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Approved NPC Thalia Faric

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  • Age: Thirty-two
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Human, cyborg
  • Appearance: Thalia looks younger then she is, and she will use this to her advantage if the situation allows it. She has green eyes, though they can change to purple as they are both cybernetically enhanced with scanning capabilities. She wears, usually, a corset and hooded robes that conceal her various swords, knives, and other supplies. She isn't tall but she isn't short, standing at 5'6 and weighing 132lbs.
  • Name: Thalia Faric, Bounty Hunter. She has many fake names on various worlds however most of her contacts and clients call her Sparrow.
  • Loyalties: Darren Onyx
  • Wealth: She gets by, most of what she earns she uses to travel to new places to find new job opportunities. She also shares the wealth that Darren Onyx has, though he also is "just getting by."
  • Notable Possessions: A black ring that Darren Onyx crafted for her, it has a small red engraving that says "Onyx".
  • Skills: Thalia is a skilled thief and assassin, having grown up on the streets she is self taught however she does have professional experience as an assassin for the Bounty Hunter's Guild.
  • Personality: Thalia is very confident and will rarely show weakness, even in situations where she knows she can't win. This confidence lets her flex her ego more then most, something she takes pride in. When she is with Onyx she will try her best to impress him and gain his approval. She is also very ruthless, she would torture you even if you gave her what she wanted just for the fun of it.
  • Weapon of Choice: Wits, two small vibroblades, a vibrosword, various poisons, a military-grade sniper rifle
  • Combat Function: Thalia will usually stick close to Onyx and provide medical assistance as well as watching his flank for attackers. While she is primarily support, she will fight if she needs to. While effective in a fight, she is more effective from a distance using her rifle or sneaking up and flanking the enemy with a knife to the back. Her temper does, however, get the better of her and the more injured she gets the more reckless she becomes. Likewise, if Onyx is injured she will take the blame and will increase her recklessness.
Thalia Faric was born on Onderon and was raised by a single mother, who worked as a merchant on the streets. With little income, Thalia resorted to stealing to survive. When she was eight years old her mother was killed and Thalia swore she'd get revenge. She devoted years to teaching herself the art of stealing, hiding in the shadows, and killing. Her lack of morality made her a dangerous foe and as she got older, and more experienced, she was quickly gaining a reputation on the chaotic planet. Her reputation allowed her to make some good credits, though she would spend it quickly on travelling. While travelling she began a career as a bounty hunter, which contributed to her already established skills and reputation.
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