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Approved Tech The Amulet of Darth Marr's Ashes

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  • Intent: To submit an item that has been referenced a few times in roleplay, and formalise the abilities of the amulet.
  • Image Source: 1
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Kasha, Sith Sorcery
  • At random moments, the Amulet will speak to Malum, identifying itself as Darth Marr and providing Malum guidance, advice, or encouragement.
  • If Malum touches the amulet, its warmth eases and calms.
  • At random moments, the Amulet will provide Malum visions, of the past (of Darth Marr's life) or of the present and future.
  • The Amulet will grow in degrees of hot or cold depending on the closeness Malum is to a relic of Darth Marr.
  • Allows Malum to speak, understand and translate Ur-Kittat.
  • In moments of great danger to Malum's life, the Amulet will expend its energy to protect Malum.
  • When the Amulet protects Malum it grows dormant entirely for a period of 24 hours.
  • When affected by Force nullifying effects, the Amulet grows dormant entirely until it is out of the range of effects.

Malum gained the ashes of Darth Marr from a meeting with Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean , during which far from being dead, instead sensing the presence of Malum as a blood descendant reacted to him, by giving him a vision of Darth Marr's death, from then Malum crafted them into an amulet using Sith sorcery, to keep it closeby as an heirloom.

The amulet is mostly a story-driving device, it has four main uses, first that it allows telepathic communication with Darth Marr, which allows a great way to tie into Malum's relationship with the House of Marr, and to allows telepathic communication to be interspersed throughout the introspection Malum does. The allowance of this guidance, advise, encourage and vision also allow for the furthering of the plot as required.

The second is the allowance of Malum to understand Ur-Kittat, this is a minor addition and is more fluff and flavour more than anything else, allowing Malum as a scholar to understand the ancient Sith language, from a person who would have spoken the language in the ancient past.

The third is the hot and cold game with the closeness to the relics of Darth Marr, more a plot and story feature, it allows a justification for Malum's hunt for relics of Darth Marr.

The final item and probably the most concerning is the fact that the amulet can expend its energy to protect Malum, firstly I do believe that is balanced by the fact that Malum can only essentially do this once in a fight, with the amulet going dormant afterward, furthermore actually hurting Malum if it occurs at a bad moment (if he is at the moment hunting down a relic, or desperately needs advice).

The specific protections that the amulet is able to employ in defending Malum are:
1. Creating a huge blast to fling Malum and his foe away from each other.
2. Being able to heal Malum from life-threatening poisons.
3. Shielding Malum from a killing blow.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

Simple and solid. I have two question, what it is means? You mentioned this several time, but nothing about how it is working and what kind of protection it is.
In moments of great danger to Malum's life, the Amulet will expend its energy to protect Malum.
The other, how the amulet got the abilities? You didn't mention it is made with Sith Alchemy or Sorcery. Please mention and link these in the Material.
I am not entirely sure what you meant in the first part, but at the bottom, I provided some protections, and I think that is what you were asking for.

On the second part, I put down Sith sorcery in the sheet now, but my idea was more that the ashes belonging to a powerful Sith Lord had properties that reacted when touched by a blood descendant, and thus even in ashen form, it is able to impart some energy and power of Darth Marr.

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