Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Bee Hive

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
Request: Avatar
Size: Standard
Playby: n/a

Text: n/a
Images: {x} and {x}
Faction Images: n/a
Colors: Black, White, Red, Blue, Purple
Moods: n/a

Borders: Plain Red box plz

Details: It's a fairly simplistic request really. Mostly I was hoping you could bring some color to her, red boxing gloves, blue workout clothes. Maybe give her some discernable eyes. She's my newest character idea :)

The second image, I was hoping you might be able to turn into a "tattoo" on her neck or something. If not then it's fine to ignore the second image.

[member="Cecily de Demici"]
Text: I would like "Don't move, and I'll make this quick" In a sort of dagger type font. Whatever color fits

Images: [x]

Faction Images: Add a deathwatch symbol please.

Colors: Whatever fits

Moods: Serious. Maybe a bit Tactical(If that's a thing)

I appreciate this. Your work is amazing!

[member="Cecily de Demici"]
[member="Daska Voss"]


I pm'd the other two.

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