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Approved NPC Talus Legion I

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King of Pumpkins
  • Intent: To make a legion for Clan Talus to deploy in Mandalorian Empire Dominions, Skirmishes or Invasions
  • Image Credit: N/A
  • Role: It is a Legion to be deployed when ever Sora Talus requires them within battles and also to protect him or the leader of Mandalore if need be.
  • Links: Talus Clan, Sora Talus, Mandal Arms, Mando droids


  • Availability: Uncommon
  • Deployment: Mass
  • Strengths & Weaknesses:
  • + They are droids and will continue without limbs.
  • + The shields have Ionic dome shield generators
  • - uncontrolled aggression when resolnare is violated due to being droids
  • - This units are usually slow due to being bulky but are even slower due to their TS-15 shields.
Description: They are Mando droids and don't need training but have the details how to fight. The equipment they use has been created specifically for Clan Talus. They were created due to a need for Clan Talus to help in the ME's War effort while also to help Sora Talus on the battle field.
[member="Sora Talus"]

I don't see a link to the droid model being used here. The unit template isn't for submitting droids, you'll have to go through the Factory if your chosen model isn't canon or Factory-approved.
[member="Sora Talus"]

Thank you for adding the link.

Sora Talus said:
- uncontrolled aggression - when resolnare is violated - due to being droids
Are these points supposed to be one sentence?

I'd like to see another weakness for these droids to counter their strengths. Perhaps something like being a slow moving unit as the droid model is bulky.


King of Pumpkins
[member="Jyoti Nooran"]
I had a think about it and they work better as one weakness. Also added a weakness that says they are slow and are slowed down even more by their shields.
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