- Intent: Personal ship for Magnus
- Image Source: Thibault Girard
- Canon Link: No
- Restricted Missions: No
- Primary Source: None
- Manufacturer: First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers
- Model: Predator-Class Corvette
- Affiliation: Magnus Ren
- Production: Unique
- Material: Reflec and Stygian Enamel Coating, Transparisteel Viewports w/ Turadium Blast Shutters, Ablative Durasteel Hull Plating, Tunqstoid Blast Doors, Alusteel Skeletal Frame, Starship Components.
- Classification: Corvette.
- Length: 125 metres.
- Width: 45 metres.
- Height: 22 metres.
- Armament: High
Solar Ionization Cannon, One. - Heavy Laser Cannons, Two.
- Five Laser Cannons, Eight.
- Assault Concussion Missile Tubes, Two.
[*]Defenses: Low
- Light Deflector Shields
[*]Hangar: One Dropship
[*]Maneuverability Rating: Low
[*]Speed Rating: High
[*]Hyperdrive Class: 1.5
- Communications Suite (Hyperwave Transceiver, Encryption Network, Holotransmitter, etc)
- Force Cages
- Standard Capital-Grade Life Support Systems.
- Standard Capital Grade Navigation Systems.
- Anti-Tractor Beam Shroud
- Anti-Ion Emission Tracer
- Hyperwave Inertial Momentum Sustainer
- High Damage Output
- Blockade Runner
- Straight Line: The Apex prioritizes speed over maneuverability.
- Low Defense: Smaller shield generator to provide
Scribbled across open spots on the consoles in the cockpit however are hyperspace jump coordinates for those times when it is necessary to punch them in manually.
In most instances, smaller shield generators meant more room on the interior of the ship. In this case, it was false. Whereas the Solar Ionization Cannon takes up a lot of power, a smaller shield generator was needed to allow space for a power generator large enough to provide the needed energy required for the Cannon.