Eternal Father
The lift came to a rumbling stop, the doors parting to reveal the Sith Emperor in all of his nefarious splendor. There was a short hall before the antechamber leading to the High Magnate's office, its walls adorned with priceless art and marble statues depicting womanly figures. Apparently, who ever this High Magnate was he was a purveyor of fine luxuries, of both materialistic nature and of the flesh.A single secretarial desk sat to the left of the office entry; unoccupied.
The guard posts further off to either side; likewise unoccupied.
Carnifex's eyes narrowed as the forced the doors open with a faint gesture of his right hand, both doors snapping off of their hinges and collapsing down onto the carpeted floor. Beyond was a massive desk arranged in a semicircle with the convex exterior facing towards the entryway. On top of the desk was a great many trinkets and baubles, the typical acutremen you would find on the desk of any high-ranking corporate stooge in the galaxy. What was most surprising was the fresh corpse slung over the center, the man's head slumped back to reveal a still smoldering plasma wound right between his shocked eyes.
In the chair behind the desk sat a woman, one who held the weapon that undoubtedly snuffed out the life of the dead man.
"Emperor Carnifex, I've been expecting you."
Brow knit, the Emperor stalked forward with caution. "You have me at a disadvantage, assassin. How will you spend this brief moment?"
She shook her head, placing the weapon slowly down on the desk and sliding it towards him. "You misunderstand my intentions, Mighty Emperor. I am no assassin, at least not professionally. I once served the man you now see dead upon this desk, the former High Magnate of Ord Thoden. It was he who had misled you, he planned to lure you here and kill you so that he would not have to bend the knee to anyone but himself, a short-sighted man who didn't even comprehend the consequences of what such action would bring."
Now she stood, walking around the outside of the desk to stand five meters from the much-larger Sith Lord. "So I murdered him and alerted security to the presence of armed mercenaries in the compound before you arrived, all so that I could prevent your wrath from destroying this world and all who live upon it." She fell to one knee, head bowed, "Forgive the delusions of a lunatic, merciful Lord, and let Ord Thoden thrive as a member of your glorious Empire."
The Emperor was silent for a moment, an uncomfortably long moment, but the woman dared not budge from her knelt position before him.
Then, in a dark voice, the Emperor spoke.
"Arise and follow me, and take his body with you."