Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Technologic | SO Invasion of GA Held Woostri - Objective Three


//: Woostri, Data Center //:
//: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons //: Eira Dyn Eira Dyn //: Colette Colette //: Ko Vuto Ko Vuto //: Srina Talon Srina Talon //: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr //:
//: Attire //:

The power surged within her; every ounce of their pain fueled the woman. Her soul drank the darkness, becoming the twisted being they had wanted her to finally become. Shadows consumed her corrupted soul, ripping the essence around it. Finally, they were freed after so long. The dread masters had not seen the living world since their first dominance had taken them within herself and forced them to create a living world within the mind. They fought in this warped world against the Mother of Monsters; they could smell her essence, and their horrid screams called to her.

Quinn hovered proudly, watching her Mother's creations crack through the sky, piercing through the chest of the horrid Jedi. Her grin twisted with the depravity of joy seeing him bleed. She remembered the feeling of the warm ichor pouring from the torn flesh of the other Jedi. It was a beautiful sonnet, the horrors that sang for destruction. She never felt this free, having every limitation her mind held together melted away. It was a tempting power to keep, to mend and mold it to her will. Their horrid lullaby sang through the Force, and the terrible nightmares of chaos spread.

Eira. Her mind called out to the acolyte; she had felt the woman's doubt. Through their connection, she would feel emboldened by the darkness her Master had become. A dark beacon to whomever needed guidance.

<<Kill them, Kill them all, teach them to fear you, my apprentice>>

Tilting her head, something called to her and reached out through the Force. It wasn't the mind of a Jedi, but it reeked of the Light. Quinn raised a brow, and as the touch was familiar, it was him. She exhaled softly, and the Raven would feel her warmth caress his cheeks; the familiar scent of rose and honey would cloud his senses as her touch would thread through his hair, feeling deep within his mind. She didn't dare look; no, she only protected. Her will and darkness would sew the fragmented pieces, drawing forth the images of Light from him. Black shadows consumed the artificial memories of a life that would never be.

As quickly as her presence had washed over him, it faded.

Her attention was drawn back to the reality before her; the bond, the connection that she fostered and cherished, was suddenly gone. Kaila, she whispered. Her breathing ragged as panic settled in; why didn't she feel her? Did her distraction help Malum keep her from seeing what was happening below? Kaila! She shouted for her through the Force. Where had she gone? Quinn looked behind her; the water suddenly glowed, its cursed warmth began to rise, and she knew the righteous flame of the Light. The Jedi had done this; they had taken something they couldn't touch. Her mind searched, finally touching again the woman's mind. Their bond strengthened again as she let the woman feel the complete connection to her, allowing her to feed on whatever darkness and Force potential she wanted. Quinn gave her entire being to her Knight.

Her attention now returned to the Jedi.

They took her home many times and have tried to take Kaila. "I told you not to touch what MINE is." The Force shook with her rage; the storm howled around her as more lightning poured from the sky. Her eyes settled on the brunette, the one that she had stabbed. At first, Quinn had wanted the woman to just suffer - now she wanted her life. Everything that was the Jedi would be hers; she would take until there was nothing more.

Deep in her belly, a hunger screamed, crawling as she dove from the sky. Her target was the woman who had harmed her lover. Quinn was fast, fueled by the rage and the dark side of the Force. A hand reached, and like Colette before, the Echani grasped the fragile neck of the Jedi. Instead of straddling her hips, Quinn dug her knees into the shoulders of the woman as her hands tightened around her neck till her knuckles were white. Hatred and pain etched on her face as she looked down at the Jedi under her.

Something began as Quinn hunched over the creatine's figure. Dark whispers poured from her lips as she smiled. "Goodbye, Jedi." As she finished, warm, thin golden ribbons of the Force snaked from her hands, wrapping themselves around Colette's head, piercing not her flesh but her aura. A pain surged through her. If she couldn't push back the darkness, it fed and fueled the already-building hate in her soul.

"I told you," Quinn looked down at her, "I warned you not to touch what is mine, so I will take - what is yours."

  • Began to fix Malum's noodle
  • Boosted Eira and told her to attack
  • Stopped sensing Kaila and began to R A G E
  • Found Kaila and re-established connection
  • Dove into Colette and began to choke her out
  • Force Draining (?) Colette



Theme: Demons
Equipment: Twin Omens | DE-10 | Combat Knife | Multi-Tool | Circlet of Projection
Allies: Sith Order
Enemies: Galactic Alliance
Tags: Alana Calloway Alana Calloway | Katherine Holt Katherine Holt


"Ahahahahaa…..oh dear child of the light your ambition is commendable." The demon spoke as the soldier struck out from behind. The finger guns became an open hand again as did the clinched then the arms both became out stretched opening to the ice dome above. As the roof began to collapse from the verpine rounds and the angel took its leap of faith.

Beneath the demon's feet it felt the temperature rising as the burning holy light from below began to rise as the world opened in fissures from the quakes of darkness. This island was going to be swallowed by the forces of light and dark in a massive collision of power in due time. This very world might even be ripped apart by the ebbs and flows of the power of the force being thrown around.

The demon brought the saber to it's left outstretched hand as the angel dove from the crumbling roof top. The saber ignited with a snap-hiss into a vibrant violet glow it was a much better weapon then the previous saber the demon remarked to itself. As it looked to it's side towards the building the angel had leapt from. It took off in a great speed and ran straight up the side of the building then pushed off with one foot when it got to about the same height as the Angel.

Its aim was to clip one of the angels' wings but at the last second the angel changed trajectory for the other building diving into it. The saber swing missing only hitting air as the demon came down from above with it's over head two handed swing down. The verpine rounds following the angel into the building and exploding causing glass, duracrete shrapnel, and shards of ice to slam into the demon. The small frame of the girl's body went flying back by concussive force from the blast. Slamming through the window of the other building and thudding against a duracrete wall.

Glass and building debris shredding the skin and clothing the slam against the duracrete wall breaking ribs. Blood streaming from the legs, arms, and face from the cuts from glass the demon in the small girls body slid to her butt her back still firmly prompt up by the duracrete wall behind her. Those orange fiery eyes staring out the busted window they had flown through at the collapsing building across the way.

The demon felt none of the pain in the body force it all on the girl on the inside who was writhing and crying in agony from the thousand cuts and broken ribs. She could feel the child's agony and it gave the demon pleasure as wicked smirk reappeared on the girls face. The demon wondered staring out that window if the angel or even the soldier were still alive, of course they were she could feel them. The demon then yelled out to both the soldier and angel.

"This fight isn't over yet! Get up and lets finish this damn thing!" The yell echoed off all the ice. As it also called out mentally to the soldier, in the words a command to keep fighting. Even if the soldier was broken the demon had bound it's soul for this fight, she would will them to keep fighting even with a broken or shattered body and keep them from dying completely.


The foul weather had plagued Woostri ever since they'd made landfall. Srina had wondered whether it was a natural phenomenon or if it was a weapon that Woostrians had devised to discourage invasions from outsiders. With rain, wind, and hail that could rend flesh from bone if they went unprotected into the elements—It sounded more like a defensive strategy versus Mother Nature having her way.

The storm, natural or otherwise, howled overhead.

It would be nothing compared to the tempest of dark energy that rolled outward with the Landing Castle at the epicenter. The power was already there. The incantation helped gather it together but the ritual was merely the key to a lock. All they had to do was turn it…And it would allow her children to act with impunity in the art of destruction. Those who did not know Shatter Point would suddenly have the knowledge to draw on. Those without the skill would suddenly have it, without the strength, would know a seemingly endless deeper well.

Her fingers wrapped around that of Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf without hesitation. Some might balk at the idea of sharing power versus hoarding it like an angry dragon, but Srina, had no qualms about acting in ways that were for the greater good of the Sith Order. The Lady of Secrets had never been one to openly argue with the Empress even if they disagreed on occasion. They had an understanding, more than that, the deepest respect—Which went a long way, for Sith.

The addition of Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia to their efforts was a surprise, considering, but it was most welcome. Srina felt it when the Neti seemed to lock in on the ritual as her vision of the area bloomed. There was the scent of something very green in the air, more than that, she barely had to focus to see the way things fit together. To see how to pull them apart. The map in her mind's eye seemed to show not only fracture points but the aftermath, especially, when it came to terrain.

That wasn't all shatter point could do, something her children would discover, as it could affect individuals and events equally. They would be able to see every flaw in their environment and perhaps even in their enemies. All they had to do was fill the cracks with the Dark Side and the nature of the Force would do the rest. With three directing the gathering of power it was a ritual that far exceeded the one she had enacted on Echnos. She could see it, distantly, when parts of the great island cracked, the land fracturing itself in violent, unnatural patterns.

It made the tremors from the Penumbra worsen to that of a low-grade quake.

It was her design that the Sith would feel emboldened. That they might move through this warfront with newfound might and strike down the last remnants of resistance. There was no sanctuary, no place where the Force could not rend the material world asunder. Yet through the cacophony of war and storm, Srina noticed something else, something new. It was something beneath the ocean waves, something not of darkness, but of light.

Her fathomless gaze turned where the horizon should have been, beyond the silhouette of the Landing Castle, beyond churning waters, while she tried to discern what it was that offended her so. The sky above remained a darkened veil of rain and mists, but a pulse of power invaded her senses. It was distant, a beacon shimmering beneath the waves, but it burned at her vision when she looked too hard, a piercing radiance like fire against the shadows of her mind. The Empress inhaled sharply, discomfort, flickering across normally impassive features. Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean had taught her how to endure through the many texts in his library but her focus was elsewhere. The Force Light was too far to irreparably harm her, but its very existence was an insult, a festering wound against the darkness they had nurtured.

"…There is something beneath us..."

But the Lady of Secrets was already more than aware. Srina could feel Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf pinpoint the origin in the form of runes that were, very likely, too far away for their shatter point to reach. Her head tilted while a flash of the location filled her mind. Were they on the ocean floor? What was moving in the background? Some kind of creature? Srina, frowned.

Woostri was a water world but it didn't have anything like that natively.

An Alliance trick, then?

<<…Beware the water…>>

Little whispers, repeating, over and over like a lilting song.


Through the ritual, once again, the Sith in the area would hear the voice of the Empress fall upon them like forgiving rain. Not the ilk of the punishing hurricane outside. She reached outward, her mind pushing against the storm, the sea, and flickering glimmers of reality. The power that the Lady of Secrets and the Spirit of Trees solidified and bolstered caused the ritual threads to wrap around her, feeding her senses, and expanding her perception. The Force trembled in her grasp as she traced the light, its luminescence jagged, and blinding, yet delicate in its own way.

It was a painful disruption.

A fracture in the perfect darkness they had conjured.

The agony of Judah Lesan Judah Lesan pulsed in the back of her mind like a gong ringing distantly atop a temple. Or did she really hear church bells, in the distance? Was that the sound of surrender or was it some new Alliance tactic to garner their attention? Psychological warfare? Srina could only shake her head and tune the sharp chimes out. She would not be undone by some sound of misbegotten faith, nor, would any church hold any part in bringing her to her knees.

It was noise. Nothing more.

The Jedi Master was in the process of falling to pieces in the metal tomb she had created. He thought he was escaping the mind prison, but really, she kept him locked inside. A dream within a dream where his regrets turned against him. His failures pulled him deeper. And yet, something within him stirred—Some distant force of light that flickered beyond his torment.

Srina's lips pressed into a thin line.

It was no coincidence.

"There is a wound in the Dark…", she murmured, though, only Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf and Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia would hear her now. Their collective focus allowed the Empress to reach outward, probing depths beyond the shore. It was new in creation yet derived from something ancient. It was also…strong, growing. "If it impedes our work, it must be dealt with…But if Lady Raaf can find use for it…"

—A use for Force Light?

Such a thought was beyond heretical, but Srina was not a creature of waste. That was an arena that Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf was far more suited toward. If the light could be corrupted it could be consumed. It would serve them far better as a weapon instead of an obstacle…But was there time?

Her gaze fell back to Judah Lesan Judah Lesan in his shallow grave, still lost, in the agony his soul spit out when confronted with his demons. The Jedi had nearly broken once before. She had all but shattered him on the Moon of Echnos. And yet…He had found something within himself. Something that had given him a way to claw back from the abyss. Would this aberration do the same?

Was this light beneath them connected to that will?

Was this the source of the ember that refused to die?

Her fingers twitched, the urge to rip through his mind rising within her, to burn memory from his being, to drown it in the dark. But she did not move. Not yet. Her fingers remained entwined with that of the Lady of Secrets while her mind lingered around the Neti that was far deeper in the city. They were anchor points for a sharing of power, of knowledge, that was swiftly bestowed upon their brethren. Soon the ritual would not require them at all. The suffering, the fear, was battery enough.

Even with the abomination of Force Light brewing from below the island.

He brought his wrist to his lips, as the sin of pride filled his heart, "Dark Councillor Marr speaking from the primary controller centre of the Woostrian Defence Network, the orbital guns and defensive batteries have fallen under our control, requesting coordinates to fire." It was short, and sweet, exactly what it needed to be, a message of foreboding that would land in the ear of each and every Sith fighting, whether they be in the base itself, on land above, or the space above that.

Her head lifted just a little at receiving the missive through the holo-comm from Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr about the Woostrian Defense Network. It was good news, all things considered, but that same Force Light was beating at her cranium the more she tried to focus on the youngest Dark Councilor. When she tried to use her comm in return? Nothing but church bells echoed through the line and almost snarled at it. Thus she was forced to take another avenue. She found Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin and followed her trajectory.

What was wrong with the crimson-eyed man? Why did he feel so unlike the Sith Lord she knew?

She could feel Quinn chipping away at whatever deception surrounded him and her daughter would suddenly feel her presence. Jasmine and rain mixed with the scent of rose and honey, bolstering, what her daughter had already done.

<<Wake up Boy-King.>>

It was Srina and Quinn blended seamlessly together.

<<Wake up!>>

When he did, of course, he would, Srina would provide a mental layout of their troops through the map Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia had created. The Empress would provide all that he required—If only, Malum returned to them.

"All forces, this is Darth Meritum. The facility is collapsing. Inform the Mors Mon that Woostri's defenses will go offline in the next few minutes - then run for the service shafts at the bottom of the facility. There should be repulsor trains waiting for the facilities faculty. Secure one, and wait for my signal to retreat. I'll meet you there."

Darth Meritum Darth Meritum had been in the service of her beloved for quite some time, thankfully, she could receive comms but she couldn't send any, or all anyone heard was damnable churchbells. Her eyes closed. So many Sith were infiltrating the underwater facility. So many Sith would be in danger if the facility really was collapsing, and so many of her children, would be trapped in an underwater grave. Her heart felt heavy and the pit of her stomach dropped to her feet. She believed in them. She believed in the strength of the Sith Order... They had a plan. They had a way forward even if the facility fell beneath the weight of the water. They would survive. Battered, broken...But her children would return.

Srina simply... knew...what the Jedi were capable of.

Horror knew, horror. Monster, knew monster. Demon, knew demon.

"They have brought us Light...", she murmured, voice laced with venom, to the ears of Taeli and perhaps even Judah in his fitful slumber. "But light does not drive out darkness. It only casts shadows. And in those shadows, we thrive. Even if they sink the structure...We will thrive."

The winds howled, carrying her words across the ruins of Woostri as the ocean trembled around the island. Whatever lay beneath the waves, whatever beacon of resistance flickered in defiance, it would soon know the truth.

Darkness was inevitable.

Nothing changed since the last post. Shatterpoint is still being offered to any Sith who might want to get a little freaky and break stuff. Again...We just ask that no one try and tank the whole island because people are writing duels/stories there.
Srina spoke to Taeli and A'mia
Srina spoke to Malum
Srina mocked Judah, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.
Acknowledged Force Light and the Torpedo/Failing Underwater Facility
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Allies: Tamsin Graves Tamsin Graves
Enemies: Katherine Holt Katherine Holt
S-6 "Eclipse" Class Legion Combat Armor

HG-88 Big Iron
SD-L1 Long Blaster
HESTIZO-201 "Silverrain" Vaccine
1 x VB-113 "Tidefall" Class Vibroblade
Slicing Glove
DS-102 "Aegis" Personal Energy Shield
Sentinel Tech Gloves
VKA-7J "Hurricane" Combat Stimulant
G1 Omni Link

Alana's grip was failing.

Her gauntlets, while built for this sort of affair, were also destroying the weakened diuracrete. The hard landing and snagging at the end of the building strained something in her shoulder, though Alana could make out what exactly she had done. The alien presence that operated her body didn’t seem to care, rather it tested how much strain it could apply to the building, tugging with the enhanced strength, breaking away more and more of the structure.

There was no time to process the situation, nor how her arm felt like it was being torn from its socket with every desperate attempt to haul herself back up.


She had to move. She had to get to her. Alana felt that be the only thing on her mind.

Through the ringing in her ears, through the haze of pain, Alana heard the demon's voice cut through the chaos. That mocking, gloating tone. She felt the pressure of its will pressing down on her, a command rippling through the battlefield like a sickly wave.

She grit her teeth.

Her arms trembled, her body’s muted protests were felt like a far off dream; a quiet request for her to stop, to let go, to give in—but whatever was controlling Alana now had never been one to surrender.

With a growl, she forced her other arm up, digging her fingers into the crumbling ledge. Duracrete fractured under her touch, threatening to break entirely, but she didn't stop. She couldn't. Tamsin was ahead, and if she wasn't there to cover her—if she wasn't there to stop whatever came next—then none of this mattered.

She kicked out, her legs pushing off the side, finding purchase against the edge of the building. The second she had enough leverage, she pushed, gritting through the pain, forcing herself up inch by agonizing inch.

The world blurred, her vision swimming from exhaustion, but her body refused to let herself falter. She flipped herself back over onto the building, already moving down toward the whole. She felt a series of bizarre motions in her injured arm, heard her shoulder pop, then the deployment of another grapple line.

Her body twirled into the hole of the roof, blaster aimed, as she snagged onto the crumbling ceiling on her way in.

She could see the glow of the blade, rappelling herself down into the structure as she kept her blaster ready.

The adrenaline was starting to pump through her body once again.



Objective 3: Knowledge

Allies: Lupa Visz | Jessikal Skea Jessikal Skea | Gress D'ran Gress D'ran | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond | Everest Vale | Katherine Holt Katherine Holt

Opposition: PvE, Open

Gear: Black Enclave Guardian Mantle, Lightsaber, NJO Utility belt (packed with med supplies), Echo Stone, commlink, vibroknife

The voice came, somehow carried on a thread through the Force. Tigris wasn't sure if it was the voice she recognized, or the presence of Katherine Holt Katherine Holt . She had learned both the Valkyrie's voice and strong presence at a girl's night out at the Metropole. That night of fun and drinks, that place, seemed a million galaxies away from the savage violence and destruction that now surrounded them That night, Katherine was a new friend. There, on Woostri, she was their leader.

Tigris could see that Eve heard it too. The girl had recovered some, crouching next to her behind the barrier. But her silvery gaze was haunted. The innocent girl she knew gone. The former assassin would have hesitated evacuating, if it had not been for Everest. There was still a battle to fight. Again, she wasn't a soldier, but she had been good at hunting down strays and small units to pick off. But the younger padawan had suffered enough, to stay meant possibly doing more harm to her. And orders were orders.

An unexpected strength came over Eve's weary gaze, and TIgris returned the squeeze on her hand. "Ok, come on." Tigris replied in agreement. She removed the med supplies from her utility belt and handed them to one of the GADF soldiers holding the position. Then the two padawans slipped away to the waiting evac point.



Objective 3: Knowledge​
Allies: Nir Si Nir Si // Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania // Ran Serys Ran Serys // Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor // Lycus Merita Lycus Merita // Katherine Holt Katherine Holt
Opposition: Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania

Gear: Kta Dom Lya- The Blade of Light , Cathar Armored Jacket , Lightsaber

Taam's focused his strength and the flow of the Force through his arms and weapon. It was a stalemate, the Cathar jedi resisting the pull closer to the sithspawn, but unable to escape, or employ the large sword in his hands. The hissing sithspawn couldn't drag the big leonine Jedi closer, seeming to shun the songsteel blade hovering on the man's hands.

Taam was intent on not getting eaten, missing the helmeted Sith lingering a ways off. What transpired next happened in the span of a few breaths. The knight found himself distracted by the sound of an electric guitar. He knew what it was, the style gritting and searing. Nir. A moment later, A sudden movement in the Force caught Taam's attention and he turned to see the shards of debris streaking towards him, only to suddenly diverge and fling off in other directions. a couple small chunks bounced off of his armored coat, and one grazed his maned head, opening a laceration. But he had been spared the bulk of the projectiles. Taam sought the source. The culprit was revealed, the helmeted Sith. He owned his padawan for that one.

With renewed strength, Taam was able to jerk back, tilting the greatsword upand brining it forward in a sharp slice. Again, the blade light up with a searing gold light and it coursed out in a vertical wave towards the sithspawn. I shriekd with a piercing, unearthly cry, its tentacles releasing Taam as they flailed about. A sizzling burn seared along its back from front to back, the creature backing away.

Taam was on his feet in an instant, the imbued sword lifted and brought down to impale the abomination. The sithspawn flailed violently with the massive songsteel blade pinning it to the ground, the Light Force weapon burning the creature from the inside out with a putrid stench. It fell silent.

Yanking the weapon free, Taam turned to find the helmeted Sith, and Nir.

Prophet of Bogan

Objective: Secure the Data
Tags: Commodore Helix Commodore Helix / Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun / Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron / Veradun Sharr Veradun Sharr

"I appreciate the sentiment Commodore, but the data is the priority and at the moment we only have one interloper to be dispatched." The two new arrivals were still beyond the security doors and ray shields after all, and hopefully they weren't coming to compete or intercede their operations. Hopefully. Veradun would probably be too surprised and confused to do much of anything at first and frankly He couldn't blame him given the circumstances.

Killing this Jedi would be of little issue with the both of them but Darth Strosius would much rather have Helix focus on getting the download done rather than dividing his attention to help in dealing with their intruder. The longer they stayed the more likely it was that a full response force would descend upon them. He glanced down as He felt something crawling up His leg, watching with slight concern as a cluster of nanites attached and fitted themselves around His injury. It did help but it was rather unnerving.

As Helix threatened the Jedi, He assessed their opponent before taking a step forward and calling His sword back into His free hand. Then the room shook and His advance paused before morphing into a slight stumble to regain His footing. They weren't supposed to start shelling the data center anytime soon, had they run out of time already? He knew that the corpse was impatient but surely given how close they were to the front no one would risk firing upon the data center itself.

Several spots along the wall buckled as He felt the stirrings of a migraine that seemed to exude from around the room, His head snapping around as pipes bursted out of the wall and floor. The water they brought with them was unusual, brimming with an energy that He'd only sensed from Jedi before. The Light Side was heavy already and He felt His vision swim slightly, the flowing tendrils from His back shivering and receding as He stepped back and jolted slightly when His boot met a puddle of water.

"Oh Chit."

The next that He knew water was flooding the room, splashing up on Him and making Him twitch and lash out uncontrollably. It burned. Pain filled His senses as more water soaked into His robes and splattered against His armor, His tendrils swiping the server racks and throwing across the room in a violent fit as He writhed and howled. All of His senses were blinded, overwhelmed and dominated by Light. It was as though He was being dipped into a star. An inhuman screech escaped from Darth Strosius as He threw Himself at a nearby wall, weapons barely clasped onto His belt as the claws on His gauntlets rended metal from metal.

Screeching and tearing of both metal and Sith echoed as Darth Strosius literally clawed His way out of the server room with a mixture of surprising strength and speed, forcing His body through the gap and caring little for the shards of metal that buried themselves into His body along the way. Once clear of the server room He leapt for a nearby support, denting and sinking claws into where He landed. Like a beast scurrying up a cliff face He crawled until finding a viewport that currently had a bulkhead door blocking it. Without hesitation and still blinded by the influence of the Light, Darth Strosius reared back and slammed His body into the blast door.

Again and again punches, tendrils, claws, and His form battered against the door until finally it dented enough to reveal the now cracked viewport lying just behind it. Shattered glass and metal shards rained down as wrenched apart the blast door and threw Himself through the glass, having to dig into the roof as the rain pelted Him. In a few quick movements the soaked heavy robes were torn from His body and cast aside, fully saturated with the Light Side and making His body exude smoke as a result. His own panting reached His ears as finally the pain started to gradually dull and allow clarity once more, with Him collapsing on the roof of the data center in a twitching heap while His burned and scarred flesh worked overtime to knit and reform itself.

I'm scarier with my mask off.


"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

LOCATION : Woostri - Gopsthal | OBJECTIVE : Defend the Core | TAG (FRIENDLY) : Ran Serys Ran Serys (Indirect)| Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania (Indirect) | Taam Moghul Taam Moghul | Nir Si Nir Si | Lycus Merita Lycus Merita | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond
TAG (FOE) : Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia (Indirect) | Jhyrack Jhyrack (Near) | @Kasir Doran (Nearby) | Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin


Suddenly Connel started to feel something, before he could think, before he could move, before he could even breathe, he felt something. Invasive, conquering overpowering thoughts of failure, of pain, of the destruction of everything he stood for and everyone he cared about. The thoughts and voices were closing in. taking away every waking thought. These voices, these images were about to take something away from him…

… his lunch…

Throwing his fists up and bellowing out a feral yell, and then finally a laugh…

… a laugh?

You had better make peace with Bogan or whatever deity you seek power from if you plan on standing around here. You’d be smarter to run like a Kaltooine Paddy Frog at the sight of a Hutt. Positioning himself into an attack pattern with both lightsabers pulled and engaged. His eyes were staring daggers.


He was almost appearing to be lacking acknowledgment of anything around him, but it was just the opposite as he had heard Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun over the comms.
"This is Knight Gray Sun of the Service Corp, reporting over NJO comms. I've got two sith in the server room. Requesting back up."

He saw Barachiel had fallen and while making it look like he was changing stances, Connel reached out through the Force and pulled the very ground out from under the Death Brigadiers. Omega Squad was in position and their advanced weaponry could hold. If this Sith was just going to try and toy with him, he could toy back.

~You have had your chance. I stood here waiting for you, now I am going back into the data center. Going to the server room to go say “hi” to your friends. Try and stop me, or let them fail, your choice. You had your chance to try and face me at my worst… now you are going to face me at your worst. Your friend who tried to freak me out… unlocked something… blame her.~

Enough ranting and rambling…

Alazar didn’t even have to ask… Go… we got this! Remember who you are and remind them who we are.

Connel laughed. Don’t worry. I’m not my father, but before this is over… they’re going to wish that I was.

Galactic Alliance 305th Special Forces Unit - Codename "Omega Squad"
Michael - Team Leader, Gabriel - Tech, Azrael - Explosives, Raphael - Heavy, Barachiel - Combat Medic, Sariel - Sniper 1,Jeremiel - Sniper 2
[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
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The Digital Miasma that was the Demon in Cyberspace grew more complex as her own body burned in the real world in certain places, as she was forced to fight off more and more opponents in the archives, her killing methods now absurdly brutal even as her healing abilities weakened further. The more databases it seized, the more the Android caused outright detonation of certain databases that were the only network path to other databases that had been sealed against wireless attack by the inhabitants of the world themselves rather than her . And as quickly as he could take a database, equally quickly did her counter software, bolstered by systems completely reprogrammed and under a more efficient networking method constantly fighting back his seizure attempts. She used her growing understanding of the sub network to cause power surges in key areas that managed to destroy some clusters of nanites that might buy databases he was attempting to seize just a few seconds longer. Other systems she pre-emptively caused to self destruct. But all it would do is delay him.

That is when she made the decision to detonate up to fifteen percent of the archives and it's data just to keep him from taking it, destroying them in select spots in the system that would make it hopefully extremely difficult for his top level programming to easily leap over and seize. If she even thought a system might fall to him she either copied the data into herself or destroyed it outright. The archives lost another ten percent in this manner.

But she was starting to slow down.

Taking in and manipulating so much data threatened to drop her physical status below superhuman with each percentage absorbed. Not only did her kills become more grotesque as she rampaged through the Woostri archives, but they became more desperate and craven, striking more often from the shadows, turning on security systems and turrets. The device that allowed her to interface with the system began to overheat from the strain of being connected to her brain as it fought for its life against increasingly higher and higher numbers of enemies all ganging up on her if possible. It started to look like the most violent samurai film imaginable, like all the FX budget had been spent on ketchup and chicken parts. But with each squad of Sith soldiers turned into confetti by Lynda, the risk of her burning out like Jackman at the end of Logan would rise in small but noticeable increments, unlike for Commodore Helix Commodore Helix .

Still, though, she was just racking up them glory kills. Never mess with an Android's bunny. Or turtle. It leads to gory action scenes.

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius


Location: Woostri
Tags: Drystan Creed Drystan Creed
Equipment: Lightsaber | Sith Armour | Helmet


Stastically, he should have been dead.

Multiple moments throughout his duel with Drystan Creed Drystan Creed should have resulted in his death but somehow he was still standing. He was wounded, his ego and his pride were damaged and he was bleeding under his helm from somewhere unknown. Yet he was alive.

Blue and purple had been clashing, the Jedi putting his everything into every strike. He remembered the duel vividly. Every block that the young Sith Knight had made had sent pain radiating through his exhausted, worn out muscles.

He'd seen the Jedi fall to some falling steel rebar and then darkness had consumed him. He vividly remembered watching the Jedi drop to the ground and moving to make the kill before something had made a very large bang noise and the world had gone dark.

Desperately, he was racking his mind trying to figure out what had happened but he had nothing. The next thing he remembered was sitting up and everything hurting. The warehouse they'd been duelling in was in ruin and he honestly couldn't remember if that was his doing or not.

Forcing himself to his feet, he looked around for his fallen foe. He couldn't be seen, but the Force was telling the heir of Malum that he was in the piles of rubble somewhere. He was barely alive, there was no point digging through the rubbish to look for him when he'd die eventually anyway.

He needed to find Commodore Helix Commodore Helix and Darth Strosius Darth Strosius . At the very least, he needed to find Srina Talon Srina Talon . His battle as done and the last he'd heard Helix had secured the data centre with Strosius to protect him. As far as he was concerned, they were done and it was time to leave Woostri.

Walking hurt.

His knee had all but doubled in size and he couldn't quite place how it had happened. It was likely to be when the building fell but honestly, it could have been at any point. He had to force himself to walk though, using the pain to make himself stronger.

Pain shot through his entire leg as he walked, but he kept going. He needed to get back to the ship.

ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ

Location: Data center, upper floor
Wearing: Armor + Mask
Allies: Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin Eira Dyn Eira Dyn
Enemies: Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Colette Colette

The Spear of Midnight Black struck true.

Kaila sighed in relief as the Jedi stumbled back, his emerald light extinguished.

His death meant that Quinn was safe. Every jedi slain, every alliance soldier removed from this world, were odds turned in their favor that they might leave this place together, that they would return to Jutrand and to Kirie Kirie , sip tea by the fireplace and embrace. That's all she really wanted, to love her, safely.

Even if fate seemed determined to keep them apart.

::Kaila, we need to get Quinn indoors. Like yesterday!:: Eira called out on her encrypted comms. ::I'm gunna do something, you get Quinn to follow us inside afterwards.::



Whispers in the dark.

She heard again the voice of Srina Talon Srina Talon inside her mind, just as she had on Echnos. To hear the empress of all sith was a great joy and terrible omen, for it could comfort or spell doom alike. Much like her daughter.
<<…Beware the water…>>
Little whispers, repeating, over and over like a lilting song.


<<...Beloved...>> she psychically whispered to Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin , heeding both the Imperial Mother's warning and the careful planning of Eira Dyn Eira Dyn .

<<...something is coming. Eira will create a path to shelter...>>

The lightning about her fingertip grew in intensity, the crackling omen of the jedi's demise turning from sickly purple to crimson like that of the sky as Quinn's power flowed into her body.

She took a deep, steadying breath, and leveled her ringed finger upon him, determined to end this and shelter her love.

I am sorry, Jedi. It had to be this way—"

Colette Colette struck with a searing radiance the likes of which Anathemous had never seen, not once in all her travels. The lightning sparked and sputtered into nothingness not even seconds later as the world turned


She could feel herself falling, Had she been knocked off the building somehow? Kaila tried to levitate, to save herself.

Nothing came of it.

Why?! why would the force not obey her?!

Was this the end of Darth Anathemous? would she plummet to the ground, crushed by gravity's cruel embrace? She had spent so many years running from fate. She'd escaped the purge of Mandalore, slain the apprentices of Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex until only she remained.

Had fate finally won...? Punishment, for her defiance of the Force at last?

crashed into the floor with thunderous entry as the roof caved in around her, Colette Colette fast behind her but Kaila could not sense her presence, not by sight and not by force. She felt... free... she felt... alone...

She could not feel her bond with Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin , she could not feel her binding oath to Tamsin Graves Tamsin Graves .

Only the sting of rebar which cut her suit and flesh, and the crumbling debris which bruised her flesh as it all came crashing down atop her.

She lay there amidst the stillness and settling dust, unable to move, only twitch her fingers as her metal ribs began to groan, bending, slowly, just barely.

...i'm... sorry...

But there was no one there to hear her thoughts. The force had left her, and soon life would be crushed from her too.

Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin poured so much of herself into what may well have been a lifeless body. The insidious force light had broken up their shadows, unable to embrace the other. Every stream of power was choked by Colette Colette 's belighted hand, but every light cast a shadow of it's own, and that of The Dread Princess was strong indeed.

What should have been a black flood was contained.

All but a drop.

And what little power reached Kaila began to grip at the amulet around her throat, commanding the spirits within. Their presence was a cold, dead thing which washed over the room, as if a graveyard stirring from slumber.

Violet eyes shot open in the dark.

And with a horrible, hollow
gasp, her gauntleted hand reached out through the rubble.

Fragments began to lift themselves into the air, followed by bricks, and then even the largest debris floated gently away from her crumpled body.

Her helmet fell aside as Kaila was seemingly pulled upright by an unseen hand. One by one, four spirits appeared by her side. Each laid a hand upon her shoulders, and from each of these ancient sith did she greedily drink the very power for which she was named.

The spirit Anathema.

Colette uses force light to stop Kaila's attack.

Kaila loses her connection to the force.

Eira collapses the roof.

Kaila falls in, buried by rubble.

Quinn manages to reestablish a fraction of her force bond to Kaila but it is weakened by force light.

Using their fragile bond, Kaila uses force walk to restore her strength and breaks free from the rubble.



Outside Central Archive and Computation Building
Reunited with
Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

Boss Battle Soundtrack

Swaying with haunting rapture, A'Mia lost herself in the moment and despite her efforts to remain aware, the task of gathering energy while intertwining her consciousness with the thrumming Weave took all of her focus. So she had no defense prepared when Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania suddenly... softly struck out at her with a burning embrace. Parts of A'Mia had become more structure than they were pliant, mobile flesh. But the woman hadn't yet started the meticulous process of disentangling herself from the living antenna and the attack began the process of extrication in a far more jarring fashion.

A scream, that transcended mere audible sound, pierced reality around the neti. Her anguish was a psychic spike that lashed out at any within a city block of her current location. Any that did not or could not shield their minds would feel her pain like it were theirs. The structure she'd made of herself cracked as if struck by lightning. A'Mia turned clawed hands, not upon Cora but to scrabble against one of the burning splits that had appeared in her grotesquely stretched form. With fearsome strength she wrenched herself free, a terrible creaking sound splitting the air as the neti pulled her upper body and torso free from the rest of her form.

That often pristine and impassive face was twisted in terrible pain as A'Mia scrambled away from the edge of the half collapsed roof. More slowly than normal, her greatly reduced form was stitching itself back to a semblance of something bipedal. The woman was much smaller now, and her proverbial back was up against the wall. With her polyweave garments shredded, burnt and tattered, and given that she was very nearly out of resources, the wounded neti was in her most dangerous and unpredictable state yet.

As the woman's flesh continued to knit back together, she re-exerted control over some of the nearby spawn. Her wide eyes went milky as she selected the nearest two. A'Mia also readied two familiar phrik blades, pulled from within her own chest cavity, as she took a more defensive stance. She appeared momentarily speechless, no quips or goads, nor even out of place friendly banter were forthcoming. Entirely focused on the woman across from her and no longer concerned with anything outside of their duel.

This plant does better in the dark- OUCH! A'Mia splits herself off from the damaged yet still somewhat intact structure she created to better channel the ritual facilitated by Srina Talon Srina Talon and Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf . The neti sacrificed much of her biomass in the doing and is much smaller than before, closer to her opponent in size. She currently wields two phrik punch-daggers and controls two of her sithspawn which are about to pull themselves up onto the wrecked top floor/roof.

Any of A'Mia's Sithspawn that are not dispatched, or collected by their maker immediately post battle have a 70% chance of becoming an invasive species on the planet

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Allies: Sith Order, Srina Talon Srina Talon Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron Veradun Sharr Veradun Sharr Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano Haro Aven Haro Aven
Foe: Galactic Alliance, Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun


Kasir felt Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor 's gaze, a challenge before an inevitable clash; yet, the Darkseeker welcomed it with open arms, allowing every word that befell his lips to coil around him, unbothered and unafraid of whatever chaos that would surely follow.

It was impossible to ignore the magnetic pull that followed; the Empress’ words reverberating in his mind. It warned of caution. The fault lines, too, would also be on his radar before long. The disturbance rippled around him, the Light intrusive, threatening to break the walls of his defense. He wouldn’t allow it. Not so easily. The sight of twin lightsabers begged him to join in the only kind of fight that defined his existence. But instead of entertaining the taunts, he allowed the silence to linger.

Shifting from the stance of Juyo; his sharp mind tracked the Jedi’s movements. Though he thrived in confrontation, this was no ordinary day. Instinctively, he would follow the target, before veering off as he drew closer to their shared destination. The data center offered multiple entrances, each with its own allure. But it would be the large hole in the wall that held Kasir's attention, one that happened to be just outside of the server room. Purposely avoiding the main corridor, he wanted to keep his movements hidden, even if not for long. Every second would count. As he drew near, debris were scattered across the ground, a reflection of the fallen Galactic Alliance forces that now littered nearby streets.

A leap followed, born not of the Force, but from his unnatural strength. The Sith landed on one of the larger fragments of the broken structure, rising just above the floodwater pouring out.

The sangnir’s enhanced sight merged with Force sensitivity, piercing through the inky darkness from his position outside. He instantly discovered a faint silhouette standing near the entrance of the server room. Memories flooded his mind of a time on New Cov, when he aided the powerful Sith Lord in battle. But there was someone even more significant alongside him— one that left behind something rare: a lasting emotional shadow. It was from a time with the young Nagai on Faldos that had etched itself into the depths of Kasir's consciousness.

In truth, it was a bond he didn't fully understand, but it felt right nonetheless, one typically shared by those who had the same blood running through their veins.

Dark tendrils of telepathy were weaved toward Veradun’s mind. While such messages were often devoid of emotion, this one was laced with warmth.

<<Listen to me. Protect yourself.. my brother, and leave this building now. I will finish off the vile rat and all those who wish to aid him with my own hands.>>

Upon deliverance, his organic hand lifted from the side. Sparks of electricity danced briefly across his fingertips, a prelude of what was to come. Kasir’s pale visage displayed no doubt. Next, the prosthetic hand conjured a Force Barrier, protecting him from the downpour above.

Several more seconds passed; though a rare trait amongst Sith, he still trusted that the boy would listen.

Rather than prolonging the man's fate, rather than drawing this out, he would unleash a short burst of lightning aimed for the heart of the server room and its pooling water.

He would put the Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun 's shield to the test.
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The roar tore through the howling winds, its power undeniable.

Zachariah would find a familiar figure limping behind him.


Helmet gone, his face was exposed, scarred, battered, streaked with blood from their battle. Despite the fresh wound running down his left eye, his gaze burned as fiercely as it had when their fight began.

His body was beyond broken. His armor, trashed. The skin-tight suit beneath—torn, burned, barely holding together. His entire left arm, gone. The stump charred, cauterized. He leaned heavily against a building, battered but not beaten.

"I didn't say you could leave."

Drystan pushed himself upright, staggering toward the Sith Knight. His fingers clicked against the activator of his lightsaber. Nothing. The weapon was dead. Without hesitation, he discarded it, reaching instead for the plastoid pouch still strapped at his hip, worn but locked tight.

Techniques, strategies, forms. None of it would work. Not anymore.

Because none of them were his.

He had spent his life wielding pages from a book he had never written, skills borrowed from masters who had come before him. A library of stolen movements, volumes authored by others.

That ended now.

"I can't match you as I am—a shadow, cast from the flames of others."

He produced another saber. Its craftsmanship—intricate, deliberate, unmistakable. A blade from Valery Noble Valery Noble 's collection.

"This will be the last time I use someone else's light."

With a sharp hiss, the saber ignited—a brilliant purple streak flashing through the storm.

"And the first time… I'll be using my own."

Electricity arced along his remaining arm, golden currents surging from shoulder to fingertip, jumping from flesh to hilt.

"This... is the Grandmaster's resolve. The Order's resolve."

The purple beam vibrated, the electricity coalescing, gold threading through violet.

"The Alliance's resolve."

Then—gold overtook purple.

Violent arcs of lightning lashed out from the emitter, tearing into the ground, branding the earth in brilliant, molten scars.

"No…" Drystan's eyes glowed, shimmering with the same golden power coursing through his veins. "This is my resolve."

He lifted his saber, electricity crackling in a furious storm around him, illuminating the battlefield.

"Do you really think it'll be wiped out by the likes of you?"

His roar merged with the storm as he drew on the last of his reserves.

Damaged. Compromised. Running on the edge of exhaustion.

He was able to reserve some of his power, forced onto the defensive by Zachariah's relentless assault. The Sith had given him little room to truly retaliate with the Force.

But now, he would use that to his advantage.

Valery's saber, now consumed by golden lightning, swung to his side.

The force of it alone bringing the building down to its foundations next to him.

The sheer volatility of the energy sent shockwaves ripping through the battlefield, debris collapsing under its weight.

This was the first technique that was truly his own.

Not borrowed. Not copied.

Born in battle, forged in despair, and tempered by his will. It was his alone.

It embodied everything he was. His relentless pursuit of justice. His instinct to throw his body into danger without hesitation. His willingness to sacrifice, to protect, to place the lives of others above his own.

This was his truth.

The shadow within him did not fade, it shifted. Making its way for the light that was always meant to cast it.

A beacon of justice. Of hope.

A grin curled at his lips.

For in this moment, he was no longer just a Shadow.

And a smile best suited a hero.

Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway
WEAPONS: 2 Lightsabers
ALLIES: Galactic Alliance
ENEMIES: Srina Talon Srina Talon

Jasmine and Rain.

The scent clung to the air, a ghostly presence that Judah could not escape. It was not real. She was not here, and yet her touch curled around his mind like a silken noose, pulling him deeper into the abyss of his own making. Srina Talon Srina Talon had found something in his mind, a darkness that was buried deep in his soul. She held him prisoner, forcing him to confront it in a way that made his Master Trials pale in comparison. They made him acknowledge his inner darkness. They had made him embrace it as though it was as much a part of him as the light. Perhaps that was a mistake. That decision threatened to be his undoing.

The blood beneath his boots had not vanished. It never would. He stepped back, but there was nowhere to go. The bodies stretched endlessly along the shoreline, faces twisted in silent horror, their lifeless eyes reflecting the morning sun in mockery of the peace he had almost believed in.

Judah clenched his fists, trapped in the makeshift tomb the Dread Queen trapped him in. His breathing was steady, but inside his mind, the war continued. He was aware this was a dream, a construct of the dark side meant to break him, but that knowledge did little against the weight of the past or the regrets that haunted him in waking hours. Srina dug deep, and she used it all against him.

A laugh, soft as a whisper, curled through the still air.

"You still fight it."

Judah turned sharply. The sky was no longer dawn-lit but dark, heavy clouds hanging above him like a shroud. He did not see anyone, but the fragrance, her fragrance was thick in the storm clouds which loomed above him. A voice boomed like thunder or the waves crashing against jagged stone.

"You always fight, Jedi. But tell me how do you fight something that is already inside you?"

Judah refused to answer. Words were weapons in a battle like this, and he would not add to the ammunition.

His eyes fell to the water. The thought of sinking beneath its surface sent a tremor through his body. The tide surged forward, and he instinctively stepped back. His heart was pounding. He had faced Sith Lords, war, even death itself, but the ocean? The ocean was different. It was unknowable, and he felt afraid.

It was not his fear, however. A soft voice on the wind whispered in his ear. “Beware of the water.”

"You still believe this is someone else’s doing."
A shrouded figure walked toward Judah, the ocean parting around it. "But tell me was it they who planted the seed? Or did you?"

Judah swallowed hard, forcing his body still as the memories clawed at him again. His son’s disappointment. His wife’s death. The first life he had taken in vengeance.

"Enough." His voice came as a growl, low and full of restrained fury.

“But we’re just getting started."

The world shifted again.

Judah stood on the bridge of a burning Jedi vessel, smoke choking the air, alarms wailing. Bodies lay crumpled across the durasteel floor—Jedi, Republic officers, Sith warriors. The battle had already been lost. And in the center of it all, kneeling before him, was his old friend.

Cambria Zadira

Her lekku were matted with soot, blood streaking her saphire skin. Her gold eyes, those piercing eyes, still burned with defiance. Even now she would not bow. Even now, she would not break.
A pair of Sith flanked her. Their crimson blades humming at her back.

"Judah," Cambria breathed, her voice hoarse but steady. "Don’t."

A blade ignited in his hand.


Judah’s breath hitched. His fingers curled around the hilt of the weapon, unbidden. This was not his saber. This was wrong. Yet, the Sith Lord standing before him, faceless, shrouded in shadows, spoke with his own voice.

"One life to save thousands. One choice to end the war. You know the Jedi will lose. You can feel it. But if you do this, if you give yourself to the darkness, you will have the power to stop it."

Judah could hear the battle raging outside.

More ships falling. More lives lost.

Cambria stared at him, her eyes filled not with fear, but with sorrow.

"Don’t give in."

He could end the war. He could make it stop. He could save them all.

The red blade trembled in his grip.

It was an impossible choice.

Judah gasped as the vision shattered. The sound of bells, church bells, suddenly made him aware the scene in front of him was not real.

He was back on the beach, the scent of jasmine and rain thick in his lungs. The shrouded figure, now three, stood before him, watching, waiting.

A test. A trial. A battle.

They wanted him to break, but they underestimated him.

Judah took a slow, steady breath, centering himself. The dark side clawed at his mind, urging him to surrender, to accept what they were offering.
He exhaled.

"I am not yours to break."

The dark tide rolled in, the waves carrying whispers of the past. Judah stood frozen on the blood-streaked shore, his mind ensnared in the nightmare Srina Talon had woven for him.
Then there was a shimmer, a ripple in the water.

The clouds parted as a figure descended from the heavens bathed in the golden light of a rising sun. The salt-tinged breeze lifted strands of fiery red hair Her blue eyes fixed on him with a love that had never faded, even beyond the grave.


She stepped forward. The light surrounded her, pulsing with the warmth of the Force itself, pushing back the darkness that sought to consume him.

“Judah,” her voice was a whisper. “Come back to me.”

He could not breathe.

He could not move.

She was not a memory or a ghost. She was his salvation.

At the center of the web, she could follow along each individual thread, each individual mind and spirit, each potentiality created or forgotten into the fabric of time by decision. She could see, like through glass shattered into many shards held together at the moment of breaking, as Quinn fell upon the Jedi in a rage, draining her. She could see the panic as Strosius fled the flood of water pouring into the data center, robes smoking and choked with the Light. She could see the woman that carried traces of her work as she fought and disappeared through a window. She could see a Jedi fall to a darkshear spear. She could see a Jedi strike with righteous power with the blade of a Noble, felling stone and metal as he fought at his last. She could see as their third struggled with a woman who wielded plant life and light.

She could also see the outcomes from their actions, in a way. Seconds stretched before her, shifting and changing as breaths were drawn and decisions made that erased other paths. She could see a world dominated by the Sith. She could see the Jedi victorious, even if costly. In many ways, what she and the Empress and the Seer had done was not much different than the research her daughter specialized in. The Empress had wanted the shatterpoint gifted to all touched by darkness in the web for its destructive power in the material, and effective as it could be even as the ground quaked at the expression of the Empress' will, she was more interested in the other application.

Her mind would brush against that of the Valkyrie girl, the young woman that bore the wings of the Arana. She had brought her own defenses up, recognizing her first brush against her spirit, but the Lady of Secrets knew of ways to slip through and around mental defenses when she wanted to speak with someone. It would be brief, but the message would float into the redhead's mind in response... "And I see you, young Arana."

She felt it even before Srina whispered that something was coming from below, even as the ocean's waters glowed with that warmth only the Light could provide from the runes carved by Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble 's constructs of kyber and stone. To many of the Sith gathered in this assault, the waters and the Light would be as poison to their power. The peace, the quiet righteousness, the simple ethereal whispers to embrace serenity, all of that could rob a Sith of their passions, of what fueled their links to the Dark.

But she had learned long ago, at the hands of a sister long gone, how Light could be wielded.

"Oh yes, there's a use for it," she would softly reply to Srina.

She would let go of the physical connection with Srina, but the metaphysical would remain as the ritual continued through their combined power. She vaguely heard the message that Malum had taken the defense center and needed firing coordinates. It was immaterial to her at present, but even at this distance, the ritual fueled had grown to the point she could see the struggle within the young Marr's mind, his perceptions challenged by the rising Light. Whether he succumbed or clung to the lifeline offered by the Empress and the Princess were up to him, and inconsequential to what she was about to do.

"The strongest light casts the deepest shadows," she agreed with the Empress. That maxim had allowed her to corrupt so many when she and Kaine brought down the first Alliance and New Jedi Order and remain undetected until it was too late, and it was a maxim that continued to this day. "And where the two meet..."

Swirls of dark side energy erupted around her right hand, unsettling in how deep the shadows were, unnatural in their feeling as though they promised annihilation of body and soul. In her other hand, golden light would form to match that coming from the ocean as the Light flowed through and around her. Where many of her colleagues would recoil from the water, fearful, she knew it was merely another source of power, of a way to access the Force. One only needed to know the proper techniques and the proper mindset...

In the years of practice, in the decades of study, she had learned to wield the Force in many ways. In the Nether, at the Wellspring, she had learned even more and found new avenues of research. In one hand, the Light flowed at her call. In the other, the Dark submitted to her will, drawn by her command. And inbetween... the Force itself, the shatterpoint ritual connecting the threads of this planet, of the people and combatants on it, rippled in protest as opposing forces drew closer.

There was a pause, a glance to Srina, and then she brought both hands together, Light and Dark merging and twisting, right into the center of their ritual. A beat and then one spoken word...

Across the ritual, across the city, traveling along the lines of Light and Darkness, along the threads of ethereal and material... cracks would form. And from those cracks, endless potential would form around people. Glimpses of lives they could have lived, or might live, or never knew they could, would form in their vision. Rends in space and time would allow someone to step from one spot on the world to another, so long as they traveled along the widening cracks of the shatterpoint web.

And the cracks would continue to widen so long as she had equal sources of Light and Dark to draw upon to fuel her spell...


Belt of Strength, Field Com-Scan Link,

Weal & Woe
Kor'ethyr Issued
Kainate Trooper Armor
Armor Permissions

Control Room
Allies: Haro Aven Haro Aven & Sith Order



As he turned away from the distant foe, called back to the mission by Haro, the young man shook his head like he was trying to clear it. There wasn't time to pause though so Naami barked orders that their sole remaining trooper guard from just inside the door to ensure they weren't pursued, at least not without forewarning. The zabrak didn't yet stow his saber, in fact he seemed to be in an aggressive and heightened state of defensive awareness. Though Haro was the one to guide them though, his companion was hyper-vigilant at every turn and once even fired off a force blast at a section of hallway that briefly flickered with shadow.

On edge as he was, Naami found himself in a flow state and the pair made fast time to the control room. After clearing the remaining automated defenses, Haro seemed to want better visuals and range of motion than their armor offered. The other boy was hesitant to drop any edge they had, and he stalked behind his lanky friend like a particularly bite happy guard dog, head continuously on a swivel until his peer called him forward.

Again, Naami shook his head like a bantha trying to shake off a cloud of buzz-bugs. His hearts beat like war drums, the edges of his vision seemed to throb with a pressure that felt like it was building in his skull. His breathing was controlled but hissed out through clenched teeth. Something told him not to deactivate his saber, whispers of some great power seemed to waft in the air and made his ears ring as if with tinnitus. Despite all that, his friend called out to him and Naami pushed through the fog of war so he could hone in on the relative calm of the present moment.

"Right, on it."

Saber stowed and helmet removed, Naami was able to take his first deep and steadying breath as he followed Haro's instructions. His head seemed clearer, his senses felt less rioted but the boy knew they were still in very real danger, though it felt good to have the datapad in hand, being productive. Time was of the essence, so he worked alongside his friend as quickly as possible while still maintaining accuracy.

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Direct Tags: Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron // Darth Strosius Darth Strosius // Commodore Helix Commodore Helix // Kasir Dorran Kasir Dorran // Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun
Nearby: Haro Aven Haro Aven // Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano // @whoever else is in the vicinity

Together, Master and Apprentice became weapons of the Dark, two grim Reapers who used lightning and blade and the cruel crushing grip of the Force to dispatch those who stood in their way. To their credit, the warriors and soldiers of the Alliance were valiant warriors; those that hadn’t succumbed to the toxins were just as bold and brave as they could be in the face of evil.

Some gave Veradun a challenge, one even tackling him to the rubble and gore splattered ground when the boy had a moment of distraction, and it had been a desperate struggle to ward off the soldier who sought to kill the boy - luckily for Veradun, his cruel and wicked Master still had plans for the boy, and his life was spared.

The close calls did nothing but fuel the boy’s dark rage, letting it tip over into something even darker…a lust for death, to kill everything. He felt primal, like he was meant to do this. Every victim that fell to his savagery, brought him more and more satisfaction. And the raw power that coursed through the Nagai’s veins made him long for more of it; it was like a drug for the boy. Little did he know that soon he would crash from the high he was on in the Dark side, but for now it had supercharged him just enough to be more lethal than he’d ever been.

So intent upon the slaughter was Veradun, that he hardly noticed when his Master gave pause - the Corpse Lord’s sadistic laughter dying away to nothing.

Then, the Dark Lord’s voice intruded into the boy’s mind - instantly stilling Veradun and causing the boy to tilt his blood flecked helmed head towards Nefaron, awaiting his Master’s next orders.

-The slaughter must wait. We make haste to the Data Center. I sense a presence that may impede our plans.-

Without speaking a word to acknowledge what the Sith Lord had said, the boy turned on his heel and reconvened with him, and together they made haste into the building that awaited them - allowing the Corpse Legion to deal with the bombardments and artillery and directed firepower that cut into their numbers.

Once upon a time, Veradun might have felt pain, sorrow…maybe even loss, with so much death. But now he knew and understood the truth. There would be more to replace those near mindless soldiers. Darth Nefaron’s dungeons and labs were filled with beings who were being broken and reshaped for that exact purpose. The Corpse Legion was doing exactly what it was intended to do - keep their Sith overlords alive by sacrificing themselves.

The Nagai teen was close on the heel of his Master, moving as swiftly as he could as they descended down towards the location that they needed to reach. The sooner they could get there, the better, for the boy knew that eventually the Alliance and their warriors, perhaps even Jedi, would convene upon the location and seek to destroy anyone who wasn’t counted amongst their ranks.

The further they went in, however, the more a strange sensation began to prickle at the back of the boy’s mind. Something that he couldn’t quite place or understand. It carried a hint of familiarity, but even that wasn’t certain to him. The boy brushed it aside, trying to focus solely upon the task at hand. His attention was to be on his Master, for anything less than that could spell his demise. Veradun was simply too young to die; he refused such a fate for himself.

Soon, it became apparent to Veradun that he and his Master were not the first to have breached the Data Center; someone else had beaten them to it.

Further his Master went, and Veradun followed obediently - his desire to prove himself to the Lord of Fear pushing him onward. If the Pits had taught him anything, it was that nothing and no else mattered more to him. Soon - the sounds of conflict reached the two Sith’s ears; from within and beyond and around them, the very structure and the ground beyond groaned and shook with the heaviness of violent conflict. Cautiously, the boy lifted his head to peer up at the shadows of the structure above him - praying that it wouldn’t come crashing down upon his head and burying him there.

The two Sith were able to get eyes upon the conflict beyond; Veradun’s eyes flickered over the scene unfolding - three figures, two of which were fighting. The boy frowned beneath his helm as he beheld the darker of the two fighters; something about the Sith was…very familiar.

The robes…the mask…

No…No it couldn’t be. He’d watched the man die…turn to ash. His Master had said he’d been weak…a weak Sith couldn’t…

Confusion made the Nagai boy freeze in place, as he felt his heart accelerate within his chest. This…this was not possible. Veradun shook his head, and a seething hate replaced the confusion. Someone was running around masquerading as his late High Priest. That was the only thing the boy could accept in the moment. His High Priest, Lord Strosius…was dead.

Whoever this was…was an imposter.

The boy almost lunged forward, burning with the violent hatred and rage towards someone who would dare dishonor the dead Sith Lord like this - but before he could do anything, something else reached into the boy’s mind and in an instant, that fury drained away as his helmeted head snapped in the direction of yet another familiar presence. One he hadn’t felt since Faldos…


<<Listen to me. Protect yourself.. my brother, and leave this building now. I will finish off the vile rat and all those who wish to aid him with my own hands.>>

A sudden sense of incoming danger filled the boy’s senses, and the hairs rose up over his body as the other fighter that was facing against the High Priest imposter turned the tides on them all.


First it was a small leak, then glowing liquid from beyond the facility breached fully and began to flood the space around them.

Total and utter chaos ensued, and as the seemingly glowing water splashed around the imposter and the droid beyond, before surging towards Veradun and Neferon. The boy turned to his Master, the urgent need to pull back and heed the voice of the one who called him a brother, filling his mind.

...Master, we need to go, now.” he said, knowing that his tone of voice just might get in trouble - but right now his concern was survival. Especially since the rushing and glimmering water that was now flowing about his legs seemed to make him feel…sick. Like something was in the water itself that was affecting him in a way he’d never experienced before, and he certainly didn’t like it.

The water was rushing in faster, growing…deeper. Growing uncertainty bordering on fear clutched the boy’s heart once more, and he considered turning and dashing back the way they had come. The only thing that made him stay where he was, was knowing that if he fled and if his Master lived…Veradun would face a fate worse than death.

If there was any better chance to prove loyalty, now was that time. He just hoped that the Dark Lord had some nifty trick up his sleeve to keep them both from drowning in this damn, uncomfortably glowing water…



Objective: Aid GADF Forces Against the SO/Give Medical Attention To Those in Need
Tags: Nos Voros Nos Voros Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Gress D'ran Gress D'ran
Equipment: Standard 44th Equipment

They say in a battle, you have to act fast. Think quick. Sometimes it becomes to chaotic that you cant stop to focus. Formulate a plan. You just default to what you know to stay alive. This firefight now had Jessikal tossing the last of her Bacta Bombs as she dragged the commandos behind cover to treat their wounds. Blaster fire flew above her head, an explosion casted more dirt and gravel upon her dirty white hair, which looked more like a soot color now. Jessikal gave a commando some pain medicine . She gave him a reassuring smile before then looking around trying orient herself. Already members of Echo Squad were pulling back with what wounded they can. Her eyes turned to see a Commando picking up a wounded 44th combat medic, only for one of the Sith troopers to spot him. But before Jessikal can shout anything a couple of blaster bolts struck the commando.

"NO!" Jessikal shouted as she scrambled over to the fallen commando and the medic. The elite Sith Trooper turned to shoot at Jessikal, but the Senator pulled out her GAHP-2 Roundhouse Pistol and fired at the trooper. Naturally the pistol was set to ion bolts due to the Ariem swearing off violence. As the ion bolt struck the Sith Trooper, its armor seemed to absorb it. He approached closer. Jessikal unloaded another shot and another at the approaching enemy, tears running down her face. She didn't know how many shots it took, but then she heard the click, click noise of her pistol. She had expended the entire charge. Jessikal looked down at the Sith trooper, now on the ground presumably unconscious.

Her focus shifted to the commando and the Ariem medic he was carrying, checking both their pulses. Nothing. They..both died. One from her wounds and the other from being shot. Jessikal closed her eyes and she shook her head. "I'm sorry.." she muttered. She flippedd the commando over to check his dog tags. "Barachiel. You..deserved a medal for your heroism." Jessikal would take a deep breath, reloading her pistol before then dragging the body of both the fallen Ariem medic and Barachiel with her. Jessikal was carrying the Ariem medic, on her back, while she tried her best to drag Barachiel's body on a stretcher she found. The Ariem were not a strong race and doing this was pushing her physical limitations to beyond their limit. But Jessikal had to at least try. Even if her muscles ached and her feet were sore as they can be.

Jessikal lost track of time as she slowly made her way to the abandoned factory. The streets had begun to flood a bit which made the trek even slower. Even have to partially swim to prevent the stretcher carrying Barachiel's body from just washing down a street or the body of the fallen Ariem medic just floating away. But in the process of saving them, her communicator got soaked, becoming inoperable. Still Jessikal pressed forward to the abandoned factory where the rest of the 44th were held up. For what seemed like an eternity later, Jessikal could see the abandoned factory ahead, a wave of relief coming across her face. It was quickly replaced with fear and concern as the ground began to shake violently. Pieces of buildings began to come down, causing Jessikal to try and run away from the falling debris. Fissures starting to erupt on the ground, making Jessikal having to hop across small gaps.

But those gaps grew larger, the fissures more frequent. One opened both in front of Jessikal and behind her, causing her to nearly fall into the crack. But she managed to hold her ground, her balance shaky at best. Barachiel's body would slip out of the stretcher and began to slowly slip into a fissure. Jessikal grabbed onto the body and with all of her strength pulled the body back up, falling down onto the ground in the process. The earthquake didn't seem to be ceasing soon and more debris fell from the buildings nearby. What Jedi Knight Shan told her seemingly flooding back into her mind

Don't be a hero if you don't have to. It will be hard on you for you to attend the funeral of your people. But it'll also be hard on them if they have to attend yours.

"I'm sorry Master Jedi. I..I don't know if I will make it out of this alive." Jessikal said with a sad smile on her face. A faint noise of an air speeder caused Jessikal to look up to see a GALAAT-30 Ziio above her, with ropes being thrown down, and a pair of medics from the 44th coming down.

"Senator! Oh thank the home world you're okay!" said one medic. "Echo Squad came back with wounded but said you were still behind. We were going to come back for you but then we got help from these pilots to take the wounded back to base camp. Then the earthquake and flooding started. We tried reaching you but got no response."

The medic turned to the bodies, Jessikal had been carrying, her expression softening alot. "Come Senator, we still have work to do."

Jessikal nodded as they were loaded up onto the dropship to head back to base camp. The flight was much faster and less chaotic. Touching down, Jessikal watched as members of her companies zip up the boides into bags to be transported at another date. She then turned to one of the sergeants under her command. "Status?"

"The wounded are being treated, some of our squads are out of the fight. Either..KIA or..members are wounded." the sergeant replied "Casualties for us are about thirty, either dead our wounded...."

"A fifth of the entire company..." Jessikal barely said in her quivering tone.

"Yes..Senator. But requests for medical attention from the 34th and 42nd are growing more consistent. Artillery fire and frontline combat."

Jessikal drank some water from her pouch. People needed their help and the 44th can still provide it. "Are the gunships going to help us?"

"Yes, with the earthquakes, its too risky to go on foot."

"Get everyone that is able onto the gunships. Resupply on all medical equipment. We gotta help more people and get them home, alive."

Jessikal then walked off, brushing a rogue tear from her eye as she pulled out her new communicator. "To the 34th and 42nd, the 44th are on our way via gunships. Move your wounded to a secure spot and we will get them to safety."
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Student of Kor'ethyr Academy


TAGS: Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano | [PVE]

The large crescent-shaped mainframe consul took up much of the room's central platform. Haro stood at its epicenter, heart pounding, very nearly hyperventilating, trying desperately to make sense of the dozens of buttons, switches and flashing lights that decorated the durasteel panels. He'd certainly never navigated an automated security system as advanced as this before, especially not for a ground complex as large as Woostri's Central Archives and Computation Building, but he did know how to disarm a starship's security system. He'd done it hundreds of times back at the shipyard as part of the safety protocol before conducting certain repairs.

"Ok ok ok ok..." He muttered repeatedly, trembling hands flicking over the controls as he attempted to familiarize himself with the interface. Despite the mounting pressure, Haro was relieved to find that he recognized some of the common components and that the system appeared to respond to some familiar initiation sequences.

He set Bodie down on the consul and the little droid scuttled up to the nearest port to plug in, but it was quickly becoming clear that Haro would need more than just Bodie if they hoped to accomplish their mission before it was too late. He hesitated, a new wave of dread washing over him as the consequences of accomplishing the mission really seemed to register in this moment of truth. Again, he was confronted with the reality that, if he failed, he and Naami would likely not make it out alive. He spared a glance at his friend as he synced his data pad, trying his best to ignore the wretched feeling that churned in his core after witnessing what Naami had done to those troopers, what he had clearly wanted to do to that Jedi...

"I'm gunna need your help," Haro said, his voice tight with focus and barely-contained panic.

"Here," he stepped up to Naami and handed him the data pad as code began to flood the screen, propagating line by line. Now that his friend's helmet was off, Haro took a brief but meaningful moment to hold his gaze, concern and caution behind his gemstone eyes.

"I need you to keep an eye on these," he pointed to the lines of code, delineating the individual tasks as they propagated, "and let me know as they go into standby, or disarm, or if access is denied. Ok?"

He spun on his heel and stepped back up to the consul, immediately back at the controls. "We're gunna try and override all the defense response tasks that are currently running, then the system should allow a complete shutdown."

"You got that, Bodie?"
The little droid chirped an affirmative, displays flickering yellow to indicate processing mode, aiding Haro and Naami in filtering through the massive amounts of information within the system and targeting only what they needed.

Despite how the building rumbled and shook from the battles that raged on nearby, the three of them remained focused and made short work of their goal. Unbeknownst to the boys, the water flooding deeper within the datacenter had found its way to the control room and was just beginning to creep inside. But the water wasn't the only thing that had snuck its way in.

After a few tense minutes of slicing and finessing, the system finally relented and cleared a complete shutdown of all automated defenses. "Hah!" Haro exclaimed with a manic excitement, shuffling over to pull the big red lever. He spun to face his friend but caught sight of movement that Haro immediately registered as a threat. His gun was in his hand before he could think, his lightning fast reflexes allowing him the half-second advantage required to fire before the enemy combatant could line up their own shot to the back of Naami's exposed head. But this time, instead of a spray of blasted droid components, blood splattered against the supercomputer as Haro's hand canon blast connected with the trooper's head. The thud the body made as it crumpled to the durasteel walkway was unmistakably organic.

For a long horrifying moment, Haro remained frozen in place–gun pointed just shy of Naami's left horn, his eyes like saucers. Time suddenly felt different, the next indeterminate amount of seconds drawn out as if caught in some cruel stasis while the sound of the blast still rang in his ears. The initial shock of it was almost numbing but the anguish, the crippling remorse, hit him a moment later like a punch to the gut and his breath hitched as if he'd actually been struck, his arm finally lowering to his side.

"I... I didn't... I'm sorry," he muttered despondently, staring past Naami at the bleeding corpse, his crystalline eyes glittering as they welled up with such deep sorrow. "I'm sorry."

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