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The Assembly - Post Korriban [Open to all SJO Members]

The Assembly

She had been on Ziost the day Korriban had cried. The deaths of thousands she felt through the force, like a kick to the stomach, sickening and devastating. Everyone, every Jedi knows of this place, every Sith does but that did not stop people living there, trying to eek out an existence on such a place. Good people that deserved better then what had happened to them. Innocent people that had been under the protection of the Silvers, now dead. Because of the actions of one. But regardless of that, the 'buck stops' with the leadership of the Silver Order.

After returning to Voss, a day later then everyone else, Coci called the Assembly to Sit. They all needed to gather and work out what went wrong. She had seen some of the reports on the event, but had had no time to ascertain details and wanted to learn more from those that were on Korriban. She knew no order had been issued for the attack, no Jedi would order such a thing, but they needed to gather as much as possible before the leadership would move to action against the woman that took it upon herself to murder innocent people in the name what? .. Freedom?

Coci had had time to think, meditate on the events on her trip back to Voss, she is so tired of this constant vigilance against the evils of the galaxy, and now it sat on their door step. She in two minds of her future within the Order, to stay in a leadership position and continue the fight as best she can alongside her husband, or is it time to allow others to take up the duty of office. So much war and destruction she had seen over her years, the thought of it made her saddened by this fact alone, and it will not end. It would be foolish to think it would.

And so, late afternoon on Voss, she stood in the Assembly room waiting for the members of the Silver Order to come join her and find out what exactly had transpired on Korriban.
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

Claire Ouron was rather new to the Sliver Order, she was invited to it by [member="Matsu Ike"] shortly before she helped Matsu defend Malachor V, because of this she wasn't sure if she really belonged in this assembly, she didn't even know anyone in the order expect Matsu and Celiana however she still wanted to go so she could have some answers. Claire thought things were under control until somebody a man she would later learn to be the slivers leader ordered a retreat due to a "tragic mistake" as she remembered it. What happened exactly? She didn't know the details but what little she did know made her sick.

Claire entered the room and saw it empty expect one person, a rather beautiful woman with a strong presences. "H-Hello? Is this the assembly?" The timed girl asked Coci, hoping that if this was the assembly that she'd be allowed in.
The return of the Sith had been a surprise to the Shi'ido. Their mission had been to liberate the Sith worlds however than goal had been disrupted by the arrival of yet another Sith faction. Like flies, the Sith population grew. Swat one down, and another arrives to pester the galaxy. It troubled the woman that the Silver Order had not been aware of this presence, however more troubling was the fact that no warning had been given to their swift invasion of the Stygian Caldera.

Now entering the chamber of the Assembly, Rasu desired answers. She had faced the Sith on Malachor but had yet to receive the full story on the rest of the Order's forces. Word had spread of a catastrophe on Korriban, however Rasu remained unaware of the details.

Her arrival to the chamber was met with silence as only Coci and one of the latest Padawan's filled the expansive room. Taking her place by the Padawan, Rasu offered a smile as she approached, recognising the young woman as [member="Claire Ouron"], a Padawan of Matsu Ike. It was her she had to thank for her redemption on the Sith world, however the group had experienced far worse than a corrupted Jedi on Malachor.

"How are you feeling after our trip Claire?" she asked, murmuring softly so her words would not echo throughout the hall. The woman was still young and had yet to face such hardships as the one on the Sith world. Surely there were concerns that plagued the young Jedi-in-training. Rasu would be there to console if need be.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

Connor Harrison

It was bad enough that the Sith Order had managed to break through into Korriban and beyond, by what happened after was a disaster for Jedi and Sith alike. It also presented the lightsaber of Damocles hanging over the Silver Jedi as a whole.

Connor knew there was an assembly of the Order taking place, and made it his intention to be there to find out what happened and take action. It was what he did best; take action.

He made his way through the great hall towards the chamber where the assembly was being held. His navy tunic once more on, it felt a lot more comfortable than the hulking armour he wore in battle, now in the process of being repaired. He looped his thumbs in the three brown belts that were for his hilt and personal artefacts, stepped up to the door of the chamber, pushed it open with his shoulder and went through.

Coci was already there, as was old friend Rasu Gan, and a new face he didn’t know. She wasn’t a Master, that was clear. Why was she here? Now, however, wasn’t here to make acquaintances or enquire – Connor was here to decide what course of action to take and then take it. And quick.

”Everyone,” he offered. Not much of a greeting, but this wasn’t a tea and biscuit kind of gathering.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Claire Ouron"] | [member="Rasu Gan"]
The hushed, low murmur of the Jedi gathering was ominous and tense, as a small crowd began to grow around the central area to the Order's assembly chambers. To the side, within the public area of the great hall, Auron stood silently, looking gloomily over where the Masters began to congregate. Not far from him, his mother Barenziah and other Jedi from the Song family - often silent on such matters in recent times - had also made an appearance. Auron held his body awkwardly to facilitate his crutched leg and slung arm. He could see Master Harrison, with whom he shared a battlefield some days earlier, Master Heavenshield, whose usual gentle and warming aura was replaced with a severity that such a gathering called for, and other Jedi with whom he had yet to meet. He said nothing, but his head lowered in acknowledgement and respect as they gave glances in his direction, and his dark eyes scanned the floor.

[member="Coci Heavenshield] | [member="Claire Ouron"] | [member="Rasu Gan"] | [member="Connor Harrison"]
Suravi was not officially part of the Silver Order, but she attended the assembly as she had been present at Korriban. The Supreme Commander's operation to retake the planet was ruined in a single stroke of idiocy by a supposed "ally". She did not know what had compelled Charzon to take such brutal actions - directly against her instructions to avoid the city - but in any case, the Silver Jedi were left to pick up the pieces. She knew the truth, but that wouldn't stop their enemies from pressing forward with their spin on events.

Korriban hadn't been the only issue that had brought her to Voss today. The re-emergence of the Sith so suddenly after the collapse of their strongholds in the core and old Techno space had been
unexpected, to say the least. No doubt they would be emboldened by the withdrawal of the Jedi from the Caldera. She worried that the Mandalorians and Hutts would also move to exploit the event. There definitely had to be changes made to properly react to all these rising threats.

She arrived alone, wearing a black cape over a matching dress, her show of mourning. She wore no jewelry, save for a single silver pin that held her cape together. The pin was of the common crest shared by both the Republic and the Jedi.

Among so many Jedi, she withdrew further from the Force as an added precaution. Not like her usual senses were needed here today. One didn't have to be psychic to read the dour expressions of some of those in attendance.
It had only been days after the terrible events on Korriban, and sleep had yet to come easily to the Grandmaster now making his way to the gathering. His hair and beard was more unkempt than usual, and the whites of his eyes would appear in a slight reddish tone from the lack of sleep. Still, better to be present in his current state than not at all.

How long had he held the position of Grandmaster, more than ten years now? It was a taxing office to hold, and having held it for so long has taken its toll on him both mentally as well as physically. He felt older than he should, now with the addition of a guilty conscience for being unable to participate in the battle for Korriban. He felt inadequate in the role as their leader.

When he stepped inside the room slowly filling with members of the Order, there was little confidence in his walk. No smile graced his lips. As he passed his old friend, he stopped to place a hand upon his shoulder. "Forgive me, Connor..." Those were his only words before he would move to stand beside his wife. Without thinking about it his hand sought hers to hold onto.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Claire Ouron"] | [member="Rasu Gan"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Auron Song"] | [member="Suravi Teigra"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Her padawan was here as was Rasu and Coci, Matsu sat there in truth she was uncertain of the information. It seemed strange in many ways, it brought some information before she sat down in a space she could be joined by her padawan to hear from the others. She was to practical in some ideas and actions when faced with overwhelming odds and the threat of death to others. "Over here padawan, we'll take a seat and listen to the others with Rasu. I would prefer we get more information from ones who were there." She had seen the masses jump at what people said happened when they were not around to see it but let themselves condemn. Something horrible had happened but they couldn't give into wanting vengeance.
Hidden in plain sight, unnoticed in the back, the masked Knight watched. He had not been present during the activities in Sith Space, but upon hearing of the carnage that was supposedly committed in the name of the Silver Jedi, he returned home as swiftly as possible. He needed to know. Was it his 'kin' who called for this genocide? No, he didn't want to believe that. He was certain this was not the case....

But even so, he needed to know. He couldn't be a part of a cause that claimed to be 'good', but would commence the slaughter of so many without reason. And even then, there was never a reason to kill the innocent. Families. Fathers, mothers. Lovers. Children. Children. The Knight's eyes narrowed as he thought of the dead. Beneath that helmet, a low huff of disgust at the crime was given, before shaking his head.

He remained out of sight, and ideally out of mind, especially as the Grandmaster entered the assembly. His spine tingled, that unwanted thrill of horror. He was conveniently located near one of the exits, able to make a hasty retreat if needed, if anxiety grew too great. For now he watched, and waited. He had to know.

He had to know that his Silvers were not barbarians.

That they weren't murderers.

[member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Suravi Teigra"] | [member="Auron Song"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Rasu Gan"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Claire Ouron"]​
[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Claire Ouron"] | [member="Rasu Gan"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Auron Song"] | [member="Suravi Teigra"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Ryn'Dhal"]

The atmosphere within the Assembly Hall was tense, a hushed silence that would have been normal for the Jedi Temple were it not for the sense of heightened emotions carried throughout the Force. Shock, horror, anger, fear, disappointment. The Jedi present were understandably reeling from the events that had taken place so recently, with the Sith returning to challenge the Jedi's hold over the worlds that had once belonged to their darker counterparts. We knew they would come eventually. How could we not? That wasn't the source of this.

Teynara had sensed it as soon as her hoverchair had turned the corner of the long corridor leading to the larger chamber. There had been mixed emotions throughout the entire Temple, disturbing the natural tranquility that was present on Voss, and many Jedi would be struggling with the course that events had taken - Tey herself had no doubt that her appointment book would be filling up, as the Jedi needed to seek out someone to talk to and perhaps vent at, as they sought to reconcile their feelings.

She hadn't been present on Korriban that day - she'd made it clear enough that her presence on a potential battlefield wouldn't be suitable, given her condition. Even functioning in my capacity as a Healer is a problem, since I can't exactly move around without being an obstacle. The blonde would just remain on Voss, to treat anyone with more serious injuries as they were returned to the Temple. There had been many of those, and more besides. The true toll wouldn't be known for some time.

In truth, Teynara couldn't help but reflect on the fact that the injury count was less than it might have been: the orbital bombardment that had sent shockwaves through the Force and through the Jedi Order had left little in the way of survivors among those victimised by it. No, there the only numbers we count are in the numbers of the dead. That was undoubtedly why the Assembly had been summoned: it was not the Sith who had caused that atrocity. It was the Jedi Order.

The stillness of the room frayed at her nerves as she entered, observing many of the Jedi within, acknowledging those she knew with a slight nod - as much of a bow as she was capable of in her shattered condition - her hoverchair moving inexorably forward, to join them. Few words were exchanged, perhaps everyone too unwilling to break the fragile peace within the room and express what they were all thinking. Which means it needs to be done, the blonde woman reflected. To leave a horror unspoken is to avoid the reality of, and refuse to deal with it. The dead deserved better than such denial.

"None of us joined the Order to be party to genocide," she said, turning her hoverchair so that she was close to many of the others on the edge of the circle around which they had gathered. Her voice carried just a soft hint of sharp anger, meant more to jolt the others out of their solemn reverie. Her true feelings were more muted: a deep, aching sorrow that carried just a touch of resignation. "Our war with the Sith has once again spilled over to harm those who played no part in it," the blonde continued, her expression stern.

Leos had been right, back on Krayiss Two: the war between the two factions was causing more and more problems, fought for ancient grudge and modern prejudice, with little satisfaction or resolution forthcoming from the conflict. And now it has cost the lives of those who had nothing to do with it beyond their proximity.

"We can't claim to be an innocent party this time. We weren't the bystanders to atrocity, unable to prevent the evil actions of another," the young woman continued, relentless in her observations, and fully intending to lay the responsibility where it belonged: on the shoulders of every person in the room. We have let this go on too long, and now we have become the enemy we have sought to destroy. "The people who fight with us have done this, unleashed death and horror on a people that would still be alive if we had not placed our principles above their lives." We tried to protect their freedom from those we believed would take it from them. What we gave them instead was death.

"The conclusion is simple enough to draw," the Healer added sharply, her lips thinning slightly in clear indication of her own anger at what had occured. "The Jedi have lost their way. We can no longer claim some vaunted moral high ground when we have allowed those that stand with us to commit murder."

Connor Harrison

The girl in the hoverchair spoke first, and each word dug into Connor like a vibro-blade. Who was she to lecture on this? He hadn't even seen her around the Temple recently, if at all.

Folded arms, he glanced to the Grandmaster, slightly concerned about his look and his apology; he didn't have to say sorry. It wasn't his fault, and Connor wasn't a victim. They all were.

Looking back to the girl, she hammered the final nail in Connor's coffin of patience before he pushed back from the wall with his foot to step forward a little closer to her.

”Alright, hold your tongue.” He said sharply. ”I'm all for being honest, but what you're preaching is just like every other scareongere out there trying to pull the Jedi apart with all ammunition they can. You're supposed to stand with us, not against us.” Shaking his head, he turned to the others. ”We aren't victims to this, no, but we aren't the ones who did this either. Sure it was the fleet under our name and our code but the one giving the command acted on their own without authorisation from Thurion. They committed treason and genocide by representig everything the Silver Jedi are NOT about. And that is something that will not go unpunished as long as live.”

He looked back to the girl in the hoverchair.

”We did not allow those who stand with us to commit this. We have not lost our way, and the second we admit to that then we may as well move out of here and hide underground on Jakku. We are not going to sit by and let the one responsible for this get away with it. We will show the galaxy and the Sith that even we do not condone this barbaric act. We are Jedi and will not stop being Jedi because some idiot became trigger happy and now belongs on the end of a rope."

Nodding slightly to assure himself of what he had said, he stepped back, running his tongue over his bottom teeth to stem his outburst.

[member="Teynara Jeralyr"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Claire Ouron"] | [member="Rasu Gan"] | [member="Auron Song"] | [member="Suravi Teigra"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Ryn'Dhal"]
Kurayami had slipped in quietly, dressed as usual in his old flight jacket and utility slacks with first class bloodstripes prominently displayed. The rebreather was in place as usual and his dark eyes were steeled, he carried no visible weapons other than his lightsaber at his hip. He had missed Teynara's words for the most part. He did manage to catch the end and heard Connor's impassioned response. He had heard of what happened at Korriban, though he had been working on getting himself out of an active war zone. He hadn't prepared for combat and he silently cursed his lack of foresight. Malachor V had been quiet enough to leave without too much issue, but it had still been a bit frustrating. He was having to face the reality that he was at best going to have to upgrade his transport/home and at worst replace it completely.

For now though he focused on what Connor said. Treason, acting outside their authority as a member of the Silver Jedi fleet, base delta zero against a city that had not tactical or strategic value in the campaign they had been undertaking. He sighed. He had felt the lives cut short before he knew what happened. It was something he wasn't sure was real or if he had been experiencing aftereffects of his time on Malachor V, feeling the echoes of lives lost there long ago. This confirmed his fears that it had not been ancient echoes.

He stepped forward his eyes scanning the crowd gathered as he gathered his thoughts to speak. He bowed his head as a sign of respect towards Grandmaster Heavenshield and his wife. He knew that many here may not know who he was or that he was even a member of the Order. When he did speak his words were slow and measured, clearly he was trying to hold back his emotions and not let them color his words. He partially succeeded.

"Fellow members of the Silver Jedi, I stand here not as a direct witness, but rather an indirect observer of the actions you have described. For those of you who may be unfamiliar with me I am Kurayami Bloodborn. I'm not overly well known as I mostly keep to myself and dig through ruins and such during our expeditions to other planets. I was on Malachor V before the Sith invasion. I was prepping my ship to leave when I felt the destruction that was wrought by one who fought under our banner.

As you can see I am a simple man. My state of dress reflects such. I was a soldier, and a soldier for hire long ago. I am no saint. I have killed more people than I would care to admit, however if it was ever possible to disable the opponent without killing them or putting any who were bystanders at risk I did my damndest to make that a reality. Civilians died under my watch yes, but I never once pulled the trigger to kill them. I risked insubordination many times when I was ordered to demo a target with innocents nearby. It's why I found a mercenary group who had a code of ethics. We didn't kill unless it was needed.

What happened on Korriban is tragic and no matter if it was a lapse of judgment or a knowing BDZ against a city, it changes nothing about the fact that 10,000 people died as of the last report I read. I cannot forgive such reckless abandon in the heat of the moment. Those within the city had nothing to do with the war as Connor so succinctly pointed out. Treason, disregard for innocent lives, disregard for ethics, throwing away the code they claimed to be fighting for. No, this was no SIlver Jedi action and yet, the galaxy shall remember it as such. This is the unfortunate end result of a poorly thought out action. I agree with Connor in most respects, however I feel that a swift death would be too merciful in response to such an atrocity. This is one of the few times I would suggest a far more extreme punishment. Whatever form that may end up taking.

Forgive my harsh stance, I speak only my thoughts on the matter."

With that he bowed a second time, more formally this time and stepped back to listen to what the others had to say.

[member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Teynara Jeralyr"] [member="Ryn'Dhal"] @Matsu Ike [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Suravi Teigra"] [member="Auron Song"] [member="Rasu Gan"] [member="Claire Ouron"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"]
[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Claire Ouron"] | [member="Rasu Gan"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Auron Song"] | [member="Suravi Teigra"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Ryn'Dhal"] | [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]

Hold my tongue?, Teynara thought in momentary shock. She'd never heard one Jedi speak to another in such a tone, no matter what the topic or circumstances. It went against their sense of unconditional regard for each other: members of a brotherhood, family more than simply colleagues. And this from a Jedi Master she had long respected - a man of stature both physically and within the Force, a giant within their faction. But if he is blind to what this represents, perhaps there's greater danger here than we think.

There'd always been signs of it, to her mind: that natural complacency within the Order to trust those that they felt shared their values, and their enemies. The Jedi felt that the Sith were their opposition, an adversary to be countered at every turn, and it had clearly blinded them to the nature of their friends. No Jedi would ever have given the orders to bombard a city from orbit unless they had strayed so far from our path as to no longer be worthy of that appellation, she reflected. But we trust that the people we serve alongside would not do something so horrific. Yes, it was a blind spot, of that she was certain.

"Retribution serves even less purpose than the act which claimed so many lives, Master Harrison," the blonde woman remarked tartly, her eyes narrowing in anger, her cheeks flaming with the heat of the emotion she was keeping in check, though her voice was laced with a cold fire that she directed at the Jedi Master. "Whether we condone their actions or not, we have all been harmed by the actions of an individual that should never have been allowed to get as far as they did and yet remain in such a position," she continued.

But even that's irrelevant in the long run, she mused inwardly. Leos had the right of it: as long as the Jedi and Sith persisted in their millenia-long war, cities would burn, civilians would suffer, and no true peace would ever come to the Galaxy. And isn't that the problem? That we, those who would seek peace, subvert it by continuing a war that neither side will win? That the Jedi were now viewed with much the same contempt as the Sith for this most recent incident only proved that both had fallen far from the pedestals that perhaps they once occupied. And the moral high ground belongs to none when it is claimed over the blood of innocents.

"We created the conditions that allowed this to happen - we cannot blame the actions of one individual and call them insane, not when they are one of ours," the Healer persisted, pale-blue eyes staring at the Master with little intent of relenting. He was a Master of their Order, and she owed him her respect, but he was wrong in this - perhaps they all were. "The responsibility for their actions lies at our door, and we cannot simply dismiss it. We did not fire the weapons that killed those people, but we created them, put them in the hands of people we trusted too lightly, failed to stop them when one abused the privilege," the blonde observed, folding her arms across her chest. "And thousands perished for that error."

The loss of life haunted her - haunted them all, she had no doubt. And would they have died had we cut our losses and chosen to withdraw? Did we need to stand our ground and fight the Sith? What gain would we achieve to repel them? It was pride, she felt: Jedi could not retreat from Sith and retain credibility in their own eyes. For did not our forebearers fight them? How could we do less? It was that insanity that had perpetuated this absurd conflict, and cost more lives than she could count in a lifetime.

"We have lost our way because we no longer walk the path our training demands of us," Teynara noted quietly, her voice softening as though resigned to that fate. "Our duty is to protect life, to serve peace and the Force as best we can. We persist in a war that shatters peace, no matter how fragile, we fight because it would hurt our pride to consider an alternative, and we watched those people die because we trusted our friends and sought the death of our enemies," she added bitingly. How were the Jedi any different from the Sith now: both courted war, both allowed others to get caught between them, and both chalked it up as an acceptable loss, sacrifices to a god of ideology. "There can't be any winners here, only losers. And we watched thousands of them be immolated. How many more will follow because we won't admit that it is we that brought them to their deaths?"
Such a rush of emotion.

Standing with her eyes closed and hands clasped behind her back, Joza simply stood and listened. For an untrained empath, the rush of feelings—remorse, shame and anger to name a few—would certainly be overwhelming. The Zeltron had not been directly involved with the defense of Korriban, and frankly hadn’t seen battle at all where she usually would. So she simply took it all in, ruminating on the points that were made and challenged.

The loss of life at Korriban was felt heavily all around, but what weighted it down even more was how it reflected poorly on the Silver Jedi. As crass as the thought was, it wouldn’t leave her alone. Charzon had acted as a rogue, and now jeopardized the Silver’s image as peaceful defenders…a point heavily argued by their opposition for quite some time. But it didn’t matter how harshly the Silvers denounced Charzon or even what punishment they gave her—the orbital bombardment had sent a message that was picked up across the Galaxy. Their allies would fall away, systems under their protection could rebel, and opposition could crop up on their borders.

The loss of life was a travesty in itself, but she had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach that the troubles were just beginning. Joza would remain silent, observing with all of her senses for the duration of the meeting.

Connor Harrison

Connor nodded to the speaker, Bloodborn, but it wasn't long before the hoverchair Jedi spoke up again. And he didn't even notice [member="Joza Perl"] in the shadows watching. This girl was really hitting the wrong buttons with him today of all days....but then, that was to be expected and it wasn't her fault.

”We are not blaming one individual, but we KNOW who the individual is TO blame! I know Thurion better than anyone,” he shot a glance to Coci, ”well, almost anyone,” he continued, ”and he will make it clear to the galaxy this was a travesty caused on our watch by those in our ranks.”

He pushed his hand into his palm to stop him fidgeting, his index finger occasionally coming to a point to accentuate his words to her.

”Listen, maybe you didn't take stock of the recent Coalition fiasco here, but we didn't ask the Sith to come knocking on our door so soon after trying to re-build this place and the already fragile view of us. This was not something we wanted to happen at all, and this has only made things worse for us all. However, yes, there are no winners. Except the Sith. This is perfect. Their enemies will come knocking at our door for blood, making US the villains while they wait and watch, and while the galaxy tears itself apart looking for the right head to stick on a spike, they will strike and wipe us all out when we are at our weakest. We're nearly there now, at our weakest, so I suggest you watch the skies because it won't be long before someone comes looking to take a pop at us.”

He turned to the others with a fire in his eyes.

”You mark my words I'll be dammed if I let that happen. This Order is one of the last true soveriens of the Light, and if this disaster extinguishes it and we lose all we've fought so hard to make, then we are done for. All of us.” A final look to the blonde Jedi. ”No matter what we agree or disagree on.”

[member="Teynara Jeralyr"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Claire Ouron"] | [member="Rasu Gan"] | [member="Auron Song"] | [member="Suravi Teigra"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] | [member=Ryn'Dhal] | [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu remained there and had stayed silent, she turned to listen to the others though speaking and... "Master Harrison due be careful to not confuse justice with vengeance. Jedi do not kill their prisoners no matter their crime." It was very clear on that whole killing thing but less clear on the whole lock them away in a room that is force dead and unable to be cut with a lightsaber and then bury on some planet for a secret prison.... She stayed there looking at the other ones there before she was looking over a few of the things wanting to hear some of the others. She saw Joza though with a look on her face.
The young Knight rocked slightly, arms folded beneath his robs. All of the speakers, to varying degrees, were correct. Especially the last bit from Master Harrison.

The Sith would watch and wait, and let our mutual enemies tear themselves, and us, apart... before, naturally, coming along to clean up what was left.

The cosmos would burn.... but the Knight wondered, what could he do to heal this wound?


A long, steadying breath was taken as he rose from his seat in the shadows. His voice carried out, and those who knew it would note the lack of melody within his words.

"I am unknown to many of you, but hear my brief words... you all, the Silver Jedi, this temple, this world. This is the first place that has ever been a home to me..." he would reach up, removing the helmet, refusing to hide any longer from those who he felt needed some unity, some faith, revealing his exaggerated feline features. Eyes falling upon the Grandmaster and his wife, he continued. "The first time I felt like family...."

Eyes casting now between Master Harrison and Knight Jeralyr, he closed his statements. "I, for one, wish to not lose my family, and my home again. We know what happened, we know we enabled it to happen. But the important matter is, how are we going to heal this?"

His emotions running high, his ears betraying him by drooping low towards his scalp. "I wish.... I wish to help.... if you will let me...."

[member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Joza Perl"] | [member="Teynara Jeralyr"] | [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Suravi Teigra"] | [member="Auron Song"] | [member="Rasu Gan"] | [member="Claire Ouron"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"]
The response of the female Jedi (Teynara) typified her initial impression of the Silver Jedi, an order of bleeding hearts, bolting at the first sign of adversity. Her opinion of the Silvers had improved after some interactions with a few, and she certainly recognized the efforts of certain individuals aiding the Republic in the past, but on the whole she still found them to be soft. She had been a Jedi during the dark ages, where an event like Korriban would have been met with little fare. Many of her peers at the time wouldn't have thought twice about glassing a city infested with the undead, if only to rob them of biomass for propagation. That was the sort of harsh era she had come from. However, it was now a much kinder, gentler galaxy where the politics of perception mattered more than actual might. She would have to act accordingly.

"I'm sorry," she started after standing from her seat. "but I feel the need to challenge the narrative here. Until the Sith emerged in the Caldera, the Jedi mission there was purely humanitarian in nature. They came in peace, offering the promise of prosperity and security for a depressed,
wartorn region of space. At the same time, you have the Sith currently on the run as all their empires have fallen in the south. If the Jedi were left to transform the Caldera, then the Sith would lose their last bastion in the galaxy, with the added insult of it having been the origin of their ideology. It was only natural that they felt threatened enough to attack. The Jedi did not go into the Caldera looking for a fight, but if I was to offer one criticism, it would be that they should have expected one. I do believe events Thule and Korriban would have transpired differently if insurgents had been forced to meet a real legion like they had at Ziost."

"Perhaps the council should take some responsibility for not vetting their allies
much more closely. On that, we can find some common ground, but as Master Harrison has said, we are working to bring the guilty individual to justice. Now isn't the time to get bogged down in playing blame games and second-guessing ourselves. The Silver Order has been doing great work out here, and for that, I commend you all. One freak event does not undo all that."

"Korriban highlights my real issue with the Silver Order, that of lacking a large dedicated military force. You leave yourselves relying on individuals like Charzon to fight on your behalf, who clearly do not share your values or war doctrine. More dependable allies like the Directorate exist, but they can only be in so many places at once. I'd recommend that the council consider a restructuring of its security forces to better handle crises in the future. I fear that this is only the beginning."
She curled her fingers through her husbands for comfort and reassurance in this dire time. As the Assembly began to speak their minds, it was clear they are angry and wanting some form of retribution for the events on Korriban. And rightly so. However, emotions began to take control of the situation, after all they are but beings possessed with them and not gods, like some would have the Jedi to be. "Silver Jedi of the Order, please try and remain calm and clear headed in this time, for it is what is needed. Please voice your opinions but do so with a sense of respect for others in the room. If we begin to fight among ourselves then the victory is their's already". Regardless of the action of Charzon.

She looked toward each and every one of them, with no anger or expression of emotion. She is sadden by this, as they are, and also wants the woman brought to justice over this, Jedi or not, justice must be served. As for their part in this, "We are not without blame, as Teynara has pointed out, and like her I do believe the Jedi have lost the ability to see their path. It is unclear to me if this is a weakening in the connection to the lightside of the force or placing too much trust in others, but Charzon was not a member of the Silver Jedi but someone operating independently within our SJO space. But even this fact does not remove our lack of sight in her presence".

Coci was not pointedly directing her comments at anyone, the Silver Order is meeting to address all issues over this and bringing up the past is counterproductive. "In recent times, we have seen members of our faction leave for reason known only to them, and I hope they find their path away from us with good grace. And now we are grouping". This history of the Coalition was not on the table for discussion but the current events.

"How we are perceived, what others think of us, I care little for. No matter what we do or not do will always draw criticism, but reputation is not something a Jedi seeks, or this Order. We all strive to do the best we can, with our abilities we drive forward to fulfill our duty as Jedi, to serve and protect as is humanly possible. We went onto Korriban, Ziost, Thule and the sector to try and bring a better future for those that call it home, to protect them against the darkness that resides there. We did no wrong in this, our purpose in our mission was that of what we do, and they found us. My mission on Ziost was to follow up on scant intelligence that a group unknown was forming in this area, but had little to nothing to go on. We now know who they are and now they have a name. The Sith Order".

"Jedi, by our existence, will always bring a fight no matter where we go. This is true, we all know this, there will always be opposition to us. So, do we hide? do we remove all protection of the systems we protect by powering down? do we deny our path of the light in order to prevent more of this war. And by doing so allow the Sith to run free with their purpose? And they will... No. No one here wants to do that". Coci stood almost numb from the emotions of the room, her own thoughts and feeling checked and she stood calm in her voice. "Without the presence of Jedi, the galaxy will be consumed with evil in all its forms, with the Jedi opposing it .. ", and yes there will always be war, "At least there is hope".
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Joza Perl"] | [member="Teynara Jeralyr"] | [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] | [member="Ryn'Dhal"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Suravi Teigra"] | [member="Auron Song"] | [member="Rasu Gan"] | [member="Claire Ouron"]
((ooc: sorry was posting and did not see others, but please give others a chance to respond))
Once again the Assembly was going into open session. This time it was far more serious - as bad as that was - than the previous time he'd attended. Korriban. The Order had moved to solidify it's hold on the sector, and something had intervened. Sith, yet another group of them. And not just at Korriban, they'd come into play throughout the sector from what little he'd heard. If true, it was worrisome that they hadn't even been on the Order's radar.

Yet that wasn't the subject of the meeting.

At least one warship at Korriban had commenced orbital bombardment on a city. He didn't know the details, didn't know the death toll, and didn't really want to. The problem was that the warship had been a Silver Jedi warship, and he was a member of the Order. The events reflected badly on the Order, he needed to know what was going to happen moving forward. That meant attending the meeting, which likely meant learning the statistics. Yet even that paled in comparison to the knowledge that one of the Order's own was responsible. It was unacceptable.

The room itself was pretty full by the time he arrived, but he managed to find a seat on the periphery. The place was tension incarnate, everyone present feeling something about what had happened. Some were no doubt wondering where blame would be placed, others were wondering how it would be presented to the galaxy, and still others were mourning. It wasn't silent, but neither was it bustling, there was a sort of light hum present as people worked to be quiet but couldn't help but talk amongst themselves. Notably though, the Grandmaster and his wife looked tired. That, to him, was the best indication of just how serious this was.

He'd arrived in time for the argument between Teynara and Connor to erupt, with others weighing in.

Both had good points, both stated things he disagreed with. For example, Jedi - as well as those who worked with them - should not need to have authorization from the Grandmaster himself to fight a battle. Neither, however, would simply pulling back each time the Sith advanced do much good for the galaxy. Doing so would avoid a fight, avoid deaths, but only in the short run. History showed them just how brutal Sith dominions actually were. Anger was spiraling around the room now in addition to the tension and sadness, and even some guilt. The biggest thing he took from this was that nobody was saying it was false. Thus he had to take it as true: a member of the Silver Jedi Order, a Jedi, had given the order to fire on the city from orbit. From a political standpoint, heck, from a tactical standpoint, their troubles were only beginning.

Another woman spoke up, one that he couldn't remember interacting with before. She spoke as if she was outside the Order, and some of her ideas made sense. However, they couldn't tote a battalion and a fleet along on every humanitarian mission. His company had issues balancing the use of just one frigate-class vessel, let alone a full fleet. Besides which, the Order had lost a good number of fighting personnel with the departure of Firemane at the restructuring. Regrettable...even if many were Dark Side oriented they had operated with the Order on behalf of the good of the galaxy.

Coci spoke up at that point. She pointed out that they shouldn't be fighting one another, that while opinions should be aired the vitriol shouldn't be aimed at their fellows. She also named the culprit, one Charzon. Not someone Audren knew, and apparently an independent operating in the Order's space. Yet the incident still reflected on the Order. Unfortunately, public perception was important, especially when directing one of the largest areas of the galaxy. They couldn't afford to overlook that. A Jedi didn't seek fame, though a good reputation was never a bad thing, but a government didn't have that luxury. Yet her view on opposing the Sith paralleled his own. They couldn't simply retreat in the face of the Sith. For all the horror of war, the alternative was worse.

"There needs to be balance. We need to think as well as feel, to plan ahead in addition to following the Force. Our enemies will strike where we are weak, that is the nature of the fight. We need to plan for that, put options in play. We can only plan for so much, but it is our duty to those we protect to do what we can."

It wasn't the most eloquent bit spoken, not from what he'd heard today or of what he'd spoken in the past. Speaking eloquently wasn't his job here...heck, he hadn't expected to speak up at all with this gathering. But he'd felt it necessary. The past was the past, it couldn't be changed. The future could, whether it bespoke punishment for the one involved or plans to prevent the Sith from placing them in that position again.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Joza Perl"] | [member="Teynara Jeralyr"] | [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] | [member=Ryn'Dhal] | [member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Suravi Teigra"] | [member="Auron Song"] | [member="Rasu Gan"] | [member="Claire Ouron"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"]

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