Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tear in the Fade

In Umbris Potestas Est
"Calm down... Calm down..." She sensed something, something particularly unusual. The urge of self-destruction seemed to only grow. Vanessa/Taiko seemed to become ever more aggressive, And Circe figured that, unfortunately, there was only one way for her to respond to this. And so, with very little thought tossed into her actions, she grabbed Vanessa by the shoulders, held her tight... and kissed her. Angrily. Until she settled down. WHen she did, Circe pulled back.

"There... Now calm the hell down, okay?"

@[member="Vanessa Nacht Seele"]
Before I could do anything to further damage myself, Circe came forward, placing her hands on my shoulders. The kiss jolted me out of my panic, and I tried to relax. Somehow the crying stopped. Likely due to this the lass pulled away and spoke again. Part of me wanted to slap myself for breaking down, but part of me knew that it wouldn't be taken well. Instead I just looked up at Circe, trying to find the courage to thank her.
"I'm sorry... I... I just... I want to go home. But this place is my home, apparently... It doesn't feel like it though..." I was quiet. My voice came out in a stutter so bad it would make a speech therapist cry. I didn't realize it, but my fingers were gently tracing the scars on my left arm, running over the slightly raised skin like the marks meant nothing.
@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Vanessa..." She sighed. "As someone who's personally experienced death before, I can tell you that it isn't worth it. Your spirit isn't going to go back to the dreamland, no. It's going to go to Chaos, a very unfun place." She paused, remembering what little she could of her time in hell itself. "It's... Not worth committing suicide or self-harm over. Okay? You may consider yourself shipwrecked in this galaxy. You aren't returning to the dream realm except in your dreams."

If she even had dreams...

@[member="Vanessa Nacht Seele"]
Circe had experienced death? And yet she was still alive? Or had she been reborn? It all sounded confusing to me... Yet the message still got across. I wasn't going back home. Ever. Only memories are going to remain. Honestly I'm not yet sure how I feel about that. At least the urge to tear upon my skin and free my soul has left. "I'm sorry... I guess you're my home now, however odd that may sound..." I mumbled. Standing up (and ignoring the fact that I was still unclothed) I hugged her, quietly placing my face in the croon of the neck.
@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
Circe smiled, patting Vanessa on the back as she embraced the Vinithi woman. "There there... Just relax. You'll love it here. You have me, after all." She sighed. "Did Vanessa ever have a mother in the dream world?" She wanted to see precisely how the entity known as Vanessa would react now that she understood her existence was a dream.

A very real dream.

@[member="Vanessa Nacht Seele"]
Now my one true hope is that I shall love this land as much as I love that chair- I mean, as much as I cared for the dream world. And Circe was right. I had her. Sure, I didn't know much about the lass yet. But I would soon. Giving her one last squeeze I pulled back, wanting to speak to her face and not her back. "No, it was just my father and me. Eventually he passed and I took over. I'm assuming that my dream self died, as the last thing I remember is being attacked by a sorcerer- er, force user." I answered, attempting to get used to this land's lingo and slang. Not exactly an easy thing.
@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"So you never had a mother..." She frowned, giving a soft sigh. "I'm willing to take it upon myself to be your mother. Give you the love and adoration that you've never had... Well, never as Vanessa, that is." She sighed. "It's unfortunate. But maybe the reason you didn't have a mother in the dream realm was because you know you were eventually going to encounter me."

Wild hypothesis, but there were no solid facts on Circe's side.

@[member="Vanessa Nacht Seele"]
Wait, what? Ten seconds ago she was kissing me, and now she's volunteering to be the mother figure in my life. That and the fact that I'm twenty two. It's a little late to have a mum. Plus, I've made it this far in this world without any parents. Sure, I had the orphanage, but I didn't really care for many there. Apparently. "I am going to need therapy? After all, my 'mother' did kiss me not long ago." My voice dripped sarcasm. Figuratively, of course. "You don't have to, really. Tai'ko-, well, I- didn't have parents either. I grew up in a home for kids who didn't have one. All I could use is a friend or two."
@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Oh shut up and snuggle with me." Smiling, Circe took her arms and wrapped them around Vanessa. Her clothes became exceptionally soft and fuzzy as they wrapped around the lighter-skinned woman, embracing her with a warm fervor she had likely never experienced in her entire life.

"Do you enjoy the softness and fuzziness, Vanessa?"

@[member="Vanessa Nacht Seele"]
Snuggling? I could do that. Holding the lass close I wrapped my arms around her waist, smiling into her neck. Her garments were soft, warm, and smelled delightful. Compared to hers, my garments were rags. They might as well be, what with the asylum's low funds and all. It's actually sad how little people seem to care about the insane and disabled. We aren't any use to them, so why would they bother with us? Even Circe seems to want something out of our relationship. She's just better at hiding it then the others.
"Very much so. I could stand here all day... I will, if you ask me to." That was my less then subtle way of expressing my comfort and happiness. After all, you can't write subtlety without giant flaming letters. Sarcasm.
@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"You like the snuggles, don't you..." Circe gave a grin as she continued to embrace the madwoman. "You may not be an Empress. You may not even technically be a person, so far as records go. But you're someone I don't want to see get locked away in a madhouse for the rest of your natural existence. No one should be so alone in the world. No wonder you wanted to commit suicide."

THe snuggles were hopefully making the woman feel better.

@[member="Vanessa Nacht Seele"]
"Cuddling is great. Especially when you can feel the other person's heartbeat. It's a nice way to get you to remember you're not alone, and that someone cares... Thank you, again," I said, lifting my head from her neck for a moment. Slowly I snuggled closer, leaving no room between her clothes and my body. She radiated warmth, and I was reminded of sitting by the fireplace with my sister back home. It was nice.
@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"I don't technically have a heartbeat, though. Kind of a plant, you know..." She chuckled, continuing to snuggle the woman, almost cocooning her in the fuzziness of her clothes. "Tell you what - I'll go get myself some new clothes. You continue to enjoy the fuzziness of these duds. Alright?" Before she even began to answer, Circe was already starting to remove her clothes, preparing to get something more comfortable on.

Maybe ice clothes. Ice clothes sounded cool.

@[member="Vanessa Nacht Seele"]
Whelp, that was news. Miss Savan was a sentient plant? Reality seems stranger then fiction these days. Especially with this lass. Not that it bothered me. Quite the contrary. It simply made her more fun to be around. "No heartbeat? Well, cuddling is still enjoyable." I said, smile growing. Of course, I wasn't prepared for what was said next. A blush raged over my features, and I tried to stop myself from letting my gaze drift.
I failed.
My eyesight wandered, stopping at certain points to stare. Yeah, Circe is hawt. Once the last article of the fuzzy clothing was removed I quietly took them, enjoying the soft fabric even more. "Sounds like a plan." With that I started to get dressed, still blushing like mad.
@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Like what you see?" She smirked, letting the sexual tension grow even more tense as she stepped away, bending over and grabbing herself a form-fitting black bodysuit that she quickly put on. "That's nice... really shows off my best features, don't you think?" She grinned, posing for Vanessa, trying as hard as she could to intentionally fluster the mentally addled girl in an attempt to gain control.

This would be good.

@[member="Vanessa Nacht Seele"]
Oh my dear lord. She had to be doing this on purpose and oh my god how do I not have a nosebleed yet?!? Circe Savan had a flawless body. I was both intrigued and jealous. Though mostly suddenly insecure, and very, very glad I was wearing clothes again. Of course, there was the nagging urge to tear them off and pin my companion to the nearest wall before doing a series of... semi-inappropriate things to her. However, I am a gentleman. I will do no such thing- today, at least. For now I just blush extremely hard.
"Yes, yes it does. Very much indeed..."
My voice trailed off as my eyes wandered.
@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
Smirking, she stepped over to Vanessa, running a finger underneath her chin. "So, Vanessa... Tell me the tuth. What are you thinking of right now?" She gave a soft smirk, chuckling at the fact that Vanessa was clearly distracted and utterly enamored. "That's right, darling... Whose spell are you under, Vanessa? Or are you Taiko now? Or has your mind been cleared to see the truth?"

This was a lot of fun.

@[member="Vanessa Nacht Seele"]
W-what th-he he-hell? Even my thoughts are coming out in st-stutters! "The truth?" I asked, gulping slowly as I looked at her. God she's attractive. Manning up (called 'growing a pair' in some cultures) I stopped my stuttering and faced Circe, keeping as calm as possible. "You, my friend, are extremely pleasing to the eye. And I'm afraid it's rather... difficult to, how to put it? Control myself around you. Understandable, of course. You're the first woman this beautiful I've seen since being locked up. Hell, no one before even came close to... to this," I added, gesturing to her at the end.
@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"It's what I do, darling. My beauty enraptures people who fall and do my whims. Would you like to be one of the people who obey me because my charm has captivated you?" She smirked, kissing her finger and gently pressing it to Vanessa's cheek.

"It can't be that bad after all..."
It was hard not to kiss her. Hard to ignore the urges and resist pulling her close... But somehow I'm managing for the time being. "You rescued me from that place. I hardly need another reason to do your bidding... But of course, this really just strengthens my reasons to assist you. My oh my, you thought this out, didn't you? Save the poor girl, make her trust you, and use your looks to fully put her under your spell. Makes sense, though if you only want me around to do work for you... It might... sadden me, just a little." Just a tiddly bit. But enough to make me question my willingness to serve her. Though that hadn't been tested.
I was yet to see how far I would go for her.
@[member="Circe Savan"]

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