Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Fierce & Passionate: Eloise has always had an intense disposition, on fire with zeal for all that she loves. Her drive is high, and she will surely accomplish anything she sets her mind to.
  • Tania's Grace: Having spent her early childhood within the vicinity of the Nezamiyah Force Nexus, Eloise has received its blessing. She is remarkably tall for a human female, and is overall exceptionally healthy and resistant to diseases.
  • Sith Upbringing: Eloise's parents were Sith Alchemists who shared their knowledge freely with their children. She is not a stranger to the Force, even if her earliest training was in the Dark Side.

  • Emotional & Impulsive: Bordering on reckless at times, Eloise is always running on full throttle emotionally, which can take its toll. She also has a short temper and a sharp tongue.
  • Sensitive: Despite her prickly exterior, Eloise is actually quite sensitive and easy to wound.
  • Mommy & Daddy Issues: Considerable mental and emotional trauma has stemmed from Eloise's upbringing and her troubled relationship with her parents. It would be easy to hate them, but it's just not that simple.

Eloise and her twin brother Marcus were not born under the best of circumstances. Their father, Arcturus Dinn, had gone missing, and their mother, Rhiannon, was left destitute. Eventually she was compelled to leave her two young children in the care of her parents, Senator Toloth Threepwood and his wife Charisse, while she took off for reasons unexplained.

Eloise spent the first seven years of her life on Chaldea. She was doted upon by her grandparents and had a fairly happy and well-adjusted childhood. But then her parents returned, wanting to take the twins with them. At the time, Eloise didn't understand why her grandparents were so reluctant to let them go.

After a tense confrontation, a deal was struck and the children were turned over to their parents, who immediately whisked them away to the distant planet of Zaathru. There they were raised in the lap of luxury, surrounded by primitive natives who believed the Force Sensitive family to be gods incarnate. Eloise was told she was the personification of the moon goddess Damara, the Queen of the Night. She liked the sound of that, but to her child's mind it was all just a game of make-believe. Deep down she knew she wasn't really a goddess or a queen.

As she grew older, Eloise began to understand just how destructive the game of godhood could be. Her parents went to war with other "deities" in the Pantheon of Zaathru, laying waste to whole cities, slaughtering millions, and eradicating any culture which didn't fit into their mythology. She watched her younger siblings fall prey to delusions of grandeur, utterly convinced that they were divine.

And then, she discovered an unthinkable secret about her parents. She rushed to her twin brother, who had always been her friend and confidant, and told him of what she had seen. To her horror, she learned that Marcus had known of it all along, yet had done nothing. He had simply played along.

Ashamed and disgusted with her family, Eloise ran away upon turning eighteen. With her Zaathrian ways and the isolation she grew up in, she has found the galaxy a strange and alienating place. Where she will go and what she will become remains up in the air...

Father's Workshop
Training the Dinn Twins
Lord Dystra's Last Laugh
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Starlin Rand
Half Human, Half Balosar
27 standard years-old
Galactic Alliance, Jedi Order

Starlin Rand is a Force-sensitive Balosar hybrid male Jedi Knight hailing from Coruscant. Born the son of spacer parents, Starlin's father abandoned the family when Starlin was nine years old. He and his mother then moved to Coruscant, where Starlin fell in with a bad crowd and soon wound up on the wrong side of the law. Shortly before his fourteenth birthday, he received a mysterious package from a distant relative containing a dantari crystal which reacted strongly to Starlin's presence. This led to the discovery of his Force Sensitivity, putting Starlin on the path of becoming a Jedi.

B I O G R A P H Y​


Born on a smuggler ship to Zabka Bis'clavret, a Balosar, and Jen Rand, a Human, Starlin's childhood was fairly normal (if you consider witnessing your parents conduct illegal smuggling activities and indulge in illegal drugs on a regular basis "normal") up until the age of nine, when his dad went out for death sticks and never came back. After Zabka walked out on them, Starlin's mother Jen decided to give up the nomadic spacer lifestyle and moved to Coruscant with her son.

Unfortunately, the Sith invaded not long after their arrival. In the chaos and tumult that ensued, Jen descended further into drug addiction. Unable to hold a steady job, she drifted from man to man. Starlin stuck by his mother through these rough years of abuse and neglect, though their relationship grew troubled.

By the time she got clean and remarried, Starlin was a teenager who had picked up a few bad habits of his own. To cope with the frequent muggings and beatings he received at the hands of the thugs that haunted his neighborhood, he joined a street gang. The gang provided him with protection so long as Starlin worked for them, usually by stealing from businesses or working as a drug dealer. By the time he was fourteen, Starlin had a criminal record, with multiple arrests for drug possession and petty theft.

One day, an unsolicited package addressed to Starlin arrived in the mail. Sent by a distant relative whom the boy had never even met, the package contained a fragment of a lightsaber crystal. Within days, Sith agents were sniffing around, asking about the "family heirloom". When the Sith threatened to harm his mother, Starlin fled the planet with the crystal, hitchhiking to the nearby planet Jerrilek. There he arranged a meeting with Professor Errik Nimdok, a famous archaeologist whom he hoped could help. Nimdok determined the fragment was part of Meetra Surik's lightsaber crystal, a unique Jedi artifact from the distant past. Upon being confronted by Starlin's pursuers, Nimdok killed them and confiscated the crystal.

Hoping for a better life than that of street trash, Starlin tried to blackmail the professor into hiring him as a research assistant. Nimdok agreed, and for his first mission, sent Starlin to Zeffo to plunder some ancient archives. Woefully unprepared, Starlin nearly fell victim to the archives' defense system, only to be rescued by Syd Celsius. Unbeknownst to either, the meeting was arranged; Nimdok sent Starlin to Zeffo in hopes that Syd would be intrigued by Starlin's Force sensitivity. Sure enough, Syd offered to train him, and Starlin eagerly accepted, becoming her Jedi Padawan...

S K I L L S​


E Q U I P M E N T​

Starlin's lightsaber

Profile Format Credit: Ilias Nytrau




At just 5'1" (1.54 meters) Rhi is small in stature. The wings sprouting from her back can make her slight frame seem slightly larger. Her features are youthful, with an ethereal beauty. Her blonde hair is waist-length, the curls meticulously cared for and styled. She has a dimple in her left cheek, though it is only visible when she smiles. An avid wearer of perfume, she wears a different scent each day.

  • Sky Goddess: Known to the natives of Zaathru as Adamanthea, the Sky-Goddess, Rhi has amassed a power base upon the planet. The Shaal and the Zaathri answer to her.
  • Wings: A recent addition to Rhi's body, she now sports a pair of wings sprouting from her back, allowing her to fly across short distances.
  • Sith Alchemist: Rhi is a student of Sith alchemy. She's most well known for concocting alchemized perfumes with various magical effects on the wearer, although she's capable of so much more.
  • Stone Wall: Though she is small and not an exceptional fighter, Rhi can take a surprising amount of punishment in battle. Modern medical treatment (and a little help from the Force) have done wonders to keep her intact; her body is littered with scars and replacement parts - a testament to her determination, if nothing else.
  • Vibrant Senses: Thanks to a Force-imbued tattoo, Rhi has received a boon to her senses and increased alertness.
  • Naturalist: Gifted in Plant Surge, Rhi is most at home in the natural world and thrives whenever close to living things.

  • I Live, I Die, I Live Again: If I had a nickel for every time Rhi died and was resurrected, I'd have three nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened thrice. Every time Rhi dies and is resurrected, it becomes harder for her soul to remain connected to her body, forcing her to drain the life force of other beings in order to replenish her own. She normally uses the sacrifices offered to her by the Zaathrian natives for this purpose.
  • Limited Training: Rhi never completed her training at the Sith Academy - Korriban was attacked, she was forced to flee, her master abandoned her, etc etc. Not necessarily her fault, but in terms of skill, she is still at the level of a mere acolyte. Her power might be enough to impress the natives, but in a fight against a trained Force User, her weakness shows.
  • Delusions of Grandeur: Rhi has created a cult centered around herself and her family. While she doesn't go around expecting everyone to worship her, it requires a certain amount of arrogance and narcissism to allow yourself to be considered a god, even if the only people you're fooling are primitive aliens on a remote world.
  • Spirits Beware: Having ventured deep into the Netherworld, Rhi is well-acquainted with its denizens - and she knows better than to trust them. She maintains a healthy paranoia toward all things undead or incorporeal.

Born Rhiannon Ishani Threepwood on the planet Chaldea, Rhi was the eldest child of Toloth and Charisse Threepwood. Shortly before her birth, her homeworld had been wracked by a vicious civil war between two religious factions. The Chaldean Potentium, an anti-Force cult, had emerged victorious, beginning a period of suppression of other religions and the exile or execution of practicing Force Users. Rhi's father was a Paladin who fought in the war on the side of the Potentium. After suffering a career-ending injury in the line of duty, he adopted pacifism, became a teacher, and eventually ascended to the rank of headmaster of the prestigious Chaldean Academy. He and his wife were devout followers of Potentium doctrine and would raise their two children, Rhi and her adopted brother Ganner, in the cult.

Rhi's Force sensitivity first began to manifest shortly after she hit puberty. Her abilities would become especially apparent when she was under stress or emotional duress. Having been taught for her entire life that the Force was something that should be suppressed, she felt ashamed of her inability to control it. Her eventual acceptance of her Force sensitivity was dismissed by her family as teenage rebellion - and perhaps in some ways, it was.

Her first exposure to Sith teachings came from the Holonet. Initially horrified by what she learned, she gradually developed an interest in their more esoteric practices, particularly alchemy, and became convinced that they could help her control the Force that raged within her. Upon turning eighteen, Rhi led her parents to believe she would be attending the Chaldean Academy, where she would prepare to sever her Force connection. In reality, she boarded a shuttle headed to Korriban to start training at the Sith Academy...
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Jedi Archivist
AssignmentCoruscant Temple
BirthplacePylos Satnik
Personality TraitsFriendly
Lifestyle TraitsLibrarian
Monstrous Appearance
Rank(s)Jedi Master
Faction(s)Galactic Alliance
LanguagesGalactic Basic
Force SensitiveYes
Character AlignmentNeutral Good
Height1.3 meters
Length3 meters
Art byHalycon450

  • GAPostBreaker.png

    Born on Pylos Satnik, raised by the Jedi since infancy? Became a Jedi Consular, specialized in lore keeping, achieved rank of master, recently came to the NJO to serve as archivist.

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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Rhoncus urna neque viverra justo nec ultrices. Sed velit dignissim sodales ut eu sem integer vitae justo. Ut eu sem integer vitae justo eget magna fermentum. Ullamcorper eget nulla facilisi etiam dignissim diam quis enim lobortis. Pharetra convallis posuere morbi leo urna molestie at elementum eu. In fermentum posuere urna nec tincidunt. Hac habitasse platea dictumst quisque. Phasellus vestibulum lorem sed risus ultricies. Sit amet volutpat consequat mauris nunc congue nisi vitae.








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Konrad Harrsk made this div btw
General Information

Physical Information:
  • AGE: Young Adult
  • SEX: Male
  • HEIGHT: Tall
  • BUILD: Athletic
  • EYES: Blue
  • HAIR: Chestnut Brown
  • SKIN: Caucasian
    • Facial tattoos
    • Various battle scars
  • VOICE: Baritone
Social Information:


Tall, fit, young adult Near-Human male. Fair skin, straight brown hair loosely styled, vividly blue eyes (possibly artificial?). Facial tattoos indicate ethnic origin. Wears armor made from dragonskin leather. Carries his sword around everywhere he goes.



  • Chaldean Mystic: Trained as a Mystic, Leon is Force sensitive, but has devoted his life to impeding the Force connections of others, or as he would call it "rebuking the powerful".
  • Those Who Live By the Sword: Favored weapon is the sword, but he also has some skill with daggers and other blades.
  • Animal Friend: Leon has a natural affinity for animals and has learned to ride numerous mounts, ranging from horses to griffins to dragons.
  • Hunter: More of a hobby/survival skill than something he practices regularly, Leon is experienced in tracking, trapping, and other hunting skills.

  • Chaldean Mystic: Leon is bound to the code of the Mystics; he can only suppress or sever. All other Force abilities are off-limits.
  • Merman's Lament: The siren call of the sea is not so easily ignored, especially by one of the Finfolk.


  • Boy of a Thousand Faces: Jacen has the ability to shapeshift. However, this power comes with several caveats. A full-blooded Shi'ido won't master their shifting until the age of 150; Jacen is a half-breed and only a teenager, so his capabilities are extremely limited. At the most, he can alter the coloration of small parts of his body (hair, eyes, patches of skin) or slightly adjust the size or shape of certain features, provided he concentrates long enough to enact the transformation; depending on the scope and scale of the alterations, it can take several minutes or even hours to complete.
  • Regeneration: His ability to regenerate from wounds is considerably faster and more efficient than a human's, though the rate at which he heals is dependent on the severity of the injury. A superficial scratch could seal within minutes; a gunshot wound or loss of a limb would still take days, if not weeks to fully recuperate. But yes—if you cut off his hand or gouge out his eyes, they will grow back. Eventually.
  • Force Sensitive: Since both of his parents were Force Users, naturally Jacen has inherited Sensitivity. However, he has received little to no training in the Force and his powers have remained largely dormant up until this point.
  • Glamor: The Shi'ido possess a natural form of telepathy which allows them to subtly influence the perceptions of others. Its primary use is in covering up inconsistencies in their appearance that would otherwise tip people off that they aren't what they seem. Jacen also has this passive form of glamoring, though it won't work on species such as the Epicanthix, Hutts, and others who are resistant to telepathy.
  • Know-it-All: Jacen is intelligent, well-read, and possesses an incredible memory. He is knowledgeable about a variety of topics and loves to share what he knows (whether people want to hear about it or not).
  • Rich Kid: Jacen has never wanted for anything. His sheltered upbringing can make it harder for him to relate to others who were raised in less comfortable circumstances, let alone situations where he must step outside his comfort zone.
  • Ruthless: To survive in this galaxy, one must be at least a little bit ruthless. There is a fine line between trying to be strong and stand your ground, and being outright cruel or vicious towards anyone that gets in your way. Sometimes it's a difficult line to walk, but Jacen tries to do it as best he can.
  • Compassionate: Jacen isn't always a nice person, but he will go out of his way to help those in need. He doesn't see it as a burden or an inconvenience; rather, he has found that offering his assistance can lead to him acquiring new friends and allies, or even just accruing favors owed. He also tends to value acts of kindness over politeness or niceness in others.
  • Impatient: He doesn't have all day, you know.

  • Deceptive: Being a shapeshifter, Jacen has a bad habit of assuming alter egos and deliberately deceiving others in order to get his way. Sometimes this trickery can get a little out of hand, leading to trouble for the young man.
  • Mature For His Age: Being a cross between two very long-lived species, Jacen's body is aging at a very slow rate. He is biologically a teenager, but is really much, much older than he looks. With all the life experience he has had already, Jacen is more emotionally mature than the average teen. He struggles to relate to the youth of species with shorter lifespans and resents it when adults don't take him seriously.
  • Extreme Temperatures: His physiology doesn't do well when it comes to extreme cold (which can slow his shapeshifting and regeneration down), nor does he have any desire to be set on fire, electrocuted, or burnt to a crisp. Such injuries will take much longer to heal from, and as such pose a far greater danger to his health.
  • The Hunger: Jacen's vampiric half has many benefits, but it also comes with drawbacks. The biggest of which are the dietary restrictions - he must feed upon the life force of other living beings to survive. He can get by feeding on non-sentient lifeforms, but in areas where animals are not as plentiful or easy to access, he may have no choice but to prey on sentients.

Archaeology | Artifacts & Antiques | Books | Color Black | Color Brown | Color White | History | Reading | Politics | Philosophy | Good Conversation | Zenobia Trees | Classy Colognes/Perfumes | Rainy Weather | Honesty | Leather | Wool

Child Abuse | Slavery | Unnecessary Cruelty | Stupidity & Ignorance | Pointless Violence | Wasted Time & Effort |



Jacen is a pale, skinny boy in his early-to-mid teens. His features are clearly a mix of Atrisian and the more alien look of the Shi'ido, though he tends to use his limited shapeshifting abilities to soften the inhumanity of the latter. He has deep-set dark eyes, an aquiline nose, and delicate cheekbones. His speech tends to be formal and rigid; it sounds strange coming from someone seemingly so young. His curly black hair is neatly combed or occasionally slicked back. He is always elegantly dressed in high quality clothing, showing a preference for black turtlenecks and leather jackets. Should you manage to make him bleed (or blush) you'll notice that his blood is black in color.


"The thought crossed my mind that he might face the same problems as [Kai Bamarri], being half Shi'ido and half Energy Vampire... I want to see [Kai] healthy, happy, and well-integrated into society, just as I want my son to be." - Errik Nimdok​

Jacen Jiro Nimdok came into the galaxy on the same day that Senator Kaigann Fossk was revealed to be Darth Solipsis. As if this wasn't a bad enough omen, the boy was born premature and suffered from a host of ailments that required him to spend the first few weeks of his life in intensive care. But the boy was a fighter, and he soon grew strong enough to leave the safe, sterile confines of the hospital.

Raised at Dixon Manor, the home of his mother Elise Ike, Jacen grew up in a loving (if somewhat isolated) environment. His father, Professor Errik Nimdok, was frequently away on business. The professor lived many lives: as a Master and Councilor of the doomed Silver Jedi Order, as a respected historian and archaeologist, and as an ambassador for his people, the Shi'ido, during one of the darkest periods of their history. With all these responsibilities and duties, it's a miracle that Nimdok was able to make time for his family. Jacen remembers him as a kind and gentle man who seemed to know everything there was to know about anything.

The boy was just eight years old when his father died defending the planet Tython from the Brotherhood of the Maw, leaving Jacen to be brought up by his widowed mother and two older half-sisters, Kurenai and Miri. Though she was a scion of the Royal Ike Family of Atrisia, Elise kept Jacen away from most of her other relatives. Perhaps she figured that her vast extended family of Energy Vampires and cutthroat politicians would not prove a very good influence on the boy. She did not want her son to follow in their footsteps. At least, not until he was old enough to decide for himself who and what he wanted to be...
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Huge and hulking, Marcus is oddly soft and cuddly, sort of like a giant redheaded teddy bear. He bears a strong physical resemblance to his father, but has his mother's green eyes. His ginger hair is usually messy and windswept, and he tends to favor practical clothing in dark colors.

  • Phenomenal Cosmic Knowledge: At the age of four, Marcus gained abnormal levels of clairvoyance from eating a Force-imbued pastry (don't ask). Ever since then he has experienced visions, so much so that it could be said that he no longer perceives reality or time the way most people do. This deep knowledge of the universe naturally has some pretty neat benefits - it's very hard to surprise him, and he's almost always crazy prepared for even the wildest situations.
  • Tania's Grace: Having spent his early childhood within the vicinity of the Nezamiyah Force Nexus, Marcus has received its blessing. He is remarkably tall for a human male, and is overall exceptionally healthy and resistant to diseases.
  • Sith Upbringing: Marcus' parents were Sith Alchemists who shared their knowledge freely with their children. He is not a stranger to the Force, even if all of his training has been in the Dark Side.
  • Resilient: No matter how hard it falls or how badly he fails, he'll always rise back up and try again.

  • Psychologically Impaired: There are some things mortals were not meant to know. As a consequence of his altered state of mind, Marcus cannot function normally in society and would likely be considered mentally unstable or even downright insane. He is also almost always distracted by his visions, which are sometimes realistic enough to qualify as hallucinations. This lack of awareness of the world around him can pose a danger to himself and others.
  • A Sad, Pathetic Little Man: Marcus is non-confrontational, timid, and tends to run away from fights. It isn't that he's a coward - well, okay, maybe he is a little bit craven. But he just doesn't want to hurt anyone, you see? Life is hard enough as it is without people trying to inflict bodily harm upon each other...
  • Mommy & Daddy Issues: Marcus has a very good relationship with his parents, thank you very much. What's that? They eat people? Oh well. Sucks to be those people, I guess... Okay, fine, so it isn't all fine and dandy in the Dinn household after all. So what? At least Marcus knows his mom and dad love him...

Conceived during a drunken night of celebration after his Sith Acolyte parents conquered a planet together (Folende; they lost control of it not long after), by the time Marcus and his twin sister Eloise were born, their father had gone missing and their mother was left destitute and adrift. Mom tried to take care of them by herself, but she couldn't watch them all the time. Thus did four year old Marcus get a hold of something he shouldn't have: a Force-imbued pastry. Upon taking a single bite of what he thought would be a tasty treat, Marcus' eyes were forever opened to the ebb and flow of the universe.

Not long after that, Dad came home - except he hadn't aged a day, didn't even know his children existed, and couldn't handle the pain. So he ran away again. Mom finally bit the bullet and decided to leave her two young children in the care of her parents, Senator Toloth Threepwood and his wife Charisse, while she took off after their elusive father... and was reported deceased on Tython, killed during a battle against the Maw. Marcus spent the next three years of his life on Chaldea, where he and his sister were doted upon by their loving grandparents. On the other hand, Grandma and Grandpa didn't much like Force Users, and there was talk of sending Marcus to someone who would sever his connection to the Force and stop those pesky visions for good...

One night, the seven year old Marcus was awakened by a commotion downstairs. Mom and Dad were alive and well, and now they wanted to take the twins with them. Gee, it sure took them long enough. After a tense confrontation, a deal was struck and the children were turned over to their parents, who immediately whisked them away to the distant planet of Zaathru. There they were raised in the lap of luxury, surrounded by primitive natives who believed the Force Sensitive family to be gods incarnate. Quite the change from Chaldea, where Force Sensitivity was viewed as a curse.

Marcus was informed that he was the personification of the moon god Dagda, the King of the Morning. Very cool. Of course, deep down he knew that he wasn't really a deity. But he also understood that all of this godhood stuff was a necessary evil so that his family could be together. Marcus understood a lot of things...

His sister Eloise, on the other hand, did not understand. As they grew older she began to rebel against their parents and the mythological world they had created. Upon discovering the true reason why the family had come to Zaathru, she turned to her twin brother, begging him to run away with her. But Marcus already knew all about the Secret. He'd known about it for so long, he had time to get used to it.

So Eloise ran away on her own, leaving Marcus behind...
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Leon Draco




NAME: Antonius Leondegrande Draco
FACTION: The Braxant Covenant
RANK: Secondborn Son of House Draco
AGE: Twenties
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 4 ft 5 in (1.35 m)
WEIGHT: 110 lbs (50 kg)
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Light Brown
SKIN: Caucasian

Leon Draco is a Human with tousled light brown hair and blue eyes. He is unremarkable in appearance apart from his dwarfism and a long, poorly healed scar that runs diagonally across his face.


+ Former Jedi
: Leon received Jedi training from a young age, but left the Order as an adult. It is unclear why, though most assume it was a personal choice.
+ Privileged Upbringing: It's good to be a noble.


+/- Noblesse Oblige: Leon is a nobleman, born and bred. He is privileged and used to getting his own way, but he also feels it is his duty to be exceptionally generous and courteous to others. This tendency has made him well-liked, but it is also relatively easy to take advantage of his generosity.
+/- The Court Jester: He tends to make light of situations by using humor. People may be inclined to think he's just a crass fool; it's their fault for underestimating him.
+/- Second Child, Restless Child: Since he is not the heir, Leon has displayed a lack of interest in the affairs of House Draco and is not particularly ambitious or power-hungry. Instead, he prefers to use his family's vast wealth to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. On the other hand, he does have a fondness for "family drama". This has at least compelled him to stay up-to-date on all the juiciest gossip.


- Unhealthy Lifestyle
: The man likes to drink and doesn't exactly take good care of himself.
- Dwarfism: Apart from the usual cons of being short in stature, the condition can cause health issues as well as having a social stigma attached.
- Depression: Underneath his lackadaisical attitude, there's something incredibly sad about Leon Draco.

The second son of House Draco, Antonius Leondegrande Draco (or Leon for short) was born a dwarf, a fact which caused only mild scandal, much to his disappointment. Discovered to be Force Sensitive at a young age, he was sent to the New Jedi Order for training. Apart from a few mild incidents of mischief, his time at the Jedi Academy was relatively uneventful.

At least, until Leon turned eighteen and abruptly left the Order without achieving knighthood. The choice caused some scandal; the boy's family were disappointed in him, but Leon was firm in his decision. Rumors have circulated for years about why he left (and Leon himself is likely the source of several of these wild stories), but no one knows the truth.

Ever since, Leon has devoted himself to pleasure and partying and avoids any involvement in politics. He has little to no public presence, preferring a private life. The recent peace talks have forced him to act as something of an ambassador for his family, a role which he does not relish. But noblesse oblige, and if it helps everyone to relax, it isn't too high a price to pay.

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  • Bonded: Kyla and her twin sister Lara share a Force Bond. This link allows them to strengthen each other in times of need, feel each other's emotions, and so on.

  • Unexceptional: Kyla's connection to the Force is not particularly strong. Her ability to use it is very average, with no special powers or potential to be unlocked. She has the most basic, universal capabilities of a Jedi or Sith.
  • Guilty: Kyla's fall to the Dark Side has caused her family a great deal of grief. To a certain extent, she feels nothing but contempt for them - but another part of her is burdened by guilt for hurting her loved ones. Whether she can be pulled back into the Light or will only sink further into the mire remains to be seen.

Kyla is a starkly beautiful young woman, slightly short of stature with a slender figure. She dresses in sparkling black finery and sports dramatic makeup, painting her face a ghostly white and lining her brown eyes with black kohl. Her dark curly hair is pinned and coiled into an elaborate style.


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Percival's body is designed to mimic that of a human male of slightly above average height, with a slim, athletic build. His face is doll-like in its artificiality, with a soft, delicate mouth and a smattering of boyish freckles painted across his nose and cheekbones. The eerie symmetry of his features is broken by his heterochromatic eyes: one blue and one green. The blue eye is in honor of his brother Galahad, whom Percival killed and later absorbed the memories and personality of.

His dark hair is left wild without any styling. As of late Percival has exchanged his simple robes for much finer garments, though they are often worn and tattered. His left arm is noticeably mechanical, lacking skin or any other human coverings.


Regenerator: Aside from injuries to his brain, Percival's artificially engineered body will be able to fully regenerate from any injury or loss of limb over a period of time. Because he knows he can survive most wounds, he lacks the fear of being crippled or dismembered which afflicts the fleshier denizens of the galaxy during battle. He also cannot feel pain.
A Learning Computer: Percival is capable of experiencing emotions as well as learning from new encounters. Data can also be downloaded directly into his brain via a scomp link located in the index finger of his right hand.
Mage Killer: Most Neutralizers are engineered to be able to resist Force Users, and Percival is no different. His DNA is spliced with that of a ysalamiri, so he's resistant to direct applications of the Force, and he has special power glands installed in his body that can prevent him from being dismembered by a lightsaber.
Swiss Army Knife: Percival has artificial organs that mimic repulsorlifts, allowing him limited flight, as well as other organs in his arms that allow him to project and direct massive electrical discharges from his body, not to mention organs in his hands that act as mini tactical tractor beams or tractor pressers, allowing him to move or catch/hurl large objects at a distance (or choke someone...), retractable claws embedded in his knuckles, and an organ in his throat that is basically a sonic weapon. Oh, and he can also shoot lasers out of his eyes.
Missionary Man: As a Chaplain, Percival is programmed to act as a spiritual leader and advisor to House Io, using his skills to keep up morale and enforce the clan's ethos. He also has some psychology programming, helping him to better understand and help people.


The Trifurcate: After killing his brothers Galahad and Lancelot, Percival absorbed their personalities and memories. He remains the dominant persona, but what is left of his brothers can influence his core programming, the part of his brain which governs decision-making and social behaviors, as well as other aspects, such as his combat style and knowledge databanks.
  • "Alessandra found her attention briefly seized by the artistry of the slaughter inflicted by her brother. She knew him well enough to recognize the vestiges of Lancelot and Galahad in his fighting style. A bloodthirsty Carver fell for a feint—Lancelot. A roaring Hammerer realizing that his target was now behind him after the Chaplain darted between his legs to evade the blades of his vibro-axes—Galahad. A gurgling Angel of War dispatched with a surgical slash across the throat—Percival." - Alessandra Io
Pacifist in a Warrior Clan: One of the merged personas within Percival, Galahad, was a rigid pacifist due to a software error. Percival has absorbed this tendency and now finds himself more willing to avoid bloodshed. Depending on the situation, he may attempt to persuade his opponent to ceasefire, or try to nonlethally subdue his opponent if combat does occur.
Hedonistic: Endowed by his creator with all the sensuality of an organic—devoid of peskier aspects like pain—Percival's brother Lancelot indulged in pleasures of the flesh with little to no self-control. In Percival, this trait tends to make him seem more human, but it has also become a coping mechanism as he struggles to deal with the emotional and mental turmoil brought on by the contradictions of his nature. This unquenchable desire for mindless fun can be detrimental, especially if he over-indulges; it also distracts him from more important matters and gets him mixed up with the wrong sort of people.


Uncanny Valley: Looking just a little too perfect, it is obvious that Percival is an android even when viewing him from a distance, to say nothing of a medical scan or Force sense. His skin is poreless, his features are eerily symmetrical, his internal organs are strange, and his blood is silver in color. Basically, everything about him screams "unnatural" and there is nothing that can hide this fact.
Damned Vong!: Exposure to Alpha Red will cause necrotizing of his flesh and can be fatal unless treatment is immediately applied. Similarly, Baffer Pollen causes intense swelling in his joints for up to fifteen minutes, heavily reducing his maneuverability until his body has a chance to purge it.
Glass Cannon: Despite his versatile abilities and incredible regenerative powers, Percival has his limits. He is vulnerable to most conventional weaponry, be it blasters, slugthrowers, vibroweapons, or explosives, and can be crippled or destroyed if he sustains enough damage. His brain is especially vulnerable, to say nothing of the possibility of memory loss or cognitive decline. In other words, aim for the head.
Magnetics: Exposure to any kind of high-powered magnetic shenanigans will scramble his databases, slow his regeneration, and potentially adhere his body to the surface of the magnet, leaving him stuck until the magnetic field is disrupted.
Blind Loyalty: Programmed to regard all House Io citizens as family, he will protect and obey them without question. No action he commits can ever come at the cost of betraying House Io's ideals, its citizens, or its leadership. If he is placed in a situation where he will be forced to compromise his loyalty to House Io, he will shut down rather than commit such an act of treason. This fanatical devotion is so deeply embedded in his mental architecture, it cannot be overridden no matter how much the rest of him is reprogrammedor how much he learns and changes with experience.
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  • Smart: Miri is intelligent and resourceful. Her love of reading has made her knowledgeable on a variety of subjects, particularly history - she's the daughter of a historian, after all.
  • Girl With a Gun: Miri prefers ranged weaponry, with dual-wielding pistols being her favorite tools of the trade.
  • Training: Miri started training with the Jedi at around age eight.
  • Telepath: Miri is half Nagai, granting her an enhanced vocal range and a natural talent for telepathy. Her father also taught her some Benandanti techniques, allowing her to defend herself against mental assaults.

  • Little Lady: Miri doesn't use profanity, is polite and courteous, and shows an almost absurd amount of respect for others - even if they're trying to kill her, or she them. That said, her patience with those she already considers to be treacherous or malicious can quickly wear thin.
  • Independent: Miri spent much of her childhood moving from place to place, never staying anywhere for long. As a result, she grew up with few lasting or stable friendships and tends to assume any close relationship she establishes will end sooner rather than later.
  • Adrenaline Junkie: Though it is more of a guilty pleasure, Miri enjoys a little danger from time to time. Putting her life at risk excites her in ways no other hobby possibly could (provided the danger doesn't involve heights or confined spaces - see Weaknesses).
  • Introverted: Miri is an intensely private person and reluctant to share her feelings with others. She finds large social engagements such as parties mentally draining, and usually won't bother to go unless she is accompanied by a close friend.

  • Unexceptional: Compared to other Force Users, Miri's abilities are nothing special. She started training late and her connection to the Force is known to be weak and fickle. In some ways, she might as well be an NFU.
  • Blind As a Bat: Without glasses or contact lenses, Miri's vision is quite poor. She hides this fact from strangers and never wears her glasses in public.
  • Fear of Bacta Tanks: Miri is not allergic to bacta, but the specific experience of being submerged in a tank or similar confined space seems to trigger an intense fear and overwhelming need to escape.
  • Fear of Heights: Due to her fickle connection, Miri can't rely on the Force to save her if she slips while climbing. Her fear of falling is bad enough to deter her from swinging across chasms or scaling mountains. If there are other people around to help, especially other Force Users, she's a little less afraid. But she can still freeze up or panic very easily if anything goes wrong.
  • Trauma & Pain: Miri carries the burden of psychological wounds going back to her childhood. She has been abducted, experimented on, tortured, abandoned, and had her heart broken. She blames herself for more than she should.


Miri is a young woman with dark curly hair and expressive brown eyes. Her slightly pointed ears and slanting eyebrows are the only outward sign that she is anything other than human, indicative of her half Nagai heritage. Her voice is a little on the deep side and tends to make her sound older than she is - she is a low, raspy contralto with an Alderaanian accent.





"I wanna stay with you."
"And what if it's too dangerous to stay with me? What if I go somewhere you can't follow?"
"You'll come back. Like all the other times. You always came back and took me with you."
- Miri and her father​

Miri was born on Alderaan as the daughter of Professor Errik Nimdok and his wife Bithia. When she was around four years old, Nimdok was killed in a transporter accident. Miri was very fond of her father, and his death affected her deeply.

Two years later, in the middle of a summer night, Miri and her mother were abducted from their home by mysterious masked men—Sith agents, as she would later find out. Miri was separated from her mother and taken to a laboratory. Her memories of her experience there are vague, but she recalls waking up inside a tank, her body covered in wires and tubes. The Sith conducted strange experiments on her, apparently giving her Force sensitivity. She remembers the leader of the Sith scientists, a woman named Thetis Suzerain, would yell and hit her in order to provoke a reaction out of her, causing Miri to lash out with the Force.

At some point they took her to a starport—and that was where she saw her father, miraculously alive. Nimdok rescued her from the Sith, but the two were hunted by more agents, forcing them to keep moving constantly. Too young to understand much of what was happening, Miri struggled to adapt to a difficult new life filled with secrets and ever-present danger.

Hoping to give them both a fresh start, Nimdok enrolled Miri at the Silver Jedi academy on Kashyyyk. With her father never far away, she was able to grow up in relative safety and stability. All that changed, however, when the Brotherhood of the Maw attacked Tython, resulting in her father's death. Vowing revenge against his killer, Miri began to distance herself from Jedi philosophy, finding work as an investigator, archaeologist, and mercenary.

NAME: Kassogtha Cthylla

FACTION: Jakku Jedi Enclave

RANK: Jedi Master | Librarian

SPECIES: Pylantian

AGE: 40s

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 4'3" (1.3 meters)

LENGTH: 9'8" (3 meters)

EYES: Arsenic Green

SKIN: Sludge Gray and Toxic Green


VOICE: Isabella Rossellini



Jedi Consular
: Kass specializes in use of the Force over lightsaber combat. She can use the Force more frequently and easily than other Jedi, as well as having mastered a wider pool of abilities and techniques. In addition to serving as a lorekeeper and archivist, she is trained in archaeology and diplomacy.

Outgoing: Though her appearance can be off-putting to many non-Pylantians, Kass is very sociable and likes to talk to people (for the most part). Depending on the person, this may serve as a tension-easing icebreaker or a disastrous blunder. Sensitive diplomatic relations involving her tend to be very hit-or-miss.

Vegetarian: Like many Pylantians, Kass chooses to abstain from eating meat or meat products.

Blood Loss: When wounded, Kass' blood flows quickly. She can rapidly fall prey to exsanguination, leading to loss of consciousness and, if left untreated, death.

Floating Lightsabers: Kass finds wielding a lightsaber with her pseudopods very difficult. She compensates by engaging in telekinetic lightsaber combat (or, y'know, never picking up a weapon in the first place). Levitating her blades can prove taxing, and the focus it requires can prevent her from using other Force powers.


With her graceful movements, attractive coloring, and willowy, voluptuous figure, Kass is considered very beautiful by the aesthetic standards of her fellow Pylantians. From a human perspective, she is a horrific writhing mass of tentacles, eyes, and mouths. Her "tentacles" are actually pseudopods and can be absorbed back into her body. If she wanted to, she could close all her eyes and mouths and become a smooth, limbless blob—but then she wouldn't be able to do very much, so she generally doesn't put herself in such a state. Her gray and green hide is shiny and well-maintained. If you touch her, you will see that she is not slimy; her hide feels reminiscent of snake skin. Her eyes are a very vibrant shade of green and she clearly has good dental insurance. All of her mouths have vocal cords, but she typically speaks only using one of them; she has a distinct accent and a clear, pleasant voice which is recognizably feminine even to human ears. Her blood is green in color.


Born on Pylos Satnik to a Sashkatros family, Kassogtha's mother died when she was quite young. Her grieving father would go on to develop two vices which would ruin him: drinking and gambling. Father and daughter soon found themselves in dire financial straits. It was right around that time that young Kassogtha began exhibiting signs of Force Sensitivity, and not long afterwards the Jedi came a-knocking. Though it was far from an easy choice for him to make, her father ultimately decided to give up his only child in hopes that the girl would have a better life as a Jedi Knight.

Kass received training at the Silver Rest on Kashyyyk. Considered something of a late bloomer, she did not become a Padawan until after she turned thirteen—traditionally considered the cutoff age for younglings who had yet to become apprentices. Her master, Gavyn Farlander, encouraged the shy girl to come out of her shell and be more assertive, training her in a manner designed to make her more aggressive. Kass preferred to model herself after the likes of Tionne Solusar, and hoped to become an archivist. Gavyn also introduced Kass to her future husband, Oukranos, who was a Pylantian training at the Jakku Jedi Enclave.

Following the path of a Jedi Consular, Kass specialized in lorekeeping. In addition to maintaining the archives of the Silver Rest, Kass documented major historical events in the history of the Order and published research into various eras of Jedi history. Her role meant that she rarely saw combat, but was highly respected as a scholar.

Not long after her knighthood, she married Oukranos. The couple had three children, only one of whom, their son Zhar, was Force Sensitive. While he trained under the Silver Jedi, he never became a Padawan, instead joining the Service Corps.

Kass achieved the rank of Jedi Master during the Bryn'adul War. Following the destruction of the Silver Rest, Kass accepted an offer to become the new Head Librarian of the Jedi Archives on Coruscant. The role had previously been held by Aeris Lashiec, who left the Order. Though taking the position required Kass and Oukranos to move from the Silvers to the NJO, the couple made the transition relatively smoothly and have begun settling into their new life.

Does your character have a personal ship? If so, describe it in moderate detail (what does it look like, what can it do, what types of weapons and engines does it have, etc.).

Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.
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Sycorax Laveaux's face was disfigured by an attack some years ago. Reconstructive surgery and heavy makeup hides the worst of it, but prominent scars are still visible along her jawline and neck. Regarded as a fashion icon on her homeworld, she paints her face pale white and draws her eyebrows in thin slanting lines. A distinct zig-zagging streak of white runs through her gravity-defying dark hair. In contrast her clothing tends to be simple and conservative, with white sheet-like garments completely covering her body from neck to toe.


A Kind Word and a Gun: What got Sycorax into office? She developed a reputation early in her political career for not taking bribes or making friends with the crime lords and vampire voivodes who rule much of Dahrtag. This painted a target on her back, but Sycorax has proven stubborn and resilient. She never travels without her trusted bodyguards and takes extensive security measures to ensure her safety, but she won't bend the knee to tyrants.

Combative: Sycorax has made many dangerous enemies, and she has grown used to having to fight for survival, let alone for her voice to be heard. She is quick to resort to more aggressive measures, and isn't the most diplomatic of diplomats.

Superstitious: Sycorax is a follower of the "old ways" of Necropolis. She believes there are grave consequences for those who disturb the dead, and fears the bocors, sorcerers with the power to raise zombies and capture people's souls. She has a strong bias against Force Users in general, whom she views as amoral people who will do whatever they want with their powers regardless of who they harm or the messes they make.

Isolationist Shepherd: Sycorax is of the view that the Alliance has no business in the affairs of individual planets and should not expand its borders. Given how major factions work, though, she is playing a losing game.


Named after a legendary witch, Sycorax Laveaux was born in the city of Lamont to the wealthy Laveaux family. Though she initially felt a calling to a religious vocation, she opted for a career in politics instead and was elected Mayor of Lamont. Her youthful idealism was quickly culled when her fight against the organized crime in her hometown led to her being viciously attacked and left for dead. From then on, it was war.

While it has never been officially confirmed, she is believed to have helped form a secret paramilitary group, the so-called "Monsters", which infiltrated, hunted down and wiped out numerous criminal gangs and vampire courts. Her critics denounced Sycorax's tactics for being just as thuggish as the gangsters she has campaigned against, but her zero tolerance policy is what led to her gaining the support of the common people and rising through the ranks.

Now in her forties, she was elected as the Senator of Dahrtag, a position which her predecessor left stained by scandal and corruption. One gets the impression that she still has plenty of fight left in her and would much rather be using it to stake vampires and jail criminals, but has reluctantly taken on the role of her planet's representative because she doesn't trust anyone else to do the job right.
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Rani Baros


NAME: Rani Baros

FACTION: Independent

RANK: Witch Spellweaver

SPECIES: Shi'ido Forcespawn

AGE: Forties

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5'6"

WEIGHT: Athletic

EYES: Cerulean Blue

HAIR: Golden Blonde

SKIN: Fair


THEME: "Angel" - Massive Attack


Many Lives
: Rani isn't just Rani. She has multiple absorbed personas inside her body, each with their own personality and abilities. This can come in handy, especially in situations where a particular power would come in handy.

Witch Spellweaver: Rani is a master of some of the Force's more esoteric uses. She primarily conducts her business through spells and rituals, which while powerful require preparation beforehand. It is for this reason that she prefers not to over-rely on the Force when it comes to combat.

Home on the Range: Rani is a skilled sniper who excels with ranged weapons. Lying in wait for the perfect moment to strike, she has boundless patience and doesn't waste ammo.


Crowded Mind
: As you can imagine, the presence of multiple personalities in her body can cause some problems. Namely, each persona has their own agenda which may conflict with the others'. Depending on which persona is in control, Rani's behavior may be wildly different. The fact that she doesn't know who she is, where she came from, or how she got to be like this doesn't help matters.

Amnesiac: Rani has few memories of her past prior to waking up on Denon. The memories she does have are scrambled and deprived of their proper context.

Force Voids: Force Voids render her heavily weakened. This is a consequence of her being a Forcespawn, as her flesh is imbued with the Force.

Nullification Resin: Nullification Resin is lethal to her physiology, causing necrosis of her flesh. If it isn't removed quickly, she may die, and the resulting damage is slow to heal.


A stunning middle-aged woman with golden blonde hair and cerulean blue eyes, often dressed in black.


Rani Baros woke up in a hotel room on Dahrtag with no memory of her past. The room offered few clues as to how she got there, and not long after she opened her eyes to this brave new world, she was attacked by a would-be assassin. Killing the stranger in self-defense, Rani fled the hotel and has been living on the streets ever since, working odd jobs in hopes of earning enough to buy a ship and escape offworld...

Does your character have a personal ship? If so, describe it in moderate detail (what does it look like, what can it do, what types of weapons and engines does it have, etc.).

Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.

Dominant Personas

The Woman in the Red Turban


The most powerful of the personas, the Woman in the Red Turban is also the most mysterious. Little is known about her origins.

Force Sense (Master)

Force Illusion (Master)

Force Jump (Master)

Force Speed (Master)

Force Empathy

Wall of Light

Soft to Solid

Force Doppelganger (Master)

Force Illusion (Master)

Force Imbue (Master)

Form 3 (Master)

Medium Style (Grand Master)

Spell of Illusion Traps

Spell of Illusion Toxins

Spell of Illusion Corruption

Spell of Mind Shield

Ritual: Create Copy

The Plethora


The Plethora was a Cultist Witch who was absorbed by Rani.

Force Sense

Force Empathy

Force Speed

Double Bladed Lightsabers

Form 4

Form 007

Form Six

Energy Resistance

Magic Suppression

Magic Resistance

Force Heal


Magma Healing


Light Spell: Bolt

Light Spell: Spectrum

Light Spell: Render Invisible

Light Spell: Embue

Light Spell: Entrap Darksider

Magma-Spell: Bombardment

Magma-Spell: Erupt

Magma Spell: Embued Barrier

Magma Spell: Magma Claymore

Ritual: Healing Flare

Ritual: Magma-Nado

Ritual: Impart Mark

Ritual: Create Sorceress Copy

The Myriad


The Myriad is a Cultist Witch who was absorbed by Rani.

Force Sense

Pyrokinesis (Master)

Aerokinesis (Master)

Geokinesis (Master)

Telekinesis (Master)

Hematokinesis (Master)

Metallo-Kinesis (Master)

Magma-Kinesis (Master)

Ionize (Master)

Plant Surge

Single Bladed Lightsaber

Form One

Form Two

Form Three

Form 6

Hester Del, aka the Dancer in Green


Devastatingly beautiful, Hester's primary weapons are charm and seduction. Once upon a time, she fell in love with a Twi'lek Jedi who taught her how to use the Force against the wishes of the Council. One particularly crafty Master devised a cruel trick; he sabotaged her lightsaber so that it misfired during training, cutting off his lekku and leaving him with brain damage. Hester killed the Master before fleeing.

Force Sense

Force Regenerate

Force Doppelganger

Force Speed

Force Jump

Healing Presence


Mass Force Stun

Mass Force Whirlwind

Force Stasis

Force Stealth

Spell: Stun Trap

Spell: Stasis Trap

Spell: Corrode

Spell: Dark Side Trap

Spell: Dark Side Invert

Ritual: Create Copy

Ritual: Purge Dark Side



Throwing Weapons

Energy Bows

Pilot Yacht

Fragment of the Chorus aka Ursa the Undying


Ursa was a Hapan queen who longed for immortality. She made a deal with the Brain Demon to cheat death; the price was that she be absorbed into the Cult, becoming the Chorus. Her main personality was later killed by Percival Io, but fragments of her are scattered among the Cultists. This particular fragment is a holdover from the Horde, and has been fully subjugated by the other personas.

Single bladed Lightsaber

Form One (Novice)

Form 2 (Master)

Force Sense

Force Illusion

Dominate Mind


Force Wave

False Kinetite

False Drain

False Dark Side Aura

False Lightning Torpedo

Spell Of Mind Trap

Spell of Mind Chain

Spell of Mind-Blind

Ritual Mind Paralyze

Ritual: Mind Construct

Ritual Create Sorceress Copy
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Standing at a tiny four feet, eleven inches, Thelma is very small in stature with a petite, dainty build and delicate features. Her skin is white as porcelain, with a few smatterings of freckles. She has long red hair and light purple eyes. She uses her skills as a seamstress to make her own clothes, and rarely wears the same outfit twice. She favors the fashions and styles of her homeworld and wears exclusively dresses and skirts, never pants.

  • Little Vampiress- Born a hybrid of two vampiric species, Thelma feeds on memories and has a handful of special abilities (and weaknesses) related to her ancestry. Undergoing a moral crisis during her time with the Jedi Order, she tried to stop feeding entirely. But her attempts at changing her diet proved damaging to her health. After years of starving herself, she is finally beginning to feed regularly again, albeit with great care to ensure she does no harm to others.
    • "[Silas] was as predictable as a Jedi could be, but [Thelma].... the girl had more power than the Jedi would ever teach her. It would either pose a problem in the future or be a boon. Only time would tell. Danika would definitely pay attention to the little Energy Vampire hybrid going forward." - Danika Leventis
  • The Workaholic- Some people hate to work. Not Thelma. For her sewing is an impulse she gladly obeys and a welcome distraction from her worries and woes. She never complains about her workload or slacks off, not unless her condition is truly dire (and even then, she will still try to finish her projects on time).
    • "Based on my observations and reports Thelma Goth has been the closest [to replicate the skills of the Mist-Weavers] with wonderfully crafted materials." - Matsu Ike
  • Beauty Will Save the World - Guileless, gentle, kind and non-judgmental of others, Thelma may be dismissed as odd or foolish, especially by other vampires and those with a cynical worldview. There is a purity to her nature, but she is not naïve or innocent.


Thelma's earliest memories are of mountains shrouded in mist. Born in the rural south of Dahrtag, aka Necropolis, she was raised in the Citadel, an ancient fortress home to roughly fifty vampires—all that remained of the once-great vampire court of the House of Goth, who rose to power and prominence during the dark ages of the Gulag Plague. The child of an Energy Vampire father and a Psy-Pire mother, she was the scion of two species as well as two ancient noble families. Both of her parents were voivodes, members of the vampire aristocracy who once ruled Necropolis. But the vampire princes of old had long since fallen from grace, their influence diminishing as the galaxy became more enlightened.

For the first few years of her life, Thelma's world consisted only of the Citadel and the people in it. There were virtually no other children her age; instead she spent her days surrounded by proud and well-bred adults still clinging to the greatness of last century, and a circle of impossibly old crones eternally bent over their weaving. She developed a knack for sewing under the guidance of the latter. Her father, Fredric Goth, was a kind and loving man, but frequently away from home on undisclosed "business". Her mother Genevieve suffered from a mysterious mental illness that required her to be locked away in a special area of the Citadel, lest she bring harm to others. Young Thelma found a mentor in Maxim Koschei, a self-exiled Jedi Master turned Psy-Pire who recognized her Force Sensitivity. From him she received the basic training of a Jedi Youngling.

Though they strived to live in peace with their mortal neighbors, life at the Citadel was always precarious. The locals feared them and kept them at arms' length. Tragedy struck when a deranged Genevieve managed to escape her prison and killed a child from a nearby village. The villagers rose up against the vampires, slaughtering them and burning the Citadel to the ground. Thelma was spirited away by Maxim, who sent her on a ship bound for Coruscant and a note addressed to the New Jedi Order...
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Arlo is a Methuselan, a Near-Human species which, despite having a lifespan comparable to baseline Humans, do not show the outward physical signs of aging once they reach maturity. Their bodies break down and wear out, becoming prone to various ailments and diseases, but at least they still look young. Thus, while Arlo appears to be a tall and fit man in his early twenties, he is in fact a crusty old bastard. His skin is so tanned it has become leathery and rough. He keeps his dark curly hair cropped short. The crisscrossing scars over the upper half of his face were inflicted while he was in Sith captivity during the Chaldean Civil War; he's got plenty more marks to spare on the rest of his body. He is rarely seen outside his armor made from dragonskin leather, with the mane of a leonardbird around his shoulders.


Chaldean Mystic
: Trained as a Mystic, Arlo is Force sensitive, but has devoted his life to impeding the Force connections of others, or as he would call it "rebuking the powerful". He can suppress or sever a person's connection, rendering them unable to use their powers.

By Spear Or By Blade: Arlo's favored weapon is the spear, but he also has some skill with daggers and other blades.

Animal Friend: Arlo has a natural affinity for animals and has learned to ride numerous mounts, ranging from horses to griffins to dragons.

Hunter: Arlo is experienced in tracking, trapping, and other hunting skills.

Feth Off, Ghost: Arlo has been to the Netherworld more than once, and lived to tell the tale. He knows how to battle the incorporeal, be they ghosts, Shadows, or demons.


Can't Teach An Old Dog New Tricks
: While he doesn't look it, Arlo is pretty old. He is in excellent physical condition relative to his age, but suffers from rheumatism, tires easily, is forgetful and can't do nearly as much as he used to. It also takes him longer to recover from injuries, which are more likely to leave him debilitated.

Chaldean Mystic: Arlo is bound to the code of the Mystics; he can only suppress or sever the connections of others. All other Force abilities are off-limits.

Grumpy Old Man: Age and some heavy emotional baggage have turned Arlo into a cantankerous grouch. He's not easy to get along with.


Arlo Renard played Rattattaki Roulette and "won" the sum of twenty thousand credits at the cost of his head. He spent a little over a decade in the Netherworld, minding his own damned business, only to be blasted back into Realspace in the wake of the Chaldean Apocalypse. Searching for familiar faces among the survivors, he finds himself cast adrift in a galaxy which has little sympathy for his plight.


NAME: Caecia Marr
FACTION: House Marr
RANK: Firstborn of House Marr
AGE: Young Adult
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5"4'
BUILD: Slender
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale

Caecia is a starkly beautiful young woman, slightly short of stature with a slender figure. She dresses in regal black finery and sports dramatic makeup, painting her face a ghostly white and lining her red eyes with black. Her dark curly hair is pinned and coiled into an elaborate style.


Ice Queen
: Arrogant and haughty, Caecia looks down on those who do not share her privileged upbringing. She is most at home among her fellow nobles and aristocracy and excels at politics.

Femme Fatale: Caecia is beautiful and knows it. If possible, she will use her looks and charms to her advantage... but if not, her skill with a dagger can always come in clutch.

Born of the Cursed Sex: Caecia harbors resentment towards her brother Malum, who despite being younger than her is the heir of House Marr purely because he is male.

Unexceptional: Caecia's connection to the Force is not particularly strong. Her abilities are below average, with no special powers or hidden potential having manifested. She has the most basic, universal capabilities common between both Jedi and Sith, and little else.

The eldest of House Marr, Caecia was born a Sith princess. As a child she was bossy and spoiled, ordering her siblings and the servants around. The only people who could command her were her parents and the small army of instructors who diligently tutored her in the ways of combat and courtly intrigue. It came as a shock when she learned that she was not the heir - instead the inheritance would go to her little brother Malum. Though she never stopped loving her brother in her own prickly way, she never got over the insult of being passed over in the line of succession.

Now a young woman, she has begun to develop a reputation as a smooth political operator, forging alliances through diplomacy as well as more underhanded tactics. Since she cannot have House Marr under her command, she is determined to make a name for herself some other way.

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Marya is an ethereal beauty with sharp, unique features. She is attractive in a cold and otherworldly sort of way. As is the fashion among high society women on Dahrtag, her eyebrows are plucked and penciled into thin arches. She wears her raven hair in a crown braid and dresses in elegant gowns, often paired with fur-trimmed cloaks.


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