Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Ten-Thousand Leagues | TAC Dominion of Krinemonen III



The Tingel Arm Coalition rises!

Planets in the Outer Rim have begun to link arms in a brand new alliance, a movement spearheaded by the former elected planetary leader of the Lothal Protectorate, Solarus Fynch, now displaced by the intrusion of Imperial occupation. Platforming the outcry of those who have lost their homes, Commander Fynch rallies the able across the rim to pick up arms and take the fight to their oppressors. With the Empire of the Lost and the Sith Order in their crosshairs, the Tingel Arm Coalition gatherers on the foundry world of Krinemonen III, asking those ready and willing to stand with the Mon Calamari of the oceanic world in solidarity, the loss of their motherland Dac heavy on their hearts. The first proper enlistment of volunteers into the Coalition Military has begun, with the Arm of the Outer Rim gearing up for what is to come…


Objective I | Come Along With Me
The floating city capital of Krinemonen III is bustling with the movement of the eager, anticipation heavy in the air. Long ago, the ocean planet was founded as a refuge for aquatic races displaced by the ancient Empire of old. Now it stands as such again, wayward souls of Dac adrift in her waters. The revived purpose of Krinemonen III stands as a poignant reminder of what the Tingel Arm Coalition stands for, a history honored in their declaration upon the waves: War is coming. A crowd has gathered in the city’s square to listen to the Commander in Chief of the Arm speak, while thousands flock from across the Outer Rim to enlist in the Coalition Military. Businesses across the capital have been converted into emergency conscription centers to handle the capacity.

Objective II | All of My Collections
Below the waves of Krinemonen III lie their shipyards, established by Mon Calamari refugees in the age of the old Empire. Now they burn with a fire stoked in that same purpose, beginning the construction of vessels and arms for the Tingel Arm Coalition. Allies of the Coalition with industrial capabilities have brought their equipment to Krinemonen III for demonstrations, with representatives eager to display the capability of their crafts in an oceanic setting. While this is underway, a Mon Cala design cruiser ferries the latest creation birthed within the shipyards below to the surface: A star-fighter forged to carry the Arm through the war.

Objective III | BYOO

The depths below present an opportunity for training and exploration. Seek your own path.



Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : OPEN | Objective : BYOO



Storm was whipping up, causing the offshore extraction platform to sway and creek. As unnerving as it was, the platform was designed in such a manner in order to keep it from collapsing. Too brittle against the ocean would be a disaster.

Wind whipped his hair as he looked overboard at the churning sea below. The platform was recently purchased, as he was on a tear to get as much accomplished in the next five to six months as he could. Focus was now from the Hapes Consortium, Corporate Space, Centrality and the Tingel Arm. He had holdings in each area, now it was time to dig deep and add more. Add in a network of refineries. Hire enough regional managers that could work independently.

This current platform was a rare find ; bandorium . He was lucky to have enough pull and credits for the rights, then the luck of Mon Calamarian engineers and techs who completely ran the operation. Growing up on Mon Cal, he knew how well the Mon Calans could work on the ocean and with ocean extraction.

Yet Krinemonen didn't hold his entire attention. He was fresh back from the Commonwealth, released in the investigation of Miss Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro . He was never a suspect, more a cross examination if he could remember any unusual events surrounding the social event. He had cooperated fully before leaving flowers from himself and the entire family, surprised the woman was still alive.

Even more curious the death of Alicia Drey Alicia Drey .Their last meeting he had noticed her bruised and battered under her long sleeves. That was a Commonwealth business expo with plans to meet in the future. He couldn't completely say he was surprised she was dead, but it tossed into doubt his mining efforts with her. Lady Vianca Mecetti Vianca Mecetti had a controlling stake, but she was also curiously quiet, as if disappeared from the 'verse.

He wondered what it would take to claim ownership of the cortosis mine and take it over one hundred percent for himself. He would have to get his legal team on it quickly, before others tried to stake a claim.

Thunder rumbled and rolled, growing closer. Times were strange indeed.

See with eyes unclouded by hate

Location: Krinemonen III
Objective: I, Come Along With Me

A’Runda felt sick as he looked out away from the floating city, on top of one of it’s many docks. He didn’t have any proper sea legs and the rocking of the dock beneath him made him nauseous and green under his wrappings. He wondered if perhaps he’d need to rush off somewhere private so as to not make a mess of his garbs. The tusken looked out from his red goggles to the sea where various ships moved about. Some ferrying visitors from place to place, others collecting fishes from the water.

He wondered if this is what Kamino was like. But he’d also heard that the world was wrecked with storms, and the weather right now seemed quite temperate. The TAC is also pretty close to Kesh. He thought back to what Damsy Callat Damsy Callat told him last they met on Tatooine. It was some kind of sanctuary for individuals like herself. A’Runda remembered telling her that he might visit if he ever found himself in that part of the outer rim, and was thinking that he might need to follow through with what he said.

“I wonder what you’d think of this ocean little shark…” He muttered to himself as he thought about the sithspawn mermaid. He also wondered if she’d ever gotten that Sarlacc situated on Kesh and what kind of challenges came with tending to such a creature. Doubting that Damsy would be comfortable with having a creature that tortured its food for a thousand years while it ate them. Maybe throw a few pre-slaughtered cattle into it’s pit?

A’Runda let out a deep sigh, finding that his stomach wasn’t aching as badly now. He turned away from the view of the tides back to the city proper. There was some sort of convention, or rally taking place soon. The Worden of The Sky thought that it might be worth a visit.


Krinemonen III
Tags: A'Runda A'Runda , Open

Lothal Protectorate

"We stand at a point of convergence..."

Fynch stood on a makeshift stage prepared in the square of the capital city of Krinemonen III, thousands gathered to listen to him speak. It had not been long ago that his message to the galaxy declaring the formation of the Coalition had been sent out across the airwaves. Now he was to demonstrate the conviction those words held for all to see.

"The people of Krinemonen III have a history rooted in the oppression of the Empire, a home for aquatic beings fleeing from the oppression of a system designed to crush them. Now they once again harbor their brothers and sisters from Dac, fleeing the same fate. Across the Outer Rim, countless other worlds must contend with this seeming inevitability. It is easy for the common man to lose his faith in these times, shackled into an organism that feeds on it's most valuable intestines till they're drained of all worth. I tell you now that change is coming."

It was hard for Fynch to not think of his home, Lothal. Her plains set ablaze, cities reduced to rubble, ground stripped of resources with no regard for the environment. She had suffered the same fate under the first Empire nearly a thousand years ago. He would not stand to see such things again.

"The galaxy has seen for itself that Empires can bleed," he continued. "The Dark Empire driven back at Coruscant, the Empire of the Lost pushed out of Tion... As they begin to squabble with the Core and amidst those who share their ambitions for absolute power, they leave their underbellies exposed for bared fangs to gnash. I stand before you to affirm that the Tingel Arm Coalition is ready to bare its teeth. The brave rally to our aid, regular people like you or I. They stand alongside you today, a fire burning within the essence of their very being, fueled by the organic instinct to live free. Perhaps you even feel the flames within your heart as well. Whatever the case may be, the presence of all who are here today spits in the face of conforming to totality. You stand here in open defiance of all Empires, no matter what name they call themselves! For a free planet! A free rim! A free galaxy with no shackles to bind you!"

A roar of dedication swept through the crowd, the cry of the unseen many. Fynch could feel the winds of fate swirling around them, calling forth a new dawn.

He would be the mouthpiece.

"I ask the able to come along with me!" he boomed, his request echoing out across the square. "Together we will free the flame of civilization and let it spill forth from its cage for all to bask in!"

A luminous galaxy. Fynch only prayed that he was worthy to die in such a place.

Last edited:
Objective I | Come Along With Me

Wearing: Field Apparel.
Inventory: Lightsaber, Balun's K-16 Bryar Pistol.
Allies: Fynch Fynch , A'Runda A'Runda , Tingel Arm Coalition.
Post #: One.

' Nouqai Veil Nouqai Veil would have loved this place'.

This was Balun's first thought as he stared out across the endless ocean atop the flotilla flooded with refugees from worlds occupied by the Empire of the Lost and those running from the Sith Order. Nouqai had once told Balun that she had dreamed of living in an underwater world where the weight of the sea submerged all life.

Mon Cala might have resembled such a place, though Balun had never been there before. Krinemonen III was supposedly very much like the Calamari Homeworld. The Tingel Arm Coalition was gearing up to go to War, to free Mon Cala from the hold of the Imperials, yet right now, in this place, if he ignored the sounds of chatter from the Refugee, staring out at the Ocean Balun, could almost imagine a life spent in such a peaceful place.

Life wasn't so kind, though, at least not to him. He had a gift with the Force, so it was his responsibility to use his gifts for the greater good—the benefit of the many over the benefit of self. Not a Jedi, but walking an almost identical path; Save for a few shortcuts here and there.

Somewhere farther behind Balun, Fynch Fynch was making a speech. The younger man, however, kept his back turned, not wanting the attention on himself. He had agreed to see these people with his own eyes and witness the loss they had suffered due to leadership ruled by an iron fist. Knowing that there was a fight to be had, doubts came far too easily.

What kind of Jedi brought war? Perhaps this was where Balun differed from the Jedi—the need to act decisively. The purpose of the fight was to be brought upon others for the benefit of the Calamari. Then, from there, the benefit of the world's who remained under the Empire's grasp.

Krinemonen III

Tags: OPEN

While their leader gave a rousing speech, Sayno had a different goal in mind.

Si Tech had offered a piece of machinery that would help them win this war. Submarines aren't exactly standard kit for most governments these days. The idea of water-worlds often puts Empires on their backfoot, preferring to blockade and starve out such planets rather than engage in warfare that would often lead them to disadvantage. The Arm couldn't afford that. Fighting uphill meant investing in technology that often was overlooked.

The Jaguar was a marvel of it's niche. Sayno had been using today as an opportunity to test it's capabilities, not just as a piece of modern warfare, but as a propoganda stunt.

The general had been zipping around it at the surface, seeming how it handled. He knew the power of letting the public see your new toys of warfare.

The eyes follow it.

A weapon to win the war.

The sword to pierce through.


"You sure he be fine on the ocean floor?"

"Yeah, this ain't his first time from the records we got."

Said a pair of humans as they used customized multi-legged walkers as they traversed the ocean floor. Several more pairs would follow behind as they were very slow to move forward, each one making a loud thunking like noise as in front of them was multiple droids designed to scan the ocean floor.

"Why did we just not use a submarine?"

"Cause someone said "Scour the Ocean Floor" and forgot to specify what...and our benefactor is now all screwed up and actually SCOURING the floor of this damn ocean!"

"Least we are getting paid!"

All the while, nearby the Stilts was a human male that was out of the general picture of what belonged down on the ocean floor. Holding a mineral scanner, he swiped it slowly back and forth against the pressure of the ocean floor around his mechanical body. Haon stared at it intently, knowing he has to be far closer than before to his newest acquisition. Swinging it side to side, he was patient but for others, it has been going on for two days straight, at some point, he has to tire...right?
Vallen stood stiffly among a small squad of his men, his hands behind his back while those behind him stood at attention. Their position, overlooking Fynch's stage, gave them a good view of the crowd below. Surrounding and scattered around that crowd, more of his men were offering their cheers of affirmation and stomping their feet to give encouragement to the crowd as the commander's words took hold. For some time now, the son of the Valde had lived in his father's shadow. Finally, it was time to step out on his own. What better way than to see to Veradune's interests on the outer edges of the galaxy? This was a wild place, and the perfect opportunity to make his own name, even if it was done protecting the real head honcho of the show. "Keep your heads on a swivel, men. We're not expecting trouble, but our job is to be ready for it to come anyways."

Fynch Fynch


Krinemonen III
Tags: Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol

A star-fighter to carry the Arm through the war.

Jasper was rather proud of himself. He had designed a great deal of vessels in his time, but the "Delta Wing" was very clearly the strongest he had thought up. It was a blend of everything that a pilot could ask for; Great speed, versatile offense, a defensive option for almost every threat in the air, strategic data that could be updated mid-battle, an astromech co-pilot to streamline basic functionality, and, of course, cup-holders for the road. And the design?

It was certainly striking. Triangular too, making the designation Delta all the more identifiable.

As they began to make their way towards the surface aboard the hangar of a Mon Calamari cruiser, Jasper couldn't help but continue to make the rounds to tune the internal equipment to his liking. After all, who better for a first test flight then the designer?

He couldn't wait to be behind the wheel.



Noting like the ocean to clear a mind.

Or so Iris had thought. She was now listening to a speech of all things. The rally cry for a world in what she thought was just neutral space. A very beautiful world, but, neutral. Away from the war, away from her duties and expectations. But, no. She was listening to what sounded like a victory speech. She let out a sigh, glancing to the little droid on her shoulder.

"You want to help, huh?"

The droid nodded.

"Of course you do."

The woman stood and turned to mingle in the crowd. If people needed help, well. She'd never turn away from it.

Fynch Fynch | A'Runda A'Runda | Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell

Jedi Securitron Model Parts
[Aether's Build]

TAGS: Open

Braze hadn't been to the oceanic moon Krinemonen III before, but the allure of exploring a new world was irresistible. With Aether by his side, they set out in the Ashwing, eager to uncover the mysteries of this intriguing moon. The ship glided smoothly over the vast, shimmering oceans, the blue expanse stretching endlessly beneath them.

"Look at that, Aether," Braze said, pointing to the horizon. "It's like we're flying over an endless sea."

Aether nodded, his eyes scanning the surface below. "It's beautiful."

As they continued their flight, they passed over sprawling shipyards, where cruisers were being constructed and repaired. The sight of the massive light cruisers being assembled was awe-inspiring, a testament to the industrious spirit of the Rebel Alliance.

"These shipyards are impressive," Braze remarked. "Imagine the stories these ships will be part of."

Aether smiled. "It's amazing how something so peaceful and serene can be such a crucial part of the war effort."

They flew further, looking for any unique landmarks or places that stood out. The moon's surface was dotted with various structures, some ancient and crumbling, hinting at a long-lost civilization. There were also bustling areas where Mon Calamari, Priapulins, and Iyra went about their daily lives, coexisting in harmony.

"Let's set down near that building," Braze suggested, pointing to a structure partially submerged in the water. "It looks ancient. Maybe we can learn something about the people who used to live here."

They landed the Ashwing gently near the temple and stepped out, feeling the cool, salty breeze on their faces. The ancient building was covered in intricate carvings and overgrown with aquatic plants, adding to its mysterious allure.

"I'm not yet quite water proof... I've not decided how to amend such a problem so be careful. " Aether warned.


Krinemonen III
Tags: A'Runda A'Runda , Iris Arani Iris Arani , Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell


"Mister A'Runda, are you alright?"

Loomi stepped up to the Tusken warrior, her lone good eye filled with concern. There was an air of sickness swirling around his emotions, as though something present was making him uneasy. She wasn't quite sure what it was. There was more present, of course. Reflection, nostalgia, perhaps even the wistfulness one experienced while daydreaming. It made him hard to read, but the nausea was pretty clear.

"You feel sick," she observed with a slight frown. "Huh?"

Oh, a familiar feeling. It was... a person she had met before. It was on that terrible planet with all the wind and rain she had gone to for that special training from Romi Jade Romi Jade . The Godoan turned her head, locking her sight on the scarred Jedi Knight. Not a woman she knew well, but at least one she had met before.

"Miss Iris!" Loomi called out, perhaps a bit to loudly as she gave her best attempt at a wave above all of the tall people present. "Hi!"

Objective I | Come Along With Me

Wearing: Field Apparel
Inventory: Lightsaber, Balun's K-16 Bryar Pistol
Allies: Fynch Fynch , A'Runda A'Runda , Iris Arani Iris Arani , Sayno Clawe Sayno Clawe
Post: Two

"You want to help, huh?"

The droid nodded.

"Of course you do."

Balun couldn't help but glance back over his shoulder as he heard someone else nearby talking with their droid. They reminded him of how he would speak with Chip when they were out on assignments.

Currently, the BB-Model Astromech Droid and Balun's Merqaal companion Luna were both spending time getting to know Iona Starchaser Iona Starchaser aboard the Liberty's Edge. Thinking of the three of them together brought a smile to his face as he stared off towards Iris Arani Iris Arani , right up until he realised he was looking at the two of them while off in his own world and soon forcing himself to look elsewhere in embarrassment.

'Chit. Hopefully, they didn't notice me' he thought to himself, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

Balun soon decided to push himself off and away from the railing, leaving the ocean sight behind him and looking to the larger Flotilla with the intent of checking out more of the crowd that had gathered to the sound of Fynch Fynch 's voice.

Balun had heard that Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el was also on Krinemonen III somewhere, though he couldn't see the Jedi Master yet. Jasper had been a voice of sound counsel when Balun had required someone to talk to and be heard by. The man was a respected Jedi, and quite young for a Master from what Balun had noticed back during his days on Coruscant. It was considerably respectable, though not the path that Balun saw for himself. Still, he gave credit where it was due, and had held his interactions with the Master in high esteem.

Walking on, however, he could see A'Runda A'Runda nearby. It also appeared that Fynch had quite a security team there to ensure he didn't come to harm while being out in such a vast open space. He didn't recognise the team from the Aquilian Rangers, but then again, Balun was also largely one to take on solo assignments, preferring to work on his own wherever possible.
See with eyes unclouded by hate

Location: Krinemonen III
Objective: I, Come Along With Me
Tag(s): Loomi Loomi | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell

The man blinked some from behind his goggles as he was addressed. He was currently listening to the speech from Fynch so he wasn’t really paying attention to anything else. He turned his head around some gently before he saw who it was. Looking down at the small butterfly child who he’d met once prior on Hurrikane. She seemed worried about him. He wondered if she could sense some of his unease. It was made clear what she stated that he seemed sick.

“I only feel that way Padawan Loomi. I um… I’m not a very good swimmer and large bodies of water make me feel a little dizzy. But I’m alright.” He wasn’t really sure how else to describe it. Also he wasn’t a very social person no matter how many social events he attended back in the CIS. Crowds were not where he felt most comfortable. So a large group of people and an ocean were both still quite foreign to the desert dweller.

Then it seemed like the eye of the butterfly girl noticed something else. Causing her to call out to someone in the crowd. Before trying to make her presence known amidst all of the taller people around her.


The soft sounds of waves lapped gently against the archaic building, their rhythmic crashing was a soothing sound that melded seamlessly with the cry of distant seabirds. Braze padded over to a grand entryway, his somber jade green eyes widening in wonder as he beheld the relief sculptures of sea creatures, their intricate details captured with a lifelike vision that seemed almost unreal.

Reaching out a tentative hand, Braze half-expected the Force to flood back to him, granting a vision of the bygone eras these stones had witnessed. Alas, the stone was cold and unyielding to his touch. He frowned, feeling a pang of disappointment as he remained anchored in the present, devoid of any mystical connection to the past.

He shifted his gaze outward, where the front of the temple overlooked an endless expanse of sapphire blue and turquoise green waters. The coral rock atoll cradling the ancient structure was teeming with vibrant sea life, a living, breathing display of nature's resilience and beauty. Braze marveled at the sight, wondering who might have built such a magnificent edifice in this remote location.

"I'm going down the steps," Braze called to Aether, his voice tinged with anticipation. He skipped down the staircase that descended below the entrance, each step echoing softly in the damp air. At the base, he found a tranquil pool within the entryway, its surface shimmering under the faint light filtering through cracks in the stone ceiling.

Turning on a light, Braze peered into the water, captivated by the sight of several small silvery fish schooling below. Their scales glinted like precious gems in the artificial light. As he continued to observe, he noticed more details emerging from the depths—a sunken mosaic depicting a grand underwater city, its towers and spires hinting at a once-great civilization now lost to time.

Further along the submerged path, he glimpsed the shadowy outlines of larger sea creatures relife sculptures. Among the ruins, fragments of ancient artifacts lay scattered, partially buried in the sand.

Driven by a growing sense of adventure, Braze wondered if he dared to explore the submerged passageway. He pondered the risks and rewards. He could not hold his breath as well without the force... and this was looking more and more like an under water kind of adventure.

Krinemomen III
Tags: Braze Braze


"I'm going down the steps,"

As Braze peered into the depths that lay beyond the steps of the old temple, Rayne emerged, ripping off her rebreather mask and giving a muted gasp for air. Treasure. It always had to be the mystery of some elusive technology that drew her to a location. As she sat on the ruined steps, stilling her breath, the Twi'lek's heterochromatic eyes drifted up to a familiar face.

"Oh... hello..." her vocoder answered, actually having a means of speaking this time.

The woman let out a sigh, laying back on the steps in exhaustion.

"I wouldn't go down there," she answered. "Big creatures. Ain't worth the ancient tech."

Her breath hadn't been made labored from losing air. No, she had been swimming for her life. Whatever was down there was huge, and the blasted thing had very clearly tried to eat her. That wasn't on her bucket list of things to experience, let alone how she wanted to die.

The tech could stay down there. She didn't need it that bad.


Braze blinked and stepped back with a startled little gasp. Had there really been someone else here already? He pressed a hand over his chest, feeling his small heart frantically beating. White eyelashes fluttered as his green eyes took in the sight of the being rising from the depths. When he realized who it was, he sighed in relief, his shoulders losing all their tension rather quickly.

"Oh... hello... you can talk now? Wow..." He trailed off, padding over to her and crouching down next to her.

"Ancient tech? Do you like old retrograde things?" Braze asked curiously. "I suppose old stuff has a kind of nostalgic charm, but yeah... not worth nearly being eaten." He looked around and wondered how she got here. "How... did you get all the way out here?" Braze asked gently. "Do you need a lift?"


Iris was quite used to stares these days. Half her body had been pretty badly burnt, and her allergy to synthskin left quite the scars. They'd faded, mostly, but the subtle wrinkle of once burned flesh was far too easy for anyone to see. She'd learned how to ignore the colors that came with those stares. Concern, disgust, pity. Those were the usual colors of emotions she saw.

Not so much from the boy. Just curiosity behind why he'd continued to look at her. And embarrassment. She chuckled lightly as she looked to the BB unit on her shoulder. She wouldn't say anything, if to spare Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell from any more. Instead, she looked to Loomi Loomi and offered a faint smile. No, she didn't remember the girl. But Iris never was good at remembering people.

"Hello. Your friend seems sick. Do they need help?"

Loomi Loomi | Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell | A'Runda A'Runda

Crimson Commander

Long Live The Revolution


City Square, Krinemonen III
Obj I
Tags: Allies: Fynch Fynch A'Runda A'Runda Iris Arani Iris Arani Sayno Clawe Sayno Clawe Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell Vallen Torrevaso Vallen Torrevaso || OPEN

The square was packed with thousands, listening to Fynch's speech. Despite the popular support of the Coalition, there was always the danger of enemies of the free peoples of the Rim lurking in the shadows. Dispersed amongst the crowd were members of K.O.B.R.A. showing up in force- a homegrown Krinemonen political network of radicalised refugees from the waves of escapees from the empires of the inner regions. They chanted along with the crowd, while others kept a low profile, snakes hiding in the grass, watch for any possible interference from the enemies of freedom.

"You stand here in open defiance of all Empires, no matter what name they call themselves! For a free planet! A free rim! A free galaxy with no shackles to bind you!"

A roar of dedication swept through the crowd, the cry of the unseen many. Fynch could feel the winds of fate swirling around them, calling forth a new dawn.

As the crowd's cheers swelled, they joined in, chanting.


One amongst them was the leader of this group of Kobras, watching silently. Of course, the presence of the organisation had been cleared with the Coalition, and if there were any issues the Coalition's jedi wanted to bring up, there was a local point of contact- an unassuming Nautolan dressed like many of the others here.



Shipyards, Below the Waves of Krinemonen III
Obj II
Tags: || OPEN

Footsteps thumped across the fitting yards- where dozens of dock workers scrambled about, fitting out the submersibles that had been contracted by KOBRA. Moving forward, the organisation was aiming to work with the Coalition, with the long-term goal of the reclamation of Mon Cala. On the other side of the pressure valves, on the 'wet side' of the yards, amphibian engineers and dockworkers floated in the water around the ships, fusion cutters and diamond drills in hand, fitting out the pressure hulls and triple checking seals.

On the dry-side, a formation of black-clad soldiers marched along, flanking their leader. Silvered visor, red and black armor, half-cape flowing behind him. The dockworkers, upon seeing him, stopped their work to nod or salute. Here was their Commander.

The Commander nodded in silence, and looked out the high-pressure viewports, observing the aquatic workers. Along the flanks of the submersibles were scrawled mottos of defiance and political slogans. The vast majority of them had fled the wars of the inner regions of the Galaxy- and here on Krinemonen was the end of the line for them. A place of refuge and community.

The Commander ruminated on the past few years- how his organisation had gained a new lease of life from that embryo of resentment and anger- a radical movement brewing in the waters of the moon. And with the Coalition here, now was a real chance to fan the flames of resistance into Revolution

They stopped in the middle of the fitting yard, and the Commander waved his hand, dismissing his soldiers to return to their posts. If there were guests from the Coalition who wished to inspect the submersibles, they would be here soon.


Krinemonen III
Tags: A'Runda A'Runda , Iris Arani Iris Arani , Others...


“I only feel that way Padawan Loomi. I um… I’m not a very good swimmer and large bodies of water make me feel a little dizzy. But I’m alright.”

"Oh, I get it," Loomi nodded. When Iris approached them she turned her head to meet her gaze. "He's a little sea sick I think. Not used to water since he's from the desert. I understand that. I'm not a very good swimmer myself since my legs are all weird."

Strange. Iris's emotions were... hard to read? No, moreso different then she was used to. The Knight was a special case with how the Force moved around her in any case, so perhaps she was just not the kind of person Loomi was predisposed to being able to understand the emotions of well. The thought didn't linger for very long in the Godoan's mind as her attention drifted to the droid on her shoulder, a wide smile coming to her face. The force moved through it, like Aether of the Iron Order Aether of the Iron Order . It was a shard, or at least she assumed it was.

It really didn't matter. The droid body was friend shaped. That was all she really needed to know.

"Hi!" Loomi chirped in greeting. "I'm Loomi. Oh, right!" She turned her head, gesturing to the Tusken warrior. "That's Mister A'Runda. He's a... a... Warden... He's a space cop."

Yeah, that made sense.


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