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Approved Tech Tarok's Tower shield

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Intent: To give Tarok a tower shield
Development Thread: [A phrik victory]
Manufacturer: Tarok
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Tarok
Material: Phrik
Classification: Multipurpose
Weight: 10 kg.
Quality: 9
Special Features: resistant to lightsabers, blasters,
Strengths: Near indestructible- the shield is made from phrik making it near impossible to destroy.
Coverage- the shield is wide and tall making it hard but not impossible to strike the user in a frontal assault.
Weaknesses: Mobility- the shape of the shield makes lightsaber combat hard for one untrained in its use.
Heavy- a weak person would get tired quickly carrying and using it in battle
Description: Tarok had a weakness his suit made quick movement in lightsaber combat near imposable. To make up for this fatal flaw Tarok researched ways to make up for this bring him to a notable sith lord by the name of Darth Desolous who developed cortosis shields. The results of the shields drove tarok to make his on but instead of cortosis tarok used phrik a nearly indestructible material to make up for the eventual wear down of cortosis. while the shield had its advantages the drawbacks were deadly in the hands of an untrained user. If one didn't train his body he would quickly tire out in a battle or be unable to move the shield in time to deflect lightsabers.
Primary Source: N/A
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
Hi [member="Tarok"]! I will be reviewing this submission.

Tarok said:
Development Thread: [X]
  • Please link the full development thread name. [X] is no longer allowed.

Tarok said:
death stars just the shield though
  • Please remove this. I understand it's probably meant to be humorous but it needs to come out.

Tarok said:
Strengths: Indestructible- the shield is made from phrik making it impossible to destroy.
  • The wording here needs to change, nothing is completely indestructible. You can state that it is highly resilient to damage, but Phrik is not inherently indestructible.
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