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The Kainate

A hermetic shadow state led by Darth Carnifex, Dark Lord of the Sith.

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Teresa Pre-Workshop

———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge
23rd Blackened Valkyrie Regiment


Need armor


  • Intent: To create a company that is part of the 23rd Blackened Valkyrie Regiment
  • Image Credit: My own art, Brandon Chen (edited my myself)
  • Role: This unit is part of the forces that is under the ownership of Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax
  • Permissions: X
  • Links:

  • J8dyeWw.png
    Unit Name
    : Umbra Commando Company
  • Affiliation: The Kainite Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax (Mentian Carni later)
  • Classification: Black Ops, covert infiltration, sabotage, demolition and assassination
  • Description: Often working in Squads of four, commandos are assigned to carry out special operations that the average trooper couldn't handle. These missions included covert infiltration, sabotage, demolition and assassination, all of which were standard tasks for the commandos.

  • Unit Size: Small (each unit is small, comprising a dozen members or less)
  • Unit Availability: Rare (very few, difficult to replace, may have long training times)
  • Unit Experience: Elite
  • Equipment:
Weapons and ordinance
Armor and Tech
  • L0-1C
  • Combat Function:
    • Each commando was trained to handle a specialized task, varying from one to another. Some specialized in sniping and assassination. Others specialized as medics and received more advanced training in that field. Those with more leadership potential acted as squad leaders. Some had a natural skill with demolitions ordnance and acted as demo specialists. Others were trained to handle various technology-based tasks, such as slicing computers. Commandos were trained in siege assault, counterinsurgency, hostage extraction, demolitions, assassination, surveillance, tactics, sabotage, espionage, and ambush.
  • Ambush — Laying in wait and surprising the enemy, often from concealed positions.
  • Attrition Warfare — Wearing down the enemy through continuous losses and prolonged conflict.
  • Blitzkrieg Assault — A fast, overwhelming attack meant to break through enemy lines quickly.
  • Combined Arms — Coordinating infantry, armored units, artillery, and air support to maximize combat effectiveness.
  • Counter Attack — A retaliatory attack against an enemy force that has initiated an offensive operation.
  • Deception — Using misinformation, or feints to mislead and confuse the enemy.
  • Defense in Depth — Layered defensive positions to absorb and slow down enemy attacks.
  • Encirclement — Surrounding the enemy on all sides to cut off escape routes and supply lines.
  • Exhausting — Prolonging conflict to wear down the enemy's resources, morale, and will to fight.
  • Flanking Maneuver — Attacking the enemy from the sides to catch them off guard and create chaos in their ranks.
  • Guerrilla Tactics — Hit-and-run attacks, ambushes, and sabotage by smaller, mobile units.
  • Hammer and Anvil — A tactic where one force (the hammer) drives the enemy against a second force (the anvil) that holds its position, crushing the enemy between them.
  • Infiltration — Penetrating deep into enemy territory undetected to gather intelligence or execute missions.
  • Sabotage — Deliberately destroying, damaging, or obstructing enemy equipment, installations, or supplies.
  • Reconnaissance — Gathering information about the enemy's positions, movements, and capabilities.
  • Direct Action — Short-duration strikes and other small-scale offensive actions conducted as a special operation in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments.
  • Hit-and-Run Tactics — Quickly attacking and then withdrawing before the enemy can respond effectively.
  • Extraction — Removing personnel, often from a hostile environment, either covertly or overtly.
  • Hostage Rescue — Liberating hostages while minimizing casualties among the hostages and rescuers.
  • Demolition — Using explosives to destroy enemy infrastructure, fortifications, and equipment.
  • Counterinsurgency — Actions taken to defeat and contain insurgency and address its root causes.
  • Electronic Warfare — Using electromagnetic spectrum operations to deny the enemy access to it or to manipulate it for advantage.
  • Psychological Operations — Using psychological tactics to influence the attitudes and behaviors of enemy forces.
  • Surveillance — Continuous observation of a place, person, group, or ongoing activity to gather information.
  • Evasion and Escape — Techniques used to avoid capture by the enemy and, if captured, escape from confinement.
  • Sniper Operations — Using highly trained marksmen to target key enemy personnel and assets from long distances.
  • Raiding — Sudden attacks against enemy targets to achieve a specific objective, followed by a planned withdrawal.
  • Pathfinding — Establishing and marking routes through enemy territory for larger forces to follow.
  • Stealth — Avoiding detection by the enemy through concealment and camouflage techniques.
  • Assassination — Targeted killing of specific enemy individuals to disrupt their command and control.
  • Search and Destroy — Seeking out the enemy and eliminating them through direct combat engagements.
  • Force Abilities (Force User Units Only): N/A

  1. Elite Training and Skills: Umbra Commandos undergo rigorous training and possess specialized skills in infiltration, reconnaissance, and covert operations. Their elite status enables them to operate effectively behind enemy lines, gather intelligence, and execute high-risk missions with precision and stealth.
  2. Versatility and Adaptability: Umbra Commandos are versatile operatives capable of performing a wide range of tasks, including sabotage, assassination, hostage rescue, and direct action. Their ability to adapt to changing circumstances and operate in diverse environments makes them valuable assets for military objectives.
  3. Stealth and Camouflage Techniques: Umbra Commandos are skilled in stealth and camouflage techniques, allowing them to operate covertly and evade detection by enemy forces. Their ability to blend into their surroundings and move undetected enhances their survivability and enables them to conduct reconnaissance or sabotage missions without alerting adversaries.
  4. Expertise in Close Quarters Combat (CQC): Umbra Commandos are proficient in close quarters combat (CQC) techniques, including hand-to-hand combat, room clearing, and small arms engagements. Their mastery of CQC enables them to swiftly neutralize threats in confined spaces and maintain control over critical infrastructure or enemy-held positions.

  1. Limited Support: Umbra Commandos may face challenges in receiving timely and sufficient support from conventional military units due to their specialized nature and often isolated operating environments. This lack of support can hinder their ability to sustain operations over extended periods or in highly contested areas.
  2. Risk of Mission Creep: Umbra Commandos, tasked with executing high-risk and dynamic missions, may encounter mission creep, wherein the scope or objectives of their assignments expand beyond initial parameters. This phenomenon can strain resources, increase exposure to enemy threats, and undermine operational focus, leading to mission failure or unnecessary risks.
  3. Limited Resupply Options: Operating behind enemy lines or in remote areas can restrict access to resupply and reinforcement options for Umbra Commandos. This limitation may force them to rely on cached supplies or extend their operational range, increasing their vulnerability to depletion of essential resources.

In 900 ABY, Darth Carnifex, leader of the Kainite, sought to bolster Darth Pellax's military strength. To achieve this, he established the Umbra Commandos and placed them under the command of his wife, Darth Pellax. This elite unit was designed for stealth, sabotage, and high-risk missions that required precision and discretion.

The first Umbra Commandos were selected from the elite soldiers within the Kainite ranks. They underwent intense training in various forms of combat and espionage, making them masters of both conventional and unconventional warfare.

the Commandos where the first group under the 23rd Blackened Valkyrie Regiment to achieve combat redness after it's creation.
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———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


  • Intent: To create a company that is part of the 23rd Blackened Valkyrie Regiment
  • Image Credit: My own art
  • Role: This unit is part of the forces that is under the ownership of Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax
  • Permissions: X
  • Links:

  • Unit Name: Vorpal Valkyries Company
  • Affiliation: The Kainite Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax (Mentian Carni later)
  • Classification: Infantry, Recon, Air superiority
  • Description: [ Give a brief overview of this combat unit. Notable appearance, if they have a unit emblem, general mindset and behavior, etc. ]

  • Unit Size: Small (each unit is small, comprising a dozen members or less)
  • Unit Availability: Rare (very few, difficult to replace, may have long training times)
  • Unit Experience: Veteran
  • Equipment:
  • Combat Function: The Vorpal Valkyries Company is an elite unit renowned for its unique capability of air superiority and hyper mobility, thanks to their large feathered wings. This company, composed of highly trained soldiers, combines the versatility of traditional infantry with the unparalleled advantage of rapid aerial maneuverability. They excel in executing swift, surprise assaults, reconnaissance missions, and rapid deployments across the battlefield, bypassing natural obstacles and enemy defenses with ease. Their ability to secure and dominate key positions from both ground and air provides a significant strategic edge. Whether engaging in direct combat, performing hit-and-run tactics, or offering aerial support to allied forces, the Vorpal Valkyries Company is an indispensable asset in modern warfare.
  • Tactic: "Vorpal Assault" - An effective air interdiction tactic for a group of soldiers with wings and the Force involves leveraging their unique abilities to control the airspace and disrupt enemy movements.
    • Objective:
      To disrupt and prevent enemy ground forces and supply lines from moving freely, while maintaining control over the battlefield's airspace.
      • Key Elements:
        1. Winged Mobility
        2. Force Abilities
        3. Coordination and Communication
        4. Element of Surprise
      • Roles:
        1. Scouts: Recon and surveillance
        2. Strikers: Engage and destroy targets
        3. Supporters: Defending, and logistics
        4. Commanders: Strategy and coordination
      • Phases of Operation:
        Phase 1: Reconnaissance and Surveillance
        • Scouts:
          • Use their wings for high-altitude surveillance.
          • Employ Force senses to detect hidden enemies and electronic signals.
          • Map out enemy positions, movements, and supply routes.
          • Relay real-time information to the commanders.
      • Phase 2: Air Superiority Establishment
        • Strikers and Commanders:
          • Utilize Force abilities to cloak their approach or create distractions.
          • Gain altitude advantage to control the airspace.
          • Neutralize enemy anti-air capabilities using precision Force strikes or aerial combat techniques.
          • Create barriers or storms using the Force to prevent enemy air support.
      • Phase 3: Target Engagement and Disruption
        • Strikers:
          • Dive and perform high-speed attacks on enemy convoys, artillery, and supply depots.
          • Use Telekinesis, Force Lightning or similar offensive abilities to destabilize destroy or scatter enemy vehicles and troops.
          • Drop explosive devices or use of combustion to sabotage enemy equipment from the air or route them from positions
      • Phase 4: Ground Support and Coordination
        • Supporters:
          • Provide aerial cover for ground forces.
          • Use Force Shield to protect friendly forces or create barriers.
          • Transport critical supplies and soldiers or messages between units in event of EW.
      • Phase 5: Retreat and Recovery
        • All Units:
          • After accomplishing objectives, quickly retreat to a safe distance.
          • Employ Force abilities to cover the retreat
          • Regroup at a designated rally point for debrief and recovery.
      • Tactics and Techniques:
        Mobility and Flexibility
        • Constant movement to avoid becoming predictable targets.
        • Use the environment (trees, buildings, mountains) for cover and ambush points.
        • Swiftly switch between high and low altitude to evade ground fire and surprise enemies.
      • Force Multiplication
        • Utilize the Force for telepathic communication to maintain stealth and coordination.
        • Combine Force powers (e.g., a group creating a large storm) for massive area denial effects.
        • Coordinate with ground forces to launch simultaneous attacks for maximum disruption.
      • Psychological Warfare
        • Use illusions and Force screams to sow fear and confusion among enemy ranks.
        • Drop propaganda or holo-messages to demoralize enemy troops and citizens.
        • Stage surprise attacks at unexpected times to keep the enemy off-balance.
      • Contingency Plans:
        • If overwhelmed, use Force speed and wings for rapid disengagement.
        • Have designated safe zones and fallback positions pre-planned.
        • Maintain constant situational awareness and adjust tactics based on real-time intel.
  • Force Abilities (Force User Units Only):
    • Force Sense: Used by Scouts for reconnaissance and surveillance to detect hidden enemies.
    • Telekinesis: Employed by Strikers during target engagement to destabilize enemy vehicles or scatter troops.
    • Force Shield: Utilized by all units to defend themselves.
    • Force Combustion: Utilized by few units and used in tactics similar to a bombing run.
    • Force Lightning: Utilized by Strikers during target engagement.
    • Force Storm: Employed by units during retreat and recovery to facilitate escape.
    • Force Speed: Employed to boost reflexes and increase flight speed for maneuverability.


  1. Air Superiority: This unit can take to the sky's and due to their natural ability to take flight, this unit would not be detected on most radar systems used to detect things like jetpacks, star ships and speeders.
  2. Force User Unit: Every member of this unit is comprised of force users Notably Valkyries created in The Kainite

  1. Heavy equipment: Due to there being a limited amount one can carry the use of heavy weapons and weighty armor are prohibited due to making flying improbable, and lowering effectiveness.
  2. Anti force: Items and creatures that disrupt the force can and would interfere with how this group operates.

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———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge
Ready for Codex


  • Intent: To create a company that is part of the 23rd Blackened Valkyrie Regiment
  • Image Credit: My own art, Isaac Kellis
  • Role: This unit is part of the forces that is under the ownership of Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax
  • Permissions: X
  • Links: N/A

  • Unit Name: 23rd Blackened Infantry Company
  • Affiliation: The Kainite Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
  • Classification: Conscript, Infantry
  • Description: Infantry units are the backbone of any military force, composed of versatile soldiers trained for ground-based combat. These warriors can perform a wide range of operations, from offensive assaults and defensive maneuvers to reconnaissance and urban warfare. Equipped with blasters, protective gear, and various support tools, infantrymen engage enemy forces directly, secure and hold terrain, and conduct close-quarters battles. Their ability to operate in diverse terrains and adapt to different combat situations makes them indispensable for achieving strategic and tactical objectives on the battlefield.

  • Ambush — Laying in wait and surprising the enemy, often from concealed positions.
  • Attrition Warfare — Wearing down the enemy through continuous losses and prolonged conflict.
  • Blitzkrieg — A fast, overwhelming attack meant to break through enemy lines quickly.
  • Breaching — Using specialized equipment and tactics to breach enemy obstacles and defensive lines.
  • Combined Arms — Coordinating infantry, armored units, artillery, and air support to maximize combat effectiveness.
  • Counterattack — A retaliatory attack against an enemy force that has initiated an offensive operation.
  • Defense in Depth — Layered defensive positions to absorb and slow down enemy attacks.
  • Encirclement — Surrounding the enemy on all sides to cut off escape routes and supply lines.
  • Flanking Maneuver — Attacking the enemy from the sides to catch them off guard and create chaos in their ranks.
  • Guerrilla Tactics — Hit-and-run attacks, ambushes, and sabotage by smaller, mobile units.
  • Interdiction — Preventing the enemy from moving freely or accessing critical areas by targeting supply lines and communication routes.
  • Pincer Movement — A tactical maneuver in which forces simultaneously attack both flanks (sides) of an enemy formation.
  • Scorched Earth — Destroying resources and infrastructure to deny the enemy their use.
  • Siege Warfare — Surrounding and isolating a target, cutting off supplies and reinforcements before launching a concentrated assault.
  • Urban Warfare — Fighting within city streets, buildings, and other close-quarters environments.
  • Reconnaissance in Force — Deploying units to gather information and probe enemy positions while maintaining combat readiness.
  • Force Abilities (Force User Units Only): N/A


  1. Versatility: Infantry units are highly adaptable and capable of performing a wide range of combat operations, including offensive assaults, defensive positions, reconnaissance, and urban warfare, making them essential in various battlefield scenarios.
  2. Mobility: Infantry can navigate diverse terrains, including forests, mountains, and urban environments, allowing them to reach and secure areas that may be inaccessible to heavier, mechanized units.

  1. Limited Firepower: Compared to mechanized units and heavy armor, infantry generally have less firepower and protection, which can put them at a disadvantage against heavily fortified or armored enemies.
  2. Vulnerability to Mechanized Forces: Infantry units are susceptible to being outmaneuvered and overwhelmed by mechanized forces, particularly in open terrain where their mobility and firepower advantages are diminished. This vulnerability necessitates careful coordination with armored and air support to counter mechanized threats effectively.

In 900 ABY, Darth Carnifex, leader of the Kainite, sought to bolster Darth Pellax's military strength. Darth Carnifex founded the 23rd Blackened Infantry Company. This unit was conceived to be a versatile and adaptable force within the 23rd Blackened Valkyrie Regiment, capable of performing a wide range of combat operations, from offensive assaults to defensive maneuvers, reconnaissance, and urban warfare.

The first recruits of the 23rd Blackened Infantry Company were meticulously selected from among the promising soldiers within the Kainite ranks. These recruits underwent intensive training designed to maximize their effectiveness in diverse combat scenarios.

They were equipped with advanced gear, including the Taral-type Sith Trooper Armor for enhanced protection, PMP-7 Icharus-type Gravpacks for increased mobility, and KCR-62 Kainate Combat Rifles for firepower. Additionally, they were provided with DS-102 Aegis-type Personal Energy Shields and Neahtid Earpieces, ensuring their survivability and communication efficiency in the heat of battle.

The training regimen emphasized traditional infantry tactics such as ambushes, attrition warfare, blitzkrieg assaults, and flanking maneuvers. The company also mastered the art of combined arms operations, integrating seamlessly with other military units, including mechanized forces and artillery, to maximize combat effectiveness. The recruits were taught to excel in both conventional warfare and guerrilla tactics, enabling them to adapt to rapidly changing battlefield conditions.

Despite their rigorous training and advanced equipment, the 23rd Blackened Infantry Company faced challenges inherent to their role. Their limited firepower compared to mechanized units made them vulnerable in direct confrontations with heavily armored enemies. Additionally, their reliance on mobility meant that they had to maintain a high level of physical fitness and combat readiness at all times.

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———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge
Ready for Codex


  • Intent: To create a company that is part of the 23rd Blackened Valkyrie Regiment
  • Image Credit: My own art
  • Role: This unit is part of the forces that is under the ownership of Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax
  • Permissions: X
  • Links:

  • Unit Name: 23rd Blackened Mechanized Company
  • Affiliation: The Kainite Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax (Mentian Carni later)
  • Classification: Engineers, Artillery, Light armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor
  • Description: The 23rd Blackened Mechanized Company is a formidable force, with a seamless fusion of tank regiments and mechanized infantry. This distinguished unit harnesses the brute strength of advanced armored tanks and the swift mobility of high-tech personnel carriers, enabling rapid deployments and devastating assaults in any environment. The 23rd Blackened excels in large-scale battles, urban warfare, and high-intensity skirmishes. Their unparalleled coordination and tactical prowess allow them to execute complex operations with precision, making them an overwhelming force capable of breaking enemy defences and securing critical victories in the ever-shifting theatre of war.

  • Offensive Operations: Conducting offensive maneuvers to seize and secure objectives, supported by armored vehicles.
  • Fire and Movement: Advancing under covering fire while providing suppressive fire to support the movement of friendly forces.
  • Ambush: Setting up surprise attacks on enemy forces using the firepower and mobility of armored vehicles.
  • Reconnaissance in Force: Deploying mechanized units to gather information and probe enemy positions while maintaining combat readiness.
  • Flanking Maneuvers: Using the speed and mobility of armored vehicles to outflank and encircle enemy positions.
  • Assault: Conducting coordinated attacks on enemy positions with combined infantry and armored vehicle units.
  • Breaching: Using specialized equipment and tactics to breach enemy obstacles and defensive lines.
  • Urban Warfare: Engaging in combat operations in built-up areas, utilizing armored vehicles for cover and firepower.
  • Clearing Operations: Conducting systematic clearing of enemy-held areas, buildings, and strongpoints with infantry and armored support.
  • Rapid Deployment: Utilizing the mobility of mechanized units to quickly respond to threats and exploit opportunities on the battlefield.
  • Support by Fire: Providing suppressive fire to cover the movement of friendly forces and suppress enemy positions.
  • Counterinsurgency Operations: Conducting operations to defeat and contain insurgency, utilizing armored vehicles for mobility and protection.
  • Securing Critical Points: Occupying and securing key terrain features, road junctions, and other critical points to control the battlefield.
  • Defensive Operations: Establishing defensive positions and utilizing armored vehicles for protection and firepower against enemy attacks.
  • Combined Arms Integration: Integrating infantry, armor, artillery, and other supporting elements to achieve tactical and operational objectives.
  • Mobile Resupply: Utilizing armored vehicles to transport ammunition, supplies, and reinforcements to frontline units during combat operations.
  • Reconnaissance by Fire: Using the firepower of armored vehicles to provoke enemy reactions and gather intelligence on enemy positions and strengths.
  • Withdrawal Operations: Conducting organized withdrawals while maintaining defensive positions and covering the movement of friendly forces with armored vehicles.
  • Force Abilities (Force User Units Only): N/A


  1. Enhanced Mobility and Protection: Mechanized infantry units benefit from armored personnel carriers (APCs) or infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs), which provide both mobility and protection on the battlefield. This allows them to swiftly deploy, maneuver, and engage enemy forces while offering increased survivability against small arms fire and shrapnel.
  2. Combined Arms Tactics: Mechanized infantry excels in combined arms operations, coordinating closely with tanks, artillery, and other supporting elements to execute complex maneuvers. Their ability to integrate firepower from various sources enhances their effectiveness in offensive assaults, defensive operations, and maintaining sustained pressure on enemy forces.

  1. Reliance on Logistics: The specialized vehicles and equipment used by mechanized infantry impose significant logistical demands. Maintaining a steady supply of fuel, ammunition, and spare parts is essential for sustained operations, and disruptions to supply lines can hamper their effectiveness on the battlefield.
  2. Vulnerability to Anti-Armor Threats: Despite their armored protection, mechanized infantry units remain vulnerable to anti-armor threats such as Ion, anti-tank missiles, and improvised explosive devices. These weapons can disable or destroy their vehicles, causing significant casualties and reducing their combat effectiveness.

In 900 ABY, Darth Carnifex, leader of the Kainite, sought to bolster his faction's ground forces. To achieve this, he established the 23rd Blackened Mechanized Company and placed them under the command of his wife, Darth Pellax. This elite unit was designed for rapid deployment, heavy assault, and high-risk ground operations that required both firepower and tactical precision.

The first soldiers of the 23rd Blackened Mechanized Company were selected from the most elite troopers and tank operators within the Kainite ranks. They underwent rigorous training in advanced armored warfare, mechanized tactics, and coordinated assault maneuvers, making them masters of both conventional and unconventional mechanized warfare.

During their initial training, the 23rd Blackened Mechanized Company participated in gruelling war games on Bothawui, perfecting their synchronized maneuvers and honing their ability to strike swiftly and decisively. This early preparation demonstrated their potential and solidified their reputation as a formidable force within the Kainite's military structure.

Operating from their heavily fortified base Malsheem, the Company has since expanded their capabilities, becoming renowned for their ability to execute complex ground operations with unparalleled efficiency. Under Darth Pellax's leadership, they continue to be a crucial element in advancing the Kainite's objectives across the galaxy.

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———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


  • Intent: To create a company that is part of the 23rd Blackened Valkyrie Regiment
  • Image Credit: My own art
  • Role: This unit is part of the forces that is under the ownership of Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax
  • Permissions:
  • Links:

  • Unit Name: Starweird Shock Jumper Company
  • Affiliation: The Kainite Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax (Mentian Carni later)
  • Classification: shock troops
  • Description: Shock jump troopers are elite, large infantry units specializing in rapid, aggressive assaults designed to overwhelm enemy positions and break through fortified defenses. Trained to excel in high-intensity combat situations, these troops are often deployed at the forefront of an attack to spearhead offensive operations. Despite being uncommon, there are enough shock troopers to support major campaigns, and they can be replaced as needed to sustain operations. Equipped with advanced Kainite weaponry and armor, shock jump troopers are renowned for their resilience and ability to sustain heavy fire suppressing fire while maintaining their advance. Their primary role is to disrupt and destabilize enemy lines through direct and decisive action, making them a critical asset in achieving swift and impactful victories on the battlefield.

  • Tactics -
    • Ambush — Laying in wait and surprising the enemy, often from concealed positions.
    • Attrition Warfare — Wearing down the enemy through continuous losses and prolonged conflict.
    • Blitzkrieg Assault — A fast, overwhelming attack meant to break through enemy lines quickly.
    • Combined Arms — Coordinating infantry, armored units, artillery, and air support to maximize combat effectiveness.
    • Counter Attack — A retaliatory attack against an enemy force that has initiated an offensive operation.
    • Deception — Using misinformation, or feints to mislead and confuse the enemy.
    • Defense in Depth — Layered defensive positions to absorb and slow down enemy attacks.
    • Encirclement — Surrounding the enemy on all sides to cut off escape routes and supply lines.
    • Exhausting — Prolonging conflict to wear down the enemy's resources, morale, and will to fight.
    • Flanking Maneuver — Attacking the enemy from the sides to catch them off guard and create chaos in their ranks.
    • Guerrilla Tactics — Hit-and-run attacks, ambushes, and sabotage by smaller, mobile units.
    • Infiltration — Penetrating deep into enemy territory undetected to gather intelligence or execute missions.
    • Interdiction — Preventing the enemy from moving freely or accessing critical areas by targeting supply lines and communication routes.
    • Perfidy — Deceptive tactics that violate the rules of war, such as feigning surrender or injury to lure the enemy into a trap.
    • Pincer Movement — A tactical maneuver in which forces simultaneously attack both flanks (sides) of an enemy formation.
    • Rapid Dominance — Achieving immediate and overwhelming superiority by applying massive force in a very short period of time.
    • Scorched Earth — Destroying resources and infrastructure to deny the enemy their use.
    • Siege Warfare — Surrounding and isolating a target, cutting off supplies and reinforcements before launching a concentrated assault.
    • Urban Combat — Fighting within city streets, buildings, and other close-quarters environments.
    • Overwhelming Firepower — Using superior firepower to decimate the enemy from a distance before closing in.
  • Force Abilities (Force User Units Only): N/A

  1. High Offensive Capability: Shock soldiers are heavily equipped and highly trained for direct combat, making them exceptionally effective in breaking through enemy lines and creating breaches for other forces to exploit.
  2. Psychological Impact: The aggressive and forceful tactics of shock soldiers can cause significant confusion and panic among enemy troops, leading to a breakdown in their defenses and morale.

  1. High Casualty Rates: Due to their role at the forefront of attacks and engagements in the most intense combat situations, shock soldiers often face high casualty rates, which can diminish their effectiveness over time.
  2. Logistical Demands: The specialized equipment and intense training required for shock soldiers create significant logistical demands. Maintaining their operational readiness requires substantial resources and support, which can strain supply lines and overall mission logistics.

In 900 ABY, under the leadership of Darth Carnifex, the Starweird Shock Jumper Company took its maiden leap into the galaxy. Tasked with bolstering the military strength of the Kainite, these trained troopers were forged for one purpose: to dominate the battlefield with relentless aggression and unmatched mobility. Equipped with cutting-edge Kainite technology and heavy jump packs, they embodied the spirit of shock troopers, ready to strike swiftly and decisively.

Born from the crucible of conflict, the Shock Jumpers honed their skills in battle, mastering the art of aerial assaults and rapid deployments. Their jump packs allowed them to soar over enemy defenses, landing amidst the chaos with thunderous force.

Under the leadership of Darth Pellax, the Starweird Shock Jumpers became synonymous with fear and devastation on the battlefield. Their tactics are daring, their maneuvers audacious, and as they plunge headlong into the hearts of enemy territory, they leave destruction in their wake. With their weapons blazing, they carved a path of through fortified positions.

Despite the inherent risks of their high-flying assaults, the Shock Jumpers embraced their role with unwavering resolve. Their bravery knows no bounds as they faced down enemy fire and overwhelming odds, their heavy jump packs propel them forward with unyielding determination.

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———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


  • Intent: To create a company that is part of the 23rd Blackened Valkyrie Regiment
  • Image Credit: My own art
  • Role: This unit is part of the forces that is under the ownership of Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax
  • Permissions:
  • Links:

  • Unit Name: Black Bane Spider Company
  • Affiliation: The Kainite Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax (Mentian Carni later)
  • Classification: Light Armor, Shock, Artillery
  • Description:
    As the backbone for ground assault, the front line forces are comprised of young men and women who pilot advanced combat walkers known as Sanngriðr. They undergo rigorous training to master the complex controls and weaponry of their walkers, honing their abilities to swiftly and decisively engage the enemy on the front lines. These brave pilots are commanded bu "Handlers."

    Handlers primary task is to command the Sanngriðrs with precision and skill during combat engagements. Beyond having in-depth knowledge of their troops and their walkers, Handlers also serve as leaders and strategists on the battlefield. They coordinate with their fellow pilots, handlers and ground forces, devising tactics and maneuvers to outmaneuver and defeat the Enemy's forces. Their quick thinking and adaptability are essential for surviving the chaotic and ever-changing nature of warfare against an enemy that seems to have endless numbers and resources.

  • Ambush — Laying in wait and surprising the enemy, often from concealed positions.
  • Attrition Warfare — Wearing down the enemy through continuous losses and prolonged conflict.
  • Blitzkrieg Assault — A fast, overwhelming attack meant to break through enemy lines quickly.
  • Breaching — Using specialized equipment and tactics to breach enemy obstacles and defensive lines.
  • Clearing Operations — Conducting systematic clearing of enemy-held areas, buildings, and strongpoints with infantry and armored support.
  • Combined Arms — Coordinating infantry, armored units, artillery, and air support to maximize combat effectiveness.
  • Combined Arms Integration — Integrating infantry, armor, artillery, and other supporting elements to achieve tactical and operational objectives.
  • Counter Attack — A retaliatory attack against an enemy force that has initiated an offensive operation.
  • Counterinsurgency Operations — Conducting operations to defeat and contain insurgency, utilizing armored vehicles for mobility and protection.
  • Deception — Using misinformation, or feints to mislead and confuse the enemy.
  • Defense in Depth — Layered defensive positions to absorb and slow down enemy attacks.
  • Defensive Operations — Establishing defensive positions and utilizing armored vehicles for protection and firepower against enemy attacks.
  • Encirclement — Surrounding the enemy on all sides to cut off escape routes and supply lines.
  • Exhausting — Prolonging conflict to wear down the enemy's resources, morale, and will to fight.
  • Flanking Maneuver — Attacking the enemy from the sides to catch them off guard and create chaos in their ranks.
  • Guerrilla Tactics — Hit-and-run attacks, ambushes, and sabotage by smaller, mobile units.
  • Infiltration — Penetrating deep into enemy territory undetected to gather intelligence or execute missions.
  • Interdiction — Preventing the enemy from moving freely or accessing critical areas by targeting supply lines and communication routes.
  • Mobile Resupply — Utilizing armored vehicles to transport ammunition, supplies, and reinforcements to frontline units during combat operations.
  • Overwhelming Firepower — Using superior firepower to decimate the enemy from a distance before closing in.
  • Perfidy — Deceptive tactics that violate the rules of war, such as feigning surrender or injury to lure the enemy into a trap.
  • Pincer Movement — A tactical maneuver in which forces simultaneously attack both flanks (sides) of an enemy formation.
  • Rapid Deployment — Utilizing the mobility of mechanized units to quickly respond to threats and exploit opportunities on the battlefield.
  • Rapid Dominance — Achieving immediate and overwhelming superiority by applying massive force in a very short period of time.
  • Reconnaissance by Fire — Using the firepower of armored vehicles to provoke enemy reactions and gather intelligence on enemy positions and strengths.
  • Reconnaissance in Force — Deploying mechanized units to gather information and probe enemy positions while maintaining combat readiness.
  • Scorched Earth — Destroying resources and infrastructure to deny the enemy their use.
  • Securing Critical Points — Occupying and securing key terrain features, road junctions, and other critical points to control the battlefield.
  • Siege Warfare — Surrounding and isolating a target, cutting off supplies and reinforcements before launching a concentrated assault.
  • Support by Fire — Providing suppressive fire to cover the movement of friendly forces and suppress enemy positions.
  • Urban Combat — Fighting within city streets, buildings, and other close-quarters environments.
  • Withdrawal Operations — Conducting organized withdrawals while maintaining defensive positions and covering the movement of friendly forces with armored vehicles.
  • Force Abilities (Force User Units Only): N/A


  1. Enhanced Mobility: Personnel are trained to maximize the high mobility of the AT-LST "Sanngriðr," allowing for rapid deployment, quick repositioning, and effective hit-and-run tactics.
  2. Superior Firepower: With extensive training in the vehicle's advanced weapon systems, the company can deliver concentrated firepower to overwhelm enemy positions quickly.
  3. Advanced Tactical Training: The company undergoes rigorous training in utilizing the "Dream Sight" Combat Electronics System and Reactive Targeting Matrix, enhancing their situational awareness and precision in combat.

  1. Reliance on Vehicles: The company is heavily dependent on the AT-LST "Sanngriðr" for mobility and firepower. If the vehicles are disabled or unavailable, their operational effectiveness is significantly reduced.
  2. Limited Infantry Skills: Due to their focus on mechanized operations, personnel may lack the versatility and skills of standard infantry in dismounted combat situations.
  3. High Maintenance: The advanced technology of the AT-LST "Sanngriðr" requires regular maintenance and repair, potentially leading to logistical challenges and downtime during prolonged operations.
  4. Exposure to Heavy Fire: Despite the vehicle's advanced systems, personnel can be vulnerable to concentrated heavy fire or artillery, particularly if the vehicle's shields are depleted.

In 900 ABY, as part of his efforts to strengthen the military capabilities of the Kainite, Darth Carnifex created the Black Bane Spider Company. This unit was designed to provide rapid, versatile mechanized support to the frontlines, particularly through the use of the All Terrain Light Spider Tank "Sanngriðr." The Black Bane Spider Company was placed under the command of Darth Carnifex's eleventh wife Darth Pellax, reflecting the unit's importance and strategic value.

The first recruits of the Black Bane Spider Company were handpicked from soldiers within the Kainite ranks, ensuring a high level of proficiency and combat readiness from the outset. These soldiers underwent rigorous training in both mechanized warfare and shock tactics, honing their skills to operate the AT-LST "Sanngriðr" effectively. This training regimen emphasized the vehicle's unique capabilities, such as enhanced mobility and superior firepower, which allowed the company to execute rapid blitzkrieg assaults and effective ambushes.

The Black Bane Spider Company quickly distinguished itself in various conflicts, demonstrating exceptional prowess in combined arms operations and counterinsurgency missions. Their ability to integrate seamlessly with other military units, such as infantry and artillery, made them a formidable force on the battlefield. However, their reliance on the AT-LST "Sanngriðr" also presented challenges, particularly in maintaining the advanced technology and ensuring operational effectiveness when the vehicles were not available.

Despite these challenges, the Black Bane Spider Company earned a reputation for its decisive and aggressive tactics, becoming a critical component of the Kainite's military strategy.

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