Yoru Shakou
Well-Known Member
// The Avidon Oligarchy \\

"For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack"
The Avidon Oligarchy, also known as the Magrath Barony, or simply The Oligarchy, is a planetary government established by Baroness Raulyn Hawkshaw Magrath in the wake of the collapse of the Sith Empire in roughly 835 ABY.
The Avidon Oligarchy is an Oligarchical Magocracy located in the Avidon System; a region of space that is currently situated between the Galactic Republic and the Mandalorians. Originally inspired by the fall of the Sith Empire, it is meant to serve as a hidden refuge for many of the former members of the Sith Empire that were being persecuted and hunted down by the Republic, Jedi, Mandalorians and the since defunct Fel Imperium. As such it has a hidden temple titled 'The Sepulchre' which mimics and takes inspiration from many different Sith Academies and Temples throughout history.
Unique in is positioning as well as it astrographical make up, the entire system is surrounded by three dense asteroid fields with only one viable hyperspace route into the system. Internally the system is split into an inner and outer system. As the Avidon Oligarchy sees itself as welcoming refugees and peaceful, they are none the less capable of defending themselves. A large portion of their strength comes from former commands of the Sith Empire from both armed forces and naval commands which have been folded into the System Defense Fleet and System Defense Forces.
With their neighbors being a reason for the collapse of the Sith Empire, it is the Oligarchy's goal to present itself as neutral and peaceful with no religious ties to the Sith or any other Dark Side order. A secondary and much more of a long term goal is to turn the Republic and Mandalorians upon each other to allow for the Oligarchy to ensure its place as an independent stellar government in the region that it inhabits.
The recent rise of the Shadow Empire, Order of Silver Jedi and the Levantine Sanctum are of a great concern to the Oligarchy, viewing these organizations are potentially hazardous to the safety of the Oligarchy.
The Avidon Oligarchy, formerly the Magrath Barony, is the Oligarchical Magocracy located in the Avidon System. A former fringe world of the Old Sith Empire before it fell, the system is home to the Baroness Magrath and the Magrath family, the de facto rulers and owners of the system. All industry is controlled by the family through Magrath Industries.
With the up coming site wide event, there rises the possibility of the Republic and Mandalorians losing the their territory that currently surrounds the Oligarchy. This event would provide the ample opportunity for the Oligarchy to rise and begin its own dream of Galactic Government.
However there is a problem. The Oligarchy NEEDS YOU!
That's right. At this moment the Oligarchy consists of three members, however it is an open faction, open and accepting of a myriad of characters that can bring stories and advancement to the Oligarchy and to the site itself. As I have returned in full capacity, I have already begun to push the Baroness forward, bringing her active once more. It is my hope that others will join the Oligarchy and see in it the same potential that I see.
I believe it can be a faction to rival those on the board currently, yet it can not be that faction with just my activity and threads alone. It needs you!
Join the Oligarchy