Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Assassin Enter Stage Left

Bronwyn Tyr

how humorous would that be to see Onasius sobbing hysterically with that big grin on his face !!

I wouldnt know whether to cry with him or laugh with him :)

John Harrison

If you have any real emotions, you would cry with him. Otherwise, you are a monster. (I'm sure you're not >_>)

Bronwyn Tyr

but I wouldn't know if it was a sad cry or a happy cry!!!

and I do too have emotions ... I just forgot them at home on the nightstand next to my keys :)

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

Bronwyn said:
but I wouldn't know if it was a sad cry or a happy cry!!!

and I do too have emotions ... I just forgot them at home on the nightstand next to my keys :)
I've done that before. I usually end up coming home with a trail of tearful people behind me.

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