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Approved Species Takori Hounds

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Takori Hound

  • Intent: To make a cute yet deadly hunting dog for use by anyone
  • ​Image Credit:
    [X] (No found Source)

[*]Canon: N/A
[*]Links: N/A
  • Name: Takori Hound
  • Designation: Non-sentient
    Can understand some commands in Basic

[*]Homeworld: Tamora (Will be created in future)
  • Barks
  • Growls

[*]Average Lifespan: Twenty-eight Years
[*]Estimated Population: Planetary, a few million
  • Takori Hound's are medium-sized wild dogs that inhabit the forests, riverbeds, and mountainous terrain of Tamora. Their coats and fur are thick and yet soft to the touch when someone places their hand against it. Their thick fur helps them to remain warm in the winter when they go hunting. They have long and strong legs which help them to cover vast distances in a relatively short amount of time and to easily catch up to any prey. Takori Hound's have large, canine teeth meant to eat and kill animals that are the same size as them as well as helping in defneding themselves from other predators and large, possibly carnivorous, animals.

  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average height of adults: 66 - 74 Centimeters
  • Average length of adults: 114 Centimeters
  • Skin color:
    White Coat
  • Black Coat
  • Hazel Brown Coat
  • Black-white Mix Coat
  • Brown-white Mix Coat
  • Black-almond brown Mix Coat
  • Light Grey Coat
  • Light Red Coat
  • Red-brown Mix Coat
  • Blonde Coat

[*]Hair color:
  • White Coat
  • Black Coat
  • Hazel Brown Coat
  • Black-white Mix Coat
  • Brown-white Mix Coat
  • Black-almond brown Mix Coat
  • Light Grey Coat
  • Light Red Coat
  • Red-brown Mix Coat
  • Blonde Coat

[*]Distinctions: The only differences between males and females is genitalia.
[*]Races: N/A
  • [+] Protective of Master
  • [+] Capable of Defending Self
  • [+] Fast
  • [+] Capable Hunting Animal

  • [-] High chance of Genetic Abnormalities
  • [-] High chance of Mental Abnormalities
  • [-] Cannot eat Processed Foods

  • Diet:

    [SIZE=9pt]Meat - Edible[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Insects - Edible[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Fruits - Edible[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Vegetables - Poisonous[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Candy & Sweets - Poisonous[/SIZE]

  • Barks & Growls & Whines
  • Can understand basic commands in Galactic Basic

[*]Technology level: N/A
[*]Religion/Beliefs: N/A
[*]General behavior:
  • Takori's act like most traditional wolves, gathering in packs ranging from six to twelve Takori's, both females and males. They protect each other and travel around in search of food. During their mating phase, Takori females release a type of pheromone's which tells male Takori's that she is ready to mate. This occasional leads to male Takori's to fight for a mate, though that's in very rare instances and doesn't often happen. In most cases, two males Takori Hounds will face off in a 'growling' contest to determine which one is stronger and will be able to resist the hostile barks and sometimes even feigned attacks from the other. Takori Hound's give birth to live young which remain in the cave for four weeks, before they are brought out to be able to learn how to go hunting.

Takori Hounds were just recently discovered along with the rural planet of Tamora. Not much is known about these wild dogs, save that they greatly resemble wolves but can be easily domesticated with little to no hassle at all. It is easiest to domesticate a Takori Hound when it is merely a pup, though their have been instances, rare instances of the domestication of an adult Takori though most of these cases don't end well due to them accidentally attacking their owner because of how later in their life they were domesticated. This problem, however, doesn't exist when a pup is domesticated. Takori Hounds are used frequently by farmer's on Tamora due to their herding ability and their ability to easily defend livestock. However, a wild Takori is just as deadly as a domesticated one. Though they tend to not attack humans, they will go after livestock in the dead of night when nobody is watching. Thus, in certain areas, such as the Evergreens, Takori's are a nuisance and lead to the death's of countless livestock.
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