Kay was concened over the cough, keeping close to
Shoden Moz
as they walked out of the Estate. She was sad, of course, glancing over her shoulder as their steps took them further and further away from what was once her home. It was almost comical how the Estate pretty much reflected what her life was now; old, tattered and not entirely useful. There was little that remained that could be salvaged and that was how Kay saw herself each and every day. People would rather start all over again with some newer model than hold out hope that what was destroyed could be repaired.
"The Palace? I thought that it had suffered heavy damage during the liberation. My old office had it's own bedroom up the spiral stair. There were times when I stayed there for a while too, instead of coming here..." Kay sighed a little. "I just hope that he'd want to see me."

"The Palace? I thought that it had suffered heavy damage during the liberation. My old office had it's own bedroom up the spiral stair. There were times when I stayed there for a while too, instead of coming here..." Kay sighed a little. "I just hope that he'd want to see me."