Image Credit: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Thane-Krios-287000953
Name: Taskai
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: None
Language: Galactic Basic
Average height of adults: 1.6 meters
Skin color: Essentially any color
Hair color: None
Breathes: Type I
1. They can breath on land and under water.
2. Muscle tissue is denser than that of humans. They have a greater strength then an equal sized human, and can take more of a beating, but they won't be ripping people apart, crushing speeders, or picking them up either. In comparison, a human of the same size and weight, who didn't lift weights or body train, wouldn't be as strong as a Taskai of the same size and weight. That Taskai would be equivalent to a body builder of the same stature as them.
3. Can telepathically communicate with one another.
1. Extremely curious to the point of wandering into volatile situations, oblivious of the danger.
2. No natural home to go back to, spreading them in thin numbers across the galaxy.
3. Prone to a degenerative illness that can strike once they reach the age of twenty five. The illness targets a specific receptor in the brain that does not develop until they are twenty-five years old (the species doesn't fully develop until they are thirty). It attacks the brain and slowly turns it to mush. The victim will live, but be a vegetable.
4. Thin skin. Their skin is tender and they often wear clothing designed to protect it. Their thickest skin is on their head.
Distinctions: The species itself was created as a cross between a water breathing lizard and a human. As such, they possess the ability to breath normal air, as well as gills which allow them to breath under water. In addition, they have muscle tissue that is denser than that of humans, allowing them to possess greater strength than an equal sized human counter part.
Average Lifespan: 90
Races: The standard race is a green or blue base tone, but a second race of black skinned Taskai exists as well.
Estimated Population: 1500
Diet: They are omnivores, capable of eating both plants and animals. They have the ability to obtain food allergies the same as humans do, but it varies based on the individual.
Communication: Between each other they communicate telepathically, but amongst others they speak out loud, and always in Galactic Basic. They don't have their own language.
Culture: Due to their creation methodology, their culture was somewhat forced. Rather than settling on a society of matriarchs or something else, they chose to adopt the societal norm of those on the ship where they were first created. As such, they have an elected governing body that represents them. This governing body is made up of a triumvirate, and the triumvirate travels to wherever it is needed in order to resolve an issue. They have no specific holidays, but every three years they come together in a meeting of ships in the unknown regions at the precise location where the ship they were created on had resided. There they elect a new triumvirate, or the same one, before they part ways again. They have no religion of their own, but they do adopt the religion and cultural norms of wherever they end up, somewhat like chameleons blending in to their surroundings.
Technology level: Their technological level is entirely dependent on where they happen to be. They have no particular homeworld, so they didn't have to develop technology of their own. They first appeared on a ship, which instantly granted them access to a technological level equivalent to most advanced space faring societies.
General behavior: They are generally very inquisitive and are known for wandering into situations where they don't belong. They often end up stowing away on ships because they wandered inside to get a better look. As such, they are prone to death because of their curious nature. They'll wander into dangerous situations without realizing it. They are, in general, a mild mannered species, and are very tolerant of others. However, both lizards and humans are known to fight one another, and they possess a tendency towards aggression in certain situations, especially mating. They will fight over a mate, and female Taskai are known to be violent towards other females in an effort to mar their beauty.
History: Three hundred years ago, some dark scientists created a ship that was meant to be a floating laboratory for them to do their experiments. They were doing things that were not sanctioned by any government, and many would deem deplorable. One of those experiments involved the captured and forced impregnation of a large number of human women. Their eggs were taken from them, and instead of implanting human DNA into them to create children, they implanted the DNA of a semi-aquatic salamander within them before returning the eggs to the women to grow. After only seven months of gestation, the women gave birth to the first ever Taskai. These Taskai grew up, and it was determined that they were able to self-reproduce. They formed their own governmental system on the ship, and used it in dealings with the scientists. The humans they interacted with as the Triumvirate were none other than the scientists that created them since they were confined to a single level on the ship. They worked with the Triumvirate largely in curiosity for what it meant to the species as a whole. The Triumvirate worked closely with the scientists to ensure the safety of the Taskai.
Eventually the ship was attacked by marauders. Having worked with the Triumvirate to ensure that a plan was in place for their escape, the scientists were able to get all of the Taskai off the ship in triads via escape pod. The Taskai left the ship behind and began to spread throughout the galaxy in small groups. None of them ever moved alone. The Triumvirate would often stick together, but it was not required of them to do so. They settled on many different worlds, and their numbers began to slowly grow, but by all standards they were, and are, considered a very rare sight in the galaxy.
Dev Thread: A Heinous Crime; Glorious Outcome
Notable Player-Characters: T-Eya Carn
Intent: To create a playable race of human-lizards with a unique history and back story to where they have no world of their own, and minimal numbers, making them a galactic rarity.