Yoru Shakou
Well-Known Member

The Galaxy is in Chaos. Billions had disappeared in the blink of an eye.
The Autarch of the Avidon Oligarchy, the Baroness Magrath looks to take her forces and secure peace and security in a galaxy now filled with turmoil.
Now is the time for the Avidon Oligarchy to rise.
The power of the wolf is the pack, and the power of the pack is the wolf.
With the Netherworld event kicking off, the Avidon Oligarchy is seeking those that wish to join it to bring order and security to a chaotic galaxy. We follow no laws of a corrupted Republic, nor do we worship or believe the events that have transpire are the cause of some deity. The Avidon Oligarchy, guided by the Autarch, the Baroness Magrath are interested in a single thing.
Order from Chaos