Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The ballad of Stone

[SIZE=11pt]Rage shrugged at her comment. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Then we are one in the same. We both don’t trust easily,” Rage muttered. He leaned his back against the wall and tapped his foot on the floor. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“You know what I believe. I believe you’re scared to let someone in your life, but if only you could see that you can trust me Ra’a’mah,” Rage said “And I can prove it,” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Rage removed his shirt exposing the crystal that lay embedded within his chest. He withdrew his saber and cut deeply into his bare pectorals. Rage grunted in pain as he reached into the cavity and withdrew the crystal. Almost as soon as his arm exited the wound it immediately began to heal.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“This I trust to you," Rage panted "The cold woman who would refuse the truth. The turth that the dark side is love,” Rage offered her a weak smile. “Even exposing it to you for this brief amount of time is a leap of faith for me,” Rage said[/SIZE]
Ra let out a small snort of laughter through her nose at Rage's comment, neither of them trusted easily.

HIs next words hit far closer to the truth than he realized. She had no real friends, the closest she had was Dune and even he didn't know everything about her. He said he could prove she could trust him.

Rage took off his shirt, it exposed is well built torso and Ra couldn't help but notice that. She hoped she kept her admiration hidden, but wouldn't be positive it worked. He cut open his chest, Ra winced as he did it and pulled his crystal heart out of his chest. She watched as the wound closed up, but more importantly it appeared that he was offering her his heart.

"What are you doing Rage? You need a heart to live."

She had jumped out of her seat and not even known it, Ra looked across the cockpit at him.

"There is no such thing as love."

[member="Darth Rage"]
Rage watched as the woman climbed out of her seat in what seemed surprise. How could she not expect this? Especially from someone as attuned to the darkside as Rage. He was after all a very passionate creature. For that’s what it meant to be apart of the dark side. To be free. To give in to your deepest desires. Rage held the crystal in his outstretched arm.

“I still have a heart.. I’m only lending it to you,” Rage flexed his chest to prove that he was fine “Accept this gift and we will be bound together. Should one of us fall than the other would as well,” Rage paused to smirk at the Jedi “But, with my heart under such good protection I don’t think I shall be falling unless it’s for you… And I would never let harm come to you. There is love Ra, you just have to let it adorn you. Surely you can be a Jedi and still love?” Rage asked his arm falling to his side, crystal still in hand.

Rage approached where Ra now cowered and extended a hand to her. “I have faith in you and I. Just put your pretty little hand in mine,”
Not in a million years did Ra ever expect to be in a situation such as this and for the time she was lost as to what to do. She listened to his words, still unsure just how much was true or false. Though she was starting to believe him a little more.

Shaking her head in disbelief at his words, Rage moved in closer to her and held his hand out. His words were like honey, tempting her to trust. Oddly, Ra felt no manipulation from him. Maybe he was being honest.

"Of course a Jedi could love. It is not meant for me, life is pain and love would only make that worse."

However, as she spoke, her hand came up and touched the tips of his fingers. Right or wrong, she needed to trust somebody.

[member="Darth Rage"]
[SIZE=11pt]Rage wrapped the woman's petite fingers between his own and lifted her from the ground. He took her close to his bare chest and he noted her heartbeat quickening. The rainbow comet shot rays of a hundred different colors through the shuttle canopy and Rage smirked. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Can’t you see, I’m talking about eternity…” Rage held the woman close, inhaling her intoxicating scent. “I want you to be my lady, my baby,” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Rage swung the woman round so that her back was pressed against his chest. He bent his head to whisper into her ear “I want to teach you the sounds of love,” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The rays shown through her hair and for a moment Rage imagined he spied a halo above her head. The crystal heart fell from his other hand and rolled across the floor. Rage ran his fingers up Ra’a’mahs thigh taking in the shape of her and he thought he felt her quiver.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“I just need one night,” Rage whispered as he playfully nipped her ear.[/SIZE]
Rage took a firm hold on her hand and pulled her to him. Her head resting on his chest. His words soothing and almost loving. She closed her eyes, willing her heart to stop beated so blasted fast.

After a moment like that, Ra found herself facing the other direction and looking out the viewscreen of her ship. The lights varied more greatly now and a clear trail of the comet could be seen. His crystal fell from his hand and rolled away from them, his fingers ran up the outside of her thigh, sending a small shiver through her.

He bent his head down and offered her one night and he could teach her what love was.

Ra stayed in his arms, not moving, her voice clear and firm though her insides felt like jelly.

"You offered me immortality once already and I declined."

Now she turned around to face him, placing her free hand on his chest, but not pushing him away.

"If love was real, it would sure as hell take more than one to learn."

Her eyes still glowed gold in the light, her body was telling her to give into him, her mind was rebelling.

[member="Darth Rage"]
[SIZE=11pt]“One night to seal the deal, an eternity to learn love,” Rage said as the woman faced him again she wanted him, he could sense it. “Why do you resist Ra?” Rage’s hand shot to her head and he brushed a stray hair from her face. “I won’t hurt you,” Out the cockpit Rage could make out the beginning of Roon. “I suppose we’ll never know though. We have arrived at our destination,” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Rage turned from the woman and let out a heavy sigh. He picked up the Crystal that was his heart and pressed it to his chest. His fist seemed to sink through the bare flesh and the glow of his stone heart began anew. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Rage withdrew his fist and smiled at Ra “To think this almost turned to gold,” Rage said as he patted his chest.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]He walked to his quarters and stripped out of his remaining clothing and donned his phrik plate battle armor. The obsidian cult was not to be trifled with. As Rage finished he exited the room and approached Ra. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]"I suggest you put on some armor..." He said simply[/SIZE]
When Ra declined Rage's offer again, she was afraid he was going to strike her and started to flinch away when he brought his hand up, instead he turned into brushing a stray hair that had fallen out of her braid off her face. He promised he wouldn't hurt her, she knew though deep down life was pain and even if he didn't try, he would hurt her.

The alarm to alert them of arrival started blaring at them and Ra reached out her hand to shut it off, not even looking at it. She watched Rage replace his crystal heart, it glowing again in his chest. His hand almost sinking in as he did. The comment he made confused her though. Before she Ra could ask what he meant, he turned and left the cockpit.

She watched him a moment before turning her attention to bringing the ship out of hyperspace and finding a location to land on. Normal space returned to the viewscreen and the half light and half down planet of Roon appeared in front of her.

When Rage returned, he told her to put some armor on and she opened her eyes wide.

"I don't have any. My cloak though doesn't take damage."

[member="Darth Rage"]
Rage listened to the woman's comment and merely shrugged. He would protect her whatever came their way. Rage wandered to his room and entered a deep trance until the vessel landed. He pictured a great flame of hatred and burned all of his emotions into it. His anger consumed him.

As the vessel landed on the dark side of Roon Rage left his meditations and waited by the exit. The ship set down and the ground quaked beneath it, the door slid open with a hiss and Rage exited. The darkness was complete here. It was almost impossible to make out anything in the dark and Rage had to light his saber to see. The dark side was prevalent all over the planet and the Sith basked in it.

Off in the distance Audroti could make out the outlines of a temple and knew it would be a considerable hike through great cavernous canyons, probably fraught with beast.

“Stay close and I will be sure no harm comes to you, but stray and I can not guarantee your safety,” Rage said to the woman.
Ra sensed the change in Rage as he meditated in his chamber. It's not like he murdering kids or something so she let him do his thing as she did her own preparation.

She did not yet have a lightsaber, but secured her two knives in her sleeves and boots, strapped the blaster to her hip and staff across her back. Her cloak, she set under the staff so she could access that if she needed to. While improving, she was never going to be a good fighter with it.

She shut the ship down, keeping it on standby though for easier lift off, Ra joined Rage at the door to the ramp.

"I will Rage.
What are we after?"

Deciding to stick to the business at hand, she wonders if he will try anything again later.

[member="Darth Rage"]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Rage pondered on the woman's question[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Well i'm after your heart... [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]He[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]thought to himself. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"What we truly came here for remains to be seen..." Rage paused and placed a hand to his chin as he contemplated what to say next "I suppose the force will guide us both to what is meant to be though," Rage stepped a little closer to Ra as he said this "Let's go," He finished.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Rage began to make his way through the cavernous canyons and his glowing heart lit the way. As he stepped forward he began to feel something encroaching on his legs. Rage made it five paces before he finally fully noticed. He swung out with his light saber and felt his blade cut through something slimy. The slick like thing seemed to slide up his leg and he shook his leg around trying to get it out his pants. Rage brought his lightsaber close further illuminating his body and finally spotted the source of the disturbance.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]A small group of mud balls seemed to be clinging to his chest. They kept pawing at his glowing heart and purring as they did so. Rage growled but, at seeing they were harmless decided to simply continue down the path.[/SIZE]
He said to trust in the Force and that it would guide them here for what they were looking for. She gave him an odd look before speaking. Apparently he had as much of a clue as she did when it came to finding whatever they were sent here for.

"That sounds so much like something a Jedi would say."

Closing the ship's ramp after them, Ra fell into a familiar position by following just behind and to the left of Rage. She was left handed so it made walking like this more natural to her.

They had not gone too far before Rage stopped to try and get something off his leg. Swinging it around and shaking it, trying to dislodge something. He looked closer with the light from his saber to illuminate whatever was effecting him.

Ra looked on and wrinkled her nose at what looked like little mud balls with hands pawing at his chest, around where the crystal was glowing. However, they let out the most darling purring sound. Reaching a hand up, she would attempt to brush them off of his heart.

"They are trying to eat your heart."

[member="Darth Rage"]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Rage murmured something that sounded close to a curse, but did not remark any further. Simply letting the woman brush the creatures from his chest. It did not take long for him to notice that despite being swatted aside the little mud balls continued to follow. Speaking in little chirps he could just make out their strange language. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"I don't think they like you," Rage joked as he listened to them speak "They are complaining that you already stole my heart," Rage finished with a lopsided grin. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]As he topped the next crest within the canyon Rage could just make out the beginning of the temple. It was tall and ominous. With large steps leading to a point at the top. The doorway sat between the steps as a black shadow. There were no guards apparent and the place seemed mostly deserted.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"It appears nobody is home," Rage said quietly, but he kept his saber handy anyways.[/SIZE]
Ra let out a growl when she tried to knock the creatures off Rage's chest, they stubborn little things and didn't take it well that she was trying to remove them. He mentioned he didn't think they liked her because she had already taken his heart. She withdrew her hand and fell back behind Rage to allow him to lead the way.

The sounds of the small creatures were purrs and chirps. Apparently they really were upset, but they had been trying to get at that crystal. He gave her a small smile, but she was paying more attention to the mud balls and trying to keep them off.

They crested the hill and the temple they had seen from the ship was getting closer. In the darkness, it was darker and the aura around it, intimidating. It was in the shape of a pyramid, but had steps in the middle leading up. Not smooth sided like the holocron she had.

She sensed nothing within the temple, but that may have been from being so new to the Force. After having known she could it for less than a year, her own training had just begun. Keeping her hands on her knife hilts, she continued to follow Rage as he walked forward.

[member="Darth Rage"]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Rage ignored his mud men followers and continued down the path towards the temple. The canyon opened into a small grassland and the green blades bent beneath the heavy fall of his boot. Shrubs and weeds ran up the side of the crypt and it was clear that it had been abandoned for some time.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]As Rage drew nearer to the stone structure he could make out archaic Sith ruins detailing battle and glory along the walls. He read them and they led him to the door. The door was well hidden and at first glance it would seem there was no entrance at all, but rage knew better. The runes dictated that only those of pure blood may enter and Rage withdrew a small blade from his hip.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]He cut his hand and placed the bloody palm on the door’s surface. The frame seemed to illuminate to his touch drinking his blood greedily. Rage tore a piece of cloth from the shirt beneath his armor and wrapped his hand. The door slid open with a great shuddering from the stone doors and Rage illuminated his lightsaber once more to better see through the dark corridors.[/SIZE]
The chirps and purrs followed them, but the mud creatures made no other move to get close again. They really appeared harmless and Ra started to ignore them, same as Rage. The grass had grown up around the temple and went to almost Ra's hips. Rage though was much taller and had little issue pushing through. She rolled her eyes slightly and instead of being behind and to his left, just fell into being right behind him.

They came out of the taller grasses and moved up closer to the step pyramid. She saw the hieroglyphics and runes. Since she could not read them, she would ask Rage what they meant, but they had reached a doorway almost hidden in the wall. If he hadn't been here, she would have missed it totally.

Taking out his knife, Ra watched as he cut the palm of one hand and that opened the door for them. A faint glow appeared around the door that faded as it opened in front of them. Inside, it was darker than outside and Rage turned his lightsaber back on to provide the needed light for them to see.

In a hushed tone Ra spoke for the first time since those mud balls had latched onto him.

"I'm glad you thought to bring a light."

Letting out a small chuckle, Ra stepped through the door.

[member="Darth Rage"]
[SIZE=11pt]“With your radiant beauty who needs a light?” Rage sighed as the petite woman took up his right. As the door finished sliding open Rage could make out the faint shadows of bones. At the sight he had a flashback. Of an eerily similar temple to the one they now wandered, Rage sat at the top wielding a large scepter. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]A hundred Sith channeled their energy to him and as the power grew those around began to collapse from exhaustion. Many died and those that lived became husk of their former self. Not only had the Sith died, but many in the surrounding area fell victim to the power that was wielded that day. Thousands died on the surface of Roon and when Rage unleashed the power of the scepter it had completely destroyed the moon. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The world stopped spinning and the survivors became trapped. Rage shook the memory from his mind and realised he had completely stopped, the memory seemed to be so real almost as if reliving the moment. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Could it be?” Rage whispered to himself.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]He bent low to pick up a bone and dismissed the thought from his mind as he discarded the ancient corpse.[/SIZE]
Ra heard his compliment and sigh. She blushed slightly as she walked past him and was starting to think he wasn't just trying to tempt her to the dark side and that maybe he actually cared.

Inside, there were the dusty bones of possible defenders or maybe worshippers that hot gotten locked in. There was something off here and Ra turned to face Rage. He had stopped just inside the door and appeared to be lost in a trance or memory of some kind. He shook it off though and bent over to pick up the bone of one skeleton.

"Rage, what happened here? How or why did these people get locked inside?"

Her eyes glanced around the ancient room and she saw nothing but more dust and skeletons. In the middle of the room, there appeared be dais in the shape of an almost pyramid, but with a flat top. As if a throne or chair had sat there at one time.

Her curiosity peaked, Ra moved there to investigate.

[member="Darth Rage"]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Rage shrugged at the woman's question. He was still unsure and he did not wish to spoil the mood. Besides if he was correct in his thinking he did not want her to know that he condemned thousands to death. He was fairly certain that he knew what they were here for. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]An ancient scepter that was capable of channeling great amounts of power. The thing was wrought in the dark side and he thought he could sense it, like a familiar pain that just wouldn't go away. He also began to sense something else, a great slumbering beast. It rested on the top floors of the tomb where the scepter would lay. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"I sense something. I believe it maybe a great Shamunaar. Alchemical beast we made to fight the Republic," Rage said to the girl. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]He watched as she approached what had once been an ancient throne and smirked. Rage approached the throne standing close to her and gesturing to the seat with his hand.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"I name you queen and when you appear all the rivers sound in my body, bells shake the sky, and a hymn fills the world. Only you and I, my queen. Nobody else matters. Listen to it," Rage smirked as he offered the woman the seat.[/SIZE]
Before she got there, Rage spoke, talked about a beast that had been created to fight the old Republic and that he thought it might be above them on a different floor. Ra nodded.

"I sense something else, but can't put my finger on what it might be though. Maybe it is just that beast or something of great power."

At the top of the dais there was still a throne there. In remarkably good shape, only dust covered its surface. Rage followed her up. They approached the throne together, Rage speaking again. He named her his queen and poetically spoke of other occurrences. He then offered her the throne.

Deciding to play along for the moment, Ra walked over to the throne and sat down. A smile entertained her face for a moment as she looked at her companion. How little he knew that she wanted knowledge because that was power. Deep down, she wanted power and this play acting reminded her of that. She kept that hidden and buried though. It was not something she told many people if anybody.

"Shall we go slay this beast, see what its guarding?"

[member="Darth Rage"]

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