Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Tell It To My Heart | SO Dominion of Praesitlyn


Information and communication are two lifelines of war just as vital as supply lines and soldiers. To control and dominate these spheres means to control the battlefields themselves, allowing one to wield influence over their foe. Such an advantage is one that the Sith Order must have if we are to succeed against the prosperous Core Worlds and the Alliance.​
Praesitlyn and its Intergalactic Communications Center will allow our Order not only a strengthened presence on the Rimma Trade Route but also will give us access to a grand Holonet hub that can be twisted for our uses. Whether or not we will tear apart the Center for its relays or make use of it as is, will no doubt be a topic of debate, but for now the orders are clear and the invasion plan is set.​
:"Bring the world to heel!":​
The droning message continued to play as the soldiers of the Sith army prepared themselves for the objective at hand. How many times had they heard the propagandized speech play over the ship’s systems? It was enough to make all of them want to comply and succeed just to get it to stop. If they captured the world they would not have to listen to it on the way back to their base. Maybe they would be lucky enough to remain on Praesitlyn in the effort to shape it.​
Dissension was already well underway. The Tsis’kaar had sent their agents to infiltrate and begin the coups d'etat which would create the chaos that would allow the Sith forces an excuse to subjugate the sovereign planet, not that one was needed. They were Sith afterall, and Sith took what they wanted. This was a different strategy, one which would create sympathizers and loyalists willing to lay down their lives for a cause they were convinced was the better alternative to the existence they currently had.​
This world proved critical. It could serve as a listening post in the coming war, as well as a way to control the narrative of what those under Sith occupation heard. Information was as effective a weapon as any to those who knew how to wield it. The Sith were skilled beyond measure.​
The message repeated one last time as the dropships were boarded.​
…the orders are clear and the invasion plan is set.​
"Bring the world to heel!"​


Objective 1: Opium of the Masses
In preparation for our advance into the system, as well as to conserve resources for the war against the Alliance, priests and charismatic Sith have been sent ahead to rile up the misbegotten and downtrodden of the planet into a revolt to soften up their defenses. While most of our forces will be sent to secure the Intergalactic Communications Center, these mobs will also receive some support to ensure that their revolts bear fruit.​
Support the mobs in their final push to take the capitol city, or vie for their favor and have them shout your name as their new leader once the world is in Sith hands.​


Objective 2: Calling Home
The Intergalactic Communications Center serves as the main jewel of the planet, one of the largest hubs for Holonet traffic in the galaxy, and one that is ripe for the taking. Surrounding the complex are five fortified outposts constructed during the Ancient Clone Wars, albeit recently refurbished with newer duracrete emplacements and mounted weaponry. One of these bastions has fallen already due to sabotage but the other four remain, leaving just enough room for those skilled enough to slip by the defenders to get a head start on claiming the Center and its assets for themselves.​
Eliminate the remaining defenders and secure the Center, or use the chaos to get whatever information may lie within the many channels of the Holonet.​

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Objective 2:
Tags: Open

It was the time to show my worth to the order. My father had sent me away from Exocron, to find teachings of the Sith, to learn of their leadership, their powers, their strengths so that I would return home, honor bound, conqueror of the force, and become the bastion of my people. What little I knew now was only a taste of what I would be going through. This is the reason I opted to be with the offensive to take out the communication centers. They were vital to the effort of claiming dominion of Praesitlyn. Maybe, this effort and value I produced would bring forth a mentor of the dark arts of the force, or at least earn me something to claim for my family.

My hand shook a little at the fear of this. The doubt I had within myself. Yet, it reached to the haft of the halberd. Feeling the cold steel through the gloves. Looking up, the vision of the first of many towers was before us. Soldiers ready to start the attack. Ready to charge into the towers, the solitudes of old that were refurbished from years long ago.

Breathing in deeply, the exhale released any stress I had. Scrounging up any fears, to be used as a weapon, a source of power to fight. Yet, the heart raced in my chest. Feeling it pounding upon the cage that kept it safe and within. Its thumping loud enough to be heard through the blood vessels in my ears. Feeling the blood swirling in my hands. Ready and prepared.

"Breach, Breach, Breach!"

One of the soldiers yelled. The directed charge exploded the door into the room. With a host of Sith soldiers filtering in through the door. Weapons fired upon them. Screams of pain from both sides as I took my turn. Running into the fray. Off hand holding up a barrier of the force. Letting me close the distance to the first soldier I could see. I twirl of my body, building momentum for the halberd to be swung with one hand. Feeling the jolt of kinetic impact go down the shaft and into my arm.

I held fast, gripping with both hands, white-knuckling it to bring a downward cleave on the soldier to finish his life. A soldier raced to me. Attempting to use a vibro-blade. A heavily telegraphed swing from overhead. My own weapon came up. Blocking the blade with the haft of the halberd. Releasing the lock to push the blade back up away from myself before swinging. My main hand pushed forward, while my off hand pulled. Increasing force just that little bit more to cleave mid way through his body.

A blackened boot came up to place on his chest, before pushing to yank free my weapon as the battle began.
Relationship Status: It's Complicated

WEAPONS: Ferrum Solus | Blodmåne | Strømafbryder
SHIP: Úlfs Reiði
TAG: Oleander Webb Oleander Webb | Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia

The Wolf had never been one for the use of propaganda. He was a soldier and warrior, one who more often than not took a more direct approach. Had it been up to him, the Sith would have stormed the capitol city and taken it by force without stirring up an angry mob or creating dissenters from among the populace. The shortest distance between two points was a straight line, and it was the most effective method of conquest. They did not need the city or planet for the people, they needed it because it was a hub of communications for the region of space they wished to expand into.

Quelling civil unrest was not something Gerwald was new to. Many of the worlds which had come under the banner of the Confederacy had seen the wolf do his part to settle it. In this instance they had been the cause of it, and now he would be the solution.

His own agents had been spread through the crowd to push them over the edge. His shadow was among them somewhere creating a reason for the people to finally storm the city. A few dead bodies placed in convenient locations made it look like the cause of neglectful policies would be enough to push the masses over the edge. It was a risk, considering anytime Gerwald sent the Anzat into the crowds it could put him in a feeding frenzy, but it was a risk he was willing to take. If he had to deal with Oleander, it would only further the idea that the wolf was there to help them.

He was not.

There were those among the Order which believed that displaying or feigning mercy was beneficial for them. They were not Jedi, however. The wolf knew there was a fundamental difference between the light and the dark. His life had been one which had tried to pursue balance, but life and circumstances pushed him toward the darkness. His first private meeting with Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath led to learning the Sith Code in detail. His mistress and Empress had shown Gerwald just how powerful the dark side could be.

His journey to embracing the dark side had been an eventful one, but in the end its call and allure had won. Without the dark side, Naedira would still be dead. His promise would have been unfulfilled, and Gerwald would still be chasing balance. For what? The Confederacy had folded, and the Sith had remained. Now it was his duty to see them thrive.
A scream was heard across the crowd, followed by another. Gerwald smirked as panic began to fill the mob which had assembled for their protest. It seemed his shadow had completed the first part of his task, now it was onto the next.

Gerwald’s mind pressed against the mind of his hungry anzat.

<< “Win me a city. The officials are all yours.” >>

He would know what it meant. Oleander would eat well. It was not as much a reward as the shadow would deserve if they were successful. Gerwald would have to think on that. For now his efforts were concentrated on the one thing which he knew would further his position among the Sith of the Order. Gerwald would bring the city to heel. The days of hiding behind his title as executioner were over.

Eyes turned to the units of troops around him.

“When the citizens begin to rush the gates, be sure they make it through.”

His commander nodded.

“You heard the Wolf. It’s time to storm the city.”

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TAG: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia

You say that like it's a game of sabacc. The Anzat's voice carried dry humor even over telepathy, a slight return to the being he'd once been not so long ago. I doubt their soup will be well-flavored. Probably oily to chit. Just how the particular type of soup Oleander consumed could be oily was a question until itself, yet Oleander swore up and down that some, especially politicians, carried that flavor.

Standing atop a building he had just pushed a couple off of moments before, he lingered just long enough to ensure their deaths had not gone unnoticed. With the two, he'd also dropped a badge of the city's security force. It was a fake on further examination, but Oleander doubted the overall mob would operate with much scrutiny. His job was to cause panic, anyway, not accuracy. He spared one last glance at the bodies below and the small crowd forming. It was a shame to waste good soup, assuming any of what the two had to offer would've been good. Yet, it wouldn't do to give any indication the mayhem was caused by another entity entirely.

He descended into the city streets, slipping unnoticed amongst the mayhem he and others had caused. He pulled another citizen aside with practiced efficiency, his own body encased in alley shadow while the individual's would fall into the light as he drew his blade across their throat. No lightsabers, unless these citizens managed to pull one on him as well. No, that would make it all too clear something else was at play. And how long am I to play Boogeyman?



Wearing: This
There was a tension in the air, a taste that seemed to hang there, a fleeting flavour at the back of your mouth. It was familiar in its way, that taste of fear and terror, of people who had been pushed to the very edge of rationality, of what they could take. The sense of it pervaded the force in the area, tainting it with their thoughts and emotions. You only had to open yourself to it, reach out to the force and you could feel it, feel the tension and the adrenaline rising in the crowd, the flight or fight instinct starting to take control as they wavered on the edge.

Lunara's head tilted to the side, blonde locks spilling over one shoulder as she took a step forward out of the shadows to stand at Gerwald's side. An icy gaze swept over the crowd as it murmured and shifted. Empty hands rested at her sides as her lips turned down in displeasure.

"You know, you always take me to all the nicest places Wolf."

The familiar words and sentiment were spoken almost distractedly, an element of normalcy, that could be found in their friendship. It was a rock that the elfin blonde used to anchor herself as she opened herself to the force, to the emotion and power building in the plaza around them.

For a moment her mind travelled elsewhere, to a time in the past, to a time when she'd sensed the same taste in the force. Of a population pushed to the edge of rationality by the darkness, they'd chosen to flee, to cower whimpering in their hovels as their world shook.

As her world had ended.

She'd taken her first steps into the darkness on that day, tore their hovels away from them in a vast storm of the force that had travelled over the city. They'd let her life be taken from her by their inaction, so in a shriek of anger, she'd taken their lives from them. It was the same taste in the air now, that sense of a wavering uncertainty that wrapped around the crowd.

Only this wasn't the same, she could sense the influence of Oleander's attacks, goading the crowd into action, pushing them into action. Given time it would have been enough to drive them into a frenzy, a desire to escape the torment and fear which would drive them into the city.

It would take too long.

Lunara was no longer the bright girl who had tried to lead her people into the light, she'd died on the planet that day. No longer did she let the force guide her, trusting in it's invisible hand to move her to where she was needed. No, now she imposed her will on the world around her, and it would listen.

It would OBEY.

Unfocused sightless eyes stared at the crowd as her mind reached out to the force, running along threads of power, of emotion and fate jumbled together. Slowly a cold smile touched her lips, never quite reaching her glacial gaze as the woman reached up a hand.

"Got you."

Then she moved her hand like she was stroking the string of a violin, feeling the action reverberate through the crowd, using those feelings of terror that Oleander had created and amplifying them. Then a twist as she broke the string, pitting her mind against the will of the force, as she took the minds of the crowd, broke their rationality. One moment they were a multitude of worried individuals unsure of what they should do. Then they were a horde of terrified beasts surging forward against the gates, against the guards.

It was a punishment against those cowards from years ago. It wasn't enough to fill the hole in her heart, it would never be enough to quench the coldness, the darkness in her soul. But…it would do, for now. They would obey, or they would die. Either outcome would serve her purpose, would provide her friend with what he needed.

"One mob, as requested. Oleander should be able to guide them into the city if your men do their job and open the way."

ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ


Everything was happening so fast. The Horros of Echnos, The Jedi trying to sway her, The Mandalorians bringing back memories she never knew existed. So many questions, not enough answers.

It was all happening too bloody fast!

And now amidst the chaos of war, an opportunity had presented itself that was too important to pass up. Too important for Kaila to rest. Too important to reach out for support. Trust did not come easily to the Sith, least of all to one who played hard and fast with the rules as she had. With his marriage to her master, could her secrets still be entrusted to Xyrah? With her master keeping things from her, could she trust anyone among the Kainate?

Could any sith be trusted...?

Those were some of the few questions she did not want answered. For the truth might break her in this state.

But there were certainly questions she strived to answer, questions that might lay in the databanks of Praesitlyn. Documents, reports, anything that might tell Kaila who she was before the incident, what life she may have lived before she was sith. And if Carnifex had hidden it from her, or if she really was just a patient he'd found in a hospital.

And so she came to Praesitlyn alone. It would be more difficult, but she was trained to survive worse by her lonesome, and the empire had carved a good path for her. With the defensive outposts focused on the advancing legions, the newly christened Darth Anathemous had descended behind enemy lines via stealth-courier, dropping from the hovering ship onto a rooftop before it flew far away from the battlefield.

She would not be the only infiltrator here, she knew that much. But if she played her cards right, perhaps she could sift through parts of the holonet in which she could not access previously. Already she could see other teams moving up, special forces most likely, or perhaps Tsis'kar agents, she couldn't tell. She'd have to move quickly then, both to aid her fellow saboteurs so as not to look out of place, and to secure what information she could before it was too late.

Her lightsaber burst to life, violet blade cutting a circular hole into the ceiling.

The disc was still red hot along it's edge when it dropped, then her with it. Her new cloak of pantoran silk gently fell over her shoulders moments after like black wings settling after a long flight as she landed on one hand and knee, the other arm outstretched straight as her lightsaber, which she would need after such a loud entrance.

Panicked security guards came rushing down the hall, only to be met with that very lightsaber as it was thrown in a spinning motion. The first was immediately decapitated by the rogue saber, passing the second by. He fired at the infiltrating Sith only for his shots to stop mid air, as if frozen in time before her outstretched hand.

With the other, she unlocked the door beside her via the force, and waited...

Before he could get another shot off, the lightsaber spun back down the hall, grazing his arm and cleaving through his blaster as it returned to Kaila's hand.

Then the doors opened. The communications center was officially being breached.

Ansisa Ansisa


In truth, this mission was not exactly her normal cup of tea. Emotional manipulation and rioting the masses was not generally in her wheelhouse. But A'Mia relished the opportunity to show that she was flexible and her skills were diverse. Better yet, she was using this as an opportunity to demonstrate a potent example of what Korriban and its devotees had to offer.

Scattered amongst the crowd were her own disparate retinue. Elmindra Xitaar Elmindra Xitaar had lent A'Mia a small company of falleen warriors and trained her briefly in their most effective use. Those same falleen might be recognized by Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner . They were the very same present at the party on Korriban all those moons ago. These warriors were interspersed discretely amongst the crowd and as Lunara Azure Lunara Azure achieved such a mighty feat within the Force, A'Mia nudged their squadron leader with her mind. It was their signal to let loose a riotous blend of pheromones which served to further heighten emotions. The surging crowd seemed to heave and roar, the dark side and the very air in their lungs overtaking them to make them a near mindless horde.

The falleen were not her only tool. Darth Caedes Darth Caedes had assisted her in the creation of shambling, vine comprised sithspawn. Those mindless servants would lay in wait, planted some hours earlier in the dark of night at the edge of the capital city they were to breach. Their instructions were to hide in plain sight until the moment was right, dormant until called upon. A'Mia readied to puppet them to act as climbing trellises, would command that their roots crack through rock and twist metal to weaken the front gate, and after the general populace entered… Well, her arboreal servants would be fast on their heels to incite more mayhem and spur them onward with new fear.

The neti herself had been keeping to the shadows, orchestrating so many underlings was new to her and for a time took all her focus. But now? as things were truly beginning to boil over. She was ready. A'Mia glided forward from the shadows, less tall and imposing than she normally was, instead favoring a shorter petite frame that would draw less attention in a crowd of near humans. The woman seemed stoic, her effect almost flat in comparison to all the emotion flying around.

"I will hang back some until I am needed closer in." She nodded politely to Gerwald and Lunara, as if there weren't a raucous riot happening.
"My hearing will be intact if you need to give me orders but this body will be blind for a time" as she indicated herself.

The woman's expression pulled into a tight focus and her wide blue green eyes suddenly fogged over. Her presence in the force wasn't huge and impressive, but she was fell indeed. Like mold that creeps around every corner and seeps through every small crack, in the same way gas can invisibly fill a room, her presence spread out as seeking tendrils of darkness. With aid from the Murakami core in her chest, she bid her servants rise. All around the capital, once innocuous plant life sprang violently to life. Their raw, mindless strength put to work to begin tearing away at structures which inhibited the march forward. Any opposing guards were targets of brutal consumption and for those in the crowd brave enough or pheromone and force crazed enough, the sithspawn would even lift them over walls.


Relationship Status: It's Complicated

WEAPONS: Ferrum Solus | Blodmåne | Strømafbryder
SHIP: Úlfs Reiði
TAG: Oleander Webb Oleander Webb | Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia | Lunara Azure Lunara Azure | Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

<< “I am hoping the information you gain from them will make suffering the taste worth it. This task is not a glamorous one I know. I will find a way to make it up to you.” >>

Gerwald believed in rewarding those loyal to him. It was his way of showing loyalty in return. The trait was what drew people to him and gained the eye of the Lord Commander he had succeeded. The Wolf had been made Lord Commander of the Knights Obsidian because he had found ways to make the difficult decisions in battle while minimizing the loss of any army’s greatest asset.

Its soldiers.

Oleander Webb Oleander Webb was the creative sort. He never did exactly what the Wolf told him to do. The Anzat always added an extra bit of flare. His apprentice, Gerwald smirked at the thought, made each task his. He personalized them, and that was what the Wolf valued more than anything Oleander had to offer.

His admiration of the way in which Oleander went about his assignment was interrupted by the blonde woman which stood at his side. It seemed old friends and loyal compatriots were returning to him en masse. It made the Wolf realize something he had perhaps forgotten. He was influential, someone that others willingly chose to follow. Even as the sounds of panic created a symphony of fear that rose to where Gerwald observed.

Golden eyes, corrupted by the dark side, turned to look in her direction. Lunara Azure Lunara Azure had been a steady hand after the death of Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath . Their friendship was built on the mutual experience of losing a loved one. It seemed unfair that Gerwald had found Naedira again and Lunara still bore the loss of her lover, her prince. Yet, it seemed to do nothing to diminish the sarcasm with which she often teased the Wolf.

“Try not to ruin your outfit this time,” he spoke in retort. “I will never keep track of how many replacements I owe if you do.”

Her familiar commentary was answered with his own.

The Sorceress took quick advantage of Oleander’s escapades, using the force to spread fear through the mob. Her mastery of the technique was frightening. She had embraced the darkness, but this, it was as though she was not on Praesitlyn, but home. Her loss fueled the dark side within her, and today it made her horrifying.

Oleander Webb Oleander Webb pressed into his mind with another question. Gerwald’s answer was simple.

<< “Just until we breach the gate.” >>

A new face had joined Gerwald’s small cadre of commanders for this task, a Neti. He remembered her face from the party on Korriban which included a ritual many of the guests had not anticipated. Whatever had happened was past them now, and the Sith Order was much less fractured than it had been in those days. It seemed many of the Sith Lords now worked together as much as they did not. Was it because each was vying for position? There were several who wished to be emperor, and Gerwald knew he could not follow any which had made their aspirations clear.

He would have to seat the only person he could follow, or take the mantle for himself. The Wolf saw no other option currently.

His nose drew in the pheromones the Falleen which Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia had spread throughout the crowd. The strong sense of smell which he had made it unavoidable. Gerwald was susceptible to them, though not to the degree he would have been when he was younger. Time and exposure had taught him how to account for the overbearing sensitivities of heightened senses. It did not make him immune however. Gerwald would lead, but do so while fighting an internal battle of his own.

Gerwald’s attention turned to the Neti.

“If you can me an opening I can reach the gates from within the city and open them from within. There is no reason for you to remain in the shadows when you can command nature as you can. Come, stand with me. Let the Order see what can be accomplished when Jutrand and Korriban stand side by side.”

It was an invitation, perhaps even a demonstration. Gerwald truly believed the Sith Order would only be as strong as it was unified. The days of arguing for it in word only were over. The Order needed to see how strong they were when they worked together.

Gerwald’s mind reached out to one other. A spymaster was a great boon to anyone. The Wolf had his Shadow in Oleander, his Strom in Lunara, yet he needed more than cold and dark. Gerwald would see if Allyson Locke Allyson Locke would be it. She was the cousin of someone the Sith Lord respected and often did business with. The Wolf had sent her with the advanced party to infiltrate the capitol building itself. They had maintained radio silence to avoid burning her cover, but if she was anything like her family, Gerwald knew she would prove reliable.

<< “Are you in place? Once we breach the gates, we will need to take the capitol building.” >>

He hoped he was asking a question he already knew the answer to.

With every instruction given, Gerwald smiled as he looked to those still standing with him.

“I suppose it is my turn,” he said with a playful, wolfish grin.

Bones began to pop as his form contorted. The armor he wore, still bearing his past role as Lord Commander, shifted with him. The design had been made for him, and improved upon when he ascended. It had been a gift from a mentor, the man who chose him as successor. His change was quick, fast, but often made those who witnessed it for the first time seem like time stood still. A large wolf, armor clad, now stood where the man once had.

Launching out, Gerwald was running at full speed in no time. His ability to move and weave through the mass mob was truly something to behold. He only hoped that Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia would have that opening ready for him by the time he reached the gate. Her plant spawn was already helping the mob over the walls and dealing with whatever obstacles were in the way. His soldiers would ensure the mob made it into the city. Gerwald would ensure they succeeded.

A howl could be heard coming from among the crowd. More screams followed. Lunara Azure Lunara Azure was not the only one who could manipulate the fear and panic the crowd experienced. City guards attempted to rush him, and the ones which were not trampled by the crowd soon found the wolf’s teeth buried in their throats. Gerwald was an efficient killer, and the wolf a master of violence.


"Karkin Falleen…" words grumbled quietly through the cloth the woman held to her face. Blood and snot soaked the fabric as she cleaned away the evidence of her allergy. It had never been this bad before, but the concentration of the pheromones hadn't been this dense. Another hand rummaged through a knapsack secured in the small of her back. "Where the feth are you…?" Another frustrated whisper as her fingers wrapped around a slender cylinder. She wiped her nose one last time, then jabbed the middle tip into her thigh. Air sucked between her teeth as she stifled a painful yelp. Relief was almost instant; the afflicted woman could feel her sense return to her. She tossed aside the disposable syringe and refocused her mind on her task.

Allyson stared at the small screen she had connected to the external port of the gateway, reading the string of numbers and code. A soft whistle escaped her pressed lips, "Seems I've caused a bit of chaos already," the Corellian mused. At the same time, she removed the last bit of the military garb she had stolen a few weeks prior. Undercover was easy, wearing the identity of someone else felt more at home than being herself. It came almost naturally to the spy. Allyson removed the equipment quickly, and with a wave of her hand, the handheld device rebooted several times till the internal data was corrupted beyond repair. "The force works in mysterious ways," she almost laughed, mocking an old phrase she heard at the temples. Despite being a Jedi, the woman never bought into the age-old philosophy. It felt almost out of reach; her only connection was long gone.

The next phase of the plan was coming to a head, and the Corellian phased out of sight with the aid of the Force. The chaos made by the Tsis'kaar was sloppy in her mind. There were better ways to forge a coup, but that matter wasn't hers to worry about. Maybe the Sith just liked things messy. Allyson was far away, but as she came upon the target building, something tickling the back of her mind forced her to stop. It was a feeling she had felt before, although unlike before, this one wasn't familiar. Almost instantly, mental barriers forced their way up, and she became null in the Force. Her breathing slowed as she remained in her corner hiding spot, protected by the Force from sight.

Nothing more came. Whoever the feeling belonged to seemed to begin to back off, or she had shut them out considerably. A hand clutched the zipper of her jacket. 'Just breathe,' she reminded herself. The feeling of tendrils caressing her mind, trying to forge a link, made the hair on her neck stand. It triggered something deep within her, something that she never wanted to feel again. Her fragile mind remained protected as she calmed herself.

Suddenly, a voice crackled in her earpiece. Her mind silenced, focusing on the voice. The mission became the focus again, and Allyson found her center again. << Yes. Gates are prepped for arrival. >> The Shadow had manipulated the code of the gate's security. Having arrived with the Tsis'Kaar without their knowledge and slipping into the command center's security forces. This allowed the Corellian access to everything. With a wave of her hand, the command center would easily fall into the hands of the Empire. As long as things went as planned, she needed to gain access to the core of the building and its system.

It was one place she couldn't touch without the proper clearance. But who needed clearance now that the cavalry had arrived? Allyson was on the move again as she crept around the mobs that began to flood through. The command center was close, and she could feel the hum of the holonet through the Force.

It was comforting.
Objective 2
Tags: Open

The weapons fire was being directed at me as soon as the two enemies were cleared. An off hand flashed like lightning in front of me to hold the bolt in statis before being thrown back at the attacker. The bolt slamming home as I closed my distance to the stairwell. Rushing up the steps two at a time, The halberd was flipped to my back. The hook holding it while my hand grabbed the lightsaber. The crimson blade burst to life in its hues and colors. Swiping at another man. Cleaving through his wrist to remove his pistol from my face. A force push to throw him up the stairs to his conspirators, before my saber was thrown underhand. Spearheading into him and injuring another man through his leg.

An enhanced jump through the force closed the distance for me to land on the dying man, yanking the saber free, and a very quick flourish to build momentum. The crimson blade slicing through the man's head. Cleaving about half way through before pulling it to look up the stairs. Long arms were pointing to me. Left hand once more coming up. The bolts almost seemed magnetized to my hand. Being absorbed quickly before a waving sphere of dark energy was thrown at them. The explosive burst sent them flying down the stairs to fall, or slamming them into the walls. Another leap to close the distance. Saber piercing the chest of one, thrown to another to go through the visor of another's helmet, before closing the gap. Grabbing the blaster on the ground and firing it into the chest several times.

Once more the saber returned to my hand. Flashing live once more the hum echoing in the stairwell as troopers that had breached with me used the opening to scale the distance past me. One stopped and spoke.

"First three floors are clear m'lady. The hole you made allowed us to clear them out. Take a second and breathe before making another hole for us."
"I appreciate the assistance trooper. Make sure to leave men on the first floor to cover it should forces attempt to take it back. We can't risk getting stuck on the top floor with no way to go."

As soon as the words he spoke reached my ears, he turned around and headed back down to do as the command was given. Breathing heavily, I exerted myself quite a bit. Not enough to be dangerous, or even close to my limit. But enough I could feel my heart racing and my chest opening up as much as possible to get the required air to function. the blade was shut off as I walked up the stairs. Looking at the troops do their job in trying to push their way up the tower.


TAG: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia | Lunara Azure Lunara Azure | Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

A shudder ran down Oleander's spine as the Falleen pheromones permeated his senses. His pupils dilated, drawing another unfortunate individual to their gruesome end with a heightened enthusiasm. The Anzat wasn't one for getting swept up in emotion but even he could admit it was fun to let loose on the occasion.

From his most recent victim, he pulled off a nondescript cloak, sliding it onto his shoulders before slipping into the gathering crowd. He looked perfectly average in a group of humanoids, one of the crowning traits of his people. With the terror spread by Lunara's...Lunara-ing and the additional mayhem incited by an individual he'd not had the pleasure of meeting yet, the masses were already riddled with panic. They only needed direction.

He sought out a particularly burly individual in the crowd, one who looked to be a leader of sorts. As the distance closed, the allure of his mentalism would only grow stronger when tendrils of influence crept into the individual's mind. The city has done nothing to help you. Why should they enjoy the safety of the gates while you and yours suffer? Take the shelter for yourselves. Let them know you are pawns of them no longer. He'd echoed some of those words himself not too long ago. He had to wonder how much he had believed them at the time and how much was the heat of the moment.

With the directions planted, he once again slipped back into the shadows that made him so deadly. "Ooo. Showtime." He muttered to no one in particular as the howl of the wolf sounded over the growing chaos. With the impending wolf, he was glad he left the mob when he did. Trusting that the crowd was sufficiently motivated and the gates prepped to be opened, he made his way back to familiar senses, the pep in his step fading but not entirely disappearing.

"Now that that's done, shall we?" His voice was audible before he was visible, the wolf's shadow rejoining what was left of the commanding strike team. He offered a hand to Lunara as if he were an escort rather than a cold-blooded killer, ready to slip off once more should his services be needed elsewhere. A curious glance was cast towards the Neti. "Who's this?"


Tags: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons
Ansisa moved like a ghost, her steps silent as she moved through the communications centre, cloaked in the force and hidden from view, the only sign of her presence within the complex was the occasional splatter of blood where her assassinations not been quite as clean as she'd liked, the bodies themselves she had tucked away.

To secure the communications centre for the Tsis'Kaar was of the utmost importance, so much so she would not allow the other lieutenants to attend. This would be her victory and no one else's. It would seem though, that her plans to take it quietly were not quite in line with everyone else's. Alarms began to blare, their sing song raising the hairs on the back of her neck as she huffed out an annoyed sigh, the distant clamour of blaster fire reaching her ears.

she stepped around the next corner, as a line of security officers filed through the door at the end of the corridor. So perfectly lined up, an opportunity to impossible to pass up. Slender blue fingers unhooked the silent chakram from her waist, hurling it forward with a casual flick of her wrist. It cut through the air without a sound, cleaving through flesh and bone. Heads rolled from shoulders, one by one bodies crumpled. She stepped neatly over them as the circular blade returned to her hands at a gentle telekinetic command.

If quiet was off the table, then she might as well enjoy herself. She began to whistle, a haunting tune that rippled through the force, carrying fear in its wake. All who heard it would find the grip on their weapon slipping and would begin to see threats in the shadows. The serpent had come for them. Darth Anguina would bathe in their blood.
ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ


"Lady Anathemous," One of the approaching infiltrators spoke up as they neared the now open door, prompting her to look up at the team leader. She did not recognize their armor, save that it likely belonged to imperial forces, but it seemed like they recognized her. Perhaps they had seen her during the fighting on Echnos? It was nearby, as was Slius Van, so it would have made sense to redeploy them here while initiate still belonged to the Sith.

"We weren't expecting Kainite forces here, ma'am"

"Nor was I" She admitted, alluding to the suddenness of her own deployment.

The alarms drew both their attention away from the conversation much to her relief, although an alert enemy would be more challenging. The black-clad soldiers were quick to clear the entrance, gunning down the security that Anathemous had spared, taking a key card which she must have missed, then began moving deeper into the building. She followed them initially, admittedly a little lost as she had come here alone with her intentions, a mistake as she was beginning to realize.

Somewhere along the way they were intercepted by more mercenaries and a firefight ensued, forcing her to engage from a distance with lightning.

The sound of boots rapidly approaching from behind would see her moving to the rear, feeling that she would perform better better with more room to move freely, unimpeded by the potential of friendly fire, and so she passed the team's rear security, summoning a flame in hand.

"Go! I'll take this side, complete your mission"

The soldier would nod and rejoin his comrades deeper in the room as Anathemous passed through the doorway and into a curving hall, coming face to face with the enemy as she rounded the corner.

The first man was cut down with a graceful flick of her wrist, lightsaber cleaving through and killing him instantly. The second was blinded in a fiery flash, his screams quickly silenced almost quickly as the previous target. She raised her weapon to engage the next, only for his head to roll from his shoulders and onto the floor as Anathemous stepped to one side, a silent chakram spun through the air, returning to the blue hands of a whistling woman moments later, stepping over a long trail of bodies.

She recognized Ansisa Ansisa from the aftermath of Echnos, if only because she'd seen the woman following Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr whilst he debriefed The Empress. While she was unsure as to the exact nature of their relationship, this connection to the dark council meant she was highly dangerous, if the trail of bodies or the chilling tune whistled between those blue lips were not already indication enough.

"Tsis'kar?" She questioned, mask tilting to one side.

"You stood beside the master of Marr on Echnos. You'd have better intel then, know the lay of the land"

She hoped this one might be inclined work together, if only to better coordinate the attack.

"I'm looking for something, same as you perhaps?"

Ansisa Ansisa



Wearing: This
Of course the Wolf had decided to run ahead, barrelling through the crowd like the tank that he was. Even without the force the man would have been able to push through the mindless mob, with it there was no-one in the crowd who could impede his progress. If there had been anyone in the crowd who had been able to consider it.

When the blonde had reached out to the force she had considered throwing fear over the crowd, turning them into a horrified horde that would surge against the gate and the city beyond them. A horde though could come to it's senses when faced with a threat like the gate and it's guards. So…she'd taken the ability to think away from them entirely, broken their minds. They would recover eventually, or at least she thought they would. If not, well they had served their purpose, and the state of the crowd could be blamed on the government, binding the people of the planet to their new rulers. Even in death or agony, they would serve.

The question was, what to do now?

Gerwald had run off leaving her alone to make her own way into the city, or at least towards the gates. Assuming, of course, that the Wolf would be capable of taking care of them without supervision. Ok, that was a little unfair, he was more than capable of causing massive destruction and devastation on his own, but why should he have all the fun?

A tingle at her nose, the touch of pheromones that had her lifting a hand, gesturing into the air as she twisted the air around her body into a funnel, carrying the pheromones up and away from her person to fall among the crowd. In fact…a second gesture shifted the air around A'mia, providing a funnel to direct her pheromones towards the crowd more efficiently, while preventing any from affecting those around her, who they weren't intended for. No words were spoken, just a small nod before she turned her attention to the business of making her way through the masses.

Only a vague hint in the force she'd come to recognise, and an icy self control stopped the blonde from jumping out of her skin as she heard Oleander's voice before the slowly faded into view, an arm outstretched so she could accept it, taking a few steps closer to curl her arm around his, settling on his arm as if they were just taking a leasurely trip to the theatre or walk through town.

"Ah, a gentleman, it's good to know that chivalry isn't entirely dead…as much as some here would like us to believe it."

Her gaze followed his hand for a moment, glancing back at the Neti before she turned to face the girl.

"A friend of Gerwald's, she'd responsible for the sithspawn herding the crowd and that little something on the wind. Will you be ok if we leave you here? Assuming Oleander can find a way into the city that doesn't involve barging through a horde of unwashed slavering near-animals?"





His ear flicked, as his eyes trailed out to gaze out the window. There was movement along the periphery, movement that was precise, movement that was considered, movement that was far beyond the consciousness of civilians, already losing themselves to the tribal mentality of shouting voices and raised passions.

It began then.

"Darth Pararius, does the Wolf begin his move?" Malum spoke through an earcomm that held little external indication of any make or mode, as Malum watched as it began in real time, as the crowd once raised, now rose, the air smelt of dearth, even contained within the confinement of his structure, he felt the change.

"The Wolf has, he is joined by Korribanite elements, as intelligence indicated, however, he has not yet called for our aid in opening the gates, he either intends to batter them down himself, or has another plan," A low voice replied a watcher on the wall, and one of his prized lieutenants.

Malum smiled, as thunder cracked above them, the air rippling with the light of the power of the heavens, as the first rains fell, little droplets upon them all, heralding the fall of yet another world to the Sith Empire.

"He has another plan he has not shared with us, the man is far more subtle than he presents himself, offer any assistance he might need, otherwise stay visible, the Tsis'Kaar must always be beyond reproach," Malum replied, gazing back upon his timepiece, a furtive thin line making home upon his features, as yet another minute passed the deadline.

"As you command, my lord."

It clicked off, as the smile returned easily enough at the tone of the voice. Darth Pararius had been of those most annoyed at the suggestion that the Tsis'Kaar infiltrate this world, raise the populace to revolt and execute the coups, only to give the greatest bounty, the coup de grace as it were to Lord Lechner.

Malum could not deny he shared some of those feelings, alas, he would do as he was ordered, he would do as was requested, the Tsis'Kaar could only continue to exist, could only continue to rebuild, could only continue to thrive, if they proved themselves forever indispensable, and if this would give him a chink in the Emperor's Executioner's armour, for them to make some peace, and perhaps beyond.

Lost glory was an easy enough price.

While Darth Pararius could simmer in annoyance on the topic of Lord Lechner, it would be Malum's fate to simmer of that of Lady Djo... or Lady Zambrano... or well, he supposed it was now Lady Ovmar, Malum would likely go with Darth Arachne, if only out of politeness, their last meeting... had hardly been that.

Yet, enough had happened, for both of them, that Malum was far more comfortable with this, even if lingering thoughts still remained, she had assured him... but then... well suffice it to say Malum had never expected the divorce, nor the mark placed against him and her. It would likely come to nothing, but, it was a curiosity enough, and made him far more cautious about the Caldera... well more cautious than he already was. Even disregarding all that, even disregarding... many lingering feelings,
If not for rumours abounding of a resurgence of her mother's empire, he might have still steadfastly ignored her existence, alas, he would be hardly doing his due diligence to the Tsis'Kaar nor the rest of the Empire, if he did nothing.

He blinked as another voice spoke in his ear, "The Shadow Hand has determined that she will take the ICC herself, we have made our presence felt upon the northernmost bunker, none shall doubt the Tsis'Kaar contribution to this fight, yet it shall be several hours before we reach her," He did his best, but the exasperation and judgement of Darth Sicarius was plainly felt. No doubt the ICC if captured would be used to broadcast the Kaggath that still loomed over him on Jutrand.

Malum offered a small chuckle, even as all thoughts of Lina left his mind, and he was gazing into the red eyes of...

Their bond remained as ever closed, yet the temptation...

She would be safe, he had trained her well... he had to trust that...

He had to trust her...

"Continue the operation as planned, Darth Sicarius, the Shadow Hand has my full confidence," Malum replied, masked face turning back to the window, the gate opening, and the crowd rushing through. It seemed the Wolf did have his tricks after all... and the Raven was most curious how exactly he had accomplished it.

"As you command, my lord."

And yet still, the once Zambrano was not here.

Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar
Mentions: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Lunara Azure Lunara Azure Oleander Webb Oleander Webb Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia Ansisa Ansisa


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Ansisa flicked the blood from the blade before returning it to her belt, red eyes settling on the masked form of Darth Anathemous, a ripple of annoyance running through her, though the only outward sign she gave was a soft click of her tongue.

"Kainite." she replied coldly "I suppose I have you to thank for the alarms, subtlety is not exactly built into your orders foundations." Her expression was almost bored as her eyes trailed her from head to foot, back up to the masked face. She was beginning to hate masks, to question the necessity of them.

How interesting that a kkainite would ask for her help. "The only thing I am looking for is for this facility to fall under the control of the Tsis'Kaar, and I don't require your assistance for that. I would advise against getting in my way, Darth Anathemous."

She stepped past the woman, pondering as she did what it would mean to have a kainite in her debt, what knowledge was she seeking and how it would benefit her. The sound of incoming boot of more security made her smile as she sidestepped the first blaster bolt, a shikaar blade sailing from her fingers to slam into the perpetrators throat.

"What do you seek?" she asked, as her lightsaber hummed to life, casually batting blaster fire aside. The security could wait for the moment, she had a deal to broker first.

Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

The Tsis'Kaar were not the only infiltrators of this world, though they were certainly greater in number, yet it only took a single whisper in the right ear to turn the tide of any uprising, the end goal would be the same, the world would come to heel as it needed to. Lina trusted her agents to see the job done, she was not here to oversee them, nor to interfere, she was simply here to enjoy the show.

And, she supposed, meet with the Heir of Marr. After all, they shared a mark, courtesy of her now ex-husband. Shadows bent and moved at her command, she melted into them only to reappear elsewhere, relishing in the freedom of it. This was where she belonged, where she had always belonged.

The room in which he was waiting darkened like the sun dimming before a coming storm. Shadowy tendrils stretched across the walls before retreating back to their origin, rising like smoke from her skin as she stepped forward, coming quietly to stand next to him as the darkness retreated within her, the final remnants swirling at the edges of her emerald eyes like ink on water.

"Hello Malum." she purred, eyes scanning the world beneath them.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr


In a fit of piqued enthusiasm and no small amount of a desire to overachieve, A'Mia took Gerwald's quest to heart. Milky, sightblind eyes appeared to see something far away and her spindly arms twitched at her side as she sorted through her sithspawn minions at the speed of thought. The neti chose a pair of her creations central enough to the target of the lupine commander's momentum and overtook them entirely so as to control their every move with precision. The rest were left with the lingering command to do as they had been, to rage against the infrastructure and abet the rioting populace in violence against all those standing in their way.

Her hulking servants turned in tandem to brace their shambling forms against one portion of the front gate. Unbeknownst to A'Mia but clearly felt when the sithspawn began leveraging their weight - Allyson Locke Allyson Locke ’s technological tampering weakened the entrance and made them more malleable to such brute sabotage. The vining horrors leveraged their weight in such a way as to bend metal and weaken connective joints, sharply creating a gap whereby a juggernaut wolf might shoulder through at great speed. The downside of course was that the general populace saw this as their best possible chance, throwing their own bodies at the gap with some even managing to scramble through to the other side.

With the way she placed her creations also allowed for another way through, though A'Mia had no real sense of Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner ‘s capabilities in his four legged form. If he were in fact agile enough, the sithspawn closest to the wall they sought to breech was standing slanted in such a way that he might be able to run up the thing like a ramp and leap high enough to clear the wall. The neti was curious to know if he'd favor the most direct but bloodier route, or if acrobatics would prevail.

All the while, some social pleasantries had been exchanged as she played puppeteer, she was even addressed somewhat directly. Having orchestrated what needed doing for the time being, A'Mia order her constructs to maintain their places and continue their destruction. Those wide strange eyes blinked and she came to, gliding forward to join her newfound companions Lunara Azure Lunara Azure and Oleander Webb Oleander Webb .

"My servants will continue their work for now, I’m free to join you until they need direction once more. I am A'Mia - Lord Seer of Korriban and Acolyte to her King, Darth Caedes Darth Caedes . Well met…?" She trailed off in waiting for their introduction.

Her affect was strange, oddly polite and cheerful, even soft spoken. She made no move to drawn too near but she would follow where they led. Pandaemonium and strife growing more insistent but distant drew her fell gaze ahead of them. If devoid of most other emotions she still certainly expressed an eagerness to join the fray.

Tags: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr





Malum's masked eyes turned towards the darkness that blotted out the darkened light that emerged out from the window. Silently watching, as through the Force that she commanded, or indeed, commanded her, a mixed series of contradictory emotions emerged, threatening to spill out of his mouth.

It was among the many times that he was glad he wore a mask, hers was a form shorter than his, but hardly short, with piercing green eyes as much emeralds, as his eyes were rubies, an older form than his, a mother in fact, but her age had never taken away from her beauty, it had only ever accentuated it.

He knew it well, after all...

It had been a mistake in all respects, a mistake to his loyalties, a mistake to his goals, yet, the pleasures of the flesh had always been his weakness, and for one so willing, one so... much like her. An opportunity to strike against those which he so despised, even in such petty, such leacherous manner... he could hardly resist.

Did it make him a good man? Certainly not...

...But he had hardly been a good man, in much time.

The acceptance of that hardly reduced the guilt that filled him though. Suffice it to say, when it came to Lina Ovmar, his feelings for her were as complex and as many as the number of names she held.

"...Lina," He responded, he had given her the opportunity to set the mood of their meeting, he had expected distance, he had expected coldness, yet, equally as likely he had known, it would be teasing, it would be coy. Yet, at the very least, it seemed their familiarity... their familiriaty, had granted them the right to move beyond that of titles and politeness, "...You are late..." He idly noted, as he cast his gaze up and down her form, excuse ready, yet... unable to deny his gaze, "...Regardless, are you well, the Kainite Shikkars have not yet found your back?" Of all their intimacy, of all their distance, it seemed unless this was somehow all some elaborate plot, which, considering he had not spoken of their time together, and there had been no other witnesses, it certainly could, even if it felt improbable.

But unless it was... they shared something, that bound them together now, the Kainite had united them together in a regard they had never achieved before.

And now it was a question of what they could do with it.

Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar


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Lina felt his gaze trail up and down even hidden beneath the mask as he was, she didn;t need to see it to know it, it had been the same wandering gaze that had led her to entice him in the first place, to play the game of lust and exploit his weakness. Her eyes flicked from the window to his masked visage, a knowing smile playing on her lips before she turned her whole body to face him.

"Kainite Shikkars have been trying to put a knife in my back for thirty years. It took Carnifex himself to bring me to heel last time and you can rest assured he won't succeed twice."

She would not be such a fool again, she would not allow anyone to worm their way so close to her heart that she could not sacrifice them. She turned back to the window "And I'm not late. Late implies I adhere to your schedule, not my own." There was a soft smile on her lips, but a darkness in her eyes as she pondered all the possibilities that this meeting could bring.

"We have a great deal to discuss, do we not? So why don't we start with the most pressing matter on your mind, hmm?"

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

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