A low chuckle escaped the lips of another patron of the bar, robes dark as soot, eyes even darker, Garth Hummel watched. The Jedi was his concern, the Jedi was who he was here for. [member="Oka Osaa"] was why he was here, but [member="Vilaz Munin"] and [member="Preliat Mantis"] made things interesting. Mandolorians were somewhere up on the Dark Lord's kill list, but so were Jedi. But he was a hunter, and the air was still. Soon he'd strike down his prey, and that didn't involve getting jumped by Mandolorians. Perhaps another day.
But, as precaution, Garth's hand wrapped around his slughthrower, one couldn't be too cautious with Mantis in the building. But then again, Mantis would be an interesting fight, but maybe not today, not here. The man was a warrior, warriors fought and died on battlefields, not with a blade between their ribs in some bar, and he respected that.