Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tales of the Void: Crushing the Chains that bind us (Valhalla Federation/Open)

She watched the geonosian appear on screen, she grimanced at the look of the bug but closed her eyes as he made threats to the fleet, once he disappeared sge grinned and looked around"well we ain't gonna let some bug threaten us"sge laughed lightky and turned to the view "all guns let's support Mr ikon all guns fire " soon the ship moved to support [member="Cross Ikon"]'s ship soon gums opened fire on the same ship cross was firing at
[member="Karsk the Greater"]

Puppet Kyrios

Dang it, late again. "I've really got to get a new ship." Asteria steered the Finality towards the nearest ship and patched through.

"It's Asteria, what're my orders @RC212? Sorry I was late for the party, gimme something to shoot at."
Cyrus moved with the rest of the boarding party to the dropships. His was the first loaded and it raced out into the silent chaos of the battle. His eyes peered out the front viewport, watching fighters cross their path, shots race silently yet vibrantly across the dotted blackness of the void.

Holding onto a handle above him, he revealed a short vibrosword and an SMG. What wasn't shown was the plastic explosives just a little further up his chest harness. The pilot fired at the hangar bay of the opposing ship, dropping the shields for the door. His craft landed roughly as the doors opened and the mercs spilled out into the hangar and began to set up a line around the dropship to create an LZ.

Cyrus ran to the far wall, and began to arduous task of dispatching the fringe pirates. His blade and rapid fire SMG were making quick work of each target that fell before him. Ducking behind a crate, Cyrus pulled one of his explosives, primed it then tossed it towards the entrance to the hangar. Blowing the doors wide open and a few pirates in the process.

[member="RC 212"]
[member="Asteria Starcatcher"] [member="Cyrus Falcor"]

"Incoming transmission."

"Send it."

RC watched as the mad geonosian gave his speech and shook his head. He'd encountered this situation before in the fringe territory during their early days.

"Cut it off, not interested, patch me through to the Mercs."

RC's image popped up across the Mercenary guild channel. Asteria and Cyrus would see him in their helmets or on their comms.

"This RC, I'm relinquishing control of the fleet to Aeden and Cross. All Mercs get your behinds down to the hangars and find yourselves a dropship. Board the Acclamator and regroup in the main hangar. RC out."

RC snatched up his DC-17 and moved with a swift gait towards the exit of the bridge.

Moments later he was looking out of the large viewports of his LAAT the Blackfalcon as it jigged and dodged through streams of blaster fire and droid fighters. They swooped left avoiding an incoming concussion missile then juked back right only to have a wing sheared off by a stray droid fighter. The turret gunner lanced the droid with a precise shot and debris smashed the side of the hull, grinding sounds like nails ona chalkboard emanated.

"We lost a wing Cap,n!"

RC could see the hangar to the Acclamator coming closer. They were almost there.

"Don't sweat it get us in there in one piece pilot! Mercenaries brace for impact!"
[member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Xin Mothma"] [member="Saki lin"]

"Incoming fire Admiral."

Karsk clicked his insect wings together and nodded. He already had foreseen the enemy engaging on them and had carefully laid this trap to debilitate their fleet. As the enemy showed his hand he watched Aeden put his fleet in the diamond formation and Cross have his fleet in no formation. It seemed that the enemy was taken by surprise and now flanked on both sides with them squarely in the middle.

"Set Subjugators in reverse wedge formation, Lucrehulks behind them as the point. Scramble fighter wings and prepare firing solutions across the fleet!"

The crew of misfits ran to and fro making his word come to life. The first fleet went into a reverse wedeg formation like an open mouth waiting to greet the enemy. The second fleet on the other side of the battle mirrored the tactic bracketing the Federation fleet like a pair of parenthesis to stop their escape.

"Firing solutions ready Admiral!"

"Target the Pheonix on our side, Second fleet Lucrehulks, target all Battle Dragons. Subjugators focus fire on that large Esfandia carrier."

The space lit up as the main guns of the Lucrehulks fired in sequence pounding the enemy with unrelenting force. With 482 assualt cannons and 48 turbolasers they were a menace of war. The blackness of the void became as bright as day.

"Fighter wings standing by!"

"Launch them all, I want heavy runs on the carrier, and Pheonix, swarm them and destroy them!"

Thousands of Droid fighters cut through the chaos streaming like angry swarms of rabid bast towards the enemy ships. The leading craft of each flight roared directly upwards and away from the battle then came back down and made a swooping pass on their targets stitching them with hundred of beams of laser cannon fire.

"Subjugators on through five first fleet are reporting heavy fire admiral, shields at seventy five percent and dropping."

"Leave them, the enemy will be routed soon enough."
Aedan laughed as he saw the droid fighters and leaned back. Looking at his display he sighed knowing they were out gunned but that made this more fun. "I want our slicers to get to work shooting code into the software of those Droid fighters not trying to take them over here boys and girls lets make it so they are slow to react. I want our fighters to apply a screen to the Phoenix class the minute the code starts going. As for those ships in front of us I want to split the fleet the corvetes are to split 2 going with the Haran'uliik's above the enemy formation two with the Phoenix class below I want to create a sphere around them. They seem to think they have us trapped here. Order the other fleet to engage the enemies behind us Cross and I can deal with this pest."

Aedan hoped that Cross would catch on as his fleet started to split the two Haran'uliiks and a pair of the Nebula-class corvettes taking a sharp upward angle and rolling as they went to present a broadside firing solution on the enemy fleet. His Phoenix class started to dive heading downward giving its own roll as he brought to bare a very significant portion of his weapons targeting computers making firing solutions. "All ships fire your broadside volleys now." He watched carefully and then triggered a second command a full squadron of the deadly Naast Missile boats breaking away from behind the Haran'uliik-class light frigates and aiming downward towards the Lucrehulks that posed the greatest thread. Oversized swimming tubes they were but they were the home of the droid fighters remove them and you remove a good portion of the swarm.

[member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Karsk the Greater"]
Receiving an alert of the arrival of the enemy ships from the sensors of the Acclaimator that she essentially had to herself for now she arched an eyebrow just slightly. If this was a trap it was a poorly planned one she tapped into the ships comm systems as the broadcast from the enemy fleet threatened all of them. The arrogance of people who perceived themselves as powerful amused her mildly. She disconnected from her terminal and returned to the Lockout retrieving a blaster pistol from a weapon locker just on the top of the ramp. If she was going to be of further use to the Federation fleet she would have to get to the bridge of the Acclaimator and she doubted she had managed to kill the entire crew by venting atmosphere.

Encrypting a transmission to [member="RC 212 "]she actually spoke to him for the first time. “I am going to need an escort to the bridge of this ship, I will restore atmosphere to the entire ship but I have little doubt there will still be pockets of resistance around here. If you can get me to the bridge I am certain I can gain enough access to the enemy fleet systems to give our fleet the upper hand.”

Walking back down the ramp she reconnected with the terminal and started issuing commands to the computer causing airlocks all over the ship to seal back up and air to begin pumping throughout the ship restoring the precious atmosphere that she had recently deprived the enemy pirates of.
[member="Arysa Sarsi"] [member="Cyrus Falcor"] [member="Asteria Starcatcher"]

"I copy that, designate a safe place to meet the squadron we will escort you in!" RC roared into his helmet mike as the Blackfalcon landed into the hangar bay. Without the wing and the repulsor knocked out it came in sideways as it met the artificial gravity on the ship. The LAAT was pulled down to the deck and careened across it sraping the whole length and smashing into th the wall.

RC's grip failed and he was flung with hard g forces against the inside bulkhead. Space swam for a minute as he lay there dazed and then the armors systems began to slowly heal his wounds. That was one advantage of Thor armor the Bio underlay in it.

RC pushed himself up and crawled from the flaming wreckage to meet the rest of the Mercs in the hangar. What pirates there were had already began to mount a counter assault, cramming into the hangar.

"Cyrus Asteria on me! Lets push through!"

He became blur of motion moving behind a crate and firing off two rounds. One struck dead center in a chains head, exploding it all over the bulkhead. Then he rolled coming up in a crouch behind the next shipping container and firing once more, particle beams exploding with durasteel on impact.

"We have to get Grasshopper to the bridge!"

Puppet Kyrios

Asteria moved into the hanger bay, rushed out and started firing.

"K, [member="RC 212 "]I see you, I'm firing from behind the Finality, try not to ding her up too much."

She blasted another enemy to smithereens before taking shelter behind the crate beside where RC 212 was, "[member="Cyrus Falcor"] throw me a grenade! Let's see how they like surprises."

Once she had the grenade she camoflagued, ran right into the line of fire, pulled the pin and sent it into a chains face. "Yea, take that!" Reappearing, she yelled through her ear comm while grabbing her pistol and taking a few Chains out, "RC I won't be able to camoflague for another 5 minutes, tell me when I need to again, got it? In the meantime try not to shoot me." She used her other hand to grab out another pistol and started shooting like crazy.
Ice had been working overtime on this one. It took him a while to get what he was trying for. The arrival of another portion of the enemy fleet did not make things any easier. It meant more firewalls to break through. Growling in annoyance at the continued challenges which kept coming his way, Ice decided to try something new.

He brought up the transmission the bug man was kind enough to send him. Interweaving that signal with a little virus of his own creation, Ice sent it back out. It temporarily granted him access to the enemy systems just long enough for him to interject a stronger bug. A smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. "How appropriate. A bug for a bug." He thought to himself. His fingers continued to dance along his console as he quickly moved on with his plan. His own ship was rummbling from the impacts of enemy fire when Ice finally hit the activate button.

All at once the entire enemy fleet powered down. Engines, shields, everything. Whatever plans the enemy had, they were now on a temporary hiatus. Ice got on a fleet wide channel. "Ok ladies and gentlemen, you have 5 minutes. I just managed to put the enemy fleet into an emergency system reboot program. For 5 minutes the engines, shields, and weapons will be offline. Finish off those fighters, and get to boarding as many of those ships as we can. I won't be able to do that again. Sound off on which ships are going to be boarded. Saki, I want you to knock out the guns and engines of few ships we won't be able to board. If we can't get them right away, we'll incapacitate them so they can await their turn."

He finished with a satisfied grin as he sat back in his chair.

[member="Asteria Starcatcher"] | [member="RC 212 "]| [member="Arysa Sarsi"] | [member="Aedan Miles"] | [member="Cyrus Falcor"] | [member="Saki lin"] |
Aedan let out a dark smirk and gestured with his hands his ships immediately splitting up and targeting individual ships. "Everyone I believe it is time for us to bring them down for good. Ions only and if you don't have ions target shield generators and engines. TAKE THEM OUT OF COMMISSION!" His ship moved forward quickly its weapons coming to bare on the first of the Lurcehulks pumping Ion fire from its fifty Ion cannons directly at the ship as his weapons expert started to ping targets on the Subjugators for the turbolasers primarily shields and engines to disable them for the time being.

[member="Karsk the Greater"] [member="Cross Ikon"]
Saki put a arm on the shoulder of [member="Ice"] smiling at him"very nice captain that'll save us a couple thousand credits"sge joked and looked out to f the view port into the battle "anything I should do" she said looking at [member="Ice"] smiling at him from above"
Cyrus tossed [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] the explosive and he bolted for the door he opened with an earlier explosion. Once inside, he dispatched a pair of engineers working to fix the circuitry after [member="Ice"] had knocked the systems down.

"I am inside the hallway [member="RC 212"], it's clear for now. Move up!" Came a metallic radio voice over the comms.

@everyone else.

Puppet Kyrios

'Boy do I have bad timing,' Asteria thought as she bolted to the door after [member="Cyrus Falcor"].

The young Camo smiled and replied to [member="Ice"] over her comm, "Got it, sir. Just let me blast 'em and give that bug a piece of my famous fist-to-jaw sandwich!" Asteria blasted another pirate in the chest and sheltered by the door remains. She turned to Cyrus and whooped, "Nothing like the thrill of the hunt!"
I grinned at the holos of the captains of the two other Battle Dragons.

"Well, what're you waiting for? Zap 'em!"

I laughed, as Ogen pulled us back into the spin, which was really unnecessary, though it appealed to my sense of showmanship.

"Aedan, let's wreck 'em!"

[member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Ice"]


Allow me to reintroduce myself
[member="RC 212 "][member="Cyrus Falcor"]

Asteria started covering for Cyrus and shouted to RC 212, "RC come on, sir!" Then swore in Flaeg as a bolt hit her in the shoulder, "Ouch, I'm gonna have to get that checked."
[member="Cyrus Falcor"] [member="Elvenchild319"] [member="Arysa Sarsi"]

Location: The Acclamator NOTE: Not the bugs flagship.
Mission: Bring Arysi to the bridge, or clear the path

RC nodded as the crew moved through the halls at a quick sprint. They were running and gunning full tilt but he was still hurting from the crash. It wouldn’t be long before he made a fatal error if they didn’t catch a break. The pirates were coming in in pairs from the side halls, as most of them had been exterminated by Arysi's emptying all the air on the vessel and refilling it.

"Push up, bridge is at the end of this hall!"

He ran from behind a crate tossing a smoke grenade into the hallway. As it exploded in flame and fire his helmet switched to thermals and the ship was a glow of orange and blues.

Round after round scattered into the enemy, exploding their bodies on contact as the DC-17's particle beams struck them at various angles. Rc felt a round ping off his leg and fell to one knee just as the enemy pulled back.

Whats this? A trap?

BOOM Flash bangs detonated all around them. Rc fell to prone position and tried to reorient himself. His helmet had sealed off most of the noise and light but he still was half deaf and very blinded from the light impacting his thermals. With a loud ringing in his ears he stayed put waiting for the ambush but it never came.

Instead his toxin alert began to sound inside the helmet.

"Poision gas, mask yourselves!" He roared over the ringing in his ears.
[member="Saki lin"] [member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Ice"]

"My lord, we are taking heavy fire, Lucrehulks are getting hit, shields at fifty percent on one through three. We've had a hull breach in subjugators one five and six."

"Vent all astmosphere, redirect first two wings of fighters to absorb those incoming rounds from the first fleet."

He noted the wild antics of the battle dragons as they whirled through space. Weapons blazed across the dark void as the Lucrehulks continued to dish thousands of rounds a minute into the Phoenix and the Droid fighter and vessels of fleet two focused their fire on one battledragon at a time.

"Both fleets, fire broadside of proton torpedoes, knock them down a notch. Fleet two wing one, destroy the engines on that battledragon, Bring two Subjugators on line and ram that ship!"

The droids redirected swarming into the tail of the battledragons dropping hundreds of laser cannon shots upon it and it's shields.

"Second fleet Bring two more subjugators in front of the Lucrehulks, shields to full starboard and reinforce their posistion."

"We've lost a vessel, Subjugator one fleet one is hull breached at seventy percent, she's losing air fuel and bodies sir."

"Tell them we salute them for their sacrifice, set collision course with the pheonix and set reactors to overload!"

The Geonosian clicked his little wings together jewelry swaying across his buglike chest.

"We'll give them a battle to remember!"
Cyrus tucked into his cloak when the flash-bangs went off. He ignored the warning of RC as he was always masked. Cyrus vaulted a crate he was taking cover from, rounded the last corner he saw the enemy duck around to find a dozen or so Chains huddled, expecting the toxic gas to dispose of RC and the Valhallans, but the quick trigger finger and quicker blade arm dispatched their souls from their bodies.

He moved to the next corridor crossing, tossed explosives down either opposite hall, heard the yells, then the BOOM, then groans then silence.

All clear to the next corner! Came a metallic voice over the comms.

[member="RC 212 "][member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] [member="Ice"]

Puppet Kyrios

Asteria quickly pulled up her flight mask and her goggles down, she did not want a trip to sick bay, as her heightened senses make poison worse, meaning that she might have to leave the Finality behind. She hid behind the crate Cyrus had previously occupied until his voice came through. "Copy that, moving through to your position." She looked at [member="RC 212 "]then vaulted the crate and slipped down the hall up to [member="Cyrus Falcor"] .

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