Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Teaching is Mutual


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay had just had her meeting with Master Dorn not long ago. He had advised her to attend lessons at the Enclave, perhaps to give her some discipline. He informed her that she was part of the reason that the Galaxy was in chaos. Her reckless actions taken when she felt that she was doing what was right was part of what prompted this. Her lying about her Force sensitivity which led to her secretly being fired from the Senate and Republic government as a whole, brought her to this path. It wasn't as though she sought high political power, it just enabled her to work to free slaves and help eliminate oppression.

Now her path was a bit unclear. Though her obligations to her adopted brother kept her somewhat busy, she was determined to make the time to attend her lessons. One available teacher, [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] was who she sought. Maybe her lesson here would allow her to escape Master [member="Mantic Dorn"] 's lecture? That remained to be seen.

Kay approached the Jedi Knight, clearing her throat a bit to announce her presence. "Excuse me. Are you available for some lessons?"
Tugoro could hardly believe what had happened to the Republic. Now standing amidst this 'Republic Force Enclave', the young Jedi Knight could not help but frown in disgust while examining his surroundings and those within it. Where had all the Jedi gone? The answer was obvious, though one Tugoro did not want to think about. This place wasn't like the temple at all, oddly enough the young man found himself missing the confines of the Jedi Temple grounds, with it's mix of bland and natural beauty.

This place felt a lot more forced in creation, and a lot more militarized as well. At least Tugoro had gotten used to the life of war, or the amount of death and misfortune it caused. Take your pick. Uniformed individuals walked back and forth through the main hall of the Enclave, causing Tugoro to stick out like a sore thumb as he dressed in his street wear. He had debated on whether or not he should don his Jedi tunic, though ultimately decided against it.

Besides, almost anyone with the force would be able to tell that he possessed it as well. Being roused from his thoughts, the young man's emerald gaze would lift, the crossed arms over his torso falling to his side as he examined [member="Lady Kay"]. Had he seen her before? Tugoro wasn't sure, but something about her was familiar. Then again, he couldn't really say that he cared either way. With a nod of his head, Tugoro would signal that he was indeed available, before speaking, "What did you have in mind, miss...?" He paused his question, allowing the woman to interject whatever identity she chose to.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Tugoro Taidarious"] did stand out. But then again so did she. She was dressed like a merchant instead of a student of the Force. It wasn't as though she knew that she would remain here for longer than her chat with Master Dorn. She needed to prove to him that she wasn't a Darksider, despite having a few Sith allies that helped her on her missions. Not all Darksiders approved of slavery. So they had worked together in fighting pirates and the Hutt Cartel. That didn't make her Dark, did it?

Master Dorn had also pointed out her fear of using the Force. She spent a lot of her time hiding her signature once she had learned how. Kay didn't fear the Force itself, she just thought her using it could be used as a beacon to draw her late husband's killer to her. Understandable, or so she thought. Master Dorn had a knack for pointing out one's flaws.

Kay bowed her head to Tugoro when he acknowledged her. "Just call me Kay, please. I was hoping to learn some defensive techniques, to protect myself from those that wish to harm me." Right away she thought of the razer net that ensnared her when two bounty hunters caught her. Was there a way that she could have stopped it? If so, she wanted to learn it.
Tugoro hadn't spent much time around Mantic Dorn, though he had heard that the old man was strict in his Jedi teachings. Fair, though the young Knight did prefer his own path. He still held steadfast to the Republic's ideals, no matter how twisted they appeared in the eyes of media. It was simply his views on the dark side that differed mostly, Tugoro having learned from mistakes and experiences in the past.

It wasn't something he fully embraced, nor something he sought to actively destroy. He knew a few grey users, and they did interest him, though he never had the courage to separate from the order like others. Having lived among the Jedi for the majority of his life, Tugoro was content. Then again, as he gave a brief glance to his surroundings, he began to second guess himself.

"I can do that," he spoke to [member="Lady Kay"], pushing off of the wall he had leaned against and beginning to walk across the main hall. The young Jedi would head towards a nearby corridor, that led to the training area. "So, you're a... Republic Force User?" He questioned distastefully, before continuing, "Ever heard of the Barrier technique?" He questioned the woman.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay followed in step beside him, though slightly behind as her escorts used to when she was on diplomatic missions. At this moment she wasn't meant to be a leader, only a follower. Hopefully she wouldn't find that concept too difficult to grasp.

She raised a brow at [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] ' fist question. There was a hesitation there, and it wasn't exactly a heartfelt question. Kay did her best to brush it off though as she had encountered quite a few that failed to see how the Republic should be, how she saw it. Yet what had the Republic done for her lately? Nothing. She was cast out for lying about her gift, despite all of the good that she had done for the Republic and many of the worlds within it. And no one had even thought to check on her. Only those from outside Governments reached out and offered her places to stay and work. Yet despite no longer being employed by the Republic, she still felt herself to be one of it's citizens. If they needed her, she would answer their call. But for now there was no need. Maybe there never will be.

Tugoro's second question pulled her out of her thoughts. "Barrier technique? No, I'm sorry, I haven't. Is it some type of shielding ability?"
Tugoro's brow would arch as he analysed [member="Lady Kay"]'s reaction, a wry smirk lining his face as he continued to walk forward. It seemed he had struck a chord, something he was particularly good at it seemed. He always did it, especially unintentionally. He wasn't PC at all, and what little social norms he knew he had learned on the streets of places like Nar Shaddaa, and Tatooine. Not the greatest influence. Even so, the young Jedi liked to think he always had good intentions, justified by the years of experience he had dealing with those he saw unjust.

He didn't really care if the Republic wanted to create a new Force User sect, but he wasn't about to join it's ranks. If they needed him, he'd answer the call. He had always been loyal to the Republic, even if the Jedi had left. "It's sort of like telekinesis, but pure force energy," the Knight began, finding it wise to drop the previous topic for now. "It appears it different ways, but has the same effect. It's a strictly defensive technique that can absorb many physical and energy based attacks." Tugoro concluded, his arm reaching out to have his hand press again the door console on the wall.

Stepping into the training room, the Jedi noted all of the equipment present to aid those in their training. It was impressive, no doubt anyone that attended he would be well off. Though, how many notable students were being produced nowadays? A disappointed exhale would escape the young man's lips briefly, before he caught himself and turned to the woman.

"As you would with telekinesis, reach out and harness the force. Don't alter it though, bend it in its purest form. Start small, around your palm, and expand it gradually." Tugoro instructed, as he closed his eyes and began to focus. With his mind he would manipulate the force energy present within and around him, controlling it and streaming it along his arm. It would gather around his palm eventually, expanding as a nearly see through shield.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay caught the exhale as they entered the training room, before [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] caught himself. Was she perhaps wasting his time? No, that couldn't be it. He would have not agreed to teach her if he felt that it was wasteful. There was something else on his mind. But there was no time to think about it at the moment. She had other things to worry about., like paying attention to her lesson.

As Tugoro demonstrated the barrier technique in a small form, she studied it and quickly worked on if it was similar to anything else that she had been taught already. Indeed it was. The barrier technique was similar in application as hiding her Force signature was, only it was in reverse. Speaking of hiding her Force signature, she released it, allowing it to be felt. She wasn't the strongest by any means, maybe about average, though her influence was rather strong. Of course she had no idea about it as the influence always worked through her subconscious. It drew both good and bad people to her, though she usually figured people were drawn to her because of her personality, or maybe her former position in government.

Kay closed her eyes and held out her left hand. She tapped into the Force, much like she would do when she was healing someone or hiding herself, only instead of extending the Force inwards, she let it flow out an inch from her skin. As it collected towards her outstretched hand, she pictured it's particles stabilizing and connecting into a solid form just above her palm. She opened one of her eyes to take a peek and see if her efforts were working....
[member="Lady Kay"] was doing just fine, as he had expected. It was strange however, for he had suddenly felt her force energy surge, as if it had been hidden. He wondered why she would do such a thing. It wasn't like her influence effected him either way, thanks to his bloodline, so he didn't even notice it. The barrier she crafted stabilized around her hand, and could be expanded at will if need be.

Tugoro nodded as he watched, lifting both of his arms and holding them towards the woman before him. "It can also be projected forward, and increased in size," the Jedi spoke, allowing his own force energy to rapidly flow through his body, concentrating in his arms and streaming out from his hands. The larger barrier would form in front of the Knight, shimmering only slightly in the light of the training room.

"If focused enough, it can even block sound based attacks. We'll focus on energy for now." He said, waiting for her to expand the barrier she had formed. His own would dissolve, the force energy returning to the surroundings. The young man was smiling now, he had forgotten how fun it was to teach sometimes.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay opened both of her eyes while [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] spoke. She was a little pleased with herself that her effort had worked. She could barely see the shield, but she knew that it was there. She could feel it.

She stepped back a bit as Tugoro raised his arms and extended them, creating a much larger shield. His words were well noted and she looked to the small shield that she had created before closing her eyes once more and copying his movements. Kay expanded it, drawing from the Force that flowed through her entire body, instead of just her hands. However instead of it just forming a barrier in front of her, she chose to have it surround her. She was often caught by surprise with attacks coming at her from behind and she felt the need to try to protect herself in case it happened again.

Sound based attacks? She'll have to ask him about it later. For now she had to concentrate. Once more Kay opened one of her eyes to take a peek and see if it worked. It was one thing to produce a shield and another to make it strong.
Tugoro laughed briefly, as he watched [member="Lady Kay"] take the barrier technique a step further. It increased in size and was held in place by her concentration and control over the force. She definitely wasn't just some trainee, that much was apparent. The Jedi had intended to move onto the largest form of the barrier technique eventually, though he didn't mind that the woman had done so herself. It showed her potential, at the very least.

"Well done. Now focus your mind, and hold the barrier steady. Strengthen it, and prepare for impact." The Knight spoke, lifting an arm that had previously been raised. Tugoro himself would begin to focus, his vision narrowing as he examined the barrier that Kay had created. It was firm, and he definitely wasn't going to hit it with his full power.

He was tempted to display his emerald lightning, though thought better of it. There was no need. Instead, he concentrated his force energy into his palm, harnessing it and expelling it forward as a push. It travelled across the room, would collide with the woman's barrier. If she had gotten the hang of it, then there would be nothing to worry about.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay opened both of her eyes as [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] laughed. Did it not work? No, the barrier was still there. Good. She did her best to keep it reinforced. However when he told her to brace herself, she could feel her confidence wanting to waiver. Here she was using her ability so boldly and strongly and she had been afraid to do so for a very long time. She was safe here, wasn't she?

A deep breath was taken and let out. She had to forget her fear, had to let it go. Right now she needed to protect herself from what was coming. Quickly Kay closed her eyes tight as Tugaro extended his arm and let forth his push. She focused her own Force energies to the front of her barrier, where she expected the wave to hit. And hit it did. She felt the rush of it as it slammed against her barrier, causing her to jump a little as she expected it to hit her. And it did. Kay stumbled backwards off balance, nearly falling over, but she regained her footing. At least it wasn't a powerful Force push.

"Again, if you please..." She kept her eyes closed, not only to shut out her disbelief, but to shut out any doubts as well. Forget the past and only concentrate on the present. That's what Kay needed to do right now.
Tugoro could feel [member="Lady Kay"]'s confidence wavering, but he knew that she would be fine. The woman had shown a considerable degree of skill, and as his force push slammed into her barrier, she only stumbled back a few steps. "Your barrier is spread wide. While it can be strong, it will weaken against concentrated attacks." The Knight reminded, having not yet been ready to move to this step of the training.

Though, he would turn and step towards a console, pressing a button that caused a hatch in the ceiling to open. Five remote droids would lower down, hovering and circling around Kay's position as she held her barrier. She knew what to do, and he could tell as he watched her eyes close slowly.

The training droids would begin to shoot stinging yellow blaster bolts forward at the ex-politician, barraging her barrier with energy that would be absorbed at first. It would be straining on the mind, though if she kept it up for long enough the droids would stop.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Her barrier was spread wide. She always had to worry about sneak attacks. But maybe if she made herself smaller, that could help decrease the size of the barrier that protected her. Seemed like a good idea.

As [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] sent the training droids to hover around her, Kay crouched down. She focused on her barrier, no longer needing it to reach as high as it did. She could hear the mechanics of droids, so it was easier to pinpoint their locations.

Then they started firing at her. She kept her eyes shut, kept her focus, recalling almost the same type of exercise that Lord Mythos had gotten her to do. But they wouldn't stop. They just kept going. Kay started to sweat as she was exerting herself. Two bolts made it through her barrier as her concentration began to falter, causing her to jump a bit. No time to heal herself from the stinging just yet. She had to bolster her defences up further, imagining her barrier forming a brick wall around her, knowing that at some point the onslaught would end.
The floating remote droids would continue to rotate around [member="Lady Kay"]'s position, rapidly firing their low power blaster bolts upon her position. They would impact the force barrier she had created, causing the energy bolts to disappear as they were absorbed. This went on for a few more minutes, the droids making sure to pepper the entirety of the invisible shield. Suddenly however, they would stop, flying upwards to the ceiling and back into the hatch they had come from.

Kay had been able to endure the time limit Tugoro had set, and now she would be allowed a brief moment to rest. "Well done," the young man remarked, taking a step away from the computer console he had stood at, as he advanced on the woman. 'What else do you wish to learn?" Tugoro questioned, curious as to what she sought.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay remained crouched down, eyes still shut, her brow furrowed in concentration, even after the droids had left. It wasn't until after [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] spoke and approached her that she opened her eyes and let herself sit on the floor. She wiped her forehead with her sleeve, then looked up at him. "Thanks. I'll have to practice that more, so that I don't get so winded from it."

She slowly got to her feet, not wanting to move too quickly or she'd end up getting dizzy. "How could I stop someone from attacking my mind?" She knew of Sith that did such things, and created false illusions.
Tugoro had never actually experienced mental based force attacks in his career, despite going up against Sith Knights and Lords even as a foolish padawan. Even so, he knew how to defend against them, and also had some training in telepathy that would be useful as well. Watching [member="Lady Kay"] stand up, the young Jedi would laugh as he himself sat down, crossing his legs as he tried to get comfortable on the floor.

His eyes would close as he began to concentrate, focusing his force energy and sharpening it for what was to come. "Sit down. Telepathy can be used to attack another's mind, so it's important to have a basic understanding of it," the Knight began, as he started to project his thoughts forward through the force.

"You must open your mind to the force, and form a channel with your target. Then you can send or receive messages, or invade your targets mind. I recommend that for only the most dire of situations," Tugoro spoke, before attempting to form a connection with Kay's mind, in order to begin their telepathy training. If he was successful in doing so, that meant Kay had been as well.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay smirked a little as [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] had her sit back down. So she did, sitting cross legged and getting herself comfortable. She was still a bit tired, but closed her eyes and opened herself up to the Force. She calmed her breathing and steadied her heart so that they wouldn't be a distraction. She had no need to invade anyone's mind, at least not yet. However she wanted to protect herself from others. There were parts of her past that she didn't want others to use against her. And she didn't want to fall victim to illusions either.

There was a powerful Sith Lord that spied on her a lot and she didn't want him to know that she was here getting this training. It was best if he thought her to be weak.

"I'm ready..."
Through the force, Tugoro was certain that [member="Lady Kay"] was ready to begin. Her breathing had calmed, and so her mind had as well. Now, he began to focus on projecting his thoughts onto Kay, letting the force between them form it's connection slowly but surely. He wasn't sure of what to send her telepathically, though if she wanted to learn how to protect herself from the Sith then it should be something related.

"I'm going to send an image of one of my old enemies, a Sith taught by one known as Ferus," Tugoro began, remembering how he had seen the man briefly on Tatooine. "You must push the thought from your mind, and solidify your willpower." He instructed, as he imagined the Zabrak Knight, who possessed grotesque cybernetics and a crimson lightsaber. He was menacing in sight, though far more intelligent than he was brute like. Kay wouldn't know this of course, and now it was her job to strengthen her thought shield.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
At the mention of Ferus, she clenched her jaw. There were things about him that she was not allowed to say. He had spies everywhere, yet she hoped that their reach didn't extend to this enclave.

And then she saw the image that [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] was sending, a Zabrak unlike any that she had seen. How was she to push it away? Then an idea struck her. She imagined a brick wall quickly building up between them. All of her thoughts were on the brick wall, every detail, every imperfection in different bricks, even how some were a little less deep in colour than the others. A brick wall. That was the only thing that she needed to see or think about.
With his eyes still closed, Tugoro would continue to push his thoughts upon [member="Lady Kay"], though doing so in a manner that would not be painful. Straining on the mind, at least. There was not much protection at first, and so the young Jedi had little difficultly noticing her peculiar reaction to his mentioning of Ferus. Did she know something about the man? He would have to ask her later, unless she was a spy. Pft, as if.

After a few moments had gone by in silence, the woman's thought shield would begin to solidify, her imagination and control over the force bringing it to life. Finally meeting resistance, Tugoro would back off, relaxing his projection of energy and exhaling quietly through his nose. The young man would now open his eyes, giving Kay an affirmative nod before he spoke.

"Now you can take this knowledge, and develop it on your own. There are many ways these abilities can be utilized, though we rarely understand them instantly," Tugoro said, thinking of the several force power variations as he stood to his feet. "Interested in any other abilities?" He questioned the woman, recalling her display of concealment earlier. Maybe she could teach him, if she wanted.

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