Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Testing of Pride


"I agree, a break does sound rather refreshing," Taeli said, rolling her shoulders a bit. "Been meaning to go on another small vacation, maybe to Spira. I heard the oceans and beaches there are amazing, but first, I'd actually be curious to see inside this ship you arrived in. I'll admit I;m very curious about what sort of things you might have . . . lurking there."

She smiled at the woman, and couldn't resist looking her over once or twice.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Darth Arcanix"]

"Not much, aside from a mobile laboratory, a Sith meditation and ritual chamber..." She smiled. There was nothing really out of place on Circe's ship. The base design of the Cyracuse-class Drone Carrier meant it could rather easily be adapted for a variety of uses. The flexibility was what she very much enjoyed. "Well, come on aboard and let's have ourselves a little fun. Maybe we can hit Zeltros up and enjoy it before the Republic takes the planet over."

That would be pretty sad if such did happen.

"Lead the way then," Taeli said, smiling a bit as she allowed Circe to indeed lead the way to her personal ship. "Although Zeltros might not be the most welcoming of places still, I wonder if the Republic ever rebuilt it after that raid that occurred as I joined the Sith. They probably haven't as they don't currently control it so must not be on their list of priorities."

The Exalt was done now, and Taeli would be curious at how exactly Circe traveled or what shenanigans they might get up to as they traveled together or Taeli go the chance to learn from the infamous Sith.

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