NAME: Telok Lone
FACTION: Outer Rim Coalition
RANK: Watcher of the Roads
SPECIES: Rattataki
AGE: 32
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 190 cm
WEIGHT: 100 kg
EYES: White
HAIR: None
SKIN: Ash Grey
- Ex-Gladiator: First in the fighting pits on Rattatak, then in the fighting pits on Mandalore. Telok is a stabbing machine. There is no finesse to his style, but plenty of raw savagery.
- Predator: Telok is a capable hunter and tracker, owing both to a lifetime in fighting pits and his study of Keetael with the Draethos. His reflexes and senses are heightened comparative to those trained in the ways of the Force.
- Bloodrage: Nurtured in the fighting pits where he was raised, when driven to anger Telok cannot be held responsible for his actions. Nothing can stop him from blundering into conflict, even common sense and tactics.
- Technophobe: Telok isn't comfortable around technology. He's a terrible pilot, he doesn't understand the HoloNet, and he doesn't even own a personal comm link. As a transient monster hunter he relies mostly on the charity and goodwill of others, living a highly ascetic lifestyle with a fondness for tradition that borders on ancient history.
An imposing figure at nearly two meters, Telok has ashen grey skin and is covered in ritual tattoos as well as facial scars. He is never far from his trusted Tehk'la blades. Sometimes he opts to wear beskar but given his gladiator's physique the rattataki mando is just as comfortable fighting without protection.