Dash Kessler
Technically Outlawed.

Intent: To create an upgraded version of two canonical cybernetic implants.
Image Source: Illusive-Designs
Canon Link: Memory Augmentor, Cortical Datasplint
Primary Source: N/A
Manufacturer: The Progredior Research Institute
Affiliation: Open-Market.
Model: PRI-SCNE-001 - Aurek Flashback Module.
Modularity: No.
Production: Mass-Produced.
Material: Desh-terenthium, electronics.
- Functionally grants the user what is essentially editable eidetic memory
- Information stored on the device is highly encrypted
- Optional security package enables the erasure of confidential information retained on the device upon detection of torture or undue duress.
- Automatically records, stores and catalogs the users memories whilst installed, allowing them to review them back at a later date with perfect recall. An artificial eidetic memory in essence.
- Memories stored on this device can be edited, ‘forgotten’ (read: archived) and deleted at the users discretion.
- Information retained on the node is highly encrypted and keyed specifically to the user’s biometrics to ensure privacy. This makes it difficult (but not impossible) for slicers to access any information stored on the device. To further complicate the proceedings, the lack wireless interface components in this particular module make it impossible to be accessed remotely.
- Memories stored on this device are not retroactively subject to mind-affecting abilities of force users.
- [Optional Security Package] Upon detecting symptoms indicative of torture or duress, this device will systematically erase information that has been identified and cataloged as confidential.
- Users are unable to retain any new information whilst perusing the memories already stored on the Flashback node. For all intents and purposes, they temporarily become divorced from perceiving the world around them and enter an almost catatonic state of data-induced reverie.
- Unfortunately, any memories captured by this device during its use are not shared with the brain. This means that once the device is removed or disabled, the user will no longer be able access those memories until it has been returned or repaired. This isn’t amnesia. They simply don’t exist.
- For fairly obvious reasons, users are not recommended to expose themselves to electromagnetic pulses or ionic energy. Typically a low level intensity exposure will temporarily cause the device to shutdown for several minutes before attempting a system reboot. Higher exposures can potentially lead to data corruption and/or loss depending on the damage to the device. As with all neural implants, there is always the potential for brain damage at these levels. It is highly recommended that users of this node consider purchasing a further implant to safeguard the brain from externally sourced electrical surges to help minimize this risk.
- While its true that mind-affecting powers will not affect the memories themselves, a skilled practitioner can potentially affect how the node’s user perceives said memories.
- [Optional Security Package] Individuals that experience exceptionally elevated levels of stress have been known to occasionally trigger the cause the premature erasure of confidential information outside of the torture chamber.
The Aurek Flashback Node was created by the Progredior Research Institute as an update to already existing Cortical Datasplint nodes on the market. Taking advantage of the impressive data storage capabilities already offered by its predecessors, the Flashback node additionally incorporates a state-of-the-art memory augmentor that enables the user to record, store and recall events with holographic clarity at will.
The device also features custom designed software that further allows users to selectively edit and/or delete any memory stored, however the manufacturer strongly recommends that a great deal of care and consideration be taken into account before making any and all alterations.
The Progredior Research Institute further wishes to underline that it will not accept any liability for any loss of memory, distorted perceptions events, cognitive function and/or incidental brainwashing that may occur whilst using this product.