In turn, diplomatic relations are new between our states. Maybe if we don’t agree on something, our people who are on the border will take something hostile, even though only military standard behaviour on the part of the other party can lead to armed conflict. We want to avoid this."

Nodded at the following.

"We agree that tariffs and border crossings are important for both sides. Would you detail this elaborate vetting process?"

* by sector I mean hex, but ICly sounds better as a sector.


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