Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Testing, One To Three

Rivenna Vehementi

Rivenna nodded. She felt the squeeze of the Jedi and then she took a deep breath.
“Together. Yes, we will figure it out together.”
The Nightsister took a seat once more. This time more in line with the spirit of the chamber.
Suddenly there was a chim, as it felt like the ship dropped out of hyoerspace. Had they arrived at their destination? And where was that exactly? Rivenna would be patient as all would be revealed.
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Testing, One To Three.

Location: On Board Mi'la's Vessel, Mobile Training Academy
Tags: Lady Vehementi
Eyeing the woman, she nodded slowly, managing a smile, though there was so much in the air she couldn't fathom. "The mysteries of the Force are meant to be-" She was cut off as her ship began to chime, indicating they were arriving on Dantooine. At least Rivenna had taken a bit of a calm approach with herself by then. Rising, Mi'la motioned for the woman.

"I think we're here. Honestly, my ship's drive is so quick, I forget how short these trips are now." She shrugged, offering a gently tug to pull Rivenna up from the chair. "Care to join me in the cockpit? This ship is...weird. I'm sure you noticed." Motioning to the strange Light within the room, and how it seemed to reverberate around the pair.

Rivenna Vehementi

Rivenna nodded. She would join Mi’la on the bridge. The Nightsister left the meditation Chamber, and now made her way there. She looked on the view screen, and saw a planet system that was unlike Dathomir, lush and green and full of life. She wondered if this place would be where her new life would begin? Could she become a Jedi? After all she had done? Would the voices and cries inside be silenced? Was this a new beginning?

Testing, One To Three.

Location: On Board Mi'la's Vessel, Mobile Training Academy
Tags: Lady Vehementi

Sitting at her console, Mi’la looked upon Dantooine with a placid expression. The aura of the planet was a calming one. It would be the perfect place to train this woman in the ways of the Jedi here. “Dantooine has long since been a home of the Jedi. Here, we can start your training and figure out where you fit into all of this.” She said softly, taking her controls and guiding the vessel towards the planet.

She had just the spot as well.

The ship would take several moments to burn through the atmosphere, but as the clouds parted, and revealed the way, the pair would see a valley below, cut in twine by a bubbling river that gave way to an impressive waterfall. Bringing the ship down for a landing atop one of the rock walls, Mi’la was exuberant to finally use this place. It’d be perfect for their needs. Isolated, and serene. “Hopefully this place isn’t that much different than your homeworld. We’ll train here in familiar settings, then move on.” She smiled, rising to retrieve several bits of training equipment that they would need for the path ahead.


Rivenna Vehementi

Rivenna crossed her arms and nodded. She sensed a great vergence in the Force, the entire planet was bathed in Light. The Nightsister could sense that the whole world was teeming with life. She has not felt this connected to the Living Force. If this was what Jedi embraced, she then began to understand why they were more numerous than the Sith. The only question was, could a Wound be whole? Was she destined to feel tortured in her soul? Or was there another way, another path that lead to the real “breaking of chains.” For she had found among the Dark Side, one merely exchanged one set of chains for another. It offered power to be sure, but at a cost. Nothing in the Universe was free. If one was to be Tyrant of Bogan, at some point a Hero of Ashala would rise and route the darkness. This was the way of the Force. That being said, Rivenna wasn't keen to let go of all her dark strength, it had served her in her survival. The dark side was like a drug, once tasted, the high was hard to not seek again and again. The question before her now was, does the Light offer something equally intoxicating? Could she find it as alluring as the power she had wielded? Her training under her new Master would answer that most tantalizing of questions that ruminated in her mind.
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Testing, One To Three.

Location: On Dantooine
Tags: Lady Vehementi

Dantooine had a history, a rich, and troubled history if that. Regardless, she smiled as she loaded up be belongings and totted them down the ramp, arriving onto the grassy planes now. She set everything off the side side, setting up beside the small river as she began to unpack her supplies. It was basic training equipment, several meditation mats, and foodstuffs. Nothing they needed right now, but could assist given how long they would be staying here.

Having done that, she returned to Rivenna, eager to begin the woman’s training now. “Are you ready? We’ll go slow I promise, there are great things in store for you, I only hope I can lead you there without issue.” Again, offering her hand out, Mi’la awaited the response that was to come, and would lead Rivenna would to inspect the world before her eyes.

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Rivenna Vehementi

Rivenna took a deep breath. The air so pure, she coughed. She stepped on to blades of grass, the wind blowing her hood off to reveal her shoulder length raven black hair. She then commanded the Force, levitating the mats, to aid her Master.
The Nightsister took her Master’s hand. And they walked. What training was in store, Rivenna did not know.
“I am ready for anything.”

Testing, One To Three.

Location: On Dantooine
Tags: Lady Vehementi

She smiled at the woman’s eagerness, but motioned for the mats to be placed down, keeping one another at arms reach for practical effect, motioning for Rivenna to sit, Mi’la say across from her, legs crossed out before her, eyes shut. “Today, we are going to practice on drawing out those feelings. Like before when I asked you to focus, I need you to focus internally, block out distractions and try to feel the heart of the planet. I’ll assist you on the first attempt, but after that, I will attempt to distract you. In combat, being able to use the force under distress is vital. This will be a stepping stone to such lessons.” She explained placing her hands in her lap, she began to tug on the force, her presence expanding out now. “Try and follow the rivers, I will guide you if you need it. Feel how they echo out and circle the world, and do not forget how they connect. Just like us, we are the rivers, moving to a destination which we can not hope to understand.”
She had never understood these ideas as a padawan, but now, she could see it clearly.
She only hoped Rivenna might glimpse that truth as well.
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Rivenna Vehementi

Rivenna closed her eyes and could seen rivers, tunnels even, of Light. They were everywhere, tethered to trees, animals, and them both; like strings of light. Was this Ashala? Was this what The Jedi called The Living Force?
“I see it.. the rivers touch all living things, I can feel them.. as if everything was connected.”
As Rivenna reached, she felt something else. She saw hounds with red eyes snapping. Around them a dark aura.
“It is here too.. I sense it.. the darkness.”

Testing, One To Three.

Location: On Dantooine
Tags: Lady Vehementi

Mi’la nodded slowly at the woman, happy to feel that Rivenna’s senses were not entirely shut down. “Yes, that is good. Follow it, follow the water and the life that thrives within it. This is the Force. Not Light, nor Dark, just the Force. Learn to respect it, and it will respect you.” She agreed with herself a bit much on that point, but felt the darkness that her padawan tapped into as well. Mi’la attempted to use her presence as a shield, unsure if the contact with the Darkside might be too much for her. “On every world there are traces of the dark, and of light. Neither side can live without the other. Remember this as well. Sith might be our foes, but without them to be there, we have no one to keep us in balance.” She said quietly, waiting for the padawans inflections.
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Rivenna Vehementi

Rivenna began to levitate slightly above the mat, as her hands reached for orbs of light that surrounded her. One came near and graced her cheek, a smile stirred, unlike the ons she used to manipulate with. She wanted to laugh, and then she saw standing there a black figure with a mask.
“No.. get away.. I refuse to let you in! Leave!”
The image faded away and she fell on her bottom. Her eyes opening and her skin chilled.
“Why does he torment me?”

Testing, One To Three.

Location: On Board Mi'la's Vessel, Mobile Training Academy
Tags: Lady Vehementi

Mi’la was a bit taken when the woman began to levitate. She wanted to ask what was occurring, but before she could, Rivenna seemed to have fallen, mutter to herself about being haunted. While Mi’la felt a lingering aura of negative emotions, she couldn’t understand the source of it all.

Frowning, she leaned forward, wanting to know more. “What did you see Rivenna? Who is haunting you?” Though she did ask, there was little that Mi’la understood she could do for right now.

Rivenna Vehementi

Rivenna brushed herself off.
“At first I saw orbs of light, one touched my cheek. Then I saw him.. Saavage. Why does he plague me? I have no desire to return to him.”
The Padawan ran her hand through her hair.

Testing, One To Three.

Location: On Board Mi'la's Vessel, Mobile Training Academy
Tags: Lady Vehementi

Hearing what the woman spoke of, Mi'la tilted her head, moving her hand forward and placing it on Rivenna's cheek, as she tried to find a current to follow, only to found....nothing? Still, to have memories of her master was of no surprise. "You and his fate are entwined. Only recently did you lose contact with him, so his print on you may remain. Do not despair, these things take time. Like a wound, it will be healed." She confirmed, slowly removing her hand from the woman, offering a comforting smile. "Now, lets try again, follow that river, and I will attempt to distract you. So far, you are making wonderful progress."

Now here was where the real training started, as Mi'la eyed her padwan with a soft smile.

Rivenna Vehementi

Rivenna closer her eyes once more, took a breath and held her hands out in the lotus position. She could see the streams of light, this time like sparkles or stars, she could see the ship, and the land masses, and a Jedi Enclave, some farms and caves. She felt herself soaring above it all inside.
“I see everything! And it is beautiful!”

Testing, One To Three.

Location: On Board Mi'la's Vessel, Mobile Training Academy
Tags: Lady Vehementi

Mi'la was surprised at how quickly Rivenna was catching on, though she had to assume her former training was the factor for that. "Focus on that, do not lose it, okay?" She said quietly, as the knight leaned forward, studying and feeling where her padawan was at, and nodded, as she extended her hands, and began to assail the woman's sides with tickles. "Block out all sensations, focus on the Force, nothing else." She advised, though she would not relent, not until she felt as if she could break Rivenna's focus.

This was as basic as she could do it, the other option was using a mob of training remotes, and she wasn't keen on that after her last few encounters with them.

Rivenna Vehementi

Rivenna felt tingling sensation. She tried to block it out and focus on the all she could see. Then the tickles intensified, she fixed her mind on the animals, the flying mantis and the Kath Hounds who ran to and fro across the plain.
“There is no emotion, there is peace.”
The Jedi Mantra, never in any amount of years did she believe she’d utter them, espsecially when she was an Acolyte.

Testing, One To Three.

Location: On Board Mi'la's Vessel, Mobile Training Academy
Tags: Lady Vehementi

Mi’la was surprised at how well the woman was dealing with this, and to hear her recite the Jedi code was something. Clearly she had studied this before, yet there was more she would have to explore. Continuing the torment, Mi’la nodded as she introduced the next step. “Now, you need to try and make yourself float. So far, so good, but see if you can use the force with these distractions about.” She ordered, her fingers still striking at Rivenna’s sides, as she watched the woman’s progress.

If she pulled this off perhaps it was time ofor the caves next. She wanted to believe she was a decent teacher, but the truth was she just had a more experienced student on hand.

Rivenna Vehementi

Rivenna felt the tickle fingers dig in and for a moment she almost gave in, and then her body shot up into air a few feet, and she held there a moment, before descending. Once back on the mat, she opened her eyes. Had it been real? Had she passed the test?

Testing, One To Three.

Location: On Board Mi'la's Vessel, Mobile Training Academy
Tags: Lady Vehementi

As Rivenna managed to succeed, Mi’la stoped, the knight backed off, smiling and giving a nod. “Well, I didn’t think you’d manage it, but you did. Sorry about that.” She chuckled, her Lekkus curling as she waved Rivenna off. “I….should have expected you to do this. You aren’t a padawan after all, least not a new one. That was probably embarrassing huh?” She shook her head, pondering if maybe her training technique was out of touch.

She had never trained anyone before. Perhaps this just needed a new outlook. Seeing as her her student could use the force and what not without issue, perhaps it was time to move on to giving her a new saber. “Before we move on, are there any questions?” She wasn’t sure if Rivenna had any, but, never hurt to ask.

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