Coci Heavenshield
Dawnguard Grand Master
The Assembly
She had been on Ziost the day Korriban had cried. The deaths of thousands she felt through the force, like a kick to the stomach, sickening and devastating. Everyone, every Jedi knows of this place, every Sith does but that did not stop people living there, trying to eek out an existence on such a place. Good people that deserved better then what had happened to them. Innocent people that had been under the protection of the Silvers, now dead. Because of the actions of one. But regardless of that, the 'buck stops' with the leadership of the Silver Order.
After returning to Voss, a day later then everyone else, Coci called the Assembly to Sit. They all needed to gather and work out what went wrong. She had seen some of the reports on the event, but had had no time to ascertain details and wanted to learn more from those that were on Korriban. She knew no order had been issued for the attack, no Jedi would order such a thing, but they needed to gather as much as possible before the leadership would move to action against the woman that took it upon herself to murder innocent people in the name what? .. Freedom?
Coci had had time to think, meditate on the events on her trip back to Voss, she is so tired of this constant vigilance against the evils of the galaxy, and now it sat on their door step. She in two minds of her future within the Order, to stay in a leadership position and continue the fight as best she can alongside her husband, or is it time to allow others to take up the duty of office. So much war and destruction she had seen over her years, the thought of it made her saddened by this fact alone, and it will not end. It would be foolish to think it would.
And so, late afternoon on Voss, she stood in the Assembly room waiting for the members of the Silver Order to come join her and find out what exactly had transpired on Korriban.
The Assembly
She had been on Ziost the day Korriban had cried. The deaths of thousands she felt through the force, like a kick to the stomach, sickening and devastating. Everyone, every Jedi knows of this place, every Sith does but that did not stop people living there, trying to eek out an existence on such a place. Good people that deserved better then what had happened to them. Innocent people that had been under the protection of the Silvers, now dead. Because of the actions of one. But regardless of that, the 'buck stops' with the leadership of the Silver Order.
After returning to Voss, a day later then everyone else, Coci called the Assembly to Sit. They all needed to gather and work out what went wrong. She had seen some of the reports on the event, but had had no time to ascertain details and wanted to learn more from those that were on Korriban. She knew no order had been issued for the attack, no Jedi would order such a thing, but they needed to gather as much as possible before the leadership would move to action against the woman that took it upon herself to murder innocent people in the name what? .. Freedom?
Coci had had time to think, meditate on the events on her trip back to Voss, she is so tired of this constant vigilance against the evils of the galaxy, and now it sat on their door step. She in two minds of her future within the Order, to stay in a leadership position and continue the fight as best she can alongside her husband, or is it time to allow others to take up the duty of office. So much war and destruction she had seen over her years, the thought of it made her saddened by this fact alone, and it will not end. It would be foolish to think it would.
And so, late afternoon on Voss, she stood in the Assembly room waiting for the members of the Silver Order to come join her and find out what exactly had transpired on Korriban.