Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Birthname: Var Arais
Preferred Name: Tarrik
  • Dread Lord of Chains
  • Overlord
  • The Slaver
Species: Muun
Homeworld: Orvax IV
Faction(s): The Lords of Chaos
Rank(s): Ex-Sith Knight
Master: N/A
Students: N/A
Force-sensitive: Yes
Force alignment: Chaotic Evil


Gender: Male
Age: 27 Galactic Standard Years
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 185 pounds
Complexion: Pale, cracked white
Eye Colour: Sulfur, blood orange


  • Intelligent: Tarrik is a Muun granting him a higher intelligence than most, along with that he has constantly attempted to expand his own understanding of the galaxy.
  • Controlling: Being able to manipulate others is one of the Muun's greatest abilities.
  • Lightsaber Combat: Another of Tarrik's strength is his ability with a lightsaber, topping his class during his time within the One Sith Academy on Glee Anselm. His style an elegant swirl of motions due to his elongated limbs.
  • Greedy: Another of Tarrik's known attributes is his greed, never leaving when there is more to grab.
  • One-man: Tarrik is known to not work well with others, though he will try his best if need be.
  • Exile: His time with the One Sith came to an abrupt end towards the end of their lifetime as Tarrik attempted to steal artifacts from them.

::> born to Terril and Soh Arais.
::> graduates education.
::> begins Sith training after being discovered.
::> promoted to Sith Knight.
::> leaves the One Sith.
::> starts slave company.
::> discovers The Lords of Chaos.

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