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Approved Starship Templar Class Star Destroyer

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  • The Templar Class comes fully equipped with the whole standard array of shields, systems and components that are normally associated with vessels of this size and class.

  • Strong defenses - The templar is a tank, even for a ship of its size it has impressive defenses including multiple overlapping and redundant systems, allowing it to handle sustained assaults from multiple sources.
  • Extremely destructive primary weapon - the Templar class has slightly less turbolasers than some ships in her class, but the dual AM-Meteor turret on its belly makes up for that. It is an incredibly powerful weapon capable of doing significant damage to most targets.
  • Excellent firing angles - the ship has been designed so nearly all of its heavy batteries can cover most of its front arc.
  • Sluggish - the Templar turns like the whale that it is, making it difficult to rapidly reposition and allowing the enemy to take the initiative.
  • Exposed rear section - like many wedge shaped star destroyers the Templar had a focus on forward firepower leaving it undergunned in its rear arc.
  • Large exposed engines - these make a juicy target for enemies who wish to prevent the ship from running. While well defended, the engines are large and easy to target.
After their joint 'noble crusader' project with Kuat drive yards archangel have developed the technical expertise to build their own, albeit smaller, capital ship.

The Templar class is a culmination of the best designers from many departments in Archangel coming together to build a very powerful ship. Archangel do not have the facilities to put this vessel into mass production so are entering into small scale contracts with selected navies, along with keeping several for their own people.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Hanaya Enzar Hanaya Enzar

Very nicely made and detailed submission. I have only one remark, you wrote this has limited scale production, which means: "Only one small group of characters. IE: A Single Minor Faction, Company, or Group within a faction." You wrote two minor facttions, please specify the the exact goup(s) which can use the ships within the factions.
Hanaya Enzar Hanaya Enzar

Very nicely made and detailed submission. I have only one remark, you wrote this has limited scale production, which means: "Only one small group of characters. IE: A Single Minor Faction, Company, or Group within a faction." You wrote two minor facttions, please specify the the exact goup(s) which can use the ships within the factions.
Hi, that was a quick review :)

One of the factions is a closed faction which is essentially just this character. Would that still tip the limit of avialibity. I will make it minor and update one of the other stats if that is the case. Thanks

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