Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Battle of Ahch-To [Jedi, Sith, Troopers, and grays allowed]

Darth Chekigh

Sith Bounty Hunter
He opened his eyes as he sat in the ruins of the burnt tree. A circle of large rocks had been placed around him for when he was meditating. He stood up and walked out of the circle. Alone, on this planet, with only his small R-2 unit to accompany him, he had always kept this place a secret. He found it when searching for the death place of Luke Skywalker. He watched as the robe waved around on the rock, the sounds of porgs and island natives, waves, and the force voices inside his head echoed throughout the island. He could have explored the rest of the planet, it was a smaller planet, but, he did not wish to explore, he wished to find this exact island. But he always wondered, what if there was something else? On the other islands? Perhaps? He has always sensed it.

Nevertheless, he went inside his hut, followed by his droid, the droid stared up at the porg nest on the window and beeped. "Let them be, K7." He responded to his droid. He payed no mind to the creatures of the island, he simply came to find this island, and to learn the greatest secrets of the galaxy. Multiple times he had seen the force ghost of the ancient Skywalker. Yet, was not spoken to. It was as if Luke did not like Rilloy, too dark, perhaps? Rilloy was not a sith, no, he was a grey, not jedi nor sith. He was the very inbetween, he could kill jedi same as sith, it did not make him a darksider because of this.

Rilloy suddenly felt something, for the first time other than the large pit at the end of the island, he felt the dark, real dark. Was it? A sith? Had they found him? And have they come to kill him, and destroy any large ancient jedi remnant of the planet? Time could only tell as the ground shook and the ship landed at the peak of the island.

Open spots:
Sith, max is 3.
Jedi, max is 2.
Sith Trooper, max is 10.
Jedi Trooper, max is 10.
Bounty Hunter, max is ONE.
Other spots are open as well.

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