Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Tears of Gold | CIS


Vuul's response was simple. Perhaps this measure did require the forethought of separation, but both were ultimately positive factors for the Confederacy. And moreover, Vuul had faith in this Vicelord. He may not know the man as well as he would have liked, but he knew Kyyrk Kyyrk . And he knew that his nephew would follow the Vicelord into the belly of hell itself without a seconds thought nor hesitation.

He had faith that there would be plans in place already, if not discussed publicly prior to the execution of the vote. He saw nothing to lose.

The Pact stands together. Vylmira will vote in favor of this bill.


Fear. Egos.

They were the two main factors when it came to the posturing that she saw presented before her. Chocolate brown eyes watched as the room around her pushed hard and fast. Nadia and Nala sat behind her, but both essentially covered her from any physical attacks. However, Raven knew that the worst attack to expect within this room were the verbal ones and her gaze watched each member with a quiet reserve. The woman was a watcher and some might say, a guardian of her own thoughts.

Bastille stood out the most and reminded her of a snake in the tall grass as his words reflected that of his own personal interests. Daegon spoke as well, but his words held more weight, as his agenda seemed more in line with a simple demand for more information. Indeed barring that of Bastille’s opinions; the vampiress could see the valid points on either side. Yet, although she knew what her vote would be the moment that the bill was presented before them, the woman wanted to hear both sides of the arguments in detail. Nothing was more important than to know that a decision wasn’t rushed into and was fleshed out through debates presented by her fellow Viceroyalty. At times, she could feel a slither of doubt about her vote, due to the opposition presenting such a valid point and at other times, the woman felt firm in her vote.

Posturing was the natural order of things within the Viceroyalty and although some of it was presented and driven by personal interests and at times fear, she at least could tell that the discussion might go somewhere. Might which had been the operating word, as the Viceroy of Illyria pushed for a vote and rushed all of those present into a bill which could be viewed by all of those outside of CIS, as a rushed and careless decision. Raven was curious as to when Raphael had been made Viceroy and although she held a small fondness for the man; she couldn’t say that she agreed with the push for a vote. Silence ruled over the woman as she leaned back and felt the tension of her bodyguards behind her. Indeed. The vampiress rarely rushed into anything and being that she acted out of caution for a planet that didn’t embrace sudden change without a slow introduction, she had to take pause for a moment.

Was it too sudden for a vote? Raven slowly closed her eyes as her face did not betray a single emotion or thought that travelled within. The CIS First was a sudden and rushed move. The debate was short and failed to flesh out a full understanding to outsiders. Was this short debate a repeat of that? Would the lack of attention to the possible outcomes, see that the Confederacy finally feel the lash of consequences that they had miraculously managed to dodge when CIS First had come about? It all felt rushed and while good arguments had been presented, the woman felt that it was too soon to make a decision. Especially considering the lack of detail that had been presented before them. Yet. Was that somehow the point? To rush the Viceroyalty into a decision so then the wool could be pulled over their eyes without proper deliberation? Was the point of rushing their decision a way to slip a detail in without their knowledge? Was deception in the air?

Raven opened her eyes as she looked down at the datapad in her lap and glanced over the presented bill once more. Would they be accused of rushing once more and finally see the grumblings of other factions move in to try and do what The Agents of Chaos had failed to do? Would other factions claim that they would try to liberate planets from the Confederacy’s isolationist tyranny? Tyranny that rushed and deceived its own Viceroyalty? Did she want to abstain from making a vote? She wasn’t about to vote no and would rather abstain, but voting yes seemed like a logical choice as that was where her mind rested. Yet she hesitated, because the debate had been cut short.

In the end, while the vampiress would have liked to have voted yes for the Bill, she abstained from the vote instead; as she would have preferred to not be pushed into a vote that was clearly rushed.


Elsasca Selcoc

TAG: Bastille Rommer Bastille Rommer | Hester Shedo Hester Shedo | Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Vuul | Daegon Corvinus Daegon Corvinus | Draconis Sederius Wolf Draconis Sederius Wolf | Agravain | Adron Malvern Adron Malvern | Teac Sadru | Vanir Eris Vanir Eris | Raphael Boucher | Starla Morello | Raven Thystle Raven Thystle | Darth Metus Darth Metus

So be it.

The Queen of Linuri's ice cold gaze scanned the room before it fell on the terminal in front of her. She had made her thoughts known. The imbalance this bill will cause, irked her - the almost forceful rush to get it past the Viceroyalty. She would not stand for it.

So she did not have to think twice about her vote. Her fingers found the poll button quickly enough to cast it.





Agravain understood the concerns.

Thus far, the largest opposing argument - Bastille aside - was that the legislation seemed rushed. Or that the legislation had no business marrying the two concepts together. For the Overliege of Ukio, it seemed as though the initial portion of the bill was common sense legislation. Though the nation would do its absolute best to prevent any repeat insurrections or threats to planetary security, having a plan in place and extra defenses was standard. If anything, Agravain was remiss that such a thing even needed the approval of the Viceroyalty. He would not have raised a single eyebrow if the Confederate Armed Forces partnered with the local planets to exercise this plan in of themselves. Thus, as far as he was concerned, the Fortress Worlds portion of the HERO Act was just fine.

The "controversial" article, being the establishment of the Federal Credit, spoke of the spirit of the Confederacy's identity. They were not a Republic. They were Independent. And thus, to beholden the future of their worlds and their prosperity to the whims of others beyond their borders made no sense to Agravain. Beyond this, as the Galaxy's largest nation, they had the means and ability to leverage more so than their peers. Overall, the Overliege did not see any harm in the implementation.

The cherry on top was the direction of Abrion. The decision had been made and the worlds would act as one. Without a word uttered aloud, Agravain cast his vote. Ukio voted Yay.


Hester remained cool and calm in her duty. She voted YAY, her dedication to the Pact, the Party and to the people of Scarif on her mind. She glanced around her, looking for the Vicelord himself. She smiled. He really was brilliant.
Equipment: Formal Attire, and a can do attitude

Tags: Vuul Bastille Rommer Bastille Rommer Darth Metus Darth Metus Hester Shedo Hester Shedo Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Starla Morello Agravain

Draconis would hear the final arguments past his own. He would sit as several people remained firm in not supporting the legislature because of the fact that a defense bill was a part of it. How could they not see it? The reasoning that both bills were presented as one and the same legislation was that one was not at all a debate, it would be foolish to deny on its own. Which meant the main point of contention for people was that they were unsure of the effects of the CIS creating it's own credit. To put it simply.

They were afraid of the people outside the Confederacy's borders reaction.

And while it may have been a valid concern to some, to Draconis it meant nothing. Because either those outside of the Confederacy would see it for what this truly was, a safe guard to protect the people of the Confederacy. Or they had no true good intentions towards the CIS, and therefore at best should be treated with guarded caution, if not outright an enemy of the state. The amount of power the banks controlling the galactic credit, and therefore the amount of control they had regarding especially this, with no guarantee to act with the CIS's best interests at heart was unacceptable. Draconis had read the threats, he'd had to prepare his own system for the very threats of privateering, calls for invasion, and other acts of state and privately sponsored aggression towards the CIS and her people since the announcement of Confederacy First. These people were animals, snakes in the grass who once you stopped looking out for them first and yourself second, called you an evil on galactic society. An Empire. And if that was to be the opinions of these so called allies, these self proclaimed "righteous actors" who proclaimed they had equally returned the generosity of the CIS while quietly lining their pockets with all of the credits they practically stole from CIS citizens to build up their own governments and sectors. If this act would be the straw that supposedly "broke the Bantha's back", because the Confederacy was finally doing what it should have been for some time.

Then so be it.

Draconis would not sit idly by as the rest of the galaxy held his people at blaster point. Wielding a giant axe over their heads that spoke to them all, "We can ruin you if you don't play by our rules,". Their pettiness to construct an entire new hyperlane just to circumvent the CIS was proof enough of this. Just so they could thumb their nose at the Confederacy as a whole to let them know how beneath them the CIS was. Draconis wouldn't, nay, he could not sit idly by as his oath to his people beckoned him. He must protect them. He must protect them all, regardless of the other misguided Viceroy's cries that this may lead to more struggles outside of their borders. Were they not already struggling? Were they not already dealing with a loaded olive branch being offered their way? An olive branch that to Draconis seemed like they were offering peace on one hand, and putting a gun to their head with the other. Surric was a border world, a system that was currently on the border between the rest of the CIS and Core, which the GA sought to "unite" either by the pen-

Or by the sword.

Draconis would stand as he would proclaim loudly to the rest of those gathered here, barely waiting for the speaker to acknowledge him.

"Brothers and Sisters of our glorious Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Surric System votes aye to this proposal. And I would congratulate those who agreed for their foresight, while also beseeching those who voted nay to reconsider their stance. It is our solemn duty to represent and serve our citizens best we can, and without guaranteeing our financial security from outside actors who may, or more likely, may not have our people's best interests at heart. I must apologize to you for taking a stance not in line with yours, but I cannot serve my people as a Viceroy-elect, and allow this threat to go unanswered. And until an alternative has been presented I must support this, and plead with you to do the same. For if we cannot guarantee our people's financial security, then we are no better than slaves to those who decide that their interests will come before ours,"

Draconis would pause as he bowed in apology for not only the outburst, but surely the anger he'd inspire in his fellow Viceroyalty for his words. For a few moments he would keep his head low, and then stand back up, press the "Yay" button, donning his coat and preparing to leave.

"And I must be off, as my system calls and I must oversee the final stages of Surric's recovery and restoration. I offer an invitation to all present to admire the beauty and majesty of our worlds, as we are nearly there. I do not leave out of disrespect for those gathered, but because I can do more for my people there than I can here. And if my words have not swayed you yet, I fear they may never. I pray for your good health, and may the force be with you,"

With that Draconis would turn and leave through the double doors, his aides would wait until they were outside to start feeding him information. He was so dreadfully busy these days. They all were. He was sure that he'd get an angry message or two for leaving like this, but his people needed him more there now. He'd done his duty to the Viceroyalty and his Vicelord. He'd spoken for his people, and made their voices heard. He'd done his absolute best to represent their needs and do what he could to protect them. If his fellow Viceroys took issue with him not sitting and squabbling like Drexl over a piece of meat, that was their problem. He would not entertain those who sought to glorify themselves, or be so petty as to turn small issues into mountains because they felt slighted. He was a military man. Born on Surric and forged in the heart of the CDF through all of the wars, campaigns and battles he'd been in. That's what this felt like to him. That the CIS were now in a cold war with the rest of the galaxy because the galaxy decided they were more important than the CIS. That what rightfully belong to the Confederacy and her people was in fact theirs for the taking, and that his people should be their slaves to let them all live like fat cats. He despised them for these invented stories, these exaggerated slights that drove them to such lengths to paint the CIS as evil. That many even saw the acts committed by the Agents of Chaos, not as acts of terrorism and mass suffering, but as the acts of a heroic freedom fighter. And they had slaughtered thousands in their campaign. Sacrificed even more of their own by using their own civilians as literal living shields. He'd been on the ground for the attacks. He'd begged them to stop to help save the civilians when they threatened catastrophe and they'd responded by killing more. He would not suffer the outside galaxy's insolence any longer. When the rest of the galaxy needed the CIS, they had come running. Bringing everything they had. When the CIS called for aid, no one answered. Not one of them lifted a finger. Not when the terrorists started using CIS civilians as a punchline to their own sick joke. Not when over 200 of the finest men and women the Galaxy might ever know were forced to sacrifice themselves to stop a madman from glassing a planet's surface.

Not a single word was uttered to help.

So now, Draconis cared no longer what the rest of the galaxy thought. Because their actions had spoken much louder than words ever could. And their actions had demonstrated that the CIS and her people could burn for all they cared. So it was no longer if they would turn their guns on him and his people. It was when. And the Surric System would be ready, even if the rest of his colleagues were not. Surric would stand proudly, prepared to face this onslaught when it came. Surric would demonstrate the sleeping giant had been awoken, and its vengeful wrath on those who would dare try to harm it.

Word Count: 1438
TCW: 1438

Raphael Boucher




Of course, Raphael had little doubt that the vote would pass. It was one that the Office of the Viceroyalty had placed a great deal of faith and thought into. While Raphael's post essentially kept his duties to votes such as these, he did have a fledgling interest for the greater Confederacy and hoped to see it's growth in prosperity. Raphael selected his vote and with that took hold of the cup of water he'd been drinking from. He silently raised it to himself before speaking. "A la Confédération." He spoke in High Illyrian before taking a sip of his drink.



TAG: Adron Malvern Adron Malvern , Hester Shedo Hester Shedo , Raphael Boucher, Draconis Sederius Wolf Draconis Sederius Wolf , Daegon Corvinus Daegon Corvinus , Bastille Rommer Bastille Rommer , Teac Sadru, Raven Thystle Raven Thystle , Elsasca Selcoc, Starla Morello, Vuul

After a brief deliberation, the time for casting votes had commenced. The primary point of contention regarding the Joint Resolution seemed to be the marriage of two concepts. Yet, as the chime of votes being entered sounded upon the Speaker's datapad, the results spoke for themselves. The legislation, being that it was not an amendment to the Charter, only required 51% of the Viceroyalty to approve.

Xorrn voted Yea.
Ra'Katha voted Nay.
Vylmira voted Yea.
Felacat abstained.
Thyferra voted Nay.
Linuri voted Nay.
Arbra voted Nay.
Ukio voted Yay.
Scarif voted Yay.
Kamino voted Yay.
Surric voted Yay.
Illyria voted Yay.

The remainder of the Southern Systems voted followed suit. It was by a slim margin of only 58%, yet the legislation passed. Of the two halves of the bill, the first section was one that could be undertaken immediately. In short order, the Confederate Armed Forces would begin their coordinative efforts with the various sectors. Fortress Worlds would be chosen and routes for evacuation established. The undertaking, being the brainchild of the Exarch, would take place under the supervision of Adron Malvern Adron Malvern .

As far as the implantation of the Federal Credit went, the process would be slower. Coordination with the Ministry of Commerce would occur to ensure a smooth transition to the new currency. Nuances would be sorted out in subsequent committee meetings. Yet, before long, each pocket in the Southern Systems would jingle with a new form of currency. So it was that the ideals of placing the Confederacy First continued to persist within the hallowed chambers of the Viceroyalty.



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