Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction That first morning... (Kahne/RNR)


Tags: Michael Angellus Michael Angellus | Kahne Porte Kahne Porte | Mellomere Mellomere | Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren


Lorn sputtered, a piece of root vegetable lodging itself uncomfortably in his throat as Kahne's playful smack landed. He coughed, eyes watering slightly, before a wry grin stretched across his face. "Worth it," he thought, before returning to his meal, albeit a bit more cautiously this time. He nodded along as Kahne continued to offer comfort to Michael, his gaze lingering on the young Padawan. Michael's emotions were close to the surface, a palpable mix of grief and vulnerability that Lorn understood all too well. He offered a small, almost imperceptible nod of solidarity to Michael, hoping the silent gesture conveyed his support.

He then noticed Briana approach, her presence a welcome distraction from the heavy atmosphere. He hadn't seen her since the Hapan wedding, and her absence had been a silent weight on the order. Lorn had found himself outside her office door more than once, his hand hovering to knock, but he'd always hesitated. What could he possibly say that would truly ease her pain? He knew how that pain felt, a gnawing emptiness that lingered like a bad dream. Instead, he had let her family support her, hoping she could find some solace in their love. Now, seeing her here, even if her arrival was triggered by the chaos of a new face, it brought a sense of relief.

Lorn's attention shifted to the woman with the red hair ( Syd Celsius Syd Celsius ) across from him. She was no Padawan, her eyes too sharp to be so young, and he realized he had not met her before. He extended a hand across the table, his dark eyes meeting hers. "Lorn Reingard." he introduced himself, a small, genuine smile gracing his lips.
Michael Angellus Michael Angellus had grief that rolled off him in waves. Syd was forced to maintain extra control, keep the other voices in her suppressed. Quiet. But it was impossible. They were her and she was them.

Her subconscious suggested many things. The part of her that was The Reflection suggested checking up on him at a later time.

"You're not a wuss. You're just grieving. It's a natural process..." she assured.

Her attention was diverted a moment as she saw Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard walk up and introduce himself.

"Nice to meet you, Master Reingard. I'm Celsius. Syd Celsius."

(Clip of Bond Theme Plays)

"I'm a new arrival. I mostly do work on the outer rim." Syd said. "I specialize in Force Imbuement."

(Cutaway of Syd violently burning a Sith alive with red flame blasts from from her mouth)

(Cutaway of Syd executing various Mortal Kombat style finishers on Sith Soldiers)

(Cutaway of Syd grumbling at paying a parking ticket to a droid officer)

"Among other things..." Syd added quietly. "Was hoping to lend my talents to this place if possible..."

Kahne Porte Kahne Porte

Mellomere Mellomere

Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren

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