Iziz looked up, knowing what was above him. He loved large cities like Coruscant, built so high-rise that the buildings penetrated the skies, like disc cities layered one on top of the other as the world gradually becomes grungier and grungier the lower to the bottom one became, and there was the factories. This always opened up options, though, the ground floor was very rarely it either, sewers, irrgation, electrical and maintenance tunnels weaved a web across the world, an intricate means of entering anywhere if you had a means to grant access, and, now that this world was controlled by the sith, access was no longer something that was hard to gain... Iziz had thought about attacking from the sky, dropping from a speeder to land on the top of the building and cut his way in, though, coming from the top always meant that some form of debris would manage to clutter on the ground, and from that moment on Iziz would be fighting just to reach the ground... however, this way, he would likely arise undetected, and as he doubted the sith lord who led this place was physically here, Iziz's stealth skills which were capable of hiding him from cameras and droids would be perfect, as the much more powerful force user would not be here in person to see through his disguise. So, bending light around himself, Iziz cloaked himself in the cloak of shadows once he was under the building, entering through a maintenance way and looking to get into the building. It was up some stairs that he entered the corridor which led to a door to another Corridor no doubt within the facility, one of the cameras in question pointed down the hallway as Iziz approached. The light bending around him would bend the light the camera saw also, literally appearing invisible to the naked eye in the dark and dingy hallway.
Reaching the door beneath the camera, Iziz performed a little spot check, he had his tail, his three lightsabers and his little round circular toy to make a dynamic entrance. Taking a step into the building, he would have to expect at some point that the droids would be equipped with infra red sensors, though, with most models, they had to make a conscious switch to that mode on command, ass thermal imaging was not always the best idea all of the time. Opening the door and slinking through only as much as he had to, Iziz crept into the hallway silently, looking either way, droids seemed to be lining the place, and parching to and fro, weapons in their hands as the Jawa held each of his two new lightsabers in place, and allowed his tail to loosten around his waist, ready to strike at any time, though, he was still not a great user of his tail yet... Looking around he began to make his way into the facility, looking for a good location to strike, like a barricade or a garrison of some kind which he would be able to blow open, though, when it came to thinking of something to blow open... Iziz came up with the best idea... this place must be rigged for defense, and defending was usually something which was very hard if you suddenly had to split your focus... so, taking his weapon, he walked for the side of the area, which, would also be a nice visual indicator that things were already going down.
The apprentice of Darth Ferus found an outer wall, and, with craft still concentrating hard on the force power which wrapped around him, already beginning to sweat under the strain as he held it, drew the spherical object and powered it up to as a high a potency as it would be able to go. 20m would do finely. Wedging it into a window, or any other small crevice in the wall, Iziz hit the timer, and began to run, only now as he was running was any imperfection in his cloak of shadows apparent, as he moved as more of a shimmer in the light, than an invisible slow moving nothingness. The count-down of ten would finally reach Zero, and Iziz would close one of the hallway doors behind him. The complex would shudder for a moment, as there was a resounding explosion, a thermal detonator ripping through the side of a wall on the east end of the complex, though the 20m explosion would be great, the hole it made would be 5m wide at maximum. but the fireball and smoke rising from the area would hopefully scramble a sizable force to this location, giving the assassins not only another point of entry, but also, splitting the defensive force to a location they may not have prepared for.
Iziz smiled, this kind of thing would have to give him points in the book of his master... for now, he just had to remain hidden behind enemy lines, though, they would begin suspecting a stealthed opponent soon for sure... He hoped his reinforcements would come running, as even though sitting still he was able to re-focus on controlling the taxing force power at his command, focusing on his breathing and keeping himself together, he would barely have another minute of keeping this up before he would have to break ranks and just begin the whole-scale slaughter.
[member="Jardo Snow"] [member="Alyssa"] [member="Vexxtal"] [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Saiah"]