Lord Gaius
"Commander's report, 837ABY. Five weeks, five long weeks. That's how long it took us to get Salamis back... At first it was going well. Then setback after setback. Loss after loss. Made what was going to be a quick and decisive victory into five weeks of hell. The innies took us for everything we were worth. They fought with everything they had, every tooth and nail. Kitchen knives and utensils. They didn't know defeat when it was right before their eyes. It's hell down there, but now it's ours again. Only now do I remember my first day at basic training. Officers college. My C.O, Armand told me, 'Never settle a score until it's tactically useful and you're certain you can finish the job. Then make sure they know you did it. That's how you keep them in line.' If only I had remembered those words. Katar, Pasang, Banks, Haelen, that young man... they would be alive today. The bitter price of victory. November and Farrow Company suffered extreme casualties. Their companies have since been dismissed for lack of numbers. The 19th Mechanised Platoon went down swinging - The only way they knew how. Reinforcements have come from Voss, with Master [member="Rasu Gan"]. I pray this war will be over before more lives are lost."
The End.
"Commander's report, 837ABY. Five weeks, five long weeks. That's how long it took us to get Salamis back... At first it was going well. Then setback after setback. Loss after loss. Made what was going to be a quick and decisive victory into five weeks of hell. The innies took us for everything we were worth. They fought with everything they had, every tooth and nail. Kitchen knives and utensils. They didn't know defeat when it was right before their eyes. It's hell down there, but now it's ours again. Only now do I remember my first day at basic training. Officers college. My C.O, Armand told me, 'Never settle a score until it's tactically useful and you're certain you can finish the job. Then make sure they know you did it. That's how you keep them in line.' If only I had remembered those words. Katar, Pasang, Banks, Haelen, that young man... they would be alive today. The bitter price of victory. November and Farrow Company suffered extreme casualties. Their companies have since been dismissed for lack of numbers. The 19th Mechanised Platoon went down swinging - The only way they knew how. Reinforcements have come from Voss, with Master [member="Rasu Gan"]. I pray this war will be over before more lives are lost."
The End.