Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Abominable (Iella)

Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
@[member="Iella E`ron"]

Syn remained slightly rigid and still relaxed that tightening of muscles you had when needed to move and he did. Letting the blade move downward in the dazzling place of gold and he jumped to the side. Connecting the blades for a moment while all of his muscles tensed ready for attacking but this wasn't a battle to the death. Maybe to the one of them saying stop but neither were going to do that. He kept the blade hilt in both hands before pushing off and twirling into a practiced slash trying from right shoulder to right hip.

It is amazing how one sometime takes the force for granted. Always ready to summon in times of need and in some case always present. As Syn moved to block her strike, she did cheat a little .. pushing the force into her arms just enough to take his impact. It would only be enough to match him in strength or else she would find herself on her bum in no time.

The blades crackled with the union, the gold and the white sizzling in the chambers and filling the room with it electric hiss. Their 'rules of engagement' is to use minimal force use, which meant for her, putting away to the best of her ability force sight. Her eyes narrowed to watch his body move trying to anticipate his next move through body language. She smile as she suddenly remember this was how she use to be when she was padawan to him, the lack of vision in her moves then to his. Ah but that was some time ago now and she has come along way since those days.

Economy of effort, something Master Alince had taught her recently with the resilience. In a sharp movement close to her body, Iella turned in a twist as he did, bring her elbow high pointed to the ceiling with the blade vertical but slightly angled to meet his strike coming in to her on the right. The blades clashed again close to the bodies of them, she could feel the heat of the two against her skin.

She twisted away from him, a half turn to the left and allowed her raised arms to come down sharp with pace, she pivoted on her feet to give momentum to her strike as her blade came across on the horizontal to cut across his stomach.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
@[member="Iella E`ron"]

Syn kept it up, moving and thinking about where to go. He wasn't using the force beyond his sight and senses normally but he remained with less... Then his saber clashed with Iella's again and he disengaged bring the saber to bare pointed a little towards the floor and her feet. Then he was moving again, going in with a slash from hip to hip on her while keeping a grin on his face. He spoke then "You seem as eager to duel me with blades as you were in the bedroom, hopefully neither are disappointing."

Iella side stepped as Syn's blade cut toward her hips, "Indeed, and you still seem .. up .. for it too. I don't think disappointing would be a word I would use". She grinned as well.

Her blade blurred in the air as it contacted with the gold .. the hissing load to the ears. Her arms strengthened by the force pushed his blade away from her forcing his arms to go with it. The she turned and pushed her shoulder into his chest, and her foot lashed out toward the side of his knee, not a full strength but enough to give him pause, and to try and send him off balance.

She turned and stood ready once more. No one had said anything about not fighting dirty.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
@[member="Iella E`ron"]

Syn moved thinking about her retort and he could admit to it being truthful as he brought his leg up to meet her foot. Why let it connect and cause pain when equal force could be a better use, his saber remained going into a strike at Iella while switching grip in his hand. Then there was the connection with his chest from her shoulder as he move back losing balance with being on one leg and was laughing while he went back pushing with his leg more to go further and roll to recover with the blade forward as he moved then slashing with a nice figure eight to bat at Iella's blade and body with shiim contact strikes.

A big smile on her face as she watched Syn roll and regain position. She had caught him off guard, oh she was happy about that, it was the very first time she had done it. She chuckled slightly as he laughed. But know full well, he would not let that go.. not for one moment. And then it came.

His blade beautiful with the golden hue, blurred as he performed a figure eight .. her blade connection once with it .. then at the strikes, however she was not fast enough to block them all effectively enough. His blade on the last strike contacted with her side. Her blade had blocked it somewhat, but not enough and it bit her skin on her waist. The problem with this form of dueling .. without clothes or even the basic of clothing .. is a strike hurts.

"Ahh!", she yelled with the pain. "Oh that hurt".

She wriggled he body to relieve the pain and pushed the force to that area to aid the healing and block the pain to her brain. Her saber still in hand, she moved forward toward him. Three rapid strikes .. right to left, aimed to his shoulder, next to the lower leg, then the final a lunge forward aimed for him lower stomach.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
@[member="Iella E`ron"]

He hadn't been trying to hurt her, that was the last thing on his mind as she spoke up and they both moved with Syn having a grin on his face. More for the thrill of the fight, the enjoyment of this moment, the pleasure he got in the fight as she came at them. The first strike to his shoulder he felt and ground his teeth showing the pain. A contact burn was still a contact burn even on low settings as the searing plasma came to him. The pain something me could use as he missed the second strike going to his thigh and felt the same. Moving back a little but bringing his blade up to bat away and use a flowing water cut along the length to try and tap Iella's knuckles.

The burn from Syn's blade licked her fingers, she pulled the her blade away just as the gold blade was about to make full contact with her hand. "OOhhh ... close". She began to giggle, with a smile on her face. She pulled back for a moment, walking around him like a prowling beast, her eyes never leaving him or his body, reading his body language for any sign of sudden movement.

I see what's going on here Mister, she thought. She could sense if build up for the thrill of the battle, the hunt of 'the prey', their force bond rippling with the excitement from them both. She too, is starting to connect to this part of her, her eyes narrowed and she focused more on him and his movements. Things are about to get really interesting. But she will wait ... she keep walking around him, letting her feelings go and for him to sense, on purpose. Patience Iella .. lets see how long her can hold out.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
@[member="Iella E`ron"]

He moved back a little and was paying attention, while she stalked he stalked walking around he even knew what he would normally say but suppressed it. This wasn't a real hunt this was something more fun, more enjoyable and he smiled it away. His master would have admonished him for it but 'Your not the hunter in this, your the lamb' wasn't something you said to your wife it was what you said to prey and Iella was anything but when he moved more to watch her. His senses narrowing but also taking in all the small details until he moved quickly. Slashing the blade lightly before deactivating it and reactivating it to counter a block, to mess with the flow of the combat enough to keep the advantage.

Well that did not take long, she thought with a smile as he moved with speed toward her. Syn's blade can toward her lightly? oh this is new, for her to see at least. And her mind narrowed .. he is up to something. However, she decided to reaction equally and moved her blade to match his with the block, as her blade would have hit his golden blade, he retracted it and her blade swung through the air and unbalanced her. The momentum spinning her to the right with her back to him now. "Damn!", she cursed as she knew he had her.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
@[member="Iella E`ron"]

He kept it up measuring the stance and strike to make a shiim contact burn on her. Th point of contact more then enough to either finish the duel so he could heal it later. He could feel the ship approaching Ruusan while he moved back a little and stood there with the blade held outward pointed at Iella and shimmering gold to paint the two of them. His feet were off to the sides and planted in case she still wished to continue but he was more then ready to begin instruction.

OOC: Slowly coming back to active :)

Iella extinguished her blade, Syn had won the duel .. this time. But there would be more in the future and she would have the opportunity again. She smiled at him as she approached him, holding her hilt in one hand as she put her arms around his neck and kiss him.

"Well fought my love, but one day... ", she giggled, "Now I need you to heal me. I feel we are approaching our destination so we had better get ready".

Time with Syn is precious now and she wished to spend as much time as possible before training continues and that they both need to return to duty.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
@[member="Iella E`ron"]

Yes one day she would be able to win but he suspected it would be in a long long time when they were older. Though when he was asked to heal the jedi master deactivated the saber and put it to the side while his hands went up. He took Iella's hands in his and was pushing the force into them to heal the warmth coming to them. His ears focusing on the rest of the ship with a smile for Iella and he spoke bringing the hands to his lips. "One day but I will always be there to help and teach but also heal my love." He looked around for the clothing and was thinking about what they would do on Ruusan first. Plenty of things that needed to be done. "We are almost there so we need to get dressed."

"Ah but you won the bet and when you are ready you can collect your winnings", she smiled as she too kissed his hands as he continued to heal her. The warmth of the force pumping through her body and filling her with energy and strength. The burns from his saber soon knitted and mended as if nothing had happened. The life crystals in her lower back also adding to the process and sustaining her more.

She followed his gaze to the pile of clothes left hours ago, "Well we could do some more 'meditation', what would that make it? three or four sessions of meditation?", she joked, as she moved to the clothes and gathered his and handed them to him. Iella began to dress and was soon ready for their arrival to Ruusan.

"So what is the plan Master?", she is not jesting when she says these words, she will always ... always considered Syn her Master.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
@[member="Iella E`ron"]

Three-four he had lost some count though in all of it as he thought about the master plan and spoke with a smile. "Oh I'll have the reward later but for now we are nearing the world and..." Syn jerked his head a little at the wall and viewport as he felt something. It was a cold sensation like something was going over his grave and now as he stood there letting his hands fall to the sides the jeid master spoke. "Something is out there." The jedi master moved closer to the viewport and was flicking his senses side to side trying to find it while he expanded across the ship. It was like a flicker on the edge of his consciousness that he could see in his head. A theater mask almost he was guessing like he had seen at the temple of the arts before he turned around.

"We need to change course." Syn moved quickly towards the cockpit of the ship with the pilot droid and he spoke setting new coordinates like he knew what they were. Something telling him in his ears more while the force whispered until he had a grin on his face. "Master jedi this is to the center of the deep core." "Yes it is, go there and we shall see what we can find. Something is out there and be careful about it, have us be quiet when in Republic space." The jedi master remained standing there for a moment while he felt for the ship moving and changing course. Whatever had appeared it was warm... it was life and he had to admit that it was something he hadn't ever felt before.

Iella had not felt it, but she sensed Syn concern and apprehension. She quickly dressed and made her way to the cockpit to join him and see what was going on.

"What is it?, what have you felt?", she asked with alarm, the safety of the people on board especially for her family now at the forefront of her mind. However, she also knew that Syn would not place them in danger and his change of direction to the Core was not something of a light decision but rather for a high purpose.

"The Core? now this is interesting my love", she said as she approached and rested her hand in the middle of his back.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
@[member="Iella E`ron"]

"Yes to the core." He didn't know why but he could feel it. Something was there and it wasn't something he had felt before... or maybe he had the feelings in the force were a strange thing indeed and what was old and ancient changed itself. The old legends reinventing themselves to stay it the minds of people but in another form. It was how things could survive in their immortality or their life which brought a smile to his face since he and Iella could very much do the same when the time came, if it came but he was sure it wouldn't. "We will be safe though, few things are dangerous if they are willing to reveal themselves and there is much we can still learn."

As the ship bank to change course .. the pilot droid set the new course for the Core. Iella held onto the seat as they jumped into hyper space, seems they are going to be a few days more in flight and she wondered what was ahead of them. One thing she did know was it would not be dull, it never is around Syn.

"We need to eat, I will have the service droid prepare a meal for us, and I will check on the children. They have been left without us for far to long and I fear the ship has come under attack from them, I expect panels off the walls and who knows what", she chuckled. "Are you coming? I might need back up".

Her first stop was the galley, she asked the droid to prepare the meal for the four of them which would be promptly ready in due course. Then making her way up the corridor toward the quarters, Iella came to the door where the children are playing. As she entered, her eyes fell on the most incredible sight, the room had been dismantled, yes there were panels off the wall .. but even more so, wiring pulled for the walls and twisted into shapes only the children knew the purpose of, the lights flickered in the room, with the odd spark showering the floor. The droid that was supervising them, tied up and held prisoner and began to protest this indignation as soon as he saw Iella enter.

However, the children are no where in sight, but Iella could sense them. Hiding in one of the cupboards awaiting the right moment for their ambush. "Don't worry droid I will save you", Iella began to play along, sensing they wanted her to enter the room further before they sprung their trap. One prize would be a victory in battle but if their father was to come .. then two prisoners would be a victory of war.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
@[member="Iella E`ron"]

Syn looked from the cockpit to Iella when she said food and their need to save the ship from the children which was a good idea. It wasn't something many could prepare for but he gave a nod and moved after her stopping only to get dressed and prepared putting on a robe and his clothing until he had his sabers clipped to his waist. Then he was following after Iella as she put in the order for food and he couldn't see the room but he could feel Iella's surprise at what must have been the sight of it all. His head turned to look at the children there when they came out of the cupboards and the jedi master reached down and grabbed his son. Barinthus was something to see and he held him for a moment while Iella went to free the droid.

His heart was aflutter and just holding the boy while the sounds of some sparks coming down held his interest before he spoke. "Well now this is something, the room giving your mother a surprise, the droid confined and the pair of you laying in wait like a pair of hunters. I will show your later how to better surprise attack someone. Now come on get your sister and have some fun." He had a grin on his face thinking about how best to teach them but there was still the rest of the trip and now he needed to explain to them whaty they were doing now. Moving towards the core of the galaxy and checking on something that could be dangerous. "There is somethings we will have to tell you but first food."

So much like her father, Iella though as she sensed the pounce approach. The cupboard door opened and out sprung Abaigeal landing on her back, as Iella untied the droid. The impact knocking them both over and they rolled around the floor in laughter. "You got me!, I surrender".

Although Iella would not give up without a fight, and began to tickle her daughter to the point where she surrendered to the mirth. "Now come, we have food waiting for us and your father has some things to tell us and if you are lucky Abaigeal he will show you how to do a good stealth pounce and not be detected", she saw the excitement in her face at this, she so wanted to learn as much as possible about her talents and the force. Iella walked over to Syn and Barinthus and kissed her son on the cheek.

Iella stood and took Abaigeal by the hand and lead her to the galley, she knew Syn would be close behind with Barinthus.

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