Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Awakening - [PM to Join]


Stumbling over myself, I finally found purchase on a tree. I was exhausted. My knee was killing me. I could feel it shaking violently. I reached up to my face. Feeling a long beard that was filled with dirt, and dandruff. I ran my hands over my head I felt weak. Like I hadn't moved in years. I felt weird. The Force was still flowing. However, slightly darker than I remember. I felt for the connection to my wife. Maya. Would she feel it? Would she still care? Was she even alive? I.... I looked to the trees and rocks. They were foreign to me. But I felt at home. It was strange. As though something changed.

I reached down to the lightsaber on my hip, to see that some of the parts were rusted out. I rolled my eyes. If my lightsaber was like that, then it has been years since I have been here. What happened since then? Why was I in a comatose? I remember doing my training. Trying to become more fluent within the Art of the Small, only to wake up about five minutes ago. Slumped on the floor of a cave, and wearing clothes so old and musty, I swore I should have been dead.

The Force kept me alive. I was still breathing. And I shall continue. I had crawled out of the cave, and slowly I have been trying to regain my ability to walk. When I finally got it, I walked through the streets. Making my way towards the Jedi Temple. or atleast where I last remember it to be. Coming around the corner of a street, I saw it. The beautiful building that would be the great temple. Jedi walked upon the greenery. The same where battles were fought years ago. The same where I forged friendships, and fell in love.

I brought children into this world. Children! My kids! Where were they? I needed to find them. I started to walk faster towards the temple. Reaching out with Telekinesis to any of the Jedi Masters that could be here,

"I slept for years, My slumber in a humble cave. And now I emerge. I have questions, and you may have the answer."
A BARC speeder pulled up in front of the Silver Temple, Coci is returning from a meeting in the Dark Heart, head quarters of the Silver Shadows. She kicked her leg over the back of the speeder and turned off the engine, and so she prepared to go to yet another meeting this time in the Voss Academy. It is all she seems to be doing of late and the sigh that escaped her lips proved she is tired of them. Yet it is her duty.

Half way up the stairs, she stopped. Her head and shoulders the only thing to move in a half turn, something familiar called out to her through the force, not directly but a seeking call from a friend. Turning fully now upon the steps to the Temple, her eyes followed the sense through the force until, in the distance, she noted the figure of a man ...

"I slept for years, My slumber in a humble cave. And now I emerge. I have questions, and you may have the answer."
The words touch her mind, a voice she knows well. Xander? It was him.

"Someone go find Master [member="Maya Whitelight"]", she order to the nearest Jedi that passed her by. "Immediately!". Coci bounded down the stairs and run across the manicure lawns that carpeted the grounds of the Temple.

He looks tired and worn, yet the same face a little lined with age and experience but it was Xander. "And where have you been?", was her greeting on approach, but fully given with a beaming smile.
[member="Xander Carrick"]
Deep with in the temple itself teaching a class on the basic of healing. This part of the teaching she dislike it was more book learning then hands on. It had to be done for the future of the order and of the healers. It seem very few was here now days but more was needed not only here but to be sent out into the galaxy to do what healing that could be done. Now days she didn't just teach the physical of healing but also the mental, and the caring side of things.

"Turn to page..." her heart stop as did everything else around her. The book dropping from her hand upon the floor. After all these years could it be had he came back. As the force got stronger with every waking minute inside of her. There was the unbroken bond she had carried so many years with this one.

Finding her eyes upon her students, dried mouth now. "Class dismissed..." not even waiting for her student to leave she was out of her classroom down the hallway. As one came running up to her telling her that she was needed out side the temple that Master Coci had sent her. That only got her feet moving faster. Even then she couldn't help it was the bond sending a whisper in the force now.

I"m coming..

Reaching the large doors not waiting for her hands to touch the doors she used the force to push them open. As if a beacon had been sent off to her. Eyes upon them but from a distance. She put on her speed at first it wasn't as fast the closer she got seeing what looked like....

Xander ....XAn...XANDER.... looking at Coci then at Xander again was she dreaming like she had dreamed so many times before. Feeling him through the force as her own healer skills went to work. Reaching out and touching him to really make sure he was really not just ....

"You looked like hell, your hurt." as she place her hand to his knee. Remember when he had gotten wounded more then she wanted to count. Even then she couldn't help but seem that she couldn't but over come with emotions. Wrapping her arms around him giving him kisses all over was this also something she wanted to be sure that he was real.

"We need to get him to med bay."

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Xander Carrick"]
I could smile as a figure, clearly a woman, walked up towards me. She was most of the time in the shadows with her work. Now I could see her in the light as the woman she was. Still as beautiful the day she married her husband, The Jedi Grandmaster. I tried to speak. Even to say a word, however my throat was dry and parched to prohibit me from speaking. I would rather not push that as I had woken up after an untold amount of time. Instead, i opted to use Force Telepathy so I may speak. Answering Coci's question. I heard within my own mind a calling. An answer. From the woman who could only be, the one. Maya. I smiled intensely as I answered the woman in front of me, knowing that a second one was on her way.

"Sleeping in a cave. FYI, not good for your health."

As I finished those words, the doors to the temple bursted open. I had hoped the renforced those door frames before hand to withstand that kind of burst, nonetheless, the woman came charging out in her pink skin, and very modest clothing? Was she teaching people? I let the through drift from my mind as I could almost see tears come to Maya's face. She came to my side, fretting about my knee, and then tried to give me kisses. My lips were dry and hurt like hell. So I wasn't returning them for now.

"Relax. I will be fine with time. Now, if you would just let me get inside, I can sit down and get off of this knee."

[member="Coci Heavenshield"], [member="Maya Whitelight"],
Let's get one thing straight.

Force Heal was the most AWESOME, most ASTRAL, most EPICALLY AWESOMELY ASTRAL power ever! Its, like, the Force in general is pretty great, but Force Heal took that chit to the next level. It was, like, the next generation of legendary Jedi being legendary.

...but for SOME REASON people, mostly adults, and most of those the infamous Dark Lords of the Pink known as Girl Jedi, found a way to make even Force Heal the most boring topic on the face of the planet.

No, not the planet. The most boring topic on the face of the SECTOR!

"Turn to page..."

The Nautolan's head was down on the desk, a puddle of drool forming on top of the holobook which contained the section of psychology that they were supposed to be studying. Which, who cared what people thought! It was thinking that usually got people messed up in the first place. That's why Zak made a point to never think. There were id's and ego's, or environment, or nature versus nurture or...

And somewhere in that sarlacc pit of talky-talk, the Nautolan had checked out. Sometimes twitching as though dreaming of chasing fish under the sea as he dozed peacefully through the class.

"Class dismissed..."

In a snap, the Nautolan's head was up and the boy was wide-awake. Had he heard it? Those words? That sweet, sweet freedom to the great outdoors. Head-tails flailing, the child realized that the teacher wasn't even in the room with them anymore. Amid the startled students still confused by their teacher's sudden departure in the middle of a lecture, the Nautolan put up both hands in a classic Richard Nixon victory pose as he jumped up on top of his chair.


[member="Maya Whitelight"]​
"What is with Jedi and caves", she said back to his mind as clearly Xander found it hard to voice words verbally. At this point Maya appeared, it had only taken a short time for wife to sense her husband to which Coci smiled even more. And so she moved back allowing space for them to be together, but her mind worried about why his absence had him in the condition and what events had transpired to have Xander in a trance like state for this good length of time.

He is clearly in need of medical treatment and there is no one better to attend to this then the woman at his side now. Master Whitelight, master healer and loving wife. God, how many times had Coci mended her own husband after battles and in turn he her as well and because of this, coupled with the need to heal wayward children, Coci had become good at it. But nothing by comparison to Maya.

Her head turned back to the couple, Maya had declared he need attention and that was what he would get, probably under protest, but Xander was in no position to argue. "You heard Maya, now come on", she said moving to the far side of him and raised his arm up over her shoulder for support.
[member="Xander Carrick"] | [member="Maya Whitelight"] | [member="Zak Dymo"]
Getting herself to the other side, maybe she over done it with all the little kisses all over his face. Be all be watching this wasn't every day the lost found their way home. Even then she wonder where he had been or why he been where he had been for so long. Moving quickly as she did to the other side lifting his other arm up. Finding now that with each step brought him closer to the temple. Even she was eyeing not only Xander but using the force to boast his to get him inside as quickly as they could.

"Yes my darling this isn't up for discussion you are going to the get medical attention by my hand and the staff." giving Coci a very concern look just with the her letting the force do a look over from the inside, knowing that his body lacked most importantly water. Also his body needed more then that it needed minerals that had been taken out of his system. Her guess had to be to keep him alive all this time. As the put their first foot on the step she looked up in time to see the heavy doors come down from where they had been fasten by their hinges.

"Look out" as all she got said but then Coic being a master herself would felt them coming also, holding her hand out to caught one half of the door this wasn't time to be gentle she just toss it side. Her guess was that when she pushed on the doors to get out of the temple so fast she might have used a little bit more force then she needed to. Letting it land on the freshly mowed lawn. "Ill deal with that later", for right now all on her mind was getting Xander to get cheek out for and to really give him a cheek over.

On the way she passed one f her students [member="Zak Dymo"] "Hey its Zak right go run a head to the medical center tell them that we got a critical that we are bring in, now off with you." hoping by the time they got there they have everything set up. Speaking to him through the force now hang on we almost there, stay with me, I love you..

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Zak Dymo"] [member="Xander Carrick"]​
I chuckled a little as the two women began to help carry me. Coci's comment about "Jedi and Caves" made me think it was a little clique, but honestly, it was probably the best place to meditate. Secluded, and out of the way to any apprentices or hell, a wife, from interrupting you. Maya grabbed my left side, I tried to pull myself up a little more to lessen the strain on them. Using my good leg to support myself, and my left for balance. We walked towards the temple. I could feel a little pushing, from one or both of the women. Creaking was ahead.

I looked up to see the massive doors starting to fall a little. Maya grabbed onto one as it fell, and indistinctly, I reached out as well. Using the force, I grabbed onto the second door, but in my weakened state, I couldn't hold onto it for long. it started to slip and fall faster than I wanted. Instead of forcing it. I guided it to slide down to the other side. Letting it land on the ground. I shook my head. Damn was maya getting stronger in the force. Those doors were large. And for her to do that? I considered myself a Telekinesis Tank. And if she could impress me, then she's been training.

"Yes Mrs. Whitelight. You need to fix that."

A little bit like a scolding, I wasn't happy that she did that. I was glad she wanted to see me, but she needed to still control herself. Looking to the Padawan youngling as he was caught by his teacher, I smiled a little. I then changed my gaze to Coci.

"I have a feeling that this doesn't happen every day?"

[member="Maya Whitelight"], [member="Coci Heavenshield"], [member="Zak Dymo"],
She felt the sudden gust of air as the first door hit the marble flooring with a loud crack. "You might need to fix the floor as well", she said with a slight tone of mirth. Lucky for the Silver Jedi inside they had the ability of the force and would get out of the way of the falling doors quick enough. The second door fell close by them, the gust almost throwing Coci off her feet and so to Xander and Maya. Now she could not help but giggle.

A Temple is but a structure made of metal which can be repaired the safety of those that belong to this place more paramount and so Coci did not have any words of chastisement in stead she wondered if the situation was that they carried Thurion in in this state, she could have done the same. "Back to your work", she said to the passing Jedi that had stopped to watch this strange event and look over this strange man. "Jedi business", she added with a smile.

"I've always wanted to say that", she added softly to the two masters. "Not only do you need medical help you need a shower, whatever you shared that cave with has left it's .. mark on you".

She looked at Maya so full of love and concern for her husband but Xander would be alright but Maya would not be happy until she looked him over, and fair enough too. So eventually they lugged the heavy man to the medical bay.
[member="Xander Carrick"] | [member="Maya Whitelight"] | [member="Zak Dymo"]
The Last Son
The hum of a yellow bladed lightsaber flew through the air as I slashed at a dummy for the 400th time in a row. I was sweaty from the training. Dressed in simple Jedi robes as I was preparing myself like everyone else should be. Its when I heard a shouting. I could see students running and stopping their fights to see what was happening. I shut my blade off for a second and was about to follow when I stopped myself. I had to train. For my family.

I activated the blade once more only to hear a loud blast. I was worried that something was happening. Bad. With the lightsaber still on, I used force dash to make myself faster than any of the other students. I was close when I heard two more loud crashes and alot of people talking. After coming around the corner, I could see my mother, Master Heavenshield, and an old man between the two of them. He looked shagged and tired. Hair that was long enough to be a woman's and a beard that was long enough to show that he was a sage. His body though, strong and muscular, desipite the obvious years he had been in such a state.

Running up, I shut off my lightsaber and came up behind when My mother began to say that the person was in critical condition. Walking up, I stopped my mother.

"Go prep the Medical bay, I'll carry him from here, Mother."

I placed my own arm under this man who stank to the high heavens above. Looking down at him, I could see more of his face. He looked very familiar. Almost as though I have seen him in the past. I just couldn't quite get the man's name on my tongue.

"Come one Old man, We need to get you to the Medical bay."

[member="Coci Heavenshield"], [member="Xander Carrick"], [member="Maya Whitelight"], [member="Zak Dymo"],
Looking at [member="Zephyr Carrick"] "You need to find your sister, after you get ...your...your...father to medical bay." as she looked at him quickly. Finding that once again moving this time with more help as she looked at [member="Coci Heavenshield"] feeling her present would help what needed to be done at this moment in time.

As she found their way into the medical bay speaking to her husband through the force. hold in there stay with me, I not going to loose you again.

Letting herself go into the healer, "You there get the tank ready, you there get me some saline, you there get me and IV started." looking at Xander after which time. "Now get you a shower, you sink worse then a hutt mud hole." as she looked at him as she wave for help to get him into one of the showers.

Finding that it was easier to cut off what was left of his closes as she quickly went to work into with him she took her time to wash from head to toe. Cheeking to make sure that there wasn't anything that was missed cuts , wounds or anything else. Giving the time she called for the help need to get him to a bed.

Letting her team get to work being that it was she would slowly give him some on a sponge a bit of lemon water to wet his mouth. "Easy Easy" as she moisten his lips.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Xander Carrick"] [member="Zak Dymo"]​
I could hear hurried bootfalls behind me. I turned my head slightly as I saw a young man with bright blue hair, and a body built for a warrior, yet he was very young. Incredibly young. He spoke to Maya, saying to let him carry me so she could prep the Medical bay. But the last word he spoke rung out in my ever so clear ears.


This was my son. The one that Maya had brought into this world. Twins from what I last remember, to see him so strong, so... much like myself, I started to well up a little. I needed to be strong. I needed to fight on and to move for both him and his sister. As well for my wife, and the Silver Jedi Order. I pushed myself to the furthest extent that I could. Maya was seen running ahead. Using the force I still talked to Coci,

"Make sure my son actually finds his sister and brings her here. And um... sorry about the doors."

[member="Maya Whitelight"], [member="Zephyr Carrick"], [member="Coci Heavenshield"], [member="Zak Dymo"],
Xander was heavy, a big tall man difficult to help walk into the Temple and along to the medical bay. A young man, Coci had seen but a few times in the Academy came to assist them, taking Maya's place which helped Coci her end of the deal. Maya and Xander's son one of the twins she had met years ago when they all traveled to Midvinter to see the snow for the first time. This only reminded her who they are all growing older. The young child had developed into a young man much like his father.

"I will do my best to find her", she assured Xander as they came to the Bay. The assistants there already preparing for Xander's arrive soon took in him hand and started treatment, he is in good hands now, his wife would see to that and so Coci stood back to allow the family to have time together. She would stay if required by Maya.
[member="Xander Carrick"] | [member="Maya Whitelight"] | [member="Zephyr Carrick"] | [member="Zak Dymo"]

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