Makes no sense...
Mishks body shook. He could not help it, he trembled with joy and pride as the entity of supreme dark Beauty touched his thin flesh. The pain was immense, razor Sharp knives tearing at his flesh and mind alike.
"Massss.. ster...!" finally he thought, he had found home and the object of his worship had welcomed him here. This game was all he wanted. His body protested as the very air was forced out of his lungs by the massive black tentacle. The poison dripping from it boiled away his skin into the bones.
Mishk felt alive!
He struggled not to loose the chain he held. He wanted to be sure he would be chained to the floor, like all the other friends [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] held here. He was jelaous about them and their favoured status in the Beauties eyes. He wanted to be equal with them, to be near this mighty entity that Mishk could not help but love.
Yes, it was love at first sight. True love!
Just as the thought of death fell over him, much like a warm blanket he could not help but resist a physical urge. With a great effort he bent his head downward, utilizing all that dark energy he held contained to loosen the grip just enough.
He then drove his shaprened teeth into the tentacle, its poision dripping into his mouth, he immedialety started to shake, the pain causing terrible internal bleeding.
But he was happy. He was blessed by the Beauty of all, this god-like massive darkness that told him that he would never leave.
As Mishks live slowly faded away the dark Jawa could only feel one thing.
"Massss.. ster...!" finally he thought, he had found home and the object of his worship had welcomed him here. This game was all he wanted. His body protested as the very air was forced out of his lungs by the massive black tentacle. The poison dripping from it boiled away his skin into the bones.
Mishk felt alive!
He struggled not to loose the chain he held. He wanted to be sure he would be chained to the floor, like all the other friends [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] held here. He was jelaous about them and their favoured status in the Beauties eyes. He wanted to be equal with them, to be near this mighty entity that Mishk could not help but love.
Yes, it was love at first sight. True love!
Just as the thought of death fell over him, much like a warm blanket he could not help but resist a physical urge. With a great effort he bent his head downward, utilizing all that dark energy he held contained to loosen the grip just enough.
He then drove his shaprened teeth into the tentacle, its poision dripping into his mouth, he immedialety started to shake, the pain causing terrible internal bleeding.
But he was happy. He was blessed by the Beauty of all, this god-like massive darkness that told him that he would never leave.
As Mishks live slowly faded away the dark Jawa could only feel one thing.