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Seasonal Terror and Tepani | Obulette, Harvest Day Festival


Terror and Tepani

Critical Links: Harvest Day, Obulette
Tags: Aerona Ceinder Aerona Ceinder , Athsheva Rin Athsheva Rin , Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti , Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker , Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster , Valery Noble Valery Noble , Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , Katherine Holt Katherine Holt , open...


The twilight streets of Obulette are swept up with comotion, lanterns and celebratory massess taking to the pathways of the planet. The Harvest Day in the Tepani sector has long since lost it's meaning, merely a shell of it's former self that's seen as an opportunity to stay home from work. For one reason or another, however, the holiday has taken on a different form on the planet of Obulette. Be it the dim red giant that keeps the planet in a twillight overcast or dark ashy rock that makes up the majority of the planet's surface, the dark and gloomy atmosphere of the planet has attracted the attention of those that love the shady and mysterious aspects of the Galaxy. Harvest Day has morphed into a widespread phenomenon, embracing the strange and supernatural, celebrating together in the dimly lit streets of the dark world. Those from across the Galactic Alliance, and across the Galaxy, gather to partake in it's festivities once again...

Objective 1: Night Lights


Join the festivities in the bustling streets. People move from location to location, carrying lanterns whilst adorned in gothic attire. There are many attractions to find out in the busy twilight city, such as various carnival games, street performers, and food vendors looking to overcharge unwitting tourists for sweet treats. All are welcome to come and join in.... if they are brave enough.

Objective 2: Twilight Market


Vendors from across the galaxy have flocked to Obulette to capitalize on the festivities. This is the place for the savey salesmen and women of the wider interconnected economy to display their goods to locals and tourists alike, and for individuals looking to pick up any gifts or trinkets to bring home with them. Sales terms are at the disgression of the vendor, so attendees are advised to bring their wallets ready to make purchases in advance.

Objective 3: Symphony of the Night


The night is young and the atmosphere is angsty. A large rock concert is being held in the square of Obulette, with the star headliner, Sithspit, attracting a large audience of fans from across the galaxy. Festival goers can come and dance the night away, and other musical tallent from across the galaxy is encouraged to bring their tallents to the concert.... So long as they can keep up with the vibe.




Tags: Open


Luxar | Klocto | Sword
"Ah, come on Boss," Luxar whirred in a teasing tone. "Thought you liked gloomy atmospheres."

Sithspit was backstage, preparing to open up the leading attraction of the festival. Needless to say, Xeno was not feeling it. His face was more grimmaced than it usually was, and his posture was ever so slightly stiffer. He sighed at Luxar's remark, giving a sparce shrugg.

"Just got a lot on the mind, that's all," Xeno brushed off. "I'm fine."

"Hey, we swore off that life, remember?" Klocto noted with a frown. "Thule isn't even anywhere near here."

"Yeah," the half-nagai. "I just... I thought something more would happen..."

He was waiting for the Sith to move again. They all were. It was something that kept Xeno up at night, tossing and turning. The idea that his nightmares were still out there, it terrified him.

"Let's just focus on the gig," Luxar noted. "Take our minds off all that."

Mist would roll out into the main stage in the central plaza of Obulette, purple ambiant light refracting through the settling fog. The guitar hook came in sharp, followed by the base and drums. In an instant, the sillouette of Sithspit appeared before the crowd, prompting an eruption of cheers.

"Stuck in the same routine
Living an empty dream
When am I gonna wake up
Thought we had it right
Now it's an endless night
Where is it gonna take us..."

The show had begun.


Maldor Mecetti stepped into the cockpit of his Executive Shuttle, looking over the shoulder of the chauffeur droid who was doing the piloting. He gazed through the transparisteel viewports of the craft, and took in the expanse before him.

He had come home.

The Obulette system's red star cast its bloody light over the Obulette shipyard and the world which orbited below it.

This was the Throne World of House Mecetti, their seat of power in the Mecetti province. The surface of Obulette was festooned with ash rock, dense urban areas, factories, and shallow seas. Hills and plains were to be found, but very few mountains. The lack of topographical barriers had facilitated House Mecetti's ancient conquest of the world. There had been nowhere for their enemies to hide.

Now it was Harvest-time, where global festivals demanded the attendance of notable figures. Maldor's father hadn't wanted to be bothered, so it was his son, the Senator's job to make an appearance and appease the masses.

It was a tedious duty, but it was nice to be home. He'd lived here most of his life, and while Coruscant was luxurious- at least for a Senator- it was also lonely. There was nothing there that felt familiar or comforting.

The shuttle penetrated orbital space, on its way down to the surface below. The droid handled the descent well. There was scarcely a shudder within 'Zephyr' as it penetrated the upper layers of atmosphere. Soon, the Capital City of Mecedon was revealed. The setting sun cast a beautiful soft reddish glow over the towers, domes, and buildings. The city's man-made lake sparkled as though ablaze. It was as beautiful as he remembered.

Soon enough, the shuttle set down. The Mecetti House Guard stood ready for him, ten army troops dispatched from the palace.

He waved a hand, "Keep your distance. I want the Ministry of Inquiry taking the lead on this. Only encroach if they tell you there is a known danger. A Senator of Obulette must be seen to be carefree on his own world."

"Understood," the Lieutenant in charge replied. Maldor moved past them, and they did not follow. Not while they were in observation range.


Down from the landing platform.

Out into the adoring crowds.

The first people he met would be plants, set there by his mother. People to look good for the cameras, which would also be set there by his mother. Much of his experience today was mother's gift, no doubt. The only thing missing here was his actual mother. Well, she'd surely get a full report.

He clasped hands. Signed autographs. Waved. Then got into a waiting luxury speeder.

It took him to one of the local music performances. He was sat up front, just as the noise started.

He pretended his best to enjoy it.

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Tags: Open



Rayne didn't like festivals.

This wasn't because they weren't fun. Far from it. Rayne loved to indulge in overspending money she didn't have and eating unhealthy fried food. The problem was that she typically did this on her own. The young woman thought that going to this thing could help ease her mind from some things that had been troubling her, but here she was.

Alone on a bench.

Whatever friends she had made were distant, traveling or off somewhere. It was unclear if she'd ever see any of them again, or even if they wanted to see her. A curse, one which saw the Twi'lek plagued to travel alone for all time. Maybe the atmosphere was fitting to that end. Dark and gloomy, overcast in twilight. Rayne sat with two caramel covered berries in hand, scewered on a stick. She didn't know why she got two, really, aside from perhaps to indulge her love of sweets. It probably just made her seem more lonely.

So she simply decided to dig in. Just eat, look at the happy crowd, and pretend that she wasn't lonely.

It was easier said than done...



Costume: Vampire
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Oh. My. Gosh. Just look at themmm,"

Valery looked at the triplets waddling ahead of her and her husband, dressed up in their Ewok costumes. They had toy spears, bows and even a sling... which Aeryn had already used to throw a plastic rock at Adam. It was just the cutest thing in the Galaxy to Valery, and she couldn't stop taking pictures of them. Valery herself had dressed up like a vampire in the same costume she had used when Kahlil took her on their first date to a party hosted by Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim .

It still fit, and it still looked great.

By their side was Vera, who had dressed up like a giant Racyon, but not just any. She was puposefully chonky in an attempt to mimic Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania 's Racyon pet.

Naturally, Valery took plenty of pictures of her as well.

"Well, what do you think, Aris? Having fun with the costumes and spoooky~ vibes?" She smirked and finally looked at Kahlil again, whose hand she was holding.

"You look cute too, love."

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Wearing: Black Frilly Dress and Cheap Vampire Fangs/Jewelry
Tags: @open

The Zeltron had arrived to have a good time. Her hair was a proper mess, covering half her face as she leaned forward and fixed the golden colored contacts in her eyes.

Hair acting like a shield before she reeled back, tossing black hair backwards and into someone's face as she spun. Dress making a prominent swishing sound as she whirled to apologize. The cheap Fangs in her mouth popping free as she spoke.

Hands in a desperate flailing attempt to catch them before they hit the ground.

The passerby giving her a cornered look before moving along without receiving much more than a half garbled apology. Making a hasty exit as Lossa's hands captured the Fangs by pinning them against a part of the billowing skirt. Almost dropping the Fangs once more as they became trapped between a gauze portion and a ripped seam.

Standing upright finally, grinning as she pulled the Fangs free with an all to pleased growl.

"Didn't get away this time." Popping them back into her mouth, adjusting them with each half of her tongue before clicking it against the roof of her mouth and bouncing along down the street.

Hair and dress bouncing in a chaotic rhythm as she took in the sights with a grin.


Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.

Red walked down the streets of the city, surrounded by crowds of people, talking and generally enjoying themselves. Red stood out, in stark contrast. He was not talking, nor did he seem to be even having an enjoyable time. He was alone, and silent, nor did he have a pleasant look on his face. People seemingly tried to avoid his gaze, fearing he might suddenly lunge out.

But honestly? Red was tired. He hadn't given himself a lot of time to properly relax, to wind down. He was always moving from one place to the next, always keeping himself busy, always working, never resting. There was always too much to do, in too little of a time span. So, he had decided to try something new. As much as he didn't like it, he decided to try to put himself out there.

He still didn't like it. Too many people, too much noise, was giving him a headache. He hadn't been expecting this many people. He was seemingly lost in the crowd, totally overwhelmed.

He pushed his way through, trying to find his way through the crowd hopelessly. Perhaps he could find a way out to get out of this horrible festival situation.

Athsheva Rin

Yuuzhan Vong. Shaper. Exile.


Tagging: Xeno Xeno , Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti (and anyone else for Objective 3)

In a rare display of tolerance and cultural exchange, Athsheva had decided to pay the little world of Obulette a visit. Even she had been unable to ignore the infidels' excited chatter about the upcoming festivities for Harvest Day. Her opinion so far, however, was that culture was perhaps too strong a word for the throneworld of House Mecetti. The local custom for Harvest Day had been, seemingly, to flood the streets of Mecedon with sugary food vendors and cheap plastic fare. These things held no interest for her. Where was the true terror? The agony? The threat of mortal harm that would send infidels running through the streets? It was what this place was sorely missing, really.

And to think, she had modified her oozhith for this...

Nevertheless, there was still the possibility that some information about the infidels-- some indication of what truly scared them-- might be garnered from this place. That was the reason that Athsheva strode into the plaza, cutting through the crowd like a knife. If there was one possible cultural institution that might actually hold some value on this planet, it might be music. Or so the Yuuzhan Vong hoped, anyhow. She moved toward the front of the stage, entirely and pointedly oblivious to the idea of reserved seating, tickets, or anything approaching concert etiquette.

She abruptly took her seat at the front, unknowingly next to the planet's Senator, Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti

As the show came to life, artificial lights and fake mist overtaking the stage, Athsheva had to admit... she liked the sudden, thrumming kick of the drums and the harsh tones of the plucked strings. The sound of the lead singer's voice was not to her taste, however, and she wrinkled the empty pit of her nose.

Athsheva glanced at her neighbor, then leaned over to speak. "Is this the best this planet has to offer?" the Yuuzhan Vong asked seriously. She had to raise her voice to be heard over the... "music."
Maldor's face was caught somewhere between a smile and a grimace when someone spoke to him.

He nearly jumped out of his seat. Somehow, in all the commotion of the performance and the crowd, he hadn't noticed that the Yuzhani had sat down next to him. Not that he would have recognized her species, anyway. The Yuzhan were not very much a present force in galactic politics, and their existence was only a footnote in the histories Maldor had studied.

The woman- he presumed she was a woman, because his mind and body responded as though she was- wore a prickly outfit that Maldor instantly took a liking to. It seemed to match and reflect the nature of the woman herself- pointy-eared and sharp, like a humanoid thorn given form. This was no costume, he surmised. This was her own style, just as Maldor was wearing t he exquisite silk clothing common to the elite of House Mecetti. Silks which were deceptive in their sumptuous softness. They could turn a blade or ablate a blaster bolt on a good day.

On a bad day... well, nobody lived forever.

That was something he would have to correct.

Maldor soon realized the reason he'd been surprised by her. Normally, a certain unseen Force alerted him to nearby persons. But this woman was a hole in the Force. Not unlike the hole in her face, where a nose should properly reside. But it wasn't a disfigurement, as far as he could tell. It was a natural feature of her countenance. Just as her lack of interaction with the Force must be a natural condition of her person. Or perhaps her species? He didn't know.

In response to her question, he laughed and replied before remembering that he was supposed to be political and diplomatic.

"Oh no, this is for the commoners. It makes their lives less dreary, somehow. True culture belongs to the nobility..."

He trailed off and glanced around to be sure that no locals had heard him. He'd have to be more careful.

"I do not recognize your species," he said, which could be an impolitic statement of its own, "where are you from?"

Athsheva Rin Athsheva Rin
ᴏɴᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴢᴇʀᴏᴇꜱ





| LOCATION: Obulette |
| TAG: Open! ❤ |

BB-610 peered around the corner, central optic darting left and right as he scanned his surroundings. The cost was clear, and so the astromech rolled onwards, swerving down an alleyway only to come to a screeching halt at the next junction, surveying around every corner while the photoreceptors dotting his chassis watched his flank. Once again, there were no signs of them, with the droid resuming his journey as he followed the distant sound of blaring music and streaming lights.

Sighing in relief, BB-610's inner voice told him to calm himself, to shake off his nerves, that things would be okay. Years ago, Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el had introduced him to the concept of music, and ever since that day, the droid had been captivated. What was once a simple whistling out of harmonic curiosity had eventually turned into synthetic singing, and soon it had spurred the astromech on to comb through every genre of song out there. Punk rock was his most recent hyperfixation, but its vulgar vocals and obnoxiously loud tracks had rendered it a guilty pleasure. BB-610 had an image to uphold, after all, and he'd feel far too embarrassed should anyone catch him jamming out to it. Those songs spoke to him, and they made him want to scream and forget the anxieties in his life to simply live and experience just as any organic would.

The moment he'd heard of the Obulette festivities, he knew he couldn't miss it. But he'd need to be discreet. He'd told Valery Noble Valery Noble that he would stay behind to watch over the pets, but as soon as he saw his family leave the house, he'd gotten straight to work. BB-610 wanted to look the part of a punk rocker, and so he did what he swore he would never do: rummage through Valery's drawers.

Watching some guides on how to dress appropriately for the setting, BB-610 had - sloppily - used the Jedi's lipstick to smear a pair of lips onto his faceplate to the best of his ability, his utility arm shaking as he then tried to precisely weld a set of fake eyelashes above his central optic, having doodled around it with some eyeliner. After dabbing some powder blush on his face, the only thing left to do was choose an outfit. His body proved difficult to wear traditional clothing, but thankfully Valery's wardrobe had come in clutch once again. Slipping on a pair of her fishnet stockings, BB-610 adjusted them as best as he could, finally satisfied as they were stretched to hug the curves of his chassis.

Marvelling at the mirror, he cooed. To BB-610, he looked amazing. To perhaps the rest of the galaxy, he looked like an amateur clown.

And thus, we're lead back to the present moment, with the astromech waltzing up to the concert, utterly enamoured and just about holding himself back from geeking out as deafening music blared and the band members thrashed to booming rhythms. He was without the confidence to start engaging right now, but as the night went on, perhaps that would change...



Todblaz Graker

Makes me wish for a nuclear winter


Tags: Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to
Outfit: (What he's wearing in the image)

It was peculiar not to feel out of place in his usual attire. In a gathering where people adorned themselves as various animals, characters, or whatever their imagination could conjure, his typical outfit didn't seem out of place. A few people even complimented him, remarking that his attire was neat, with one person inquiring about its inspiration.

While he walked he had music playing in his ears and he watched everyone laughing or smiling in some way. The crowd was blissfully ignorant of their problems during the celebration, electing to have fun in the moment. While that may not be the smartest thing to do daily, tonight was a celebration and a time to relax, make friends, and have fun.

The music abruptly ceased in his ears, roughly 15 seconds before its end, and he hit his helmet in an attempt to restart the song, but the sound never returned. This left him a bit frustrated, though there was little he could do about it in that moment.

Navigating through the congested streets became more noticeable without the comfort of his music. It made him slightly uncomfortable, as he wasn't particularly fond of bumping into people every ten seconds. With that in mind, he decided to step away from the crowd in search of a quiet spot.

He spotted a bench with a yellow-skinned individual seated on it and approached her, asking, "Do you mind if I join you?"

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Location: Obulette
Tags: Syala Syala

Another festival he found himself in. This time however, Sithspit was performing. Ko didn’t really consider himself a big fan, and didn’t really listen to their music. But he knew that Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania liked them, plus if they were in the area he saw no reason why he shouldn’t. Listening to the music playing he thought about the blonde noblewoman. Hoping dearly that she was alright as well as Shan. Ko felt a great deal of guilt for not being able to join the other Jedi on Thule. He lost his sight right before the battle there and was unable to go with his fellow Jedi.

Even though he couldn’t have gone even if he wanted to. He still cursed himself for not being there to support his friends. But now wasn’t the time for brooding and feeling upset with himself. Maybe he could get his friend some limited edition Sithspit merch, maybe as a nice gift for later. However, Ko was feeling parched. He turned away from the band for a moment to look to get himself something to drink. A can of iced tea might be nice.

The Kel Dor padawan almost effortlessly weaved himself through the crowd of cheering, adoring fans. Utilizing the training Jonyna Si Jonyna Si continuously drilled into him. Stepping past the bodies he suddenly felt himself rather harshly collide with another figure. “Oof!” He exclaimed before falling over with them. Where did they come from, he didn’t even seem to sense them. Ko quickly scrambled himself back up to his feet. ‘Looking’ over at the young woman he just knocked over, he reacted. “S-Sorry, I didn’t notice you there, my bad. Here, let me help you up…” Ko learned down and offered one of his clawed hands for them to take. The skin around his mask is a rather deep blush from embarrassment. Little did he know however, this wasn’t just some random girl. He’d come across her once before back on Dantooine. But with the loose of his eyes he didn’t recognize her in the slightest.

Athsheva Rin

Yuuzhan Vong. Shaper. Exile.


Tagging: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti

"Oh no, this is for the commoners. It makes their lives less dreary, somehow. True culture belongs to the nobility..."

Coming from a man dressed as he was, the answer was entirely unsurprising. Athsheva stole another look at her neighbor again, watching him as he seemed to momentarily come to his senses and glance around with some anxiety. He wore the finest silks, his hair perfectly coiffed, beard trimmed to an almost mathematical precision.

In short, the Shaper recognized him for what he was right away: a politician. Who else would have such a disdain for the common folk, and yet be so concerned over public opinion? She had met his type before. On her homeworld, the Prefects of the administrative caste would endlessly fuss over their social standing. They were two-headed animals. With one mouth, they would speak; with another mouth, they would spit. And both heads would constantly pull in different directions, the beast never actually getting anywhere.

As Master Shaper, navigating around them had been a constant challenge. She had been forced to play their game-- to bow, to flatter, to decline, to evade. In some ways, surviving in exile had actually been easier.

"I do not recognize your species," he said, which could be an impolitic statement of its own, "where are you from?"

It wasn't the first time she had been forced to field the question in this infidel galaxy. Yet another reminder of the fall from glory. Behind a patient, closed-lipped smile, Athsheva took a moment to grind her teeth.

"Ah, is that right?" she asked, one leg gracefully folding over the other while her arms crossed over her chest. One brow rose elegantly.

"And here I was, thinking I was dealing with a man of noble stature... but it would seem that you are not as worldly as I thought. Who are you, that do not know your history?" The statement was a barb, of course, but she often found that politicians tended to enjoy a little repartee. It also tended to bring their guard down. They got used to playing the game. Fell into old patterns.

"Well, fear not," Athsheva continued. "I will educate you. I am Yuuzhan Vong, a child of the gods."

Her eyes were alight with mirth, the close-lipped smile never leaving her face. "And since I already know you are human... perhaps we can take this conversation in another direction? Let us try names, hm? I am Athsheva Rin, and you are...?"

Harvest Day! A time for fright and terror! Syala couldn't contain the joy she had at the thought of all of the liveliness and emotions that would be running rampant on Obulette! So of course, she'd happily head down to the festival, being sure to cover her Force alignment, or at least try to suppress it. The only major Force alignment that she didn't suppress was that of the hairclip that Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania had infused with light energy to protect Syala. It made some things harder for Syala...but she was fond of the gift. Even if it did come from a Jedi. Though she had to keep herself quiet. Who knew if there'd be any stinky Jedi here! And for once, the Half-Nagai was not eager to rush into battle. Even a Sith was entitled to some time of enjoyment right? There was no need for her to constantly be searching for misery and pain. Joy was also another emotion she could focus on! With that, the Apprentice made her way to where she'd expect the most amount of emotions! The "Sithspit" festival. An...interesting name to say the least, but she had no problem with it.

The Half-Nagai adjusted the little skull on her head, trying to keep her "disguise" secure. It was going to be better than nothing, at least in her eyes. Though she'd have to be careful to make sure she didn't take out the eyes of anyone nearby by accident. Twirling her way through the crowd, Syala danced around, twisting and turning her way past all of the bodies. It would be so easy to just cause mayhem and havoc but no. No. She was behaving herself for once. She was in control of her emotions. Not the other way around. She decided when to lash out, not her emotions. So she twirled and twirled, until she felt someone bump into her, causing her to tumble down to the ground with them.

Her hand reactively went to her side, getting ready to defend herself under the assumption this was some kind of attack as opposed to an honest mistake...before she blinked at the sight of her "attacker". It was that Plo Koon guy! He was offering his hand towards her...Wait. Did...he not recognise her? Wow. She knew Jedi were dumb, but really? Maybe her disguise was just that good. She reached her hand up to grab Ko's, making sure to give him a tight grip alongside digging her nails in ever so slightly, "accidentally", of course. "Oh! Don't worry. It's fine. It's only natural that some people will be ever so slightly teensy weensy clumsy." Syala broke out into a small fit of giggles, before trying to bring herself under control. Well. She might as well go with her "regular" identity if the Kel Dor didn't recognise her. "I'm "Rayne". A pleasure to meet you."

Ko Vuto Ko Vuto


Tags: BB-610 BB-610


And thus, we're lead back to the present moment, with the astromech waltzing up to the concert, utterly enamoured and just about holding himself back from geeking out as deafening music blared and the band members thrashed to booming rhythms. He was without the confidence to start engaging right now, but as the night went on, perhaps that would change...

Jalen was at the concert for his own reasons. Things had been tense, with the war ramping up an all. They needed healers, and more often than not the young man found himself needing an escape from all of the dreary feelings that came with them. That's when he heard a familiar whirring, his hightened senses bringing him to shape of a mechanical friend. The young healer would make his way over to the droid, standing behind them and leaning forward to have his head appear upside down in front of them.

"Hey there, buddy," Jalen greeted warmly, a smile spread across his face. He'd lift his blindfold so that Bee could see his blind eyes and recognize him. Jalen hadn't seen the droid in a while, and he had grown a fair bit. "I didn't think you'd be here. Is Valery around?"

He hadn't seen Valery around much at all either. He figured they were due for a chat, given that he had some rather pressing dream matters to discuss with someone on the council. Regardless, he was very happy to see, or rather feel, the presence of his friend. It seemed his friends weren't around as much lately.

The boy would reach out, running his hand along the fake eyelashes that Bee had slapped onto his metal frame, giving a faint chuckle.

"Interesting," he remarked, tilting his head. "I'm sure you look dapper." If only he could see it. It was probably rather amusing.

Jalen would extend his hand, perhaps in a rather suave manner. He was trying to practice, just in case he wound up feeling someone he may want to ask to dance. The war hadn't given him much time to think about that kind of stuff, so the time he had away flooded his mind with all kinds of random thoughts. He'd at least start by having some fun with Bee, who seemed to be itching to dance himself.

"Care to join me?"

Maldor began to smile and puff up slightly at her regard for him as 'a man of noble stature.'

That did not last, however, for she followed with, "but it would seem that you are not as worldly as I thought. Who are you, that do not know your history?"

His inflated posture soon became a bristly one, and emotionally he became as prickly as her garment was.

"Well, fear not," she continued. "I will educate you. I am Yuuzhan Vong, a child of the gods."

Maldor blinked.

He had indeed heard of this species, though he had never seen one depicted, before, so never would have recognized her.

Their incursions were ancient history now, and much less relevant to him than the conflicts between the Empire and the Republic, or the Sith and the Jedi. The arrival of her people had surely been terrifying at the time, but the entire affair had left no lasting imprint on the galaxy... as far as he knew.

Of course, his education had not focused on the conflict, so perhaps he was ignorant of how they were still relevant.

She continued, ""And since I already know you are human... perhaps we can take this conversation in another direction? Let us try names, hm? I am Athsheva Rin, and you are...?"

Maldor frowned slightly, but dipped his head in a shallow bow, "Maldor Mecetti. And please forgive me.

I did not realize I was speaking to a child.

What brings the Yuzhan Vong to Obulette, Miss Rin? Or are you a lone traveler?"

Athsheva Rin Athsheva Rin
It's one of life's mysteries, sir...

Tag: Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red , open!


Kathryn liked gatherings like this. Celebrations of something else than a war won and battles fought, even though that some of their fellow comrades who had fallen in battle certainly would be remembered on this day. The summer on this planet were over, and the farmers were done with the harvest and happy to offer some of the fruit of their labour to outlanders visiting their system. Without them and other common citizens, the Alliance were nothing. It was those citizens she had sworn to protect, to serve and to care for. Meeting them planetside were always a pleasure.

However, no one that didn't know her would have been able to recognise her as colonel and Commander Air Group in Liedran Kathause's 1st Expeditionary Fleet, because she had opted for a civil and more rural attire than usual.

The lanterns glowing warmly, the happy people and festive atmosphere, made the settlement on the otherwise rocky planet bathing in twilight from the red giant sun, a cozy and comfortable place to be. There seemed to be a lot of people around and the evening were peobably going to be long and memorable.

Hands tucked in the pockets of the jacket, she made her way through the crowds gathering on the main street. She didn't come far though, before someone being in a bit of a hurry bumped into her with such force that she lost her balance and fell to the ground. ''Oof! It didn't struck you to look where to go?!'' she uttered in surprise, slightly annoyed, before looking up and recognising the red tuft and red eyes of the person that just had ran her over. A person that she had her fights and disagreements with, but had came to know and respect the more they had worked together. ''Red?! Is that you?'' she added, pulling herself up into a sitting position and pulled some strands of hair out of her face.




Location: Obulette
Wearing: Mummy Costume
Tags: Syala Syala

Ko was covered in wraps, dressed up as a mummy for the festivities. Still having plenty of clean gauze from the time he’s spent in the med-bay back at the Jedi Temple. Having thought back to some of the mummification traditions back on Dorin. The oxygen depleted prevented a lot of decomposition.

He felt a slight tinge of pain as her nails dug into him a bit. But he didn’t really mind as he helped her back up to her feet. Hearing her words he gave a slight chuckle. “Yeah I guess, my eyes don’t work as good as they used to anymore.” He confessed, hoping that she’d also better understand why he bumped into her like that. She did seem notably faint to him through his senses.

“Rayne?” He repeated to himself after she gave her name. “That’s a pretty name, I’m Ko, a pleasure to meet you as well.” The padawan replied with a friendly smile under his mask. Ko got a general idea of her appearance. Wondering if she was supposed to be dressed as some kind of demon or devil. Since it was the horns that stuck out the most to him. Figuring that it wasn’t actually the shape of her head. “So uh, Miss Rayne, are you a fan of the band playing?” He felt like that was a sensible question for some small talk. Seemingly forgetting about his little quest to find something to drink. No part of him suspected that she was the Sith he'd fought prior. If she was she'd probably just gut him with a knife right now or something. Certainly whoever this Ranye person was she probably a very sweet and respectable woman.

Oh. The Kel Dor was dressed up as a mummy. Urgh. The urge to learn more about the body of a Kel-Dor was getting stronger. How their heart beat. How they breathed. But she had to keep herself under control. No experiments. Not yet. She just ran a hand through her hair, trying to adjust her skull ever so slightly. This might be harder than she expected to stay under control. Hm...No. Syala shook her head, trying not to focus on the thoughts of experimentation, instead turning her attention towards Ko and the music. Even though Ko said his eyes didn't work as well as they used to, she couldn't help herself but plaster a fake smile across her face.

"Oh no! What happened to your eyes?! Are they okay?!" Syala didn't care. Not really. It was just a matter of acting. Pretending she cared. She was an actress, playing the role of Rayne. She couldn't let that persona fall. Keeping a bright smile on her face as she twirled in front of Ko, taking in the sensations around them. The vibrations of the music, the atmosphere of everyone enjoying the music around them, before turning her attention back to Ko once more as he spoke, saying that Rayne was a pretty name. She fought the urge to break out into a series of manic giggles at that, shaking her head afterwards.

"Ko? Whoa! That name is great! Like a present with a little bow." Alright. That was it. Just be overly positive. Be the opposite of her normal self. "Hm? I'm never normally a fan of music. I prefer the sound of nature. Tones that are more...natural. The wind. The rushing water." She kept herself quiet on the other natural sounds she liked. Pain. Fire. Lightning. She just turned her attention over towards Ko, and grimaced for a moment...If she wanted to go full into this whole acting persona...Well...Syala leaned forward to grab Ko by the hands and start doing a ridiculous little dance with the Kel Dor.

Ko Vuto Ko Vuto


Location: Obulette
Objective: Celebrate harvest
Tags: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Costume: Alice

All around her people lit up night lights of various shapes and sizes, it was a fun festival and one that Annika had been looking forward to for weeks.

The half Zeltron teen walked through the crowd, enjoying the music, enjoying the whole vibe, her job was about witchy stuff and celebrating that, so to get the opportunity to come from Zeltros to here was too good to miss. The fact that her followers had gifted her the transit tickets was just icing on the cake.

The teen's costume was on point and had garnered almost a million likes from her followers already. She took another picture and quickly looked down into the screen to check the composition to see if it was worth sharing. In it she was greeted with the flash of beautiful pink skin that she would recognise anywhere as Zeltron. She lifted her head and saw Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus fighting with her costume for some reason.

Annika picked up the pace a little until she came up behind the other woman as she tried to convince her teeth to stay put. "You know you're supposed to wear cosmetic glue to keep them in right? I've got some here if you want?" she offered the other, vibrantly pink skinned woman. Annika herself was a pale skinned girl due to her father, and was wearing hair dye and contact lenses tonight. If it wasnt for the waft of pheromones that permeated her person, she could very easily be mistaken for human.


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