Lord Gaius
The Battle of Salamis
The jungle relented before them. Hasjo Hallu, Knight of the Silver Jedi Order curled his green skinned, webbed hand around the hand rail above his head. The bay doors of the LAAT/i opened up, revealing the bowels of the vessel to the morning air. The Nautolan leaned outwards, glancing down to the slowly rolling Sixth Battalion. He looked up into the atmosphere, remembering the days prior where every second was an uncertain fate. Great fleets collided in space above the planet before ground forces could be secured on the planet, and with the tiny fleet of the Silver Order, they were outnumbered greatly. Even now as they journeyed through the jungles, they were outnumbered by insurrectionist forces. They had left too few companies behind in the safety of the mountains. His immense, lidless black eyes soaked in the sight of the beauty before him, yet he could not truly appreciate it. For his mind was troubled by the absence of a being. A friend.
Two Delta 7 Light Interceptors slashed across the void of space. One orange, the other blue. They intertwined their flight paths together as they dodged laser turrets and incoming star fighters. Together the Jedi Knight Hasjo Hallu and Jedi Padawan Cal Patao were leading the approach on Chaeronea, behind them were a variety of mismatching cruisers and frigates. Most of which were of Mon Calamari nature, the Nautolan having struck a deal with them. Hasjo snapped his head left, fire licking out towards him as an explosion tore through his companions Delta 7. The Kel Dor looked back towards him, cursing under his breath. They shared a moment of knowing what was to come. The Kel Dor gripped his controls, but he shouted in frustration "My systems are fried!" More blaster fire tore through his interceptors plating before Hasjo could react. The blue Delta 7 turned into a fiery ball as it began spiralling out of control, end over end. The last words of the Kel Dor echoing in his mind. "I can't hold 'er!"
The LAAT hit the ground with a heavy thud, snapping Hasjo out of his daydreaming. The Jedi Knight gently eased out of the ship onto solid ground for the first time in two weeks. He stood with a silver cloak draped over his shoulders. His black boots already thick with mud. He wore a light grey tunic and dark grey trousers, with a metallic belt around his waist holstering his Lightsaber Pike. The Nautolan approached the temporary Forward Command Centre, of which by nightfall would vanish from sight, once more on the move. They knew they were outgunned, outnumbered and outmatched. They would rely on ancient tactics if they had any hope of winning, even then, that hope was small among the men. Hasjo would need to raise moral.
Commander May saluted the Jedi, offering him a firm handshake. The Nautolans large hand encompassing the entirety of the much smaller human hand. The Commander slid the old green-coated Phase II helmet off of his head, revealing the scarred face of a veteran who had seen too much. His eyes no longer possessing the twinkle of youth that many young soldiers held. No, that trait had faded long, long ago. Together they marched across the platform where a series of Captains and First Lieutenants had been awaiting Hasjo's arrival. First Lieutenant Katar began to run them through the briefing. He motioned to the table before them, a holographic map bursting to life. "Alright gentleman, welcome to Operation: Bite the Bullet. We've got Anti-Air defences situated to the south of our location in the mountains, with Walkers and Infantrymen in the hillsides for defence. Those boys aren't expecting trouble, and we damn as hell hope they don't find any until we're back." Katar motioned his hand across the map "We've got ourselves into a tight situation. Local insurrectionist forces have quite the force amassed, larger than ours. But we may have an advantage here, boys." He pointed an armoured index finger to a city "Salamis, nothing too big, but also nothing too small. Commander May recommends with great interest that we get our artillery into those streets, split our forces down into companies of eighty. We hole up in some buildings. Get the artillery to fire some rounds into designated targets. The enemy will come running, companies will await for the enemy to pass their location. Then, take them from behind. Once we've scattered the forces, we need to scramble, move our artillery quickly and re-assemble elsewhere. We cannot be pushed out of this city. But if artillery is lost, I have good authority to state that all forces are to immediate evacuate out of the city, and rendezvous at this location." He snapped a finger into a dense jungle.
"First Lieutenant, if I may. Say we're forced to our rendezvous, what are our plans from there?"
"I'm glad you asked, Lieutenant Pasang. If we do rendezvous, we'll be taking whatever infantry forces we have scrapped together to continue our ambushes. Tire the enemy, thin out their lines. Sixth Battalion knows the drill."
"Very well, First Lieutenant Katar. I'll take Juliet Company and keep the artillery secure" Hasjo spoke with clear authority. The others nodded in agreement, Katar and Commander May giving him a tight nod in agreement. "All dismissed" May ordered.