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Private Tales of the 3rd Expeditionary

Traumatized Carrier-Loving Mess
Outlander station lay in wait.

Kril'Dor had left the 3rd Expeditionary Squadron broken, missing not just two support ships, but their flagship as well. The massacre had left them with scars, stains on the fleet's history; all persisting past the assignments of new vessels and personnel to the reformed unit.

Cadence, Liedran's next assignment, began to take on her final transfers; hanger bays already molding into logistical playgrounds for the quartermaster and his staff, while the team strained their minds trying to keep up with the constant onslaught of activity.

There would be more work in the hours to come.

[ANV Cadence - Bow Hanger]

The HAAT settled atop the hanger's floor with uncharacteristic dexterity-- If the young pilot at the helm was trying to impress her, she was doing an extraordinary job.

Cadence's bustling forward hanger emerged from behind the sculpted sheets of metal that formed the dropship's doors, exposing her ears to the sounds of distant repulsors, and the clang of wrenchs against the carrier's reinforced hull plating. It was refreshing, to say the least; the unrelenting confirmation of progress present in the wide room in stark contrast to the monotonous silence and boredom that infested the offices aboard Outlander Station.

"Commodore on Deck!" The voice's owner provided Liedran with a respectful few moments to scan her surroundings before speaking.

"At ease," The commodore now descended the ramp, hands linked firmly behind her back while her new quartermaster followed suit, "I think I'll be in my office. Uh, Notify the captain."

"Yes ma'am, I'll have your luggage sent to your quarters as well."

[ANV Cadence - Sit. Room]
It was just like Pegasus. Even... Too much like Pegasus.

Liedran's lightly-scarred hand glided along the topmost edges of the chairs, quiet footsteps marking a slow and solemn walk through the spartan war room in an otherwise deathly silent atmosphere. Memories came with each touch, each time her fingers grazed the leather casings. Smoke. Sparks. Screaming... Despite the ever-present terror, she continued down the row, flinching with every sputtering glimpse of a flashback, recoiling in fear on occasion, but nonetheless refusing to halt her progress for longer than a second.

Then she collided with empty air, and Liedran stopped in her tracks. The door to her new office stood before her, two feet away, waiting to treat her to another wave of Kril'Dor's lingering sorrow. One deep breath. Another. Another...

The commodore's hand hovered over the control panel, silently debating as to whether she was willing to subject herself to another bout of memories. Then her fingers made contact, and she felt a current of pain jolting throughout her body.

Liedran's vision turned red, bathed in the glow of a Brotherhood autocannon tearing through a distant corridor. Screams, colliding metal plates, more screams. Her ears were quickly drowned in an agonizing cacophony of suffering. Her own scream was lost in the chaos, her footing torn from her grasp and deteriorating as she fell against the edge of a deactivated console. Shaking, and overcome by a throbbing pain in her side... But she couldn't let it loose with a scream, quickly finding her vocal chords unresponsive to each plea from an overwhelmed mind.

She woke up within the open doorway of her office, still trembling in fear from the vivid memory even as the commodore dropped into her seat.

Deep Breaths. Deep Breaths.... Deep....

The Chandrilan's hand wrapped delicately around the sides of her intercom unit with the exhale of a final calming breath.

"This is Commodore Kathause" She shook her head abruptly to let another brief tremble escape and die, "Please have the CAG report to my office."

Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster , Finley Dawson , Mallory Bash , Miria Tanau Miria Tanau , Voldran Molf Voldran Molf , A ARS VAMI
(Have fun with the introductions, ya'll)
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S H A D O W - L O R D
Rhyssa Edaara Quillan-E’ron
Ace pilot, commando, major, member of the Wraith Squadron (Phantom Group), Force disciple
Location: Aboard on ANV Cadence
Equipment: Officer Uniform (major rank) | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | OPBC-01m || BB-4 astro droid – Little One || X-wing
Tag: Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause | Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster | Finley Dawson | Mallory Bash | Miria Tanau Miria Tanau | A ARS VAMI
Rhys arrived on her own ship, as usual. It was probably one of her last voyages with this bird because her new ship was under construction. Although it didn't matter right now. As usual, she felt a little uncomfortable in the major's uniform, preferring her own clothes to wear, but this time she couldn't do that. But you always had to go through this inconvenience when she joined a new team. As soon as she boarded the ship, the red-haired woman used the biochip to connect to the local network and retrieve a map of the ship. MANIAC projected on her retina where she had to go and in what way.

The invisible hatchet was still hovering over her head. The war was neither pleasant nor the times before it. The woman knew that she had married a Jedi knight, who then turned out to be a Sith Lord, not to mention the other secret that the woman was the granddaughter of Carnifex Zambrano, the former Sith Emperor; she learned only the truth during the war. If she could, she would have run to the end of the world where no one and nothing would find her. Another issue is that Rhys couldn’t sit still for five minutes, so this thought of living a calm, peaceful life remains just a dream for her.

She finally arrived at the place where the invitation was addressed. Rhys stepped in front of the door, if necessary, to indicate that she was here, she would do it, if not, and the door would open, she just simply entered the room without permission. In the other case, she waits until she gets the permission. Once she got in, her first act was to salute the other woman.

"Commodore Kathause! I'm Major Rhyssa Edaara Quillan, I report for duty, ma'am!" she said.

She hadn’t heard much about this job and team yet, so she was definitely wondering what her mandate would be. One thing was very true of Rhys; above all, she loved impossible tasks and challenges. She hoped to be a part of such actions here too.a


It's one of life's mysteries, sir...
No battle was the same as the other.

The sorrow that followed the losses of good men and women was always the same tough ordeal. Another kind of battle to fight. A much harder one. One that sometimes just seemed to go on and on, and you never won. It was always there, persisting in your mind somewhere. You just had to try and hide it and fight on, honoring fallen comrades, and letting them be a reminder of the good versus evil in this universe.

You could spend hours in the simulator, training and preparing for battles to come but there was no simulator for grief, and by the Force Kathryn wished that she have had one when she had landed and after a good while opened the canopy of her fighter, exposing herself to the world outside as one of the survivors from the battle of Kril'Dor.

They had lost Searchlight, an able squad leader and a dear friend, along with the majority of his squadron and many others who had perished at the hands of the Brotherhood. When colonel Foster had stepped down the ladder, she could not help but to put the blame on herself for their losses and the defeat by the refinery. It overwhelmed her like a cold shower tenfold, despite that she knew that everyone was fully aware of the risks and that she could not possibly think like that when there was so many other forces and factors at play. She had to think rational and come back to her ever logical and professional self, but she was also only human. She did even have a hard time to say something to her pilots and colleagues that had gathered around her for the regular short pre-debriefing chat. And short it was, because the feeling of guilt almost kept her from making eyecontact with them. She had fought against the myriad of emotions screaming to escape her, all until she finally had been alone in the locker room where she could let some of it out.

ANV Cadence - Present day.
Foster tugged some at her steel blue service dress uniform jacket, her ash blonde hair up in a practical braid. Before her was commodore Kathause's office aboard the new flagship of the 1st Expeditionary Fleet, ANV Cadence. For weeks the fleet had licked their wounds, trying to forget the events at Kril'Dor. Thanks to the support of the still powerful Galactic Alliance and funds from Alliance politicians, the construction of new battleships was underway as well as the recruitment of new personel. What happened at Kril'Dor was never to happen again. It was time to turn the page and look forward.

There was a firm knock on the commodores door. Foster took a deep breath before she was called in, giving the commodore a brief salute upon entering.

''Ma'am? You wanted to see me?'' she asked, before being at ease and cleared her throat some. ''S'cuse me.''

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Mallory Bash



Mal rarely heard the word, yet it seemed at times to hover like a black phantom over the fleet, desperately ignored.

Mal wasn't there, she was one of the new wave of personnel, by way of hasty recruitment to replace the losses. but she knew of Kril'Dor. The holonet, the scarce tale shared, the whispered recollections. While she knew well the facts about the battle, the cost, the body count, Mal was surrounded by those who were indelibly marked by personal experience of the tragic engagement. It was a camaraderie from which she was excluded, those veterans and survivors. Mal harbored a great respect for them. While she would not wish to have endured such a horrific experience, she was guiltily envious of the bond it created among them, if only in that it was yet another way she was an outsider.

Commander Mallory Bash departed from ANV Adranne for the short jaunt to the Cadence. She had stationed temporarily on the fleet tender while coordinating delivery of supplies to the flagship itself. Now she wanted to oversee the supply effort from the other end. The Stellar Kart lighted on the deck of the carrier's docking bay, a snug fit among the maze of staged supplies and the craft bringing them and personnel aboard the new flagship. Mal's ship, originally outfitted for transport of goods and contraband in the Rim, had been pressed into service as well, her paint job replaced with fleet colors and insignia, and a new transponder. Mal justified bringing her personal craft by cramming it full of supplies as well.

Cycling down the modified Nova Courier, Mal patted S19 on it's boxy body. "Ain't this a strange affair." She muttered to the droid, a saying she repeated to the squat, square machine oft times. Mal straightened her work uniform, her raven black hair pulled back into a ponytail in a black ring. The pale features of the half-Nagai set in her 'officer face' as she lowered the gangway to descend from the ship. At the foot of the ramp, the salute of a waiting crewman was returned, a habit the former smuggler had to train herself to remember.

"The Quartermaster?" She inquired.

"There, ma'am." The young Zabrak ensign answered, pointing towards an officer with a small crowd around him.

Mal nodded and strolled in the indicated direction. Crisp amber eyes scanned the busy bay, sweeping past lumpy freighters and transports to the prettier ships, the fighters hangered away from the chaotic loading zone. A single one caught her attention, a curious stubby tri-winged craft she had never seen before. Nearby, an X-wing had just cycled down, a crimson-maned major descended its ladder and stalked from her ship out of the bay by the main exit. Mal hoped to pay a visit within, once she had received a report from the ship's Quartermaster.

Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster , Finley Dawson , Miria Tanau Miria Tanau , Voldran Molf Voldran Molf , A ARS VAMI Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause
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Finley Dawson

Starlog #1 - Ingress

As the scourge of the Sith empires of the northern Outer Rim have been extinguished, and the Bryn'adul hordes of Wild Space have been neutered, the Concord has been giving attention to the emergent threat from the Unknown Region: The Brotherhood of the Maw. Marauding Darksiders who appear to exhibit the most despicable qualities of the previously mentioned Sith and Bryn'adul. They alone hold infamy for destroying a planet. Not xenocide of a local populace like the Bryn, but the complete annihilation of a world and its ecosystem.

I can only imagine the death throes that ripple through the Force in the immediate vicinity.

Just like Corellia...

Military action is quite likely in the near future. In the meantime, I've decided it's prudent to work with my GA counterparts to map out the Unknown Regions and beyond, helping to spread a positive influence throughout the turbulent area to counter the rise of Brotherhood along the way.

As part of the pilot exchange program between the Concord and Alliance, I've been assigned to an element of the GA Navy's First Expeditionary Fleet - Third Squadron under the command of Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause . I don't have much information about this unit other than their role in the GA's Outbound Flight Program.

I am, however, quite familiar with the original expeditionary project that bears the same name. Here's to hoping we fare much better than our predecessors!

One crash landing was more than enough.


A single frigate reverted into real space near the location of Third Squadron. The IFF signals it would squawk would identify it as the Nosey Knave of the Silver Jedi's Exploration Corps. The older ship had once served as an ELINT asset within the regular Silver Fleet, but was handed down to the Exploration Corps as the Silver Jedi upgraded combat ships. Since then, it had been refit with increased storage capacity to host smaller support craft and drones onboard. Other quality of life improvements included enhancing an already impressive long-range sensor suite.

After the initial exchange of credentials, Finley departed from Knave on his Saberhawk to board the Cadence. The Jedi Knight would convene directly with the Commodore herself to touch base and figure out where he and his small band of associates would fit in within her mission.

Usually Finley dressed fairly casually day to day, preferring his Spacer duds, but he wanted to make a good impression on Commodore. In rare form, he had dressed traditionally in dark green robes, clean shaven, and long hair drawn up into a neat topknot instead of a loose ponytail.

Hopefully the Commodore turned out not to be a stiff, he would just have to see.

Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause A ARS VAMI Voldran Molf Voldran Molf Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster Mallory Bash
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Traumatized Carrier-Loving Mess
For however brief, her office was quiet, bathed in an atmosphere that on a better day would have eased her to sleep. But this wasn't a better day. It was the start of a plethora of worse days, if she was interpreting the patterns within her life correctly.

Liedran decided against further thought, hurriedly returning to shuffling the rows of files present on her monitor, scrambling to dictate each brief motion. Though, her decisions began to diminish in clumsiness and speed, turning ever more collected and precise as she distracted herself from other subjects. That was, until a melodious chord rang in her ears, and brought the commodore's attention to the gleaming doorframe beyond her desk.

"Come in, please," She brushed a strand of hair and an accompanying tear from her eye, quickly mustering up an appearance of confidence before the doors parted, and Major Quillan entered.

"Commodore Kathause! I'm Major Rhyssa Edaara Quillan, I report for duty, ma'am!"

The enthusiasm caught her off guard. But then again, she was used to being surrounded by officers reeling from Kril'Dor's torment, or at least having grown accustomed to dwelling on the massacre herself.

"At ease," The commodore waved off the major's salute with a gentle motion of her hand, then directed a half-smile her visitor's way.

She shuffled once more through the personnel database on her monitor, in the mean time gesturing for Voldran Molf Voldran Molf to take a seat. Psychological profiles, comments from academy instructors, notes from previous commanding officers flickered into being around the dull and undecorated screen. Liedran scrolled by quickly, sparing a single brief glance at the occasional paragraph that flashed by, until she came to stop at her own notes, prepared in advance from the moment she had begun supervising the transfer information.

Loyalty, Talent, Empathy, Stubbornness. Just how Liedran had been before... Before fate called to claim its price. She turned her eyes back toward the major's, body language failing to hide an appraising expression and a hint of curiosity. It was as if she were waiting for something, having plunged the room into a near-total silence for what hopefully would have felt like an uncomfortable five seconds-- all according to her diabolical plan to figure out exactly what mind she was working with.

The door sounded with a brief knock, for now sparing Quillan from the anxiety of talking to the fleet's commander.

"Enter," Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster appeared in the office with the expected diligence-- a respectful few seconds after Liedran's acknowledgment.

''Ma'am? You wanted to see me?'' she asked, before being at ease and cleared her throat some. ''S'cuse me.''

"Yes, indeed. Thank you for coming on such short notice," Liedran presented a relaxed nod, and proceeded to remain entirely wordless as she gestured toward the empty chair on Rhyssa's left.

She had spoken again after a matter of seconds, "Major, this is Colonel Foster-- the CAG," The commodore's eyes scanned from the major to the colonel, "Miss Foster, this is Major Quillan. She'll be working as your second in command as of now."

Another chime, this time from the monitor on her desk, stole Liedran's attention.

A sympathetic, and slightly overwhelmed, smile directed itself toward the gathered two officers, before the commodore opened a channel, "Kathause here."

"<Silver Jedi vessel incoming, It's the Nosey Knave.>" Good. Finley Dawson and his Explorer Corps team had arrived safely, "<They're preparing to dock. Should I direct Mister Dawson to your office when he's aboard?>"

"Acknowledged. And yes, send him in, captain." A finger moved to hover over the keypad, and cut the channel's link.

"Where was I?" Her attention returned to the major and colonel.

Mallory Bash , Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster , Finley Dawson , A ARS VAMI , Voldran Molf Voldran Molf , Miria Tanau Miria Tanau
S H A D O W - L O R D
Rhyssa Edaara Quillan-E’ron
Ace pilot, commando, major, member of the Wraith Squadron (Phantom Group), Force disciple
Location: Aboard on ANV Cadence
Equipment: Officer Uniform (major rank) | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | OPBC-01m || BB-4 astro droid – Little One || X-wing
Tag: Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause | Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster | Finley Dawson | Mallory Bash | Miria Tanau Miria Tanau | A ARS VAMI
For now, Rhys waited patiently while the Commodore examined her or watched the monitor. In fact, she was most curious as to what task she would be given, what awaited her here. The major expected a long "interrogation". This has always been the routine; the files are far from giving back what this person can learn about someone else in a personal conversation. Some written lines do not give back the body language, facial expressions, reactions of the other.

That's why Rhys always loved to talk with those, of whom she was the commander. She was a direct person who also loved to go to the cantina with her companions. Maybe she was too direct at times, but she didn't bother. Rhys also became a friend to many of her comrades or subordinates over the years. And of course she also liked to get to know those she worked with, so she watched her new supervisor with interest and curiosity. But before the silence turned into an awkward silence, someone else arrived.

When the blond-haired woman entered the room, the major did not get to know her, but she saw on the uniform that she was a colonel, that is, a person of a higher rank. Thus, after the at ease position, she saluted again with a rigid, military posture.

"Ma'am!" she said.

After they were introduced to each other, she nodded to the colonel and held out her hand for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you, ma'am!" if the woman accepted the handshake, she squeezed the other woman's hand firmly and strongly, but not painfully.

To sit down you only sat down if the other two women did the same; she was the lowest-ranking person in the room, etiquette dictated this. Second in command? Although she was a major, it was unexpected. Rhys had not yet served in a corps where the rank of major would have meant such a high position. She felt honoured for all this and it was a great challenge to her, in the end turned to the Commodore when she asked them.

"First of all, thank you for the opportunity as second in command, ma'am!" she started. " However, I don't know much about the corps, nor about the task, when I was transferred they were told, I get full information about everything here…"



Mallory Bash


"Lieutenant Commander." Mal spoke up as she approached the small knot of crew around a taller officer. The officer delivered a few more instructions and the crew members scattered to their duties. The Quartermaster, datapad in hand, turned his head towards Mal.

"Commander." The officer with short cropped sandy hair replied.

"I'm here on behalf of Captain Keltek to check on the Cadence's supply stores." She said, the formality laced with a casual touch of Nagai voice to suggest familiarity. A good working relationship with the flagship's logistics officer would make her job much easier.

Tapping his datapad, the Quartermaster nodded. "We are keeping to schedule, the trick has been jockeying slots as shipments come in late or early."

Mal gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Good, please make sure all updates to the schedule are sent to my pad. if you hit a snag and need my help, just comm." She offered. Mal was formally stationed on the Fleet Tender Adranne, under Captain Gran Keltek, who also served as head of Fleet Logistics. In her role under Captain Keltek, Mal had learned quickly that her role was to grease the skids of the fleet's supply chain, to keep things moving. While in her former career, 'greasing the skids' involved bribary, threats and sweet talk. She found very similar tactics worked in the AG's Navy. Of course, she didn't use bribary in its truest sense, but her tactics followed the principle of 'to get what you want from someone, you have to know what they want.' The methods seemed to work as well in the military as they did among traders and smugglers.

"If you are here on behalf of Captain Keltek, you should report to the Commodore. She has arrived aboard." The Qaurtermaster suggested to the new Commander.

"My next stop." Mal offered with a smile. "Carry on!" she nodded to the Quartermaster and headed for the nearest hanger exit. With some direction, Mal found her way to Commodore Liedran's Office. She rang the chime beside the door.

Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster , Finley Dawson , Miria Tanau Miria Tanau , Voldran Molf Voldran Molf , A ARS VAMI Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause
It's one of life's mysteries, sir...
When Colonel Foster's knock was answered and she entered the commodores office, she immediately noticed the other person in the room; a red-haired, slightly taller woman in a well kept officers uniform. Her ever alert blue eyes had not the time but to give the woman a curious yet friendly glance, before the commodore addressed her again. Meanwhile, she approached the desk where they were meeting before commodore Kathause.

"Miss Foster, this is Major Quillan. She'll be working as your second in command as of now." the commodore explained, ever so to the point, as colonel Foster reached the desk and joined them in front of the motioned chair and by the majors side.

After the initial shock from Kril'Dor and the grief that was left with them, both Kathause and Foster had worked hard to rebuild what was left of the 3rd Expeditionary. Everyone under their command had gone above and beyond in that struggle, and now they were finally receiving new and fresh recruits, cadets and officers from all corners of GA space.

Kathause had mentioned a second in command once before, though Foster was not prepared for him or her to arrive today, but the surprise was all but a bad one. She welcomed a second in command greatly and that could be seen when the major addressed her with a salute in the most rigid and military posture. It was all correct and by the book, but also slightly amusing considering that they were the only ones in the room with no privates to show off for. Kathause and Foster could be slightly more relaxed around each other thanks to their experience and time working together, but she could not possibly blame the major for going by the book. She would get into the swing of things in a flash.

''Pleasure to meet you, major. And welcome aboard the Cadence!'' Kathryn said with equal enthusiasm, and answered the salute with a bright and friendly smile, before taking the womans hand and shaking it equally firmly.

It was time to get down to business and colonel Foster awaited Kathause to take a seat before she did the same, swinging a leg over the other. She listened to the major expressing a bit of concern about the task given to her, before they all were interrupted by a chime from the monitor in front of the commodore. An officer on the other end of the line announced the arrival of one mister Dawson from the Silver Jedi Concord.

"Where was I?" the commodore asked, possibly more to remind herself to find her way back to the topic. Foster was about to remind her if that was not the case, but then there was a chime at the door.

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Miria Tanau

Moving at the speed of death~
Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause Mallory Bash Voldran Molf Voldran Molf Finley Dawson A ARS VAMI

Absence was supposed to make the heart fonder, right? That was the way the ancient saying went at least. Though as the last vestiges of hyperspace tumbled before her eyes, Mirai found herself fixated on one singular question. 'Why in Breisha's name did I come back here?" There were more besides, true. Occasional crooning of 'Why did you renew your commission after that night? What are they going to expect from a so called 'deserter'?' But it was that simple question that plagued Mirai's thoughts. The answer too was painfully simple, if no less frustrating. Because she had gone into the galaxy, into the furthest reaches to defend civilians and seen the horrors that lurked there. Some unnamed and some more clearly defined, monsters of myth and monsters of men. Sometimes the latter were the more atrocious ones. And in the wake of all that death, something had called Mirai back to the start, back to where she had first fought these forces on scale. 'Sure, it isn't the Arsenian army, but it would do.'

Mirai was shaken from her musings as she felt a tremble pass through the hull-plates of her old shuttle. An expanse of black space spread over the viewport, broken by the faintest pinprick of twinkling stars. Silhouetted in the faint light was the distinct plating of a vessel, whose transmission registered it as the Cadence. It was the ship she had come to rendezvous with, or at least it appeared to be. Possessing no desire to be shot down, Mirai did not approach, but switched her shuttle to broadcast a friendly signature. She reached over for her comm board and sent a curt message over. "This is Mirai. Requesting permission to dock?"

Finley Dawson

Shortly after landing, Finley was collected by one of the Commodore's attaché and led to the turbolift. The Jedi wasn't alone, as his personal droid had promptly detached from the Saberhawk to hover along, taking in all the sights with low whistles and beeps. With each stride, his pine colored cloak billowed around his frame, the holstered chromed blaster and saber hilt on his hips occasionally glinting as they caught the light of exposure.

A short ride later, and he'd finally find himself face to face with the Commodore, recognizing her from the his initial information briefing. Already there was a small gathering around her, officers and fellow Jedi. He offered a small smile to each one as the attaché presented him to the Commodore with a salute.

For his part, he offered a small bow of respect.

"I am Knight Finley Dawson of the Silver Jedi Order, it's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. Usually, this would be the part that I would have presented Charcuterie or fruit basket, but I imagined you would much prefer a well-oiled Survey Team instead."

Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause A ARS VAMI Voldran Molf Voldran Molf Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster Mallory Bash Miria Tanau Miria Tanau
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Traumatized Carrier-Loving Mess
[Galactic Alliance - 1st Expeditionary Fleet - 3rd Squadron]
[Commodore Liedran Kathause]
[ANV Cadence]

" However, I don't know much about the corps, nor about the task, when I was transferred they were told, I get full information about everything here…"

"You'll have all of that transferred to your personal-"

She was interrupted once more by curt chime, eyes now turning to the pristine silver-plated doorway and betraying the smallest hint of annoyance. Her voice retained dignity, however, "Enter."

In the moments before the door slid open, Liedran took care to aim an apologetic half smile to the two officers already present. Her expression quickly relaxed, followed by her hands after they had joined in front of her, aiming upward with loosely extended index fingers. Unfortunate. She had been looking forward to an actual conversation with her CAG, especially after months of desk work on Outlander Station.

There were more pressing concerns, of course. The 3rd Expeditionary still had to recover, and friendly chatter would help little in the long run.

Finley Dawson
entered with the anticipated composure of a jedi knight, presenting a respectful bow after the accompanying attaché's announcement and salute. A few other jedi entered-- a Feeorin, and a younger Zabrak woman. Liedran greeted the three with a brief nod, signaling a pause in activity with a gently raised hand. Her eyes turned to Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster , and Voldran Molf Voldran Molf next, another brief communication of her apologies before the commodore spoke again.

"Miss Foster, Miss Quillan, you're excused. Head down to the portside hanger at your earliest convenience. The squadron leaders should be waiting for you there," She paused, providing ample time for both officers to set off, then turned her attention to the monitor in front of her. Once she pulled up the right files, she turned to Finley and the others, beckoning the knights forward.

"I am Knight Finley Dawson of the Silver Jedi Order, it's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. Usually, this would be the part that I would have presented Charcuterie or fruit basket, but I imagined you would much prefer a well-oiled Survey Team instead."

"You're right about that, Mister Dawson," Liedran formed an gentle smile, then fingered around the surface of her desk for a neatly organized datapad, "How was the commute?" The brief bit of small talk gave her enough time to come to a stand without breaking any train of thought.

The commodore let the blood fall through her legs, eyes closing for long enough to clear the limited drowsiness that had sparked to life in the long while spent sitting at her desk. Her eyes again opened, after her hand set on the back of a sore neck. She spared the other for a brief gesture simply to make sure her guests knew that they could remain seated. Then she began to pace, back and forth along the side of the wooden edge nearest to her.

"Admiral Sheffield tells me that the Concord's shown an interest in our unit..." On her next pass by the desk, she slid a datapad along the countertop, detailing fleet operations, composition, enough to establish their mission and then some, "I assume you're all familiar with the information here?"

Another chime.

"Come in," Liedran breathed a weak sigh into her hand, then an audible yawn before she worked up the strength to speak. Mallory Bash entered afterward, seemingly holding up better than her superior officer. The commodore quickly rushed back to her desk, and back to the personnel database...

It was going to be a long day.

Voldran Molf Voldran Molf , Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster , Mallory Bash , Sol'yan Sol'yan , Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan

[Ensign Nelson Parsell - Landing Signals Officer]
[ANV Cadence]

Just as he was about to get some rest...

A sudden ringing tore the ensign violently from the opening moments of a blissful sleep, once again re-affirming the meaning of the words "
Do your job." Nelson turned to the dashboard in front of him, training his more-or-less attentive eyes on the revolving green contours, spiraling past the far brighter friendly contacts. The contact of interest, indicated by a newly updated list of identification codes and various integers accompanying the cruising ranger shuttle.

"This is Mirai. Requesting permission to dock?"

The woman's voice chimed into his comm link almost as soon as the IFF interrogations confirmed her allegiance.

"Copy, Mirai. This is Ensign Parsell," Nelson paused for a quickly executed round of docking calculations, "Proceed to the forward-most hanger. Keep to port... Adjust velocity by minus-ten percent." He diverted his attention momentarily to a live feed of the bustling hanger bay interior, "Stand by for further instructions."

Miria Tanau Miria Tanau
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Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause Finley Dawson Mallory Bash @ARS VAM Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster Miria Tanau Miria Tanau Voldran Molf Voldran Molf

The idea of this mission was...exciting to Sol'yan, and brought back a slight feeling of nostalgia. While in recent years, he had been embroiled in combating the presence of both the Bryn'adûl and Brotherhood of the Maw, prior to that he had taken to a life of exile; traveling the galaxy to gain insight into himself, and the galaxy at large. To do so again, but in a capacity that would benefit others, was an opportunity that didn't come often. Plus, he had felt that this mission would be good for his new apprentice. She was so young, and had seen so little outside of strife and turmoil within the underworld of Coruscant. She was taking her first steps in a larger world; what better way to do so than by seeing that 'larger world' for herself?

Sol'yan wasn't powerful enough to claim clairvoyance into matters of his choosing, but he already knew well that this expedition would meet more than its fair share of adversity if it truly meant to explore the unknown regions. As both he and Ara walked through the corridors of the Concord frigate alongside Jedi Knight Finley Dawson, he turned to his apprentice and gave her the equivalent of a small grin for his kind; a less severe grimace.
"Please do your best to afford the Commodore the respect of her station, Ara. We are guests here and we don't need to give the Order a bad name." His grin morphed into a far more discernible smile: "That means no broken arms. Or liberal use of your... colorful vocabulary."

Despite his apprentice's irreverent attitude as a general facet of her existence... Sol'yan had become quite fond of his apprentice. It was... nice to have company on his travels. And her youth reminded him of just how old he was. Not that it mattered - by Feeorin standards he was in the prime of his life. But when it came out he was old enough to be most people's great, great, great grandfather... he certainly did feel old. That was equally as true for their ship captain - Finley Dawson. He was a gifted young Jedi Knight, and while yes he was quite young, Sol'yan had little trouble seeing why he was entrusted with such responsibility at his young age. Despite what natural immaturities existed at that age, the young man appeared conscientious, and bore a strong sense of duty.

While Sol'yan would always be watching and observing in all of his interactions with this crew (he was a master after all, he had to live up to some expectation), he sensed he would have little issue in deferring to the young Knight when it came to matters of ship command and operations. Sol'yan was a Jedi Master, not a military officer by any means. He could potentially lead men on the ground effectively, but even with his years of life experience, a ship was an entirely different endeavor.

They made their way to the shuttle craft, and in short order were aboard the GA flagship of the expedition - the Cadence. Upon arrival, they would soon find themselves before the presence of the Commodore - Liedran Kathouse. It would not take an all powerful grandmaster to tell that this woman was exhausted. In fact, Sol'yan would be somewhat surprised if she wasn't. The Jedi smiled again and bowed respectfully in greeting.
"It is a pleasure to be here, Commodore. I am Jedi Master Sol'yan, and this is my apprentice Ara Sheridan. We are... excited to be a part of this, to be honest."

The word 'excited' seemed a little out of place coming from Sol'yan's deep, textured voice, but it carried a pleasant tone nonetheless. He would allow Finley to take the lead over the specifics of the fleet compositions however, now that introductions were more or less complete.
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"Wait, we're going onboard that?" Ara practically shouted as she stared at the enormous capital ship from a viewport. She was anxious and nervous about this trip. It was barely a week or so of being a padawan to a master that seemed to have a perpetual frown. But he seemed to be a genuinely good person so she didn't complain. Once they were onboard, he explained the situation to her and reminded her to try and pay attention to her behaviour.

Ara tugged at the robes she was given. They were new. Probably the newest clothing she had in her wardrobe. But she wasn't used to them at all. She stopped fidgeting with her cloak to look up at her master, giving him a smirk. "Don't worry. I can at least put on some table manners." she quipped before her face sank a little. "Uh... master." she followed up. It was going to take a while for her to get used to calling someone that.

Eventually they reached the commodore of the enormous ship. If Ara had to guess, the commodore and her mom was around the same age... and had the same hardened look. This woman has seen some stuff, she was sure of that.

She stood next to her master, utterly dwarfed by him, and stared with wide eyes as he greeted the commodore with a polite bow and what sounded like a rehearsed line he pulled out of nowhere. Why didn't he give her a line to rehearse? She was frozen in place for a second as her green eyes darted between the woman and her master. "Um, hi! Nice to meet you." she greeted, perhaps a little too loudly, as she stepped forward and held out a hand for her to shake with an unnecessarily large smile. "I really like the ship, it-it's kriffing huge... I-I mean, really big. It's really big." she rambled, her face blood red with embarrassment and nerves as she stared up at her.

She could already hear master Sol'yan cringing behind her...

Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause Finley Dawson Mallory Bash A ARS VAMI Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster Miria Tanau Miria Tanau Voldran Molf Voldran Molf Sol'yan Sol'yan

Mallory Bash

Mal noted the presence of lieutenant lingering in the corridor outside the office, but paid them no mind. At the muted sound of the Commodore's permission to enter, Mal brushed a finger over the buttion that activated the door. It slid aside with a whispering hiss to reveal the Commodore's office within. Mal hesitated a moment, as two officers passed moved past. One she recognized as the CAG, Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster , the other a major she didn't recognize. She offered both a small nod.

About to step in, Mal found other figures within the Commodore's office. The visitors were not in fleet uniforms, but the garb of Jedi. Amber eyes flicked to Commodore Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause , as if to ensure she had heard right the word to enter. Seeing nothing to the contrary, Commander Bash took a few steps into the office, standing at attention, and addressed the Commodore.

"Sorry, Ma'am, for the interruption. I've come from the Adranne to status the progress of the Cadence's supply effort. Captain Keltek requested I check in with you as well." Mal offered in way of explanation. Her gaze darted to the Jedi, before returning to Kathause. "I can a better time."

Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster Finley Dawson Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan Sol'yan Sol'yan Voldran Molf Voldran Molf A ARS VAMI
S H A D O W - L O R D
Rhyssa Edaara Quillan-E’ron
Ace pilot, commando, major, member of the Wraith Squadron (Phantom Group), Force disciple
Location: Aboard on ANV Cadence
Equipment: Officer Uniform (major rank) | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | OPBC-01m || BB-4 astro droid – Little One || X-wing
Tag: Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause | Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster | Finley Dawson | Mallory Bash | Miria Tanau Miria Tanau | A ARS VAMI | Sol'yan Sol'yan | Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan
"Thank you ma'am!" she replied to Kathryn.

This day seemed to be very long. Countless people arrived or were just "disturbing" the Commodore. Rhys shuddered for a moment when the Jedi arrived. She was basically happy to receive such support, but she had been worried ever since she knew the truth. Yes; the red-haired woman feared that they might be considered her as a traitor, though she was extremely loyal. She turned to Miss Foster, then pointed to the door.

"After you, ma'am!" she offered.

If they set off, she joins her superior on the way to the hangars. Long day. However, Rhys thought that if there were just two of them with the CAG and the walking to the hangars took a few minutes, she would take the opportunity and inquire about the place, as well as the woman and the Commodore.

"I saw that you and the Commodore had known each other for a long time, I had no luck working with her or you. What can I expect from you? What do I need to know about you? In addition to your reputation, of course!" she inquired with a smile.

This whole day came too suddenly; she would have been happier, if they got more time to get acquainted. But during a war, time is exactly what they never got and they never have enough from it.

//OOC: Sorry for the short post.//

It's one of life's mysteries, sir...
The commodore was going to have her hands full the rest of the day, by the looks of it. As the door behind them opened, colonel Foster turned around and upon seeing the three jedis she rose from the chair and offered them a courteous nod. A military salute would have been inappropriate towards the keepers of the peace. The support from the Silver Jedi was a most welcome one indeed, and Foster looked forward to see what they could accomplish with their combined strenghts. Colonel Foster and major Quillan was excused by the commodore, and after being offered to take the lead, the two women left the room to attend to their duties. They met commander Bash at the door and exchanged nods, as well as Foster had time for a semi-formal salute to the commander.

''We've been working together for some time, yeah. She's a great leader.'' Kathryn began to explain, without the slightest doubt in her voice, as they walked down the corridors toward the portside hanger. ''Strict, but also protective and determined to the cause and loyal to her duties. I would trust her with my life...'' she continued, her gaze for a short moment zoning out in the distance. It was inevitably to spare a thought on Kril'Dor. All hell had broke loose there, but fact was that if it wasn't for commodore Kathause it could have been worse. Much worse.

They turned a corner and now she was apparently supposed to advertise herself. An often daunting task more difficult than it seemed, but Kathryn was actually fairly used to it, thanks to or rather because of having to prove herself many times just because her reproductive organs was on the inside, instead of the outside. She thought about the question for a second, before taking a deep breath.

''I'd like to think that I take good care of my personnel...'' she said and offered Quillan a soft smile. ''Everyone have to perform on top out there, and I do everything in my might to boost their morale, put together meaningful exercises and I try to give them the best preconditions to do so... We're a team. A family. Everyone on this ship.'' Kathryn continued and clasped the hands behind her back. ''What you should know about me, is that despite being the CAG, I'll take every opportunity to fly with them. I can't just let go of the cockpit. I just can't. Besides, I wouldn't be much of a leader if I wasn't supposed to lead them on site.''

''Was that pretty close to my reputation, major?''
she added with a smile, already enjoying their conversation and it was looking good for their future cooperation. ''Now, I'm curious about you, major. Where have you served before? You seemed surprised by the assignment as my second in command?''

Traumatized Carrier-Loving Mess
So far, so good. The jedi had each made their introductions-- Sheridan's genuine, but bumbling attempt included. Of course, Liedran couldn't find the heart to blame her-- nor the time to do so while she struggled to hold back a giggle.

Sol'yan on the other hand composed himself well, and even without his identifying introduction one would find little difficulty in pinpointing his occupation as a jedi. Finley appeared similar, albeit with a noticeable variation in stance and in apparent experience from the far older Feeorin. As for Ara... She would hopefully learn from either of them, at least when it came to formulating a more dignified presence.

The commodore browsed idly through the files, the extensive documents overtaking her monitor-- all of what the Silver Jedi Concord had elected to declassify for her.

Oh yes. Commander Bash was there too.

"Sorry, Ma'am, for the interruption. I've come from the Adranne to status the progress of the Cadence's supply effort. Captain Keltek requested I check in with you as well." Mal offered in way of explanation. Her gaze darted to the Jedi, before returning to Kathause. "I can a better time."

Liedran gave it a few seconds' thought, several times looking between her logistics officer and the visiting jedi. The latter would likely appreciate the time to deliberate amongst themselves, especially with the relative unfamiliarity of the new assignment. Bash, on the other hand, would merely be expected to make a short check-in.

"No need, No need," She spared a brief glance at the datapad in front of Finley while the jedi studied it, "Commander Bash, I'll meet you right outside," Liedran stood, again feeling her muscles turning sore, but nonetheless relishing the comfort in the refined officer's stance she adopted, "Feel free to discuss amongst yourselves," She addressed the three jedi quickly, with as much brevity as possible-- while bordering off on sounding too curt, "I'll be back in a moment."

Liedran provided a final courteous nod, before she slipped past the doorway's threshold. From there the wall's boundaries expanded, forming the far more spacious, but quite spartan Situation Room. Dead center of the zone was the elongated meeting table, and its complement of unused chairs. At the center of the table, a condensed, and equally bland holo-projector. They wouldn't require anything elaborate for their purposes, not aboard Cadence and most certainly not among any other vessel in the fleet. The Liberator-class vessels were designed to solidify that point. They were comfortably simple, clear and concise in their internal and external appearance, qualities that she otherwise found absent in the span of her eventful career.

"I take it that Gran's doing well these days?" She started with casual small talk first, while she began to adjust to the noticeably brighter lighting of the room.

The commodore's hand extended briefly, indicating a vacant seat on the closer port-most side of the table. Though, Liedran herself elected to remain standing-- in her own way confirming her integrity to herself.

Her head turned to the side to clear an uncomfortable crick, now aiming down the adjacent corridor. Perhaps if she had paid further attention, she would have caught the idling lieutenant's silhouette. For now, she took little notice, and returned her attention to Mallory Bash, "Anything in specific you wanted to say?"
S H A D O W - L O R D
Rhyssa Edaara Quillan-E’ron
Ace pilot, commando, major, 1st Expeditionary Fleet, 3rd Squadron, Force disciple
Location: Aboard on ANV Cadence
Equipment: Officer Uniform (major rank) | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | OPBC-01m || BB-4 astro droid – Little One || X-wing
Tag: Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause | Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster | Finley Dawson | Mallory Bash | Miria Tanau Miria Tanau | A ARS VAMI | Sol'yan Sol'yan | Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan
On the way out, even Rhys nodded to Bash, though she didn't know them either. It’s essentially into a whole new medium now. She would have been glad there had been people she already knew, but she never backed away from the new challenges. Especially not from ones that have pushed your career forward. That was that kind of challenge now. As she walked, of course, she watched Foster and rejoiced at what she had heard about the Commodore. It is always good to have a reliable person as the commander who has seen difficult situations and is able to handle them.

Rhys knew her question was like that most people didn't like to answer it because it was such self-polishing, arrogance. Of course she knew there were those who liked to brag about it. Apparently the CAG was not one of them, the sigh revealed this. This already made the woman likeable to the major. They seemed to be very similar in mentality, which the red-haired woman was very happy about.

"Yes, ma'am, and I'm very glad your reputation is true. It is an honor for me, you will be my CAG!" she said honestly.

Now came the reverse of the question, she knew it would happen.

"I never had any luck with the teams, almost all of them became inactive or disbanded shortly after I got there. I hope I do not bring you misfortune. Most recently, I was a member of the Wraith Squadron, Phantom Group. I took part in missions with them. I was there at the first siege of Bastion when the NIO liberated the planet. I also fought in countless places in the Stygian Campaign during the Third Civil War. Based on my original training, I am a pilot, but I also received commando and special corps training during my academic years, so I can also lead ground teams if needed, but I feel best in birds. Like you, I do anything for my people with whom I like to maintain more direct contact, and even invite them to a cantina after joint exercises, fights, or I make a karaoke evening for them. In short, I am a woman of team-building gatherings."

She paused for a moment, then continued.

"Yes ma'am, I was surprised. So far, so to speak, I’ve worked with and led people who have undertaken missions that no one else has. Essentially, I’ve been worked on suicide missions lately. For me, it is a great honour and challenge to be able to serve in a regular squadron again." she said honestly again.



Finley Dawson

"You're right about that, Mister Dawson," Liedran formed an gentle smile, then fingered around the surface of her desk for a neatly organized datapad, "How was the commute?" The brief bit of small talk gave her enough time to come to a stand without breaking any train of thought.

The commodore let the blood fall through her legs, eyes closing for long enough to clear the limited drowsiness that had sparked to life in the long while spent sitting at her desk. Her eyes again opened, after her hand set on the back of a sore neck. She spared the other for a brief gesture simply to make sure her guests knew that they could remain seated. Then she began to pace, back and forth along the side of the wooden edge nearest to her.

"Admiral Sheffield tells me that the Concord's shown an interest in our unit..." On her next pass by the desk, she slid a datapad along the countertop, detailing fleet operations, composition, enough to establish their mission and then some, "I assume you're all familiar with the information here?"

"I'm happy to report smooth sailing from the Silver Space through the Core," he replied with a small chuckle. "Yes, the Concord, and the Exploration Corps, in particular, are quite interested in the Outbound Flight Program. I was previously part of SJO sanctioned expeditions into fringe regions and neighboring satellite galaxies but my unit was later recalled to support the war effort against the Sith Empire and Bryn'adul. As both enemies are now neutralized - with welcome assistance from the GA - we're once again looking to resume suspended non-combat operations."

Finley still expected lots of fighting upon his return to the Explorer Corps, as First Contact was sometimes a messy affair, but it'd still be a welcome break from the total war of the frontlines. The thoughts of a moon getting chucked at him on Myrkr by the Sith were still fresh in his mind.

"So yes, I'm familiar with the greater program, and I reviewed and briefing on your current mission as part of OFP, but I would like to see how my crew can best integrate with your Squadron. We have fairly robust ISR capabilities with extended coverage thanks to our drones and manned squadrons. My crew is also experienced with combat and are well versed with operating out with little to no support against exotic encounters."

He paused to allow the Commodore to respond and allow his Silver counterparts to make their introduction. Master Sol'yan was quite eloquent with his greeting while his Padawan was decidedly...less so. She wasn't rude or anything, though it was funny as she made him reminisce about how he had first looked up at newly minted departing starships as a boy from his native Corellia. Now all these battlegroups and cutting edge fighters seemed mundane to him decades later.

The only wonder left for the seasoned explorer was at the galaxy's edge.

Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause Mallory Bash A ARS VAMI Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster Miria Tanau Miria Tanau Voldran Molf Voldran Molf Sol'yan Sol'yan Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan

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