Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Teaching a Kid about Versatility.

Turned out that a certain, formerly black haired and now red headed acquiantance of his was with the Mandalorians these days as well. He was quite surprised by that fact when he had me her but in the end that fact had come to blows while the two had been talking over something. It seemed that the girl had learned nothing in the end about only having one mode of attack and he would have thought after being bitten by a god damned Krayt Dragon she would have learned... it seems that that was not the case.

Solan's hands came across the stones of his old home, the place while still standing was more than obviously abandoned for nearly a decade, if not more. It wasn't something that he could just ignore any more after his recent actions and the recent memories he had been forced to revisit. Both had brought him back to the planet and he decided it was the best place if any to revisit to set up a home once more while in Mandalorian space.

Of course though he had cleared out a place outside of the home, and away from the graves and the garden he had begun to tend to once more. This was almost that of a simple dueling ring and for this purpose was why he waited now for the Hot Headed woman who still thought like a child when it came to fighting.



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[member="Solan Charr"]. The name brought many confused emotions to the broken Nyx. Three years of solitary confinement with a Sith Lord trying to possess her had taken its toll on the woman, and left the remnants of the woman that stood on Dantooine. Volatile, angry, one moment away from snapping.
She came near Solan's home, her green eyes twitching. A younger her had followed Solan like a damned puppy dog, hanging on his every move and word. Then came her affair with James, and prison. Prison had changed her. Now, she didn't quite know what she felt towards this man.
But today wasn't about her damned emotions. It was about working out some frustration. He had told her she had no versatility while fighting, which might have been true, even, but it worked well enough, as she planned on showing him today.
She finally spotted him, standing in the middle of a dueling ring.
"Thought you'd live in a place with a bit more class, Sol."

"Cant live in a palace all the time. Plus this place is a bit more important than a simple house to live in. You should see the garden, much smaller than the one on Kesh." Her smiled as his hands rubbed at his eyes, watching the girl as she approached and he instantly noticed the change without needing more than what had been said and what had been shown to him through the force. "So, Hot Head, are you looking to really do this because im warning you that if we do, you won't be able to take it back once we start."

His hands crossed behind him while waiting for her to either start this little bout of theres or for her to motion for him to start it instead. After all one of them would have to throw the first blow, but he was sure that her impulsiveness would lead to her throwing it and not himself. Otherwise he would have to get her to throw it with a bit of convincing.

Granted he had already put one of hands into the pouch of his belt, hidden behind him as he stood there. Inside were simple seeds to anyone else but to him was part one of the lesson he was going to teach her. If he was correct, it wouldn't take long for her to charge him. "Oh and i almost forgot. You wouldn't still happen to have that little bit of info you told me before. Would hate to hear that."


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Nyx's eye twitched at his words, feeling her rage boiling up. He really shouldn't have said that.
"Hot Head, huh?" She growled as she removed her jacket, throwing the leather article of clothing to the side, leaving her in a brown undershirt. She didn't want to ruin her favorite jacket, after all.

"You're gonna regret doin' this."
Nyx flexed specific muscles in her hands, and doubled over in agony. She screamed out her pain as she felt the parasites in her arms moving, growing from in between her knuckles; four in total, two a hand. She panted for breath, the gashes dripping blood as her claws extended. Vong stuff hurt like a queen, but it was effective.

She looked up, a feral grin on her face as her bottle-green eyes focused on [member="Solan Charr"].
"Your move."

Solan's eye twitched as he drank in the pain that erupted from her, bathing in the feeling as he felt every ounce of pain that she was and all the while enjoying it. It was different though for this girl and in a second his entire face changed from the normal one to something Nyx was familiar with, to something she had only seen once. His eyes darkened as his veins turned ebony in color, his skin paling until it reached the point of being chalk white. His hands twisted and twitched as he reached into a pouch on both sides of his hips with both hands before withdrawing seeds from the pouches and dropping them on the ground around him as he drew his hands forward and in front of him now.

There he halted his hands, holding them out with fingers put in place, pressed against each other as he let small sparks rip over his palms. A quick snap from his fingers as he left the flames to drop from his hands and reach towards the edge of their little ring, catching the boundary and turning their ring into one surrounded by fire hot enough to make one sweat from simply standing near it. "You know, im happy we are doing this away from the eyes of others... its time i finished things." His own grin twisted as he started humming to himself, a low soft hum as he let two daggers fall into his hands, that hum lifting into the air and filling it. His mind replaying the illusion of a violin being played to Nyx's left, then one to her right, then one behind her and then one across and behind solan. The violins adding onto each other as the only sounds she would start to hear around her, that he himself would hear around the both of them, was his humming, the sounds of those violins, and the crackle of the flames. There were two kinds of illusions when the force was involved, one that infected a person's mind, and one that infected the environment... he was using the latter.

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