Allies: [member="Kazmai"] | [member="Bo Lin"] | [member="Vihaan Sloan"] | [member="Kogra"]
Enemies: [member="The League of Voss"] | Any Resistance.
Orion strode into a wide opening from the narrow entrance to the hangar bay, bodies bloody and crushed, left behind as he entered. The white floor turned to a battleship grey, as the large area expanded into a metallic room. The giant hangar bay was filled with the Voss believers, each one screaming orders frantically. It seemed Orion wasn't the only threat to the [member="The League of Voss"]. Others, just like him, were here to break the unified will of the foolish resistance. They would quickly learn that fighting was pointless. Even Orion could feel their fear. Still, he appreciated their valiant effort. Although many of the Voss soldiers rushed to the other side of the hangar to deal with the others, Orion was faced with a few more.
These particular leftovers were too weak in the knees for any particular physical exertion. Instead a switch went off in the cynical mind of Orion.
They'll kill each other. I'll make them.
The thought stirred around for only moment before it became reality. Orion sprang forward landing upon the soldiers in a small circular barricade. His saber swaying through the air to deflect a few more shots from the distant threats. Before he dealt with them, he towered over a young soldier, the fright in his eyes bleeding through in the form of tears. With a sudden wave of Orion's hand and a gentle bend, Orion let the whispering words fill the weak young mind. It festered, spiraling deeper and deeper into the subjects mind.
Meanwhile, the other soldiers were frozen with terror. The masked sith had caused pure panic, some soldier of the group, literally running away. It was quite humorous to Orion, he never thought that his actions could strike such frail bonds so quickly. The word brotherhood, clearly meant little to the cowards that took their chances at getting away. Fortunately, for those that were left to deal with the terrorizing sith, watched as the three runners were snatched into the empty space between the ground and ceiling of the hangar bay. Orion's other gloved hand horizontally stretched outward, palm facing upwards, before his fingers snapped inward, a balled fist indicating each cowards fate. The manifested Force Grip, ripped them all from the suspended air. Violently they were jerked downward, the loud snaps and thuds a came from broken bones as they slammed into the hard, cold ground.
Orion's smiled curled sideways, his jewels of lush green watched as they found no escape. Almost forgetting about his initial intentions, he turned back to the young Voss soldier. Like a drone the young kid stood like a stone awaiting the command. He was a puppet to the darkside, influenced by the powers of Orion's own manipulating tactics. Then like a viper the words slipped through as he gave the order.
"Kill Them." Orion paused, shifting his attention to a large Ma'alkerrite ape-man roaring. The large ally was equipped with an even larger weapon, a hammer. It tore through the ranks of the Voss like a wrecking ball of hate. Orion turned his head slightly back toward the hopeless puppet. "Kill all of the soldiers, all of them." The young soldier lifted his gun and fired, the first of his brethren killed in an instant as it tore through a cheap helmet. It was beautiful. A true experiment, finally a success. Orion had been weaving spells here and there, but his application to the force had needed work. It took a while to get where he was. Even the Force Grip he pulled off was weaker than he wanted for his own expectations. Still progress was progress. His saber swung wide, another bolt splintering away from him. His eyes watched as his puppet soldier began to kill his own. It was a sweet sight. One after another taking a fall.
He couldn't watch it forever and just as quickly the smile came, Orion's hidden expression went cold. He had his fun, now it was time to meet up with the others. Enough blood was shed, for now. Taking out a few more to get his allies inside quicker was priority, then they could get to the tower together. Before force jumping to give his allies a hand, he looked over his shoulder as he turned to leap. The painted picture he created upon arrival still scarring the walls with blood, then the hangar bay. He wasn't done, for a monster like Orion, they never were. One thought struck him as he lifted into the air breaching the gap between him and the ape man.
Wait for more build up next time, you almost had it. The painting would have looked so much better!