Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tef's Questions For The Forum

Bird Prime

Probably a guy???
Tefka said:
1. Why are you guys always so salty? You can answer jokingly or seriously, take this question at face value.
2. Are we aware that metagaming is not against the rules? Metagaming isn't mentioned in the rules. There's some mentions of specific forms (stampeding), yes, but no mention of generalized "metagaming".
3. Do we want metagaming to be mentioned and ruled against in the rules?
4. Are you aware/have you thought of the consequences of giving Staff the official power to judge and rule against metagaming?
5. I know I said there'd never be another map reset after Netherworld ...but do we want another map reset?

Newish bloke coming in to give my thoughts, please don't use me like a chew toy.

1: Salt will always be present where there's a sense of competition as, I believe people have said this already, people have worked hard to get to where they are so as soon as that becomes under threat people are bound to get angry and salty over it. I haven't been around all that much so again, I might not have seen cases in the past but from my impressions of this forum, you guys have kept things running very well, which leads me to my next point...

2,3 & 4: I feel as if metagame is a double-edged sword with something like this. On a forum roleplay that requires a certain amount of cooperation between writers for the betterment of the story, some level of metagame is required. Of course then the other side of it is that it can be abused and used for less-than-noble intentions. So far I've seen that allowing people to do self-moderation and have a little bit of autonomy on this forum has actually worked surprisingly well, but just like anything you're bound to get a few bad eggs. If you were to put a set of rules and moderators in place regarding metagame, I think it'd need to be at a specific, though I'd leave that to you.

5: I feel like that'd be more harm than good and wouldn't fix the problems that brought on the consideration of doing it in the first place.
1. Because without salt, we'd be a bland piece of meat.

2. Yep.

3. As much as Meta annoys me, I'd rather this place not become Mizahar. The less regulations, the better.

4. #TyrannyReigns

5. Yes. I feel as though partial map resets may be necessary every couple years. Not to the scale of Netherworld as new factions still have elbow room right now.

Darth Osano

2. Are we aware that metagaming is not against the rules? Metagaming isn't mentioned in the rules. There's some mentions of specific forms (stampeding), yes, but no mention of generalized "metagaming".
  • Oh, goody. I've been allowed to metagame this whole time. Now I can get a bunch of old reports thrown out.
3. Do we want metagaming to be mentioned and ruled against in the rules?
  • No, I have now become more powerful than any Jedi.
4. Are you aware/have you thought of the consequences of giving Staff the official power to judge and rule against metagaming?
  • Please do not implement any new rules. I have only just now begun to enjoy my Meta Power.
5. I know I said there'd never be another map reset after Netherworld ...but do we want another map reset?
  • No, but if you do, I will single-handedly metagame all of the Sith Empire's territory back into existence. Just try and stop me, copper.
1. Too new to this place to have a grudge against anyone or any group. I will say that as an outsider looking in, there are definitely people who take this game a little too seriously. As in: people are so defensive of every square inch of their characters and lands that I wonder if they are remembering this is supposed to be a fun hobby.

2. Okay. It's not against the rules. Good to know. What that tells me is to not get worked up over it if it happens.

3. If a rule like that would cause a significant portion of the writer base to quit, then no. However, let it get too rampant and all you'll have are cliques where every group does their echo chamber dance, and where interactions go poorly and nobody enjoys themselves.

4. Sounds like something that would put too much strain on the judges responsible. That said, I like rules, limitations, and weaknesses. It's so interesting. Humanizing.

5. No, please. I just got here and like having maps to give an idea of who has influence where and what the overall picture is. Plus, you guys may not be aware, but you've all managed to make a place that feels like a living, breathing galaxy. That's great!

Final thoughts:
Eat, laugh, love
And please let me have one of your eyeballs.

K thx bye!


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