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Dominion Tell It To My Heart | SO Dominion of Praesitlyn


That she had returned his kiss, brought out a spark of joy in his heart of hearts, that spread across vein and artery, as easily as the blood flowed out from heart and lung. It was enough to cause a grin to break out from his features, only for a moment of hesitation to take it away from him. The snarl broke from her lips as she broke away the same as him, a question in his eyes, widening as she reversed their positions, Malum letting out a grunt as he found himself pressed against the window with unnecessary force, the wind blowing at his back as the glass broke, and a shard fell.

His heart fell at her words.

"Your conduct is as much a concern to me, as mine is to yours, if we are to be allies, to be friends, to be... whatever else we are," His lips were still fresh with the taste of hers, "You fear being pigeonholed, I apologise for being so crass in my japes, I did not intend to offend you so," He did to some degree, both of them knew that, but only in a verbal spar, that could only bring about as much hurt as an afternoon of annoyance, not such a duel that would leave one's heart in agony.

"Beyond all the names you may or may not hold, you, above all else, are Lina. Beyond the etiquette, beyond blood, beyond title, as I am Malum, you are Lina. You are who you are, born of others, made by others, but always, you, who you have been, who you are, who you wish to become, all are determinations you have made, because you have been strong enough to make them." In a way beyond him, shadowed by the name of one so much greater, shadowed by a legacy that threatened to swallow him, as it had swallowed all those that had come of their house after the great Darth Marr.

Yet as he had pledged, all that time ago on Fiviune.

He would surpass him too.

She pulled away further, and the sensation that pooled in his stomach was rather uncomfortable. He came to her side, laying his hand upon the top of her back, a gentle gesture, as he patted softly, there was no signal of anything more, she had made her intentions rather clear, and unless she changed her mind, such would be all.

"You are right, I do not," He withdrew his hand, as he fell upon a knee, one of genteelness rather than submission, taking her hand and bringing it to his lips, "If you wish me to bring the matter to the Assembly, for what you have provided me, it shall cost you nothing..." Red eyes turned upwards, to meet her emeralds, "...If you wish me to assist you in taking Corva Yag, it shall cost you something."

Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar


ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ


Anathemous would tilt her head at the newfound life given unto what must have been a squadron's worth of explosives. She knew exactly what was happening, yet stood eerily still as she often did until the Tsis'kar ducked for cover, at which point the wayward Kainite threw a hand out, preparing to simply intercept the explosion through the force.

Or at least she would have, if the Chiss had not tried to pull her aside.

There was minor resistance from Anathemous, surprised at the sudden grip against her rubbery sleeve, causing her to take but one step back that would have left her frighteningly close to the edge of this sudden blast wave if not for the young darth's innate pyromancy. Instead, she simply clawed the air aside as if she were throwing open a door, causing the heat to divert itself in an arc that ran safely past them and curved into the opposite wall with an intense roar, flame lapping so intensely that the durasteel structure glowed red hot when the flames finally died down a moment later.

Her visage snapped toward the Chiss immediately after.

She turned her gaze to Anathemous again. "I serve the Tsis'Kaar, and Darth Malum of House Marr, not the Empress. I could help you find a person, easily enough, but there is the age old question to be answered first." Her head tilted "What's in it for me?"

"And yet," She began, a little frustrated with the statement given what she owed to Talon.

"Is your master not loyal to The Empress? I would have thought your people more subtle about your allegiances. Or lack thereof"
The words rolled off her tongue in condescending, teasing whisper.

"But alas, I'm sure you consider yourself too good for imperial politics. So back to business, shall we?"

"If you can find who I'm looking for," She placed a hand on her hip

"I'm sure that a favor from the Governor of Echnos and a Seeker has some use? Someone with access to the casino industry and underworld, yes, but also the Kainite archives"

The words were hummed as if describing a fairy tale, and perhaps to many it was such a thing. The Kainate had been hoarding lore from various force orders since the time of Carnifex's rule over the empire. It was not the information Anathemous lacked, for hers was an issue of the present, whilst the archives held but ancient history, artefacts and lore greedily hidden from all but the highest Kainite lords, and the seekers who locked these secrets away.

Seekers like Anathemous.

"Oh, and one more thing?" She sighed

"If you want me against the wall, next time, put your back into it"

Ansisa Ansisa

A wicked smile crossed Ansisa's face and the mildly irritated and condescending tone. She had clearly struck a nerve. Good, at least it would mean the Darth Anathemous would be fun to poke on occasion.

"On the contrary, I just don't give a shit. Posturing, playing nicely with your neighbours, sticking your nose deep between the cheeks of other more powerful sith, not really my scene."

She smirked, eyes trailing down to appreciate the cant of her hips as she placed a hand upon them, all business and attitude. It was cute, and if Ansisa didn't already have the smell of blood in her nose and the burning desire to bleed every staff member in the Communication centre dry, she might have acted upon it.

As it was, her ruby gaze snapped up to that faceless helmet and the moment passed. Though a bark of laughter escaped her at her final comment and she pushed herself off the wall she'd been leaning on and closed the gap between them in a blink.

"Trust me, princess, if I wanted you up against a wall, you'd be up against it, without that helmet, so I could watch that pretty little face of yours." A shikkar blade produced from a hidden sheath tapped gently on the face of the helmet.

"You have a deal. But first, I would like to finish hunting. Care to join me? You can tell me about your person along the way."

Kaila Irons Kaila Irons
ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ


A beat passed as Kaila swallowed, a bit caught off guard by the gesture which came just short of humoring the scenario she'd condescendingly proposed as a means of toying with the assassin.

Now she was the closest she'd ever been to a Shikkar, the force enhanced blade placed against her masked face as if a glass finger quietly commanding to shush herself. It was a fine piece of weaponry too, actually quite fascinating to the scholar even if this was not how the scholarly sorceress would have preferred to study one for the first time.

Or perhaps it was...

And idea came to mind as she gently moved the blade aside with a gloved finger, this being the only sign of movement from the young darth.

"You're not so bad yourself" She teased softly, her composure recovering.

All the while, a knife tucked away in the belt of a fallen guard began to gently unsheathe itself, floating through the air behind the Chiss. It would never come close enough to do harm, as that was never her intent. Rather it was meant to be a subtle reminder that, despite appearing a "princess" as the assassin called her, Darth Anathemous was far from a damsel. Everything she had, even the Empress' attention as of recently, was something she had fought and shed blood for. Her own or otherwise.

"You have a deal. But first, I would like to finish hunting. Care to join me? You can tell me about your person along the way."

"I do appreciate passion for one's work, even if a little overzealous" She admitted while stepping around the Chiss, gaze finally leaving her red eyes as she moved to observe what remained of the nearby hallway, catching the floating knife as she passed by.

They had demonstrated to her that there was more to them than utter apathy, so now they were interesting. Enough so that Anathemous was actually quite intrigued by the prospect of following them though their work routine. She'd been denied her chance to become a true assassin after all, forced to take a different path so as to maintain what little freedom she had in those days as an apprentice.

This would be quite the show.

"Very well, Assassin, I shall hunt with you. Although, I'll be holding you to your word" She tapped her helmet, alluding to her double meaning.

Ansisa Ansisa

The beat that passed before Anathemous responded was all Ansisa needed to know that she had found a little opening to slip beneath her skin. It had been a while since she'd had any such entertainment and what made this better, was that the newly ascended Darth seemingly wanted to play too.

A soft chuckle escaped her. "Well, aren't you sweet." The shikkar disappeared as quickly as it had appeared as Anathemous stepped around her, plucking the floating blade she'd stolen from a dead guard out of the air, the unspoken statement simply making Ansisa's smile wider.

"The security should have created a nice little obstacle course for us by now to slow our approach to the control centre, not that there are many of them left." She picked her way past the debris the explosion had created and set off through the complex.

Kaila Irons Kaila Irons
His hand at her back was meant for comfort, the warmth it provided should have helped settle her, but it only made her stiffen. Lina;s emerald gaze slid to Malum's face. The beautiful thing that she had just wanted to play with, that had cost her access to her own child. this wasn;t about being pigeonholed into an identity that wasn;t hers, though that did serve to anger her more.

This was about what she had lost. This was about the ease of which Carnifex could get into her mind without even trying. How he could reduce her to a woman driven only by rage and desperate need to prove him wrong. It was pathetic. She was pathetic. She needed distance, distance from the order and its politics. she needed to breathe something of herself, remember what she had, where she had come from. Realign.

Lina's eyes tracked him as he knelt, taking her hand and laying a soft kiss upon it. It was far from submissive, Malum would never kneel so easily, but was a gesture meant to remind her that he was not a threat, that her anger was not with him.

"If I needed your help to take Corva Yag then I would hardly be worthy of its governorship, your support in the assembly will be enough." Her free hand cupped his chin and for a moment she said nothing, lips parted as her mind raced.

"As beautiful as you are, as much fun as we had. Our dalliance cost me my daughter. The one great thing that I have brought to this galaxy will never know me. Will never call me mother and if she does learn of me, she will be taught to hate me." Tears sparkled in her eyes though her voice remained steady.

"You were not worth that."

She withdrew both her hands from his and stepped back.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ


"Oh? Then I'll try to leave some for you-"

She bolted almost before she'd finished, taking up her second lightsaber, a smaller shoto blade, which would remain inactive for the time being so as not to slow her down.

There were, as the Chiss said, few guars left. It seemed that for the facility was empty for a time as the pair ran through lifeless halls, Anathemous having to leap over lifeless bodies that either the Tsis'kar or other infiltrators had left behind in varying states of disrepair.

"So what do I call you anyway?"

She called, only to stop a moment later a shadow rounded the corner.

When it's source emerged, Anathemous had flung her newest blade through the air so violently with the force that it knocked him to the floor, freeing her hand to then pull the next man toward her newly ignited shoto, it's crimson blade poised to pierce the man as he was helplessly flung towards her.

Ansisa Ansisa


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