Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Skinshifter: A natural ability for her species, she is nonetheless a prodigy when it comes to changing form, especially humanoids. She can imitate any creature regardless of size or coloring, and for an indefinite amount of time. (Though adjusting her mass by a significant amount is incredibly taxing.) She can enact such a transformation at will so long as she is able to concentrate, and she will not revert into another form even if she is knocked unconscious.
  • Glamoring: This is directly tied to her shapeshifting abilities and allows her to cover up inconsistencies in her physical appearance which would tip more observant people off that she isn't what she seems, such as smell or pheromones. This ability is negated if she can't use the Force, and it should be noted that she can only control how others see her, not what they think of her.
  • Telekinetic: Inanna has been practicing telekinesis ever since she was a kid. She is quite skilled at moving objects with her mind, and can even dismantle entire buildings.

  • Scatterbrained: Possessing approximately zero protection from mental attacks, it is extremely easy for other Force Users to read or influence her mind. To her credit, they will typically find her surface thoughts chaotic and hard to follow, primarily due to the fact that she's an alien and doesn't think in Basic. Obviously this doesn't apply to her fellow Shi'ido.
  • Lack of Self-Control: Inanna struggles with discipline and temperance, making her prone to vices, the Dark Side, and other issues which have had a profoundly negative impact on her life.
  • Limited Use: Extremely specialized in her use of the Force, Inanna has limited application when it comes to combat.

Inanna Hoole was born in Goshen, Lao-mon, to Tammuz Hoole, a Jedi Master, and his wife Lilith, a schoolteacher. She was the seventh of eight children and the couple's only daughter. Her great-grandfather was Mammon Hoole, a famous and well-respected anthropologist whose work The Essential Guide to Alien Species is still widely read and referenced by scholars today.

Inanna grew up at the family's mansion and had a relatively happy childhood. She befriended her father's young protégé Arimanes Bosch, and the two became close friends, then childhood sweethearts. Arimanes' failure to live up to Tammuz's expectations led to friction between them, and upon coming of age, a frustrated and disillusioned Arimanes left the planet in search of new purpose. He and Inanna lost contact and would not see each other again for over half a century.

Inanna, who had resisted her father's attempts to train her in the Force, was encouraged by her family to attend the Jedi Academy on Coruscant. She reluctantly enrolled, and was quickly overwhelmed. Severing contact with her family out of shame, she quietly dropped out and wandered the galaxy working odd jobs for the next five decades, using pseudonyms to hide her identity.

Then came the fateful day when a man named Errik Nimdok came to see her. At the time she was working at the Harem Club, a gambling den in Coruscant's Urscu Entertainment District, under the name "Maetel". She took Nimdok back to her apartment, where he revealed his true identity: he was Arimanes Bosch, and he needed her help. After a run-in with agents of the Sith who were after Nimdok and his daughter Miri, Inanna agreed to help them go into hiding. But the situation the two were in, being hunted by a Sith Lord named Messala who had at one point kidnapped and experimented on young Miri, haunted Inanna. After hiring a mercenary named Red to assist her, she launched her own investigation into Messala and his activities.

Her investigation would take her to Dromund Kaas, where she masqueraded as a propagandist working for the Sith Empire. It was there that she met Adrian Vandiir, a Sith alchemist with connections to Messala. In order to obtain valuable information from him, she was required to erase a mistake; sending a Sithspawn whom Adrian had created back to her family on Lao-mon to hide. Unbeknownst to her, the Sithspawn had stolen valuable data from Adrian, and he wanted it destroyed. Doing so resulted in Inanna being disowned by her father, and she fell into a downward spiral, becoming an alcoholic. This cost her her job as a propagandist, so she resorted to briefly working as a manager at Euphoria, a nightclub on Zeltros.

A Sith Lord named Vanessa Vantai picked Inanna out from among a lineup of potential apprentices. Inanna was brought to Vanessa's space station in orbit around Nathema, where she was tortured and "broken" by her new master in hopes of turning her into a powerful Sith. Inanna plotted to escape with the help of her trusty HRD companion Ayreon and her assistant Hal Yomin, who in turn made arrangements with Nimdok and a few of her other friends to rescue her. The result was a harebrained plan that involved Nimdok impersonating Adrian Vandiir, coming to the station, and offering to take Inanna on as an apprentice. This enraged Vanessa, who discovered the ruse. In the ensuing fight, the group actually was defeated - but they caused enough trouble when captured that Vanessa begged them to leave her in peace.

Inanna continued to search for Messala (even coming face to face with him during a coronation ball), but her time under the cruel Sith Master had left its scars. Suffering from recurring nightmares and a bad case of Sith poisoning, for which there appeared to be no cure, she found it difficult to function. Nimdok approached Alyosha Drutin, an acquaintance of his, for assistance. Alyosha suggested a purifying ritual which had been previously employed by his master, Darth Themis, using a gemstone known as the Star of Atrisia. Inanna traveled to Atrisia for the ritual, which cleansed the poison from her body, but also altered her body and Force essence. Her strengths in the Force were doubled, but so were her weaknesses.

After the ritual, Inanna married Hal and retired to Erakhis. The couple adopted two children, Ophelia and Galahad, and Inanna seemed content to focus on her family. She left the quest to hunt down Messala to others, only emerging from retirement when a disturbance in some nearby ruins led Inanna to discover her old master Vanessa, now calling herself "Onrai", was the culprit. The ensuing chase and battle saw Inanna briefly trapped in the Netherworld, while "Onrai" got away. She was saved by Ingrid L'lerim-Vandiir, the widow of Adrian, and returned to her own reality only to discover that Lao-mon had been invaded by the Brotherhood of the Maw. Her father Tammuz and several of her brothers would be killed in the ensuing battles before the planet was ultimately rendered inhospitable to Shi'ido, who were actively exterminated by the Maw.

Inanna immediately set to work providing aid and relief to refugees. She became a representative of the Shi'ido to the Erakhian government, arranging for the creation of a refugee camp for Shi'ido. Unfortunately, her actions made her a target of Mawite agents, who attacked her and her family. Her children were killed in a terrorist attack by Mawite agents, and her husband succumbed to a rare form of incurable cancer. Despite her personal losses, Inanna is determined not to give up on her mission, even if it kills her. Perhaps death is all she's living for.
TypePowerProficiencyTaught ByThread
Sense/Alter/ControlForce Power Name▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮-Link
FormNameProficiencyTaught ByThread
VShien/Djem So▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮---
TypeSkillProficiencyTaught ByThread
TypeNameBonus InformationAcquired
ResidenceThe Yomins' House-Link
StarshipLuminex-class solar yacht
Yomin Wedding Rings
Star of Atrisia
Polyweave clothing
NameRelationshipBonus InformationIntroduction

Rani Minella



Rani's looks are frozen at sixteen, the age she was when she was turned into a Psy-Pire. Official records list her age as being much older. She claims she is a Morellian, a member of a Near-Human species who age very slowly. An attractive young woman with dark hair and green eyes, she can generally pass for human, though in the dark her pupils have a noticeable purplish glow, not unlike the eyes of nocturnal predators. Her fangs, when descended, have a metallic look to them.


Sound Mimicry: Rani possesses the ability to mimic almost any voice or sound she hears.

Blood Immunity: Her Psy-Pire blood provides near total immunity to poison, even Sith-related poisons. Only Vong Toxins have any effect, and even then it leaves Rani sluggish, not dead. She is also immune to silver, an allergy prevalent among certain strains of vampirism.

Can Blend In: Rani can consume food without becoming ill, and even gains limited nourishment from it. That said, subsisting exclusively on food for long periods of time will cause her to age rapidly, and she would always be on the verge of malnourishment, with all the negative side effects that entails (migraines, depression, decreased ability to focus).

Feeding: Psy-Pires feed on mental energies, not blood or Force Energy. Upon biting her victim, Rani becomes telepathically connected to them and is able to select thoughts and memories for consumption, with more potent thoughts and memories providing greater nourishment. A memory or thought with very strong emotions connected to it can sustain her for up to a week before needing to feed again, and since she has the capacity to consume only two to three memories or powerful thoughts at a time, she can sustain herself for weeks on one or two feedings before the urge to feed comes again. Minor thoughts or memories with little emotion or significance attached are more easily accessed, but provide nourishment which lasts only a few days.

Regeneration: Psy-Pires can regenerate wounds even faster than energy vampires... but only if they are asleep. Heavily injured Psy-Pires can be put into a medically induced coma to regenerate within hours severe lacerations, blood loss, and damage to major organs.

Blood Mesmerism: Rani possesses a unique form of mesmerism. By smearing a small amount of her blood on the surface of an object, the psychic imprint within the blood causes the weak minded to focus on whatever object or spot the blood is smeared on. This can affect only a few people at a time, however, and even novice mentalists can resist it. On stronger characters it might distract them for only a second or two.


: Psy-Pires have an allergic reaction to garlic, which can cause them to have seizures in high doses, and causes pain equivalent to Devaronian blood poison on contact with skin or introduction to the bloodstream. Even hanging the stuff up in a room provokes an instinctive, unwelcome burning and watering of the eyes. Then again, how many times do prey happen to have garlic around?

(Ir)Resistible: Those with strong wills or trained mentalists can resist the Psy-Pires telepathic feeding. Successfully resisting means the Psy-Pire gets little to no nourishment at all.

Ion: Psy-Pires possess a weakness common to droids: Ion blaster bolts cause far more severe effects than normal people, which can include severe pain, blisters, and burns. Grenades with ionic properties are capable of actually setting them ablaze.

Brittle Bones: Due to a lighter weight skeletal structure, they can't withstand the same heavy impacts as other species. Their wrists have been known to fracture during sword duels while defending against power blows. They tend to favor fighting styles with grace and finesse over power. They tend to produce a lot of Makashi or Niman practitioners as a result.

Vong Vulnerability: Vong based toxins seem to be among the few poisons that seem to effect them, causing sluggish responses and flu like symptoms. But even the most lethal Vong Toxin can only keep them down for so long, the strongest only being able to render them comatose for an hour or so.

Touch Required: Even the strongest Psy-Pire can only use their mind domination abilities via direct touch with unprotected flesh.
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Nancy Io



Terminator: You wanna beat her annoying little self-righteous ass? Go right ahead! You can bury an axe in her head and she’ll still live, her regeneration is just that good. Also, please don’t split her in two; she’ll regenerate as two different Nancys. No matter how appealing that sounds, it’s not a good idea.

A Learning Computer: Despite being a droid manufactured in a factory, Nancy is capable of experiencing emotions as well as learning from new encounters. She can also download information directly into her brain, so that's neat.

Mage Killer: Most Neutralizers are engineered to be able to resist Force Users, and Nancy is no different. Her DNA is spliced with that of a ysalamiri, so she's resistant to direct applications of the Force, and she has special power glands installed in her body that can prevent her from being dismembered by a lightsaber.

Everything But the Kitchen Sink: What has she got? I tell ya, she's got artificial organs that mimic repulsorlifts, allowing her limited flight, as well as other organs in her arms that allow her to project and direct massive electrical discharges from her body, not to mention organs in her hands that act as mini tactical tractor beams or tractor pressers, allowing her to move or catch/hurl large objects at a distance (or choke someone...), retractable claws embedded in her knuckles, and an organ in her throat that is basically a sonic weapon. Oh, and she can also shoot lasers out of her eyes, because why not. Just remember that she was designed by an insane person, and then it all makes sense.


Uncanny Valley: Looking just a little too perfect, it is obvious that Nancy is an android even when viewing her from a distance, to say nothing of a medical scan or Force sense. Her skin is poreless, her features too symmetrical, her internal organs are strange, and her blood is silver in color. Basically, everything about her screams "unnatural" and other than an elaborate disguise, there is nothing that can hide this fact.

Damned Vong!: Exposure to Alpha Red will cause necrotizing of her flesh and can be fatal unless treatment is immediately applied. Similarly, Baffer Pollen causes intense swelling in her joints for up to fifteen minutes, heavily reducing her maneuverability until her body has a chance to purge it.

Glass Cannon: Despite her versatile abilities and incredible regenerative powers, Nancy has her limits. She is vulnerable to most conventional weaponry, be it blasters, slugthrowers, vibroweapons, or explosives, and can be destroyed if she sustains enough damage.

Magnetics: Exposure to any kind of high-powered magnetic shenanigans will scramble her databases, slow her regeneration, and potentially adhere her body to the surface of the magnet, leaving her stuck until the magnetic field is disrupted. If you want to catch her, just bring a giant magnet.

Blind Loyalty: Programmed to regard all House Io citizens as family, she will protect and obey them without question. No action she commits can ever come at the cost of betraying House Io's ideals, its citizens, or its leadership. If she is placed in a situation where she will be forced to compromise her loyalty to House Io, she will shut down rather than make the decision. This fanatical devotion is so deeply embedded in her mental architecture, it cannot be overridden no matter how much the rest of her is reprogrammed.


  • Smart: Miri is intelligent and resourceful. Her love of reading has made her knowledgeable on a variety of subjects, particularly history.
  • Telepath/Empath: Miri is hypersensitive to the thoughts and emotions of her father in particular, though this ability may extend to other people with whom she shares a close relationship. She can communicate with Nimdok telepathically if necessary.
  • Girl With a Gun: Miri prefers ranged weaponry, with dual-wielding pistols being her favorite loadout.
  • Jedi Training: Miri started training with the Jedi at around age eight, having previously been taught a few basic Force powers by her father. She is a skilled fighter, but is still gaining experience in the field.
  • Little Lady: Miri doesn't use profanity, is polite and courteous, and shows an almost absurd amount of respect for others - even if they're trying to kill her, or she them. That said, her patience with those she already considers to be treacherous or malicious can quickly wear thin.

  • Unexceptional: Compared to other Jedi, Miri's abilities are nothing special. She started training late and her connection to the Force is known to be weak and fickle.
  • Lightsaber Challenged: Like all Jedi, Miri built her own lightsaber as part of her training... but it's mostly just ornamental and symbolic. Her skill in melee combat is noticeably lacking.
  • Shy: Miri uses the rules of social etiquette to hide her social anxiety. She is an intensely private person and reluctant to share her feelings with others.
  • The Heart is a Lonely Hunter: Miri spent much of her childhood moving from place to place, never staying anywhere for long. As a result, she grew up with few lasting or stable friendships and tends to assume any close relationship she establishes will end sooner rather than later.
  • A Family of Troublemakers: With a Jedi Master father and a mercenary mother, both of Miri's parents have enemies - some of which have come after Miri when seeking to settle a score with either of her parents.
  • Trauma: At the age of six, Miri was abducted by the Sith, who conducted strange experiments on her. While her memories of these events are mercifully foggy, she carries a growing hatred and distrust of all Sith and Dark Siders. She is unlikely to be willing to reason with anyone who holds allegiance with such people.

Miri is a young woman with dark curly hair and expressive brown eyes. Her slightly pointed ears and slanting eyebrows are the only outward sign that she is anything other than human, indicating perhaps some Sephi ancestry, although according to family lore she may actually be Nagai. Her voice leans deeper and tends to make her sound older than she is.
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TypePowerProficiencyTaught ByThread
Sense/Alter/ControlForce Power Name▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮-Link
FormNameProficiencyTaught ByThread
VShien/Djem So▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮---
TypeSkillProficiencyTaught ByThread
TypeNameBonus InformationAcquired
WeaponLightsaberMiri's lightsaber.Built
WeaponShi'ido-variant BeamerNonlethal paddle beamer designed by the Shi'ido.Inherited
WeaponShi'ido Wrist-mounted BeamerNonlethal paddle beamer designed by the Shi'ido, this time wrist-mounted.Inherited
WeaponSIB-14 Stun/Ion PistolNonlethal stun weapon.Inherited
WeaponSIB-24 Stun ShotgunNonlethal stun weapon, this time in shotgun form.Inherited
HolocronMysterious Sith (?) holocronDad purchased this from an antique shop in Theed, but never opened it.Inherited
CrystalThaissen crystalA crystal which changes color depending on the alignment of the person holding it.Inherited
CrystalA few pouches of Vita StonesMagical rocks that can banish evil spirits if you throw them at them.Inherited
ClothingHeadpieceA headpiece with Force-imbued crystals.Purchased
ClothingFormal attireA purple velvet gown that serves as Miri's primary formal attire.Purchased
ClothingRuin Runner RobesRobes for running through ruins.Inherited
ClothingPolyweave clothingClothing designed for shapeshifters, though usable by non-shifters as well.Inherited
ArmorZayne Carrick's vambracesThis is a unique artifact, but that hasn't stopped the Nimdoks from wearing them.Inherited
GearFarseer Traveling BagA bag capable of holding anything you want in it, as long as you serve the Light.Inherited
GearSeimei Preservation CaseA case designed to protect artifacts for transportation.Inherited
GearSeimei Archaeological TomeNifty portable computer designed for archaeologists.Inherited
GearAquatic TentA tent that can be pitched underwater.Inherited
GearTonkutaji training toolBox used to train the student how to avoid getting injected by poison or drugs.Inherited
GearMidvanot training toolBox used to train lightning.Inherited
Substance5 liters of ShiftglueGunk that can stop shapeshifters from, well, shapeshifting.Inherited
PetsTwo dogs, Cowboy and SamuraiDogs!Purchased
Vehicle"Zephyr" Pattern Speeder BikeA speeder bike.Inherited
NameRelationshipBonus InformationIntroduction
Bithia GraysonStrainedMiri's mother. CEO of a company who also moonlights as a mercenary. Things have been weird between her and Miri ever since her parents split up. Bithia has (perhaps unintentionally) made Miri feel unwanted and forgotten.Backstory
Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok LostMiri's father. Jedi Master, member of the Benandanti Clan, Professor of History, archaeologist. Died on Tython. Miri was very close to him and misses him terribly. She has vowed to avenge his death.Backstory
AyreonUncomfortableHRD, "employed" (technically owned) by Bithia. He creeps Miri out.Backstory
Jaina GraysonUncomfortableMiri's "aunt". Used to work as Dad's assistant until she accidentally vaporized one of their allies, then Dad kicked her to the curb. As far as Miri knows, she's working for Mom now.Backstory
Jacen NimdokCordialMiri's half-brother. The son of Errik Nimdok and Elise Ike. Jacen is still a child, doted on by his big sister.Backstory
Elise Ike Elise Ike CordialMiri's stepmother. Ancient energy vampire, former Sith, member of the Ike family of Atrisia, anthropologist with an interest in bones. While they are not particularly close, Miri has a good relationship with her overall.Backstory
Vaslav FlorescuComplicatedOne of Errik Nimdok's protégés. Silver Jedi Shadow, former adopted son of Darth Transitus. Miri's first boyfriend. They agreed to stay friends, but there may be some lingering feelings on his end.Backstory
Levi Levi RivalHalf-Bothan. Thief. Got away. Grrr.[x]
Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl WaryZeltron. Fallen Jedi. He could've let her die, but he didn't. Strange.[x]
Xeykard Xeykard RivalLizard alien thing. Sith. Got away. Grrr.[x]
Kaleleon Kaleleon WaryJedi Knight. Scolded her for attacking Xeykard in public. Embarrassing.[x]
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Dev Ossian




Regenerative: Galahad is a bio-organic droid capable of self-repair. His flesh will regenerate when he is injured, including wounds that would be fatal to an ordinary organic.

A Learning Computer: Despite being a droid manufactured in a factory, Galahad is capable of experiencing emotions as well as learning from new encounters.

Mage Killer: Most Neutralizers are engineered to be able to resist Force Users, and Galahad is no different. His DNA is spliced with that of a ysalamiri, so he's resistant to direct applications of the Force, and he has special power glands installed in his body that can prevent him from being dismembered by a lightsaber.

Everything But the Kitchen Sink: Galahad comes with various add-ons, including artificial organs that mimic repulsorlifts, allowing him limited flight, as well as organs in his arms that allow him to project and direct massive electrical discharges from his body and organs in his hands that act as mini tactical tractor beams or tractor pressers, allowing him to move or catch/hurl large objects at a distance, retractable claws embedded in his knuckles, and an organ in his throat that functions as a sonic weapon. Just remember that he was designed by an insane person, and then it all makes sense.

The Theologian: As a Chaplain, Galahad is programmed to act as a spiritual leader and advisor to House Io, using his skills to keep up morale and enforce the clan's ethos. He also has psychology programming, allowing him to better understand and help people. Well-versed in various galactic religions and philosophies, he is intelligent and charismatic.


Rigidly Pacifistic: Galahad is unique from other Chaplains in that he is a pacifist. It isn't that he can't fight, he just chooses not to. When threatened he will attempt to persuade his opponent to ceasefire. If he is attacked anyway, he will either attempt to nonlethally subdue his opponent or survive long enough to reach safety.

Defeatable: Despite his incredible regenerative powers, Galahad has his limits. He is vulnerable to most conventional weaponry, be it blasters, slugthrowers, vibroweapons, or explosives, and can be destroyed if he sustains enough damage.

Uncanny Valley: Looking just a little too perfect, it is obvious that Galahad is an android even when viewing him from a distance, to say nothing of a medical scan or Force sense. His skin is poreless, his features too symmetrical, his internal organs are strange, and his blood is silver in color. Basically, everything about him screams "unnatural" and other than an elaborate disguise, there is nothing that can hide this fact.

Damned Vong!: Exposure to Alpha Red will cause necrotizing of his flesh and can be fatal unless treatment is immediately applied. Similarly, Baffer Pollen causes intense swelling in his joints for up to fifteen minutes, heavily reducing his maneuverability until his body has a chance to purge it.

Magnetics: Exposure to any kind of high-powered magnetic shenanigans will scramble his databases, slow his regeneration, and potentially adhere his body to the surface of the magnet, leaving him stuck until the magnetic field is disrupted. If you want to catch him, just bring a giant magnet.

Blind Loyalty: Programmed to regard all House Io citizens as family, he will protect and obey them without question. No action he commits can ever come at the cost of betraying House Io's ideals, its citizens, or its leadership. If he is placed in a situation where he will be forced to compromise his loyalty to House Io, he will shut down rather than make the decision. This fanatical devotion is so deeply embedded in his mental architecture, it cannot be overridden no matter how much the rest of him is reprogrammed.

Physically identical to Percival and Lancelot, Galahad is quieter and more reserved than either of his brothers. His hair is short and neatly combed. He dresses conservatively, often in a full formal suit, typically in dark or muted colors such as gray, brown, or black.

Galahad is the personification of Percival's unmoored Superego. He is empathetic, sensitive, and moralistic. If Percival is a firebrand preacher, and Lancelot is a free-spirited hippie, then Galahad is an intellectual theologian. He is the most reasonable and logic-oriented of the trio, and is the least likely to make decisions based on his feelings. Consequently, he is the least impulsive, but also the least bold - and he tends to be a bit stuffy and "boring". This suits him just fine, as he'd rather spend his time researching and writing than dealing with people (though he retains the characteristic Chaplain charisma).

After engaging in guerilla warfare against various criminal factions located in the Scar Worlds, Percival was captured by Garbo the Hutt, a crime lord based out of New Alderaan. To keep the Chaplain from escaping, he was affixed to a giant magnet and left on display in Garbo's pleasure palace. There he was stumbled upon by Mercy, a mercenary. She offered to help him escape in return for a glowing review of her "services" on a Holonet site. Percival agreed.

Unfortunately, Mercy's method of freeing Percival resulted in his body being dismembered. Three of the separate pieces were capable of regeneration. This event - which came to be known as Percival's "trifurcation" - resulted in the formation of three copies of the original. Two of the copies managed to escape Garbo's palace, while the third was left behind as a decoy.

The third copy was trapped on the magnet for a few days before it was rescued by the Battalion. During that time, he chose the name Galahad for himself. Upon being freed from the magnet, the copy exhibited marked differences from the original Percival he had once been a part of. Most strikingly of all, Galahad was a strict pacifist, refusing to engage in violence of any kind.
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Lancelot Io




Regenerative: Lancelot is a bio-organic droid capable of self-repair. His flesh will regenerate when he is injured, including wounds that would be fatal to an ordinary organic.

A Learning Computer: Despite being a droid manufactured in a factory, Lancelot is capable of experiencing emotions as well as learning from new encounters.

Mage Killer: Most Neutralizers are engineered to be able to resist Force Users, and Lancelot is no different. His DNA is spliced with that of a ysalamiri, so he's resistant to direct applications of the Force, and he has special power glands installed in his body that can prevent him from being dismembered by a lightsaber.

Everything But the Kitchen Sink: Lancelot comes with various add-ons, including artificial organs that mimic repulsorlifts, allowing him limited flight, as well as organs in his arms that allow him to project and direct massive electrical discharges from his body and organs in his hands that act as mini tactical tractor beams or tractor pressers, allowing him to move or catch/hurl large objects at a distance, retractable claws embedded in his knuckles, and an organ in his throat that functions as a sonic weapon. Just remember that he was designed by an insane person, and then it all makes sense.

Friar Tuck: As a Chaplain, Lancelot is programmed to act as a spiritual leader and advisor to House Io, using his skills to keep up morale and enforce the clan's ethos. He also has psychology programming, allowing him to better understand and help people.


Divinely Touched: Whether its an error in his software or he's suffered one too many brain injuries, Lance frequently seems to disappear into his own little world. He comes across as being a little bit dumb, and also forgets things easily. Sometimes he makes weirdly profound, almost prophetic statements...

Hedonistic: Endowed by his creator with all the sensations of an organic - devoid of peskier aspects like pain - Lance indulges in pleasures of the flesh with little to no self-control or personal responsibility.

Defeatable: Despite his incredible regenerative powers, Galahad has his limits. He is vulnerable to most conventional weaponry, be it blasters, slugthrowers, vibroweapons, or explosives, and can be destroyed if he sustains enough damage. His brain is especially vulnerable - if you want to kill him, aim for the head.

Uncanny Valley: Looking just a little too perfect, it is obvious that Galahad is an android even when viewing him from a distance, to say nothing of a medical scan or Force sense. His skin is poreless, his features too symmetrical, his internal organs are strange, and his blood is silver in color. Basically, everything about him screams "unnatural" and other than an elaborate disguise, there is nothing that can hide this fact.

Damned Vong!: Exposure to Alpha Red will cause necrotizing of his flesh and can be fatal unless treatment is immediately applied. Similarly, Baffer Pollen causes intense swelling in his joints for up to fifteen minutes, heavily reducing his maneuverability until his body has a chance to purge it.

Magnetics: Exposure to any kind of high-powered magnetic shenanigans will scramble his databases, slow his regeneration, and potentially adhere his body to the surface of the magnet, leaving him stuck until the magnetic field is disrupted. If you want to catch him, just bring a giant magnet.

Blind Loyalty: Programmed to regard all House Io citizens as family, he will protect and obey them without question. No action he commits can ever come at the cost of betraying House Io's ideals, its citizens, or its leadership. If he is placed in a situation where he will be forced to compromise his loyalty to House Io, he will shut down rather than make the decision. This fanatical devotion is so deeply embedded in his mental architecture, it cannot be overridden no matter how much the rest of him is reprogrammed.

While physically identical to Percival and Galahad, Lance is louder, brasher, and more flamboyant than either of his brothers. His shaggy hair is long enough to cover his ears and often styled to achieve a slick or wet look. He enjoys dressing in the latest fashions (and his close relationship with his grandmother, the wealthy Countess Arianna Belasko, allows him to cultivate this hobby to the fullest), though his tastes lean toward the flashy, garish, and the eccentric, with bold colors and striking designs. Expect him to wear sunglasses indoors, or an abundance of rings on his fingers, or in the words of his brother Galahad "dress like a five year old child with too much money".

Lance is the personification of Percival's unleashed Id. Driven by emotions, impulses, and instincts, he is passionate, hedonistic, and somewhat lazy. He is also arguably the most brutally violent of his brothers, deriving pleasure from inflicting pain on his enemies. After sustaining multiple severe head injuries, he has become highly impulsive and prone to putting himself in dangerous situations (often by escalating the danger himself). Galahad and Percival have taken on the role of shepherding Lance to make sure he doesn't get himself destroyed, or worse.

After engaging in guerilla warfare against various criminal factions located in the Scar Worlds, Percival was captured by Garbo the Hutt, a crime lord based out of New Alderaan. To keep the Chaplain from escaping, he was affixed to a giant magnet and left on display in Garbo's pleasure palace. There he was stumbled upon by Mercy, a mercenary. She offered to help him escape in return for a glowing review of her "services" on a Holonet site. Percival agreed.

Unfortunately, Mercy's method of freeing Percival resulted in his body being dismembered. Three of the separate pieces were capable of regeneration. This event - which came to be known as Percival's "trifurcation" - resulted in the formation of three copies of the original. Two of the copies managed to escape Garbo's palace, while the third was left behind as a decoy.

The two copies returned to Khemost. One continued to use the name and identity of Percival, while the other chose the name Prescott - Scott for short - though he would later change his name to Lancelot, or Lance, in order to keep with the theme.
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Tall and lanky, Ganner is a pale, attractive young man with sharply angular features. His right eye is covered by an eyepatch at all times, and his gray left eye seems perpetually heavy-lidded from lack of sleep. He has a penchant for dressing in all black.

  • Charming To the Last: Charismatic and inexplicably likeable, Ganner can talk his way into (or out of) just about anything.
  • Nezamiyeh Native: Born and raised under the influence of a potent Force Nexus, Ganner grew to be very tall and is generally very healthy, rarely getting sick and having no chronic health issues. He even seems to be mildly immune to poison and will probably live a long time... provided he doesn't get himself killed.
  • An Actual Doctor: Ganner has medical training, which makes his occupation as a drug dealer either extremely puzzling, tragic, or perfectly logical depending on how you look at it. At least he gives his clients advice on the proper dosages for the substances he peddles so they won't overdose...?
  • Some Combat Experience: While he isn't an exceptional fighter, Ganner knows enough to be able to defend himself in a pinch. He typically carries around at least one knife.
  • Son of a Senator: His father is Toloth Threepwood, the current Senator of Chaldea. Toloth is extremely disappointed in him, of course... but he also has a bad habit of bailing Ganner out when it comes to legal matters, circumventing and manipulating the law to get his only son off the hook. Nice.

  • Wanted Man: Given the things Ganner has done and the types of people he fraternizes with, there's always a bounty on his head somewhere or someone out there who wants him dead. He has no choice but to live his life on the run.
  • Ne'er-Do-Well: With a rap sheet longer than his expected lifespan and his occupation literally listed as criminal, needless to say Ganner is not a particularly moral or responsible individual. At least he knows better than to get high off his own supply.
  • Force Sensitive, But...: Ganner is a Chaldean, which means that in addition to being tall and exceptionally healthy, he's also very Force Sensitive. It also means that he finds Force Users and the idea of becoming one himself highly cringe, despite the apparent advantages they have over everyone else.
  • Spirits Beware: Due to his upbringing, Ganner has an automatic fear and distrust of anything originating in the Netherworld, be they ghosts, Shadows, or demons.

  • Ganner Threepwood was born on the planet Chaldea.
  • His biological family were killed during the vicious civil war which wracked Chaldea, leaving him an orphan at a young age.
  • He was adopted by the Threepwood family.
  • Got in with the wrong crowd as a teen, has been getting into trouble ever since.

Alvis Preston


  • Black Velvet: Just make sure to change his batteries every now and then.
  • Bubba Ho-Tep: Don't make me use my stuff on you, baby!
  • Modded: Almost to the point where he crashes every few minutes. Listing them all would take too much time, just be prepared for a few surprises.
  • Force Dead: With all the benefits and drawbacks that entails.

  • Suspicious Minds: Brain damage or decapitation would spell the end for Alvis Preston.
  • Heartbreak Hotel: Alvis' "heart" is a giant battery. If damaged or removed, he will fall dormant until it is repaired or replaced.
  • Stuck On You: Keep all magnets away.
  • Peace in the (Uncanny) Valley: You may not notice it at a glance, but it's pretty obvious that Alvis is a droid.
  • That's All Right, Mama: His creator, suffering from mental decline, neglected to iron out a few of the kinks in his design, leaving Alvis more prone to glitches.

Famous singer of mysterious origins.
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Class(es)Jedi Padawan
AssignmentCoruscant Temple
Personality TraitsShy
Hard Worker
Lifestyle TraitsEnergy Vampire
Rank(s)Padawan Learner
Faction(s)Galactic Alliance
SpeciesEnergy Vampire
LanguagesGalactic Basic
Force SensitiveYes
Character AlignmentNeutral
PlaybyOlivia Hussey

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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Rhoncus urna neque viverra justo nec ultrices. Sed velit dignissim sodales ut eu sem integer vitae justo. Ut eu sem integer vitae justo eget magna fermentum. Ullamcorper eget nulla facilisi etiam dignissim diam quis enim lobortis. Pharetra convallis posuere morbi leo urna molestie at elementum eu. In fermentum posuere urna nec tincidunt. Hac habitasse platea dictumst quisque. Phasellus vestibulum lorem sed risus ultricies. Sit amet volutpat consequat mauris nunc congue nisi vitae.

    Lobortis scelerisque fermentum dui faucibus in ornare quam. Amet est placerat in egestas erat imperdiet sed. Enim nec dui nunc mattis. In nisl nisi scelerisque eu ultrices. Aliquet sagittis id consectetur purus. Duis ultricies lacus sed turpis tincidunt id aliquet. Aenean sed adipiscing diam donec adipiscing tristique risus. Commodo nulla facilisi nullam vehicula ipsum a. Vitae justo eget magna fermentum iaculis eu non diam. Gravida cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis. Sit amet mauris commodo quis imperdiet massa tincidunt nunc pulvinar. Nibh cras pulvinar mattis nunc sed blandit libero volutpat sed.

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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Rhoncus urna neque viverra justo nec ultrices. Sed velit dignissim sodales ut eu sem integer vitae justo. Ut eu sem integer vitae justo eget magna fermentum. Ullamcorper eget nulla facilisi etiam dignissim diam quis enim lobortis. Pharetra convallis posuere morbi leo urna molestie at elementum eu. In fermentum posuere urna nec tincidunt. Hac habitasse platea dictumst quisque. Phasellus vestibulum lorem sed risus ultricies. Sit amet volutpat consequat mauris nunc congue nisi vitae.








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Konrad Harrsk made this div btw
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Kai's physical appearance is not set in stone, but he has a "default form" which he created by combining the traits of various people who touched his life in some way. The result is an ethnically ambiguous, somewhat androgynous young man with boyish good looks and eyes so blue they sometimes seem violet. His shock of white hair is typically loosely styled, while his eyebrows and eyelashes are black. His cheeks dimple when he smiles.

  • Doppelganger: Kai is able to make himself resemble anything from an Ewok to an Epicanthix while fooling all but the most thorough of medical examinations; he can even produce facsimiles of clothing or equipment, though nothing more advanced than a fancy sword. He seems to have trouble coming up with totally new and unique forms, however, preferring to imitate others instead.
  • Hyperadaptable: The apex of adaptability, Kai is able to modify his body on the fly to suit his circumstances, including but not limited to surviving in most atmospheres, breaking down all but the most insidious of poisons, growing long claws or vicious teeth, and generating potent toxins and strange acids within his body.
  • Apex Predator: Devilishly fast and almost as strong as a Wookiee, Kai makes for a ferocious opponent, though he will rarely fight unless forced into a corner.
    • "Kai acted. He always acted... He didn't hesitate to protect people." - Iris Arani
  • Regeneration: Kai has considerable regenerative potential; sufficient to stop bleeding in battle or even regrow entire limbs, albeit with days or weeks of feasting - preferably on meat - and intense concentration.
  • Mind-Eater: An innately telepathic creature even before he was turned into a Sithspawn, Kai is able to "feed" on the thoughts of others - when done with care to avoid harming the person in question, it can allow him to slowly assimilate knowledge and skills alike; more aggressive feedings are liable to cause brain damage or even "drain them dry", leaving either an easily controlled "husk" or a corpse with distinctive brain damage. Note that this is not required for his survival, and thus he doesn't need to do it, but it is extremely addictive and difficult to fight the urge.
  • Break the Cutie: Kai's childlike nature, while a definite hindrance, also seem to strike a chord in people, making him more empathetic. While not exactly emotionally mature, Kai has lost much of his innocence and naïveté.
    • "What little he grasped of the beast in his mind thrashing wildly was enough for Dagon to realize they really, really needed to capture it alive. A newborn in a foreign body. The horror of the thought sent a shiver down his spine..." - Dagon Kaze
    • "He was an innocent soul in a horrifying body, a scourge held at bay by his own innocence, and all that she wanted to do was to help him." - Aeris Lashiec
    • "There was something distinctly childlike about this Kai and the way he saw the world, or so it seemed from the brief peeks Kal had gotten into his way of thinking... There was always the chance the presumably young creature's abilities were still untested and unrefined. Perhaps his control of the finer details remained tenuous at best." - Kal
    • "There were rumors of course, about just how old Kai was. She hadn't paid them much mind, but he was a child wasn't he? Or whatever the equivalent for rocks was. Pebble?" - Alina Tremiru
    • "'To be clear-- I thought you could help Kai.' He could use a bit of kindness, was what she didn't say." - Jem Fossk

  • Mind-Eating Sithspawn: Released into the wild shortly after his "birth" by the Sith alchemist who turned him into a monster, Kai soon discovered his ability to consume the thoughts and memories of other beings... and swiftly fell prey to its incredible addictiveness. It's rare that he totally loses control and devours someone's entire identity and consciousness, but it has happened before. More than once, unfortunately. This ability also affects his sense of identity, as he gains the memories (and sometimes, the desires) of others through feeding.
  • Electricity: Ironically, despite having been born from lightning, Kai's new form has a weakness to electricity, which can impede his ability to shapeshift among other things.
  • Dark Shadows Follow Me: As a Sithspawn, Kai is an innately Dark Side being and can be gravely harmed by Force Light, Electric Judgement, and other Light-oriented Force powers. However, while his nature may influence him, pushing him towards the Dark Side, it is not the deciding factor in his still-developing sense of morality. He does possess a Dark aura, but he hides this by wearing a dispersion charm.
  • Ex-Con: Kai spent three years incarcerated at Azrael Asylum for crimes committed against his fellow Padawans. This is a matter of permanent public record and can be easily looked up. It also bars him from being a member of any Jedi Order, though he is still a "practicing Jedi".
  • Loud Noises: Kai has a phobia of vibrations, including those produced by sound waves - to the point where he is often afraid to vocalize in anything above a whisper, preferring telepathy as his main mode of communication. This is a psychological weakness, not a physical one; his original body was made out of pure crystal and was quite fragile. Naturally, he has an extreme aversion to explosions, sonic weapons, and rock concerts. Prison beat the fear out of him; now not only does he speak, he sings.


"Inside of you there lives a spirit with a strong will to live, a spirit that has yet to find its place in the galaxy, but also one that has been twisted into something entirely different. Something dark. And yet in giving you the chance to choose which of those you wanted to be, you chose to be a force of good." - Aeris Lashiec​

Kai was born a Bamarri, a unique species in which individual members are created when lightning strikes Chaldean marble. Coming into existence without any family, he was found by a much older, wiser Bamarri named Gerda, who guided and protected him during the first year or so of his life. While still a newborn, Kai was abducted by the Sith Lord Messala, who led Kai to believe Gerda had been killed. Messala destroyed Kai's natural form and forced his essence to occupy the newly-grown body of a Sith Doppelganger, a type of Sithspawn. Kai managed to escape Messala's lab and fled into the wilderness of the planet Dahrtag, where he survived for a time in a feral state, feeding on livestock.

Eventually he was discovered by a Jedi, Dagon Kaze, who rescued him and brought him to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Because of the odd manner in which he was turned into a Sithspawn, the Jedi healers were unable to "cure" Kai of his Dark Side corruption, which is woven into the very cells of his body - and over time it began to influence the state of his soul as well.

Inspired by his rescuer, and despite the obstacles posed by being a Sithspawn, Kai was determined to become a Knight. He used a dispersion charm to hide his tainted aura, and adopted the identity of a Jedi Padawan at the Jedi Academy on Coruscant. But ultimately, the pressure proved too much, and when Kai was given the opportunity to be reborn as a pure and uncorrupted being, he took it.

Life as an ordinary human wasn't all it was cracked up to be. By trying to suppress his Dark Side, Kai became more monstrous than he ever was as a Sithspawn. After attempting to erase the memory of his fellow Padawan and best friend Iris Arani, he was sentenced to three years in Azrael Asylum. Right after he got out, he disappeared for six months - and when he returned, he was much changed, both physically and mentally.

Now back in his Sithspawn body, Kai must struggle to find his way in a hostile galaxy.
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Alvis Preston


NameAlvis Preston
AgeRecently created
Personality TraitsIdk yet
Lifestyle TraitsEh
Faction(s)House Io
SpeciesBio-Organic Droid/HRD
ModelEntertainer Neutralizer Model 1
LanguagesGalactic Basic
Force SensitiveForce Dead
Character AlignmentNeutral
BuildLean & Athletic
PlaybyAustin Butler

    Ostensibly the son of working class immigrants from Bonadan, Alvis Preston is a musician swiftly gaining popularity. Along with his good looks and charismatic stage presence, his music appeals to a spirit of rebellion, anger and mistrust of authority among the disillusioned and disaffected youth.

    In reality, there is no Alvis Preston. He is a fabrication, a construct invented by a terrorist who is swiftly losing all grasp of reality. The thing that struts upon the stage is not human, perhaps not even truly sentient. Programmed to act as a spy and incendiary agent, his goal is to capture the hearts and minds of a generation... and mold them according to his creator's will.

    In other words, this rock 'n' roller really is out to corrupt your children.

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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Rhoncus urna neque viverra justo nec ultrices. Sed velit dignissim sodales ut eu sem integer vitae justo. Ut eu sem integer vitae justo eget magna fermentum. Ullamcorper eget nulla facilisi etiam dignissim diam quis enim lobortis. Pharetra convallis posuere morbi leo urna molestie at elementum eu. In fermentum posuere urna nec tincidunt. Hac habitasse platea dictumst quisque. Phasellus vestibulum lorem sed risus ultricies. Sit amet volutpat consequat mauris nunc congue nisi vitae.


Konrad Harrsk made this div btw, I just modified it




Starlin is a tall, lanky man of mixed human and alien heritage. From his Balosar half he inherited a sickly pale complexion and antennapalps sprouting from his head, though he usually keeps the latter retracted and hidden from view. He has a gaunt face with prominent cheekbones, black curly hair, and striking blue eyes; the term "unconventionally attractive" comes to mind, but your mileage may vary. Both his right hand and his right eye, lost in two different duels, have been replaced by prosthetics. When not donning armor or Jedi robes, he tends to dress sloppily in jeans and colorful untucked shirts.

  • Antennapalps: He keeps ‘em hidden in his hair, but they let him hear sounds even at the subsonic frequency. The sense of physical intuition that comes with this trait is sometimes mistaken for Force sensitivity, but it’s just a sensitivity to sounds and vibrations.
  • Resistant to Toxins: A Balosar’s natural resistance to toxins and most poisons can definitely come in handy.
  • Jedi Sorcerer: Starlin received unorthodox training from his first master, including the use of spells and "magic" which are largely unknown to most Jedi. As such, his opponents may be caught off guard by the tricks he employs in combat, as well as his often unpredictable moves.
    • "A creative fighter. The Sith won't know how to deal with you." - Cedric Grayson
  • Powered By Laughter: Starlin's strong connection to the Light Side of the Force is best fed by positive emotions and thoughts, particularly humor, so if you ever need to cleanse the Dark, just tell him a joke.
    • "A boy so strong with the light he's practically phosphorescent..." - Sorceress of Zeffo
    • "He should have tried a thousand times already to corrupt him, but what good would it do? The boy before him practically radiated the light, and Thesh knew of nothing to cut through such. Deep down, he wasn't even sure he wanted to." - Arcturus Thesh
  • Undying Optimism: Though he sometimes must exhibit a dark sense of humor to get himself through trying times, at heart Starlin is always optimistic.
  • Former Thief: While he doesn't do it anymore, Starlin used to rob businesses, warehouses, and even ships. While he has sworn off stealing, he retains all the skills and tricks he used to commit theft, including lockpicking, slicing, and keeping a poker face to avoid suspicion.
  • Flyboy: After being gifted several starfighters, Starlin realized he should probably learn how to fly them. He can pilot competently enough to get from one planet to another on his own, but has limited experience when it comes to space combat or aerial dogfighting.

  • Great, Kid! Don't Get Cocky!: As a result of his training under Syd and the Silver Jedi, Starlin thinks he pretty much has the hang of things by now and considers himself to be something of a badass. While he has indeed progressed, he usually isn't on the same level as the threats he will (foolishly and enthusiastically) pursue. He's matured and gained enough skills by now that he is less likely to throw caution to the wind... most of the time.
  • Loyal To a Fault: Rather than siding with a faction because he believes in a cause, Starlin is more likely to follow a friend or specific person who has earned his respect or love - even if deep down he knows they're wrong.
  • Loud and Bright: Starlin is virtually incapable of hiding his presence from other Force Users (especially Dark Siders, who can "see" him coming from miles away) and has trouble with deception-oriented abilities such as stealth and illusions.
  • A Complicated History: Starlin's past actions are notorious enough that there's a chance his own allies may be disinclined to trust him, or at the very least will be reluctant to take him seriously. He still feels like he doesn't quite belong among his fellow Jedi.
  • Goofball: Starlin can be a bit too flippant and laid-back for his own good.
    • "...with Eliphas it was more like Starlin was a goofy big brother. Probably intentional, he doubted he wanted to be seen as anything close to a paternal figure." - Eliphas Dune, Starlin's apprentice
    • "...there was absolutely no chance in the nine Corellian hells that some comedically insulting lines from some man she was actively trying to kill without a shred of emotional attachment to might convince her to pivot entirely towards the Light." - Darth Mori, a Sith Lord


Born on a smuggler ship to Zabka Bis'clavret, a Balosar, and Jen Rand, a Human, Starlin's childhood was fairly normal (if you consider witnessing your parents conduct illegal smuggling activities and indulge in illegal drugs on a regular basis "normal") up until the age of nine, when his dad went out for death sticks and never came back. After Zabka walked out on them, Starlin's mother Jen decided to give up the nomadic spacer lifestyle and moved to Coruscant with her son.

Unfortunately, the Sith invaded not long after their arrival. In the chaos and tumult that ensued, Jen descended further into drug addiction. Unable to hold a steady job, she drifted from man to man. Starlin stuck by his mother through these rough years of abuse and neglect, though their relationship grew troubled.

By the time she got clean and remarried, Starlin was a teenager who had picked up a few bad habits of his own. To cope with the frequent muggings and beatings he received at the hands of the thugs that haunted his neighborhood, he joined a street gang. The gang provided him with protection so long as Starlin worked for them, usually by stealing from businesses or working as a drug dealer. By the time he was fourteen, Starlin had a criminal record, with multiple arrests for drug possession and petty theft.

One day, an unsolicited package addressed to Starlin arrived in the mail. Sent by a distant relative whom the boy had never even met, the package contained a fragment of a lightsaber crystal. Within days, Sith agents were sniffing around, asking about the "family heirloom". When the Sith threatened to harm his mother, Starlin fled the planet with the crystal, hitchhiking to the nearby planet Jerrilek. There he arranged a meeting with Professor Errik Nimdok, a famous archaeologist whom he hoped could help. Nimdok determined the fragment was part of Meetra Surik's lightsaber crystal, a unique Jedi artifact from the distant past. Upon being confronted by Starlin's pursuers, Nimdok killed them and confiscated the crystal.

Hoping for a better life than that of street trash, Starlin tried to blackmail the professor into hiring him as a research assistant. Nimdok agreed, and for his first mission, sent Starlin to Zeffo to plunder some ancient archives. Woefully unprepared, Starlin nearly fell victim to the archives' defense system, only to be rescued by Syd Celsius. Unbeknownst to either, the meeting was arranged; Nimdok sent Starlin to Zeffo in hopes that Syd would be intrigued by Starlin's Force sensitivity. Sure enough, Syd offered to train him, and Starlin eagerly accepted, becoming her Jedi Padawan...
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AGE: Young Adult
FORCE SENSITIVE: Untrained Force Sensitive
SPECIES: Shi'ido
McGill's appearance can vary wildly, but the two most common forms he assumes are that of a winged bipedal mothlike creature with orange fur, or a human male with pale skin, green eyes, and red hair. His favorite color is orange; he will frequently seek out orange clothing, accessories, and gear, or he will color them orange himself with paint or dye.

His facial expressions are exaggerated to a comical extent; his voice quivers when speaking (sounds whiny) or he speaks in a very low register (sounds creaky). He seems to go out of his way to unsettle others with unpredictable shifts in mood and demeanor, or by altering his appearance in grotesque ways. Since he does this as a way of frightening and controlling others, it is important to avoid showing surprise, fear, or uncertainty when he undergoes these transformations - it is all simply attention-seeking behavior.


FULL NAME: Unknown (patient refuses to give full name, may not remember?)
PERSONALITY: Brash and bitter, the one thing saving McGill from crashing and burning is his sense of humor. His inability to take the galaxy seriously anymore, no matter how much it hurts him, has given him endurance enough to survive anything. But it doesn't mean he can't still be hurt, and that same nasty galaxy keeps coming up with new and exciting ways to inflict pain.
Enslaved to a cruel mistress, McGill still isn't completely sure he's free from her clutches - in a way, he never will be. The "breaking" by the Maw has left him with a fractured personality; one side that is very much aware that something is wrong with him, and another that either doesn't care, or revels in it. He suffers from mood swings and his behavior is unpredictable.
Prior to his breaking, McGill was a gang member turned rebel soldier. He still carries the rebel spirit, and chafes under authority. He can be quite manipulative, but these days he mainly just wants to be left alone.
LOYALTIES: Due to the brainwashing and his mentally unwell state, the patient's loyalties are fractured, shifting, and uncertain. He displays some degree of patriotism with regards to his homeworld, Lao-mon, and perhaps a lingering loyalty to the Mician Clan into which he was born and raised. He was a soldier in the Lao-mon Planetary Defense Forces, otherwise known as the Shi'ido rebel army, but for much of his time in their service, he was actually an unwitting double agent of the Brotherhood of the Maw.
WEALTH: Negligible
  • Demolitions expert
  • Training with firearms, martial arts
  • Repairs droids
  • Decent pilot
PSYCHIATRIST: Dr. Leonard Gorrister


COMBAT FUNCTION: Preferring to go out with a bang, McGill prefers big, loud guns, explosives, and flamethrowers. His aim in combat is to cause as much damage as possible, across as wide a range as possible. Like many Shi'ido, he avoids wearing armor so as not to impair his shapeshifting; as a result, he has a low damage threshold. He can survive even if he loses a few limbs, though at a certain point he will be unable to keep fighting.


SHAPESHIFTER: McGill is a Shi'ido, a species of shapeshifter with a wide range of malleability. He can mimic the characteristics of other living beings or objects, though he cannot drastically increase or decrease his mass without great effort. This also gives him the ability to regenerate lost limbs and damaged tissue over time.
SOLDIER OF FORTUNE: McGill shows clear signs of having worked as a mercenary, exhibiting numerous skills and training (see Abilities section).
NOMAD: McGill grew up as a member of a tribe of wanderers. He is predisposed to mobility and independence, never content to settle in one place, and also knows how to "disappear" if need be.

MENTALLY UNSTABLE: Even after being deprogrammed, McGill has been left with post-traumatic stress disorder and a tangled web of other neuroses. His Mician heritage makes him weak-minded and vulnerable to skilled telepaths.
PYROMANIAC: McGill harbors an unhealthy obsession with fire, explosions, and chaos in general. He has been repeatedly arrested for arson.
HATRED: McGill is most motivated by rage, lashing out violently against all who dare oppose him - even if it would be best to back down.


  • Born and raised a member of the Mician clan; refuses to speak about family and no relatives have come forward
  • Left Lao-mon some time during early childhood, raised elsewhere (learned to speak Basic, fighting, demolitions, other skills?)
  • Returned to homeworld at the beginning of the Maw conquest to join the rebels ("sacred duty"...?)
  • Was not well regarded by his superiors, who viewed him as a "troublemaker" and "loose cannon"
  • Started a gang within the rebel ranks which operated independently of the rest of the army, known for prolific use of explosives against the enemy
  • Was captured by the Mawites, tortured and "broken" into a Fleshtaker
  • Released and continued to live among the rebels as a sleeper agent up until failed liberation attempt
  • Evacuated along with numerous other rebels to Refugee Camp Spyridon, where his condition deteriorated
  • Admitted to Azrael Asylum under the care of Dr. Leonard Gorrister
  • Escaped during the Maw assault on Coruscant...
  • ... only to be recaptured yet again
  • Spent a considerable amount of time with the Benandanti, who tried their best to restore his mind
  • They succeeded. Sort of.

  • Things Fall Apart - First appearance as NPC. McGill is part of a group of Shi'ido returning to Lao-mon at the beginning of the Maw conquest, led by a small squad of Jedi including Ala Quin and Errik Nimdok. Participated in an early assault on the Goshen War Camp (well, a rescue mission, actually). COMPLETED
  • The Great Battle of Coruscant - McGill escapes from Azrael Asylum during the Maw attack on Coruscant. COMPLETED - SINGLE POST
  • Arsonist's Lullabye - "Official" character introduction. McGill tries to commit arson but can't get the lighter to work. He encounters Damsy Callat, who chases him briefly before he loses her in the city. COMPLETED
  • Murder Inc. -
  • Just Checking In -
Previous Bios:
McGill NPC sub
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Giselle Dune


Character Backstory Here

NamePercival Io
AgeRoughly 5 years
Personality TraitsIdk yet
Lifestyle TraitsEh
Faction(s)House Io
SpeciesBio-Organic Droid
LanguagesGalactic Basic
Force SensitiveForce Dead
Character AlignmentNeutral
BuildLean & Athletic


    Regenerator: Aside from injuries to his brain, Percival's artificially engineered body will be able to fully regenerate from any injury or loss of limb over a period of time. Because he knows he can survive most wounds, he lacks the fear of being crippled or dismembered which afflicts the fleshier denizens of the galaxy during battle. He also cannot feel pain.

    A Learning Computer: Percival is capable of experiencing emotions as well as learning from new encounters. Data can also be downloaded directly into his brain via a scomp link located in the index finger of his right hand.

    Mage Killer: Most Neutralizers are engineered to be able to resist Force Users, and Percival is no different. His DNA is spliced with that of a ysalamiri, so he's resistant to direct applications of the Force, and he has special power glands installed in his body that can prevent him from being dismembered by a lightsaber.

    Swiss Army Knife: Percival has artificial organs that mimic repulsorlifts, allowing him limited flight, as well as other organs in his arms that allow him to project and direct massive electrical discharges from his body, not to mention organs in his hands that act as mini tactical tractor beams or tractor pressers, allowing him to move or catch/hurl large objects at a distance (or choke someone...), retractable claws embedded in his knuckles, and an organ in his throat that is basically a sonic weapon. Oh, and he can also shoot lasers out of his eyes.

    Missionary Man: As a Chaplain, Percival is programmed to act as a spiritual leader and advisor to House Io, using his skills to keep up morale and enforce the clan's ethos. He also has some psychology programming, helping him to better understand and help people.


    The Trifurcate: After killing his brothers Galahad and Lancelot, Percival absorbed their personalities and memories. He remains the dominant persona, but what is left of his brothers can influence his core programming, the part of his brain which governs decision-making and social behaviors, as well as other aspects, such as his combat style and knowledge databanks.
    "Alessandra found her attention briefly seized by the artistry of the slaughter inflicted by her brother. She knew him well enough to recognize the vestiges of Lancelot and Galahad in his fighting style. A bloodthirsty Carver fell for a feint—Lancelot. A roaring Hammerer realizing that his target was now behind him after the Chaplain darted between his legs to evade the blades of his vibro-axes—Galahad. A gurgling Angel of War dispatched with a surgical slash across the throat—Percival." - Alessandra Io

    Pacifist in a Warrior Clan: One of the merged personas within Percival, Galahad, was a rigid pacifist due to a software error. Percival has absorbed this tendency and now finds himself more willing to avoid bloodshed. Depending on the situation, he may attempt to persuade his opponent to ceasefire, or try to nonlethally subdue his opponent if combat does occur.

    Hedonistic: Endowed by his creator with all the sensuality of an organic—devoid of peskier aspects like pain—Percival's brother Lancelot indulged in pleasures of the flesh with little to no self-control. In Percival, this trait tends to make him seem more human, but it has also become a coping mechanism as he struggles to deal with the emotional and mental turmoil brought on by the contradictions of his nature. This unquenchable desire for mindless fun can be detrimental, especially if he over-indulges; it also distracts him from more important matters and gets him mixed up with the wrong sort of people.


    Uncanny Valley: Looking just a little too perfect, it is obvious that Percival is an android even when viewing him from a distance, to say nothing of a medical scan or Force sense. His skin is poreless, his features are eerily symmetrical, his internal organs are strange, and his blood is silver in color. Basically, everything about him screams "unnatural" and there is nothing that can hide this fact.

    Damned Vong!: Exposure to Alpha Red will cause necrotizing of his flesh and can be fatal unless treatment is immediately applied. Similarly, Baffer Pollen causes intense swelling in his joints for up to fifteen minutes, heavily reducing his maneuverability until his body has a chance to purge it.

    Glass Cannon: Despite his versatile abilities and incredible regenerative powers, Percival has his limits. He is vulnerable to most conventional weaponry, be it blasters, slugthrowers, vibroweapons, or explosives, and can be crippled or destroyed if he sustains enough damage. His brain is especially vulnerable, to say nothing of the possibility of memory loss or cognitive decline. In other words, aim for the head.

    Magnetics: Exposure to any kind of high-powered magnetic shenanigans will scramble his databases, slow his regeneration, and potentially adhere his body to the surface of the magnet, leaving him stuck until the magnetic field is disrupted.

    Blind Loyalty: Programmed to regard all House Io citizens as family, he will protect and obey them without question. No action he commits can ever come at the cost of betraying House Io's ideals, its citizens, or its leadership. If he is placed in a situation where he will be forced to compromise his loyalty to House Io, he will shut down rather than commit such an act of treason. This fanatical devotion is so deeply embedded in his mental architecture, it cannot be overridden no matter how much the rest of him is reprogrammedor how much he learns and changes with experience.

  • Blood_soaked_skull.png

  • hAfw9tB.gif

    Percival's body is designed to mimic that of a human male of slightly above average height, with a slim, athletic build. His face is doll-like in its artificiality, with a soft, delicate mouth and a smattering of boyish freckles painted across his nose and cheekbones. The eerie symmetry of his features is broken by his heterochromatic eyes: one blue and one green. The blue eye is in honor of his brother Galahad, whom Percival killed and later absorbed the memories and personality of.

    His dark hair is left wild without any styling. As of late Percival has exchanged his simple robes for much finer garments, though they are often worn and tattered. His left arm is noticeably mechanical, lacking skin or any other human coverings.


Konrad Harrsk made this div btw, I just modified it
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Giselle Dune


  • Daughter of Vultan Dune, a nobleman originally from Empress Teta, and Amanoa von Ascania, a noblewoman from Ukatis.
  • Grew up on Ukatis, in many ways considers herself more of a von Ascania than a Dune.
  • Used to be an only child, but mother recently gave birth to a son named Albrecht.
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