Talia gave a snort of derision at the droids obscene suggestion. Anyone else might have taken offence but Talia wasn't a prude, besides which, taking offense would have suggested that she had the slightest inclination of sharing Ijaat's bed. Which she absolutely did not. "You need a better wing-man." she commented.
The talk of AI reminded her of her own ship. She activated a holocomm on her wrist a blue sphere with many revolving rings within it flickered into life. "Do you need a pick up?" the voice was cool, tone almost bored. Speech registered as spikes that rippled from her surface. "No, I'm alright Lex. Any word from the contractor?"
"Negative. Though you've had a bill come through for damages to the casino."
Talia rolled her eyes. "I'll deal with it in the morning. Lock up, but stay alert."
"Understood." The hologram flickered out of existence and Talia pinched the bridge of her nose. The fallout from this evening was going to cost her dearly, but not as much as it would cost her contractor. The battle for her payment wasn't about anger, it was about reputation, and maintaining it. She cast a sidelong glance at Ijaat. Would what she'd just accepted and sworn to him, affect that? Possibly, but only in the eyes of those who'd already damned her, so it didn't matter.
"Its strange, seeing you after seeing Mia. I saw her at the end of her days, she was so..." Talid tried to find the right word. "Lucid. Utterly insane, and completely aware of the fact and yet in control. You though...You're not insane, you're just...broken."
[member="Ijaat Mereel"]
The talk of AI reminded her of her own ship. She activated a holocomm on her wrist a blue sphere with many revolving rings within it flickered into life. "Do you need a pick up?" the voice was cool, tone almost bored. Speech registered as spikes that rippled from her surface. "No, I'm alright Lex. Any word from the contractor?"
"Negative. Though you've had a bill come through for damages to the casino."
Talia rolled her eyes. "I'll deal with it in the morning. Lock up, but stay alert."
"Understood." The hologram flickered out of existence and Talia pinched the bridge of her nose. The fallout from this evening was going to cost her dearly, but not as much as it would cost her contractor. The battle for her payment wasn't about anger, it was about reputation, and maintaining it. She cast a sidelong glance at Ijaat. Would what she'd just accepted and sworn to him, affect that? Possibly, but only in the eyes of those who'd already damned her, so it didn't matter.
"Its strange, seeing you after seeing Mia. I saw her at the end of her days, she was so..." Talid tried to find the right word. "Lucid. Utterly insane, and completely aware of the fact and yet in control. You though...You're not insane, you're just...broken."
[member="Ijaat Mereel"]